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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

AOC to endorse Bernie along with the rest of the squad! Never been so happy to be wrong in my life
Holy crap! I've never seen a man more vain about his hair than Trump. He's obviously bald and gray yet he colors his hair that ridiculous orange color and spent a great deal of time to grow that huge combover.
LOL about that. I've seen some speculations that he has gotten hair transplants.

AOC's response to Bernie Sanders's birthday message is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "@BernieSanders ¡Gracias Tío Bernie!" / Twitter
Thanks Uncle Bernie!

Since she is now 30, she is now eligible for the Senate. The two New York Senators have terms that end in 2022 (Chuck Schumer) and 2024 (Kirsten Gillibrand). From her startup days, there are some pictures of several fellow startup people with Sen. Gillibrand. So the two might meet again some day.

Jay Inslee on Twitter: "“There is no middle road on the climate crisis. We will either address the problem meaningfully and in accordance with scientific consensus, or we will not.” Well said, @AOC. https://t.co/gCHHF8mJCR" / Twitter
I don't completely agree with that. There are in-between possibilities, but all that means is intermediate-sized climate disasters.

After noting that it's possible to have mass mobilization for war, she asks is it possible for anything else? Good job of avoiding being too US-centered - she often mentions the Great Depression and WWII in this context. I'm sure that much of her audience knows from the history of their homelands about massive mobilizations for big wars.
AOC is a hypocrite and I suspect her apologists here and elsewhere know it! That's not just my opinion either!

Over the weekend, the New York Post published a story about Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s extensive use of Uber and Lyft and her penchant for flying over taking the train. The article raised the question of whether the sponsor of the Green New Deal, which calls for “a full transition off fossil fuels and zero greenhouse gases” in the next decade as well as plans to “totally overhaul transportation by massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, build out high-speed rail,” is a hypocrite.

That was from last March. She responds: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hit back at transport criticism

She has indeed ridden Amtrak, and on one occasion, she wrote that it less stressful than flying, even if more time-consuming.
AOC is a hypocrite and I suspect her apologists here and elsewhere know it! That's not just my opinion either!

Over the weekend, the New York Post published a story about Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s extensive use of Uber and Lyft and her penchant for flying over taking the train. The article raised the question of whether the sponsor of the Green New Deal, which calls for “a full transition off fossil fuels and zero greenhouse gases” in the next decade as well as plans to “totally overhaul transportation by massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, build out high-speed rail,” is a hypocrite.

That was from last March. She responds: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hit back at transport criticism

She has indeed ridden Amtrak, and on one occasion, she wrote that it less stressful than flying, even if more time-consuming.

Also, if you're an outspoken critic of society's failure to make greener technologies convenient, affordable, and available to all, then the fact that it's often necessary to travel around in non-green technologies is kind of proving your point. It's like someone protesting that public libraries are disappearing, who happens to get most of her books at a bookstore. That's not hypocritical, that's the point: there aren't enough libraries, so the bookstore is the only place to find the books she wants.
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Town Hall Meeting | C-SPAN.org - the one with the modest proposal in it. Some of the rest of it is interesting, like where AOC urges someone to become an activist, and there was someone here a long time risks being deported because his paperwork isn't absolutely right.

AOC has sometimes been compared to  Eva Perón (María Eva Duarte de Perón, 1919-1952)
She was born in poverty in the rural village of Los Toldos, in the Pampas, as the youngest of five children. At 15 in 1934, she moved to the nation's capital of Buenos Aires to pursue a career as a stage, radio, and film actress. She met Colonel Juan Perón there on 22 January 1944 during a charity event at the Luna Park Stadium to benefit the victims of an earthquake in San Juan, Argentina. The two were married the following year. Juan Perón was elected President of Argentina in 1946; during the next six years, Eva Perón became powerful within the pro-Peronist trade unions, primarily for speaking on behalf of labor rights. She also ran the Ministries of Labor and Health, founded and ran the charitable Eva Perón Foundation, championed women's suffrage in Argentina, and founded and ran the nation's first large-scale female political party, the Female Peronist Party.

