• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

My post #3099 shows why AOC is hypocritical.

You should get those delusions looked into.

Donald Trump looks like he doesn't give 2 craps about his hair and nobody seems to care. So, why does AOC act like, "OMG! People care about my hair! I need to look so good!" The POTUS doesn't even care for God's sake!

What makes you think he doesn't care about his hair? If he didn't care, he wouldn't dye it. He looks like shit because he's a demented nutjob.

She is a strange one indeed.

Sure, she's the strange one, and not the orange clown. :thumbsup:
Here's betting she could never have afforded galaventing around the planet on horrible carbon emitting jets were she still a bartender!
No, when she was a bartender the only gallivanting she was able to do was to drive a (carbon emitting) car 1,700 miles to North Dakota to protest a pipeline that is needed to supply the oil needed to power her car.
Which stated ideal says that she cannot pay for a haircut and dye job in NYC out of her own pocket? Please provide a specific quote from AOC herself.
I am not going to hunt for a specific quote, as it does not hinge on a single statement by her. But she is big on things like income inequality while living in up on taxpayer dime.

My guess is that she is a few million short of being in the top 1% of earners in the US, but I am amenable to being corrected.
Turns out we are both wrong, but you are more wrong than I. 1% cutoff is ~$328k individual income and she makes ~$174k as a Congresswoman. So certainly not "millions" worth of difference. She is easily in the top 5% though.

Others have already noted that $260 for a women's cut, styling, and dye job with low-lights in NYCC is not out of the ordinary.
Nobody said it was out of the ordinary. Condos costing >$5,000,000 are not out of the ordinary in NYC either, but that doesn't mean regular people, that she claims to represent, can afford them.

Please provide evidence that the amount she paid is overly expensive for those services in NYC.
NYC has Supercuts. They offer hair color and are much more reasonably priced. But they are not a fancy salon fit for an aspiring socialist apparatchik.

Seems to have more to do with your obsessions.
As of this writing, this thread had 3,112 posts, 730 (or ~24%) were made by lpetrich. I do not think I am the obsessed one. :)

On the other hand, if you weren't trying to tell AOC how to spend her money, perhaps no one would be making such observations about the way you spend your money. I believe that was my point to begin with.
I doubt it. Hookers are mentioned in a sizable fraction of threads I post in in order to attack me on a personal basis when the poster in question runs out of arguments.

Free hair cuts are not available to everyone either,
If you have a significant other, you can buy some clippers and cut each other's hair.

just to socialists like Mitch McConnel, apparently.
Your place of business having a barbershop is not 'socialism', but as we will see later, you have a major comprehension problem as to that word.

You shouldn't be suggesting anything about how she spends her own money, because it is her money and it is none of your business what she does with it.
She is ostensibly a public servant. My tax moneys pay her salary.

I'm not sure why you aren't concerned about Mitch McConnel abusing his position as a Senator to obtain free socialist haircuts, though.
Again with Mitch? Have you seen the guy? His haircut is like a $15 Great Clips haircut and certainly not a >$300 fancy salon haircut. Also, if you are getting so obsessed with him and his hair, at least learn to write his name.

Prove it. Show us evidence that the most expensive cut, style, and dye with low-lights in NYC is $280.
I did not say it was the most expensive option, but it is certainly in the upper end. And lowlights or whatever she got are certainly not a necessity and not even noticable in the photos of her I've seen.

Looks all a uniform shade to me. And doesn't she naturally have dark hair color? Why waste time and money coloring it? Not to mention all the carbon emissions of producing and transporting the dyes. I guess I will never understand women ...

But do you have any evidence that this price is anywhere close to the median price in NYC?

Way to cherry pick. Please take note of the very next sentence:
I did not "cherry pick". I posted the definition.

Wikipedia said:
In the term democratic socialism, the adjective democratic is added and used to distinguish democratic socialists from Marxist–Leninist inspired socialism which to many is viewed as being undemocratic or authoritarian in practice.
Yes, Democratic Socialism and Marxist-Leninist Socialism are distinct, but they are both types of socialism.
I do not understand how you can have so many difficulties understanding such a simple concept.
If I say that Italian sausage is a type of sausage, that is true even if you find a sentence that says that Italian sausage is not a chorizo sausage. They are both types of sausage, just as much these two types of socialism are both socialist.

Hmmm, seems like Wikipedia does actually note a difference. That is unless you want to redefine "distinguish" as well.
It notes a difference between one type of socialism and another type of socialism. Both are types of socialism though.

Please provide evidence that AOC is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a Democratic Socialists of America member. Here’s what that means.