In 1951, Eva Perón announced her candidacy for the Peronist nomination for the office of Vice President of Argentina, receiving great support from the Peronist political base, low-income and working-class Argentines who were referred to as descamisados or "shirtless ones". Opposition from the nation's military and bourgeoisie, coupled with her declining health, ultimately forced her to withdraw her candidacy.[4] In 1952, shortly before her death from cancer at 33, Eva Perón was given the title of "Spiritual Leader of the Nation" by the Argentine Congress.[5][6][7] She was given a state funeral upon her death, a prerogative generally reserved for heads of state.
Eva Perón became the subject of a musical, Evita, and  Cristina Fernández de Kirchner considers her an inspiration. She was president of Argentina over 2007-2015, and she also is known by a three-letter acronym: CFK.

Her husband was  Juan Perón (Juan Domingo Perón, 1895-1974)
After serving in several government positions, including Minister of Labor and Vice President, he was elected President of Argentina three times, serving from June 1946 to September 1955, when he was overthrown in a coup d'état, and then from October 1973 until his death in July 1974.

During his first presidential term (1946–52), Perón was supported by his second wife, Eva Duarte ("Evita"), and they were immensely popular among the Argentine working class. Eva died in 1952, and Perón was elected to a second term, serving from 1952 until 1955. During the following period of two military dictatorships, interrupted by two civilian governments, the Peronist party was outlawed and Perón was exiled. When the left-wing Peronist Héctor José Cámpora was elected President in 1973, Perón returned to Argentina and was soon after elected President for a third time. His third wife, María Estela Martínez, known as Isabel Perón, was elected as Vice President on his ticket and succeeded him as President upon his death in 1974.

Although they are still controversial figures, Juan and Eva Perón are nonetheless considered icons by the Peronists. The Peróns' followers praised their efforts to eliminate poverty and to dignify labour, while their detractors considered them demagogues and dictators

Imagine AOC married to Donald Trump. :D
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "That part ⬇️ https://t.co/MuyBk1iSJY" / Twitter
Zerlina Maxwell on Twitter: "What Cory just did is so important so don’t miss it.
He said men shouldn’t be allies bc women are our daughters and sisters, it’s because WOMEN ARE PEOPLE #DemDebate" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "“This president is caging kids at the border while letting ISIS go free.”
@JulianCastro coming with the straight up truth." / Twitter

Something that AOC did very well in.
Judd Legum on Twitter: "Blockbuster article which puts meat on the bones of @AOC's questioning of Michael Cohen a few months ago
Strong evidence that Trump falsified information in his taxes and/or loan documentation https://t.co/d4bicHai6O" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Tax the rich." / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "When we say “tax the rich,” we mean nesting-doll yacht rich. For-profit prison rich. Betsy DeVos, student-loan-shark rich.
Trick-the-country-into-war rich. Subsidizing-workforce-w-food-stamps rich.
Because THAT kind of rich is simply not good for society, & it’s like 10 people." / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Ultimately, living in a moral society, a good nation, means establishing some basic standards of dignity:
- healthcare as a right
- a living wage
- public education that prepares for civil society + economy (which now shld incl college)
- all people having power in the economy" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "And in the meantime, as we continue fighting for Medicare for All, a living wage, & more:Unionize your workplace.
Demand a raise.
And don’t stop until you get one. 💪🏽" / Twitter
In other words, you got nothin'.
Wrong. That AOC talks a lot about income inequality is something that is not disputed. Johnny Talker's request was not a genuine one; he just wants to distract from the fact that he was wrong about "democratic socialism" being a type of socialism. He is refusing to admit his mistake, and so he is hiding behind these silly requests.

And here is Derec acting like the point of our discussion was the definition of Democratic Socialism, and not AOC's haircut. Just keep dodging and weaving, Derec, that's all you've got.