Just two sentences away from where you apparently stopped reading:
I have not stopped reading, I just understand things like subsets.

Wikipedia said:
Democratic socialists oppose the Stalinist political system and the Soviet-type economic system, rejecting the perceived authoritarian form of governance and highly centralised command economy that took form in the Soviet Union and other Marxist–Leninist states in the early 20th century.

According to your source, it seems that overtly supporting Karl Marx is not necessary to be a Democratic Socialist.

Stalinism is a subset of Marxism. Marxism-Leninism is a subset of Marxism. Marxism-Leninism is a further development of Marxism by VI Lenin, Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov. Somebody can subscribe to Marxism without subscribing to the Leninist developments, much less Stalinist ones.

Unless we actually read the source you provided which states, as shown above, that the phrase is one that is used to distinguish those who apply the label to themselves from actual socialists.
It seems we have both read it, but only I have actually comprehended it. The article clearly defines Democratic Socialism as a type of socialism, contrasted with Social Democracy, which is not.
I am not going to hunt for a specific quote, as it does not hinge on a single statement by her. But she is big on things like income inequality while living in up on taxpayer dime.

In other words, you got nothin'.
Here's AOC's response to Derec:

But here's what I think:
She spent a mid range price, not super expensive, not super cheap. I've gone to Super Cuts last 30 years. They are often low quality...not always...but sometimes. Higher quality means higher cost up to a point when it's more about the name and branding and weird shit.

None of that matters because the criticism isn't in earnest. If she paid $100 at Supercuts, people like Derec would continue to post worst possible pictures of her--this time making fun of her split ends. If she cut it short--"lesbian!!"

Here's how you know. AOC doesn't have serious dental cosmetics. Who keeps posting pics of her teeth and talking about her looks?

People are dying in the world. Men are being oppressed in countries. We have the most corrupt President in our history. And Derec is focusing on AOC's haircut! What are other men's rights activists doing too?
Here's AOC's response to Derec:

But here's what I think:
She spent a mid range price, not super expensive, not super cheap. I've gone to Super Cuts last 30 years. They are often low quality...not always...but sometimes. Higher quality means higher cost up to a point when it's more about the name and branding and weird shit.

None of that matters because the criticism isn't in earnest. If she paid $100 at Supercuts, people like Derec would continue to post worst possible pictures of her--this time making fun of her split ends. If she cut it short--"lesbian!!"

Here's how you know. AOC doesn't have serious dental cosmetics. Who keeps posting pics of her teeth and talking about her looks?

People are dying in the world. Men are being oppressed in countries. We have the most corrupt President in our history. And Derec is focusing on AOC's haircut! What are other men's rights activists doing too?

I can't believe you unironically said this when this is exactly what we say about modern feminists focusing on insignificant things like manspreading and you guys told us that they can focus on whatever they want.
Another birthday wish:
Rep. Pramila Jayapal on Twitter: "Wishing my fabulous friend @AOC a very happy birthday — every day, I am grateful for the energy, passion and intelligence you bring to Congress and our work." / Twitter

The UK's Daily Mail follows AOC quite a bit, and her 30th birthday is no exception: Squad wishes Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez happy birthday | Daily Mail Online
I read all of the article's 480 comments, and those comments are remarkably hateful. Nothing but hate. I think that the haters drive off the non-haters.

AOC with Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris and former head of the C40 group of city mayors.
Anne Hidalgo on Twitter: "Quel plaisir d’échanger avec @AOC à l’occasion du #C40Summit de Copenhague. Vamos ! ✊🏻 #Women4Climate #TheFutureWeWant https://t.co/xHkQW2XAoY" / Twitter
What a pleasure to exchange with @AOC on the occasion of #C40Summit of Copenhagen. Vamos! ✊🏻 #Women4Climate #TheFutureWeWant

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "@Anne_Hidalgo @c40cities @PKlugman Le plaisir est pour moi, Maire @Anne_Hidalgo!" / Twitter
The pleasure is for me, Mayor @Anne_Hidalgo
Though when I used Google Translate to translate "it's my pleasure", it came up with "Le plaisir est pour moi".
I am not going to hunt for a specific quote, as it does not hinge on a single statement by her. But she is big on things like income inequality while living in up on taxpayer dime.

In other words, you got nothin'.

Yup, and that was not the only dodge in his response. Or course when it supported his point, he was more than willing to put in the work, and I now fully acknowledge that AOC is a member of the DSA.

Since that is all he has, I won't be replying to Derec's post, even to point out where he misrepresents what he said previously. People can follow the quote links through the thread if they want evidence of Derec's duplicity. It's not worth my time, since Derec apparently does not feel that providing evidence to support his bullshit is worth his time.
AOC haircut: Ocasio-Cortez Last Tangle salon backlash shows women can’t win when it comes to their appearance - The Washington Post

Jessica Valenti on Twitter: "Sorry you don’t get to create beauty standards that require women to spends hundreds or thousands a year to be considered presentable and then hate us for it" / Twitter
The backlash to the congresswoman’s hair appointment exemplifies a Catch-22 that experts say women in public life face: Either be criticized for spending exorbitant amounts of money to meet society’s manufactured beauty standards or be lambasted for failing to fulfill those requirements.

“It is all completely consistent with the trap we’ve created where we teach women that the most important thing they can be is physically beautiful, but also criticize them for responding to that pressure,” said Renee Engeln, author of “Beauty Sick” and a psychology professor at Northwestern University.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Small-dollar grassroots campaigns, aka what Buttegieg insults here as “pocket change,” out-fundraise him by millions.
Our nation’s leaders should be working to end the era of big money politics, not protect it.
& Beto’s gun policy isn’t “picking a fight,” it’s taking a stand. https://t.co/a6k7rgXHiD" / Twitter

Peter Hamby on Twitter: "Mayor Pete on Elizabeth Warren’s small donor strategy: “We're not going to beat Trump with pocket change”
Mayor Pete on his gun fight with Beto: “I get it. He needs to pick a fight in order to stay relevant"
And much more on today’s Good Luck America: [url]https://t.co/10uxr1fqph
https://t.co/Xy1sChbOeX" / Twitter[/url]

Beto O'Rourke escalates fight with Pete Buttigieg over guns - CNNPolitics

Democratic Leaders Rake in Corporate Cash as "Squad" Sticks With Small Donors - over Apr-Jun 2019, AOC raised $1.2M, Ilhan Omar $600K, Rashida Tlaib $300K, and Ayanna Pressley $180K.

From Browse Candidates for House | FEC - Federal Election Commission, I find that AOC is the 8th biggest fundraiser, just behind Nancy Pelosi, at $1.954M over the first half of 2019. She also filed for re-election on November 20 of last year.

Ayanna Pressley has raised $390K and filed for re-election on October 4 of this year.
Rashida Tlaib has raised $619K and filed for re-election on November 20 of last year
Ilhan Omar has raised $1.449M and filed for re-election on March 7 of this year.

Rep. Ilhan Omar raises $1.1 million for re-election bid - StarTribune.com - that's over the third quarter of this year

I'm reminded of Edward Gibbon's "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire", Chapter 37, Note 57:
I have somewhere heard or read the frank confession of a Benedictine abbot: "My vow of poverty has given me an hundred thousand crowns a year; my vow of obedience has raised me to the rank of a sovereign prince." I forget the consequences of his vow of chastity.
Netflix for Democracy | Brennan Center for Justice datelined 2019 Jan 17
Rep. John Sarbanes (D-Md.) once put it bluntly: Campaign fundraising has become an incredible “time suck” for lawmakers. It’s a bipartisan problem. Both political parties insist that freshmen members do as much “call time” — dialing through lists of potential donors begging for campaign cash — as some telemarketers on top of their legislating duties.
Saikat Chakrabarti on Twitter: "I learned yesterday that attendance at committee meetings is abysmally low. Committee chairs are excited when we tell them '@AOC doesn't do call time, so we can actually show up!'. Just showing up is too high a bar for these legislators telling us we need to learn the ropes." / Twitter
2019 Jan 11
Members don’t have to report how much time they spend on fundraising, but leaks to the press have indicated that the parties expect new members to budget four hours a day of call time, plus an hour a day for fundraisers, which can be anything from a breakfast to a cocktail hour to a pass-the-hat potluck to a $1,000-a-plate gala dinner.

“Both parties have told newly elected members of the Congress that they should spend 30 hours a week in the Republican and Democratic call centers across the street from the Congress, dialing for dollars,” Rick Nolan, a Minnesota Democrat who retired from Congress this year, said recently, adding: “The simple fact is, our entire legislative schedule is set around fundraising.”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I often find that some members who have to do call time the most are very enthusiastic about getting money out of politics.
Members do want less obligations to lobbyists & more leg. work, but some House races cost < $10 million; & that’s *every 2 years* before outside spending!" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "One of the most important things people can do to get big money out of politics is small recurring monthly donations. (You can see the monthly button on this link)
It’s like Netflix, but for unbought members of Congress.
It’s why I can act independently. https://t.co/G7YMHQkGDn" / Twitter

Can the internet save Congress from “call time”? - Marketplace - 2019 Mar 4
“During the 2018 election cycle, I think we finally saw grassroots contributions really come to the main stage,” said Erin Hill, executive director of ActBlue, the Democratic online fundraising platform. She said small-dollar online donations helped fund most of the successful Democratic House candidates in 2018, and that many of the those small donors signed up for recurring contributions.