I freely admit that Democratic Socialism is a type of Socialism, however, Derec's original contention was that being a Democratic Socialist equates to being a Socialist. There is a distinction between the two, as the Wikipedia article to which Derec linked makes clear, so the two are not equal. Of course none of that will get Derec to support his main points about AOC's haircut with evidence, as they are not supportable.
AOC did an interview at the C40 conference: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Exclusive Interview | w/ C40 | Brut - YouTube

She states that Donald Trump was correct in recognizing some big problems with US politics and economy and society, but that his solutions have been big disasters. Like big money corrupting politics - his presidency ended up providing more evidence of that. Despite claiming that his wealth made him difficult to corrupt, he nevertheless craved more wealth. AOC, however, has the right kind of solution: avoid big money altogether. She first wanted to be an Olympic swimmer, at age 4.

Going from anonymity to fame overnight was difficult. She loves her job and finds it very meaningful, but she misses being able to go to a corner store in her sweatpants. She was surprised to find out how many decisions are made out of fear of what one might lose. Surprising for a place with so much power. But on the positive side, she's surprised at how much of a change that a well-placed push can produce. She doesn't think that mass-movement politics should end with elections, but should keep on going.

Her family and friends have stayed by her, just as before she became famous. Her big life-changing moment was when she did maternal health for 4 months in Niger, in West Africa. No word on what her racial identity was to the people there. Duana Fullwiley tells us that she is black in the US, mixed-race (métisse) in France, and white (tubaab / toubab) in Senegal, in West Africa (Race in a Genetic World | Harvard Magazine).

As to getting together in Copenhagen, she says that it is for getting organized as a world community. Her "Message from the Future" Green New Deal video seemed too US-centric, but what she described in it is what other countries can also do. She likes how Copenhagen people are very polite and how well-recognized the climate crisis is. The recent big heatwaves in Europe have made it rather obvious, I think.

Also seeing successful social democracy, like universal healthcare and easily affordable education. She'd Instagrammed on Copenhagen's bike-friendly streets and all the bikes she found there. I've found Copenhagenize.com - Bicycle Urbanism by Design and Copenhagenize Design Co. (.eu)

She says that the Trump Administration has been very destabilizing for the US's relations with other countries, but that the US has plenty of good city and state governments.

She recalls that her father was a jokester who instilled a certain stubbornness. He'd be proud but he'd make fun of her once in a while.

A nice feature of AOC's speeches and interviews is that she has a very sizable vocabulary. It takes a little noticing, but it's there.

"Make Some Good Trouble" - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in Copenhagen - YouTube - "make the politicians sweat a little" - she also slammed Bolsonaro and Trump. She recognized correctly that it is mass movements like her audience that make a difference. Great oratory on her part.
AOC is a hypocrite and I suspect her apologists here and elsewhere know it! That's not just my opinion either!

Over the weekend, the New York Post published a story about Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s extensive use of Uber and Lyft and her penchant for flying over taking the train. The article raised the question of whether the sponsor of the Green New Deal, which calls for “a full transition off fossil fuels and zero greenhouse gases” in the next decade as well as plans to “totally overhaul transportation by massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, build out high-speed rail,” is a hypocrite.



Uber and Lyft have hybrid and electric car drivers for environmentally conscious customers.

Do you suddenly disbelieve in free market pressures just because AOC?

Okay, maybe you do. How about this? In order for drivers to maximize profitability they need to reduce gas price. So buying a used Prius has been recommended to drivers.

So did you also stop believing in capitalism?

Electric cars would make sense, too, but the infrastructure isn't there to make that practicable in many places...which is exactly what AOC is trying to change through legislation. That legislative advocacy also makes sense and is not a contradiction but a way to make the system better.

Maybe you don't believe in improvement.
AOC is a hypocrite and I suspect her apologists here and elsewhere know it! That's not just my opinion either!

Over the weekend, the New York Post published a story about Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s extensive use of Uber and Lyft and her penchant for flying over taking the train. The article raised the question of whether the sponsor of the Green New Deal, which calls for “a full transition off fossil fuels and zero greenhouse gases” in the next decade as well as plans to “totally overhaul transportation by massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, build out high-speed rail,” is a hypocrite.