Hill said there are more than double the number of recurring donations flowing to Democratic members of Congress compared to a similar period after the previous House election. And about 78 percent of those recurring donations originated during the 2018 campaign.

Candidates Ignore Traditional Fundraising At | Campaigns & Elections - 2019 Jul 15
The problem is that, in 2019, not everyone has a devoted base of supporters on platforms like Twitter who can chip in $5, $10, and $27 every time they’re attacked by right-wing media — or even leaders of their own party

evidently alluding to

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The more you chip in to fund Reps who don’t take corp money (even if it’s $5, $10, or $27) that’s less time they spend dialing for dollars & more time they spend in committee.
I sit through committee hearings in full. They often last hours - but that’s hours each day *learning.* https://t.co/RGt1QY9oHY" / Twitter

2019 Feb 28
Josh Eidelson on Twitter: ""One advantage Ocasio-Cortez has over some colleagues is that she consistently attends even the most mundane committee hearings, since she does not spend any of her day calling donors for money." [url]https://t.co/JbOHJ1obSG @danielmarans @PaulBlu @AOC" / Twitter[/url]
Behind Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Masterful Interrogation Of Michael Cohen | HuffPost - LOTS of research
In other words, you got nothin'.
Wrong. That AOC talks a lot about income inequality is something that is not disputed. Johnny Talker's request was not a genuine one; he just wants to distract from the fact that he was wrong about "democratic socialism" being a type of socialism. He is refusing to admit his mistake, and so he is hiding behind these silly requests.
1. It's a "tu qoque" fallacy.
2. Mike Pence does not have any fans on here. AOC does. That's the difference, at least as far as discussing it here is concerned.

She spent a mid range price, not super expensive, not super cheap.
I would not call over $300 (including the tip) as "mid-range".

If she paid $100 at Supercuts, people like Derec would continue to post worst possible pictures of her-
I wasn't seeking out "worst possible picture" of her. I was showing one that showed her hair.
My question is still, why does a naturally dark hair woman need to color her hair dark?

-this time making fun of her split ends.
I have not mentioned any "split ends".

If she cut it short--"lesbian!!"
Short hair != lesbian, just like long hair != gay man.
I'd rather think she was going for the Selina Meyer look.

Here's how you know. AOC doesn't have serious dental cosmetics.
Have not noticed it, but by all means, do enlighten us as to cosmetic dentistry you think AOC needs. :D

Who keeps posting pics of her teeth and talking about her looks?
Nobody "keeps posting pics of her teeth" dude. Mostly people post pics of her face, and teeth are often visible on those.

People are dying in the world. Men are being oppressed in countries. We have the most corrupt President in our history.
Bombs are flying
People are dying
Children are crying
Politicians are lying, too

Cancer is killing
Texaco is spilling
The whole world's gone to hell
But how are you?

And Derec is focusing on AOC's haircut!
I am not "focusing" on it. I did not even bring it up in this thread. I merely expressed my opinion just like everybody here.
Rita's tweet:
Rita on Twitter: "In 3 month period #Flotus took 21 trips to NY to get hair done at cost to taxpayers of $675,000?! #Melania #Melanoma #WSJ #NewYorkTimes" / Twitter

3 months of Melania's travel cost nearly twice what Michelle Obama spent yearly | Metro US - "The tab came to $675,000. And yes, there's a tweet for it."
In the three months before she moved to the White House, Melania Trump spent $675,000 on trips aboard Air Force jets — more than twice what her predecessor Michelle Obama spent in an average year.

The first lady used the jets to take 48 flights after President Trump's inauguration, in the three-month period when she lived in New York while son Barron Trump finished the school year, the "Wall Street Journal" reported. The flights were taken between New York City, Florida and Washington.

Molly Prince on Twitter: "I’ll say it: @AOC's frequent crying only reinforces the stereotype that women are too emotional for politics." / Twitter
She's a reporter for a right-wing site, The Daily Wire.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Trump: sexually assaults women, impulsively allows Kurds to be murdered, boosts videos of shooting journalists
GOP: Aha! Letting your voice shake after seeing 1st-hand human rights violations at the border+ understanding climate stakes makes women “too emotional” for politics 🙄 https://t.co/9r6BZu0cMw" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "You know, maybe one of the actual problems w/ our politics is that too many politicians don’t feel anything when Americans die bc they can’t afford medicine, or when babies are permanently separated from parents.
GOP only has tears for billionaires & outrage towards “others.”" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "It is time we trash the idea that empathy = leadership weakness.
When people hurt, we should hurt too. That’s what good leaders do. It adds urgency & humanity to our decision making. Suppressing emotion can lead to aggression, impulsivity, & other erosions of leadership ability." / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Both rationality & emotion are inextricable to good leadership, which balances the two.
If a person doesn’t feel urgency in their gut when communities are poisoned or when a young man dies bc he couldn’t afford price-gouged insulin, then they shouldn’t be in politics. At all." / Twitter

Great statement.
My post #3099 shows why AOC is hypocritical. Donald Trump looks like he doesn't give 2 craps about his hair and nobody seems to care. So, why does AOC act like, "OMG! People care about my hair! I need to look so good!" The POTUS doesn't even care for God's sake!

Holy crap! I've never seen a man more vain about his hair than Trump. He's obviously bald and gray yet he colors his hair that ridiculous orange color and spent a great deal of time to grow that huge combover.
1. It's a "tu qoque" fallacy.
2. Mike Pence does not have any fans on here. AOC does. That's the difference, at least as far as discussing it here is concerned.

I would not call over $300 (including the tip) as "mid-range".

If she paid $100 at Supercuts, people like Derec would continue to post worst possible pictures of her-
I wasn't seeking out "worst possible picture" of her. I was showing one that showed her hair.
My question is still, why does a naturally dark hair woman need to color her hair dark?

-this time making fun of her split ends.
I have not mentioned any "split ends".

If she cut it short--"lesbian!!"
Short hair != lesbian, just like long hair != gay man.
I'd rather think she was going for the Selina Meyer look.
View attachment 24361

Here's how you know. AOC doesn't have serious dental cosmetics.
Have not noticed it, but by all means, do enlighten us as to cosmetic dentistry you think AOC needs. :D

Who keeps posting pics of her teeth and talking about her looks?
Nobody "keeps posting pics of her teeth" dude. Mostly people post pics of her face, and teeth are often visible on those.

People are dying in the world. Men are being oppressed in countries. We have the most corrupt President in our history.
Bombs are flying
People are dying
Children are crying
Politicians are lying, too

Cancer is killing
Texaco is spilling
The whole world's gone to hell
But how are you?

And Derec is focusing on AOC's haircut!
I am not "focusing" on it. I did not even bring it up in this thread. I merely expressed my opinion just like everybody here.

Hahaha! You are STILL focused on her haircut.
1. It's a "tu qoque" fallacy.
2. Mike Pence does not have any fans on here. AOC does. That's the difference, at least as far as discussing it here is concerned.

I would not call over $300 (including the tip) as "mid-range".

If she paid $100 at Supercuts, people like Derec would continue to post worst possible pictures of her-
I wasn't seeking out "worst possible picture" of her. I was showing one that showed her hair.
My question is still, why does a naturally dark hair woman need to color her hair dark?

-this time making fun of her split ends.
I have not mentioned any "split ends".

If she cut it short--"lesbian!!"
Short hair != lesbian, just like long hair != gay man.
I'd rather think she was going for the Selina Meyer look.
View attachment 24361

Here's how you know. AOC doesn't have serious dental cosmetics.
Have not noticed it, but by all means, do enlighten us as to cosmetic dentistry you think AOC needs. :D

Who keeps posting pics of her teeth and talking about her looks?
Nobody "keeps posting pics of her teeth" dude. Mostly people post pics of her face, and teeth are often visible on those.

People are dying in the world. Men are being oppressed in countries. We have the most corrupt President in our history.
Bombs are flying
People are dying
Children are crying
Politicians are lying, too

Cancer is killing
Texaco is spilling
The whole world's gone to hell
But how are you?

And Derec is focusing on AOC's haircut!
I am not "focusing" on it. I did not even bring it up in this thread. I merely expressed my opinion just like everybody here.

AOC is a hypocrite and I suspect her apologists here and elsewhere know it! That's not just my opinion either!

Over the weekend, the New York Post published a story about Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s extensive use of Uber and Lyft and her penchant for flying over taking the train. The article raised the question of whether the sponsor of the Green New Deal, which calls for “a full transition off fossil fuels and zero greenhouse gases” in the next decade as well as plans to “totally overhaul transportation by massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, build out high-speed rail,” is a hypocrite.

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