Uber and Lyft have hybrid and electric car drivers for environmentally conscious customers.

Do you suddenly disbelieve in free market pressures just because AOC?

Okay, maybe you do. How about this? In order for drivers to maximize profitability they need to reduce gas price. So buying a used Prius has been recommended to drivers.

So did you also stop believing in capitalism?

Electric cars would make sense, too, but the infrastructure isn't there to make that practicable in many places...which is exactly what AOC is trying to change through legislation. That legislative advocacy also makes sense and is not a contradiction but a way to make the system better.

Maybe you don't believe in improvement.

That improvement is not feesable or affordable until the science catches up with the crazy idea of carbon emission free world for perhaps centuries. Just about every single item in an average home is made or uses fossil fuel.
AOC is a hypocrite and I suspect her apologists here and elsewhere know it! That's not just my opinion either!

Over the weekend, the New York Post published a story about Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s extensive use of Uber and Lyft and her penchant for flying over taking the train. The article raised the question of whether the sponsor of the Green New Deal, which calls for “a full transition off fossil fuels and zero greenhouse gases” in the next decade as well as plans to “totally overhaul transportation by massively expanding electric vehicle manufacturing, build charging stations everywhere, build out high-speed rail,” is a hypocrite.



Uber and Lyft have hybrid and electric car drivers for environmentally conscious customers.

Do you suddenly disbelieve in free market pressures just because AOC?

Okay, maybe you do. How about this? In order for drivers to maximize profitability they need to reduce gas price. So buying a used Prius has been recommended to drivers.

So did you also stop believing in capitalism?

Electric cars would make sense, too, but the infrastructure isn't there to make that practicable in many places...which is exactly what AOC is trying to change through legislation. That legislative advocacy also makes sense and is not a contradiction but a way to make the system better.

Maybe you don't believe in improvement.

That improvement is not feesable or affordable until the science catches up with the crazy idea of carbon emission free world for perhaps centuries. Just about every single item in an average home is made or uses fossil fuel.

You are changing the subject from alleged hypocrisy of AOC to alleged infeasibility of Green New Deal. In discussion about alleged hypocrisy, the claim is that condition A contradicts condition B. But AOC has introduced legislation to move from condition A to condition B by adding enablement of condition B which currently is very lacking. So, condition A does not contradict condition B. If you want to now discuss infeasibility of Green New Deal, at least concede you were wrong about the hypocrisy as I have laid out, first, before changing the subject.
Ocasio-Cortez Will Be Very Tough to Beat. Why Are 11 People Trying? - The New York Times
It is hard to imagine a scenario where Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez loses her seat next year. She has raised more than $3.4 million, is better known than some presidential candidates and handily won a district that is among the bluest in the nation.

But that hasn’t stopped people — lots of them — from trying to unseat her.

So far, eight Republicans and three Democrats have filed to run for Ms. Ocasio-Cortez’s seat in the Bronx and Queens. Two of the Republicans have each raised more than $420,000, even though no Republican has represented the Bronx in Congress in at least 50 years.
After her uphill struggle against Joe Crowley, AOC is clearly not wanting to take any chances. In fact, she may end up with an embarrassment of riches.

There's also the problem that the state and local parties tend to back incumbents, thus giving AOC the advantage that JC once had. But some of her challengers might get supported by big money, so she'll be prepared.

Ocasio-Cortez's Republican challenger Scherie Murray shouldn't thrill conservatives - "the national GOP and its base would be insane to put one ounce of support into the district regardless of who is running" because it's D+29, and Scherie Murray "has provided little reason to believe she is an ideological conservative." Like praising AOC's primary victory in a tweet.
The challengers, from both parties, share largely the same criticisms of Ms. Ocasio-Cortez. They slam her opposition to bringing an Amazon headquarters to New York City, blaming her for 25,000 lost jobs; they call her too radical to represent the district; and they accuse her of being too focused on building her national profile.

“Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez has done an excellent job establishing a national persona for herself,” Mr. Cummings said. “But most of the people who live in the district, even Democrats I’ve spoken to, feel that she’s just not concerned with what goes on here.”
Attacking her for doing her job as a national politician?
At times, it can seem the candidates are running against Ms. Ocasio-Cortez more than they are running for any particular message.
They don't seem to be trying to present themselves as a better AOC than AOC. Instead, they recite right-wing talking points.

Another reason that they may be running is to advertise themselves. Like appearing on Fox News.

Browse Candidates for House | FEC

CUMMINGS, JOHN C. REPUBLICAN PARTY NY 14 $425,141.60 $233,547.75
MURRAY, SCHERIE REPUBLICAN PARTY NY 14 $424,138.58 $143,408.84

5 Democrats and 8 Republicans

2020 Election United States House - New York - District 14 | FEC

About 90% of AOC's contributions are from contributions less than or equal to $200.

Of those with nonzero contributions greater than $200, Ruth Papazian has an amount from at least $2000 about equal to her amount from at most $200.

AOC got contributions from every state, and I'll be analyzing them by finding them relative to population.
AOC's contributions by state: {{CA,173528.},{NY,135530.},{WA,29973.5},{TX,26459.1},{MA,21315.6},{FL,18079.8},{IL,17056.9},{CO,13459.4},{OR,13447.1},{PA,12227.},{NJ,11812.3},{VA,9200.75},{MD,9160.57},{DC,9009.},{CT,8493.42},{AZ,7579.26},{MN,7536.58},{MO,6620.5},{ME,6513.},{MI,5915.93},{OH,5809.9},{GA,5609.89},{NC,4295.5},{HI,3971.88},{NV,3964.},{TN,3900.84},{NH,3745.25},{ZZ,3730.7},{IN,3299.5},{MT,3279.5},{WI,2898.61},{SC,2379.},{OK,2169.75},{KS,2147.4},{NM,2088.27},{VT,2002.34},{RI,1874.},{AK,1677.86},{UT,1595.},{IA,991.72},{SD,953.},{KY,949.67},{LA,904.5},{PR,798.77},{NE,737.},{AL,735.5},{WV,650.},{AR,368.5},{MS,367.},{WY,307.},{ID,108.},{DE,100.}}

(ZZ = unidentified)

AOC's contributions per 1000 people in each state: {{DC,12.825},{NY,6.93522},{ME,4.86624},{CA,4.38677},{WA,3.97759},{OR,3.20879},{VT,3.1971},{MA,3.08825},{MT,3.08715},{HI,2.79613},{NH,2.76105},{CT,2.37733},{CO,2.36314},{AK,2.27526},{RI,1.77241},{MD,1.51597},{MN,1.34314},{IL,1.33873},{NJ,1.32595},{NV,1.30636},{MO,1.08064},{SD,1.08021},{VA,1.08019},{AZ,1.05684},{NM,0.996584},{PA,0.954708},{TX,0.92186},{FL,0.848845},{KS,0.737557},{MI,0.591835},{TN,0.576194},{OK,0.550268},{GA,0.533286},{WY,0.531384},{UT,0.50457},{WI,0.498594},{OH,0.497021},{IN,0.49306},{SC,0.467927},{NC,0.41368},{NE,0.38201},{WV,0.359945},{IA,0.314219},{PR,0.249994},{KY,0.21253},{LA,0.1941},{AL,0.150475},{MS,0.122885},{AR,0.12227},{DE,0.103394},{ID,0.0615662}}

The most per person in DC, with NY not far behind. It's mainly blue states that give to her, as one might expect.

Voto Latino on Twitter: "@AOC 🎉UPDATE🎉 So, we asked y’all to sign a birthday card for @AOC & we got over 10,000 signatures! We placed your names on the back of a birthday card & delivered it to AOC herself! Here’s a message from the Congresswoman for y’all. Also, register to vote: [url]https://t.co/sbgCTPPduE https://t.co/JiXyHa0Zqa" / Twitter[/url]
Nice little message for her. Register to vote. Get one's relatives and friends to register to vote. Get involved in activism.

Omid Scobie on Twitter: "Duchess Meghan also opens up in the documentary about dealing with negative press during her pregnancy: https://t.co/lVCSfw05SZ" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "“Thank you for asking, bc not many people have asked if I’m ok.”
Sudden prominence is a very dehumanizing experience. There’s a part of your life that you lose, & it later dawns on you that you’ll never get it back.
The people who treat you like a human make all the difference. https://t.co/w0XUI4O3bD" / Twitter

Monica Lewinsky on Twitter: ".@AOC is 1000% right. https://t.co/cqF94MmU1E" / Twitter

Courtesy of Ocasio-Cortez, Monica Lewinsky empathize with Meghan Markle's 'sudden prominence' | TheHill
That improvement is not feesable or affordable until the science catches up with the crazy idea of carbon emission free world for perhaps centuries. Just about every single item in an average home is made or uses fossil fuel.

You are changing the subject from alleged hypocrisy of AOC to alleged infeasibility of Green New Deal. In discussion about alleged hypocrisy, the claim is that condition A contradicts condition B. But AOC has introduced legislation to move from condition A to condition B by adding enablement of condition B which currently is very lacking. So, condition A does not contradict condition B. If you want to now discuss infeasibility of Green New Deal, at least concede you were wrong about the hypocrisy as I have laid out, first, before changing the subject.

Blind Freddy can see the blatant hypocrisy of AOC, or anyone else who mentions the green new deal while having a well above average carbon footprint as she and her cronies have.
Bernie Sanders on Twitter: "I hope you can join me and @AOC at our rally in New York this weekend and help us show the strength of our movement. RSVP here: https://t.co/nyqtMVEcXQ" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Hey all!
We’re having a big ol’ NYC party tomorrow & everyone’s invited.Thousands of people are RSVP’d. All are welcome. (Not sure who you’re going to support yet? That’s great! Come on in, listen to people in the movement, & learn more about the future we’re fighting for.) https://t.co/GiKM3FFEz5" / Twitter

First, I'll try to fit some prominent female politicians into these feminist stage-of-life archetypes.
  • Maiden: AOC
  • Mother: Rashida Tlaib, ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Kamala Harris
  • Crone: Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Ruth Bader Ginsburg
RBG is a jurist, but I think that she fits.

Just for the Hades of it, I will try running her 2018 election under some different voting schemes. New York's 14th Congressional District - Ballotpedia
Democratic Primary election (26 June):
  • AOC: 16,898 56.7%
  • Joe Crowley: 12,880 43.3%
Main election (6 Nov):
  • AOC (D): 110,318 78.2%
  • Anthony Pappas (R): 19,202 13.6%
  • Joe Crowley (Working Families): 9,348 6.6%
  • Elizabeth Perri (Conservative): 2,254 1.6%
I'll now do a combined election, with D and WF collapsed together, then divided by the fraction of votes that AOC and JC got:
  • AOC: 67,804
  • JC: 51,682
  • AP: 19,202
  • EP: 2,254
AOC gets a plurality, though not a majority; she gets 48% of the votes. If this election is done on runoff fashion, and if all the Republican and Conservative voters vote for JC, then it would be JC who wins.

Let's try preference voting.
  • AOC, then JC, then AP, then EP
  • JC, then AOC, then AP, then EP
  • AP, then EP, then JC, then AOC
  • EP, then AP, then JC, then AOC
For IRV / ranked choice, EP drops out of the first round, and we get
  • AOC: 67,804
  • JC: 51,682
  • AP: 21,456 - then JC, then AOC
AP drops out next, giving
  • AOC: 67,804
  • JC: 73,138
and JC wins.

For Condorcet methods, JC also wins, since JC is the Condorcet winner, beating all the others in a virtual round robin.

But if only half of the Republicans also vote for the two Democrats, then AOC will win.
That improvement is not feesable or affordable until the science catches up with the crazy idea of carbon emission free world for perhaps centuries. Just about every single item in an average home is made or uses fossil fuel.

You are changing the subject from alleged hypocrisy of AOC to alleged infeasibility of Green New Deal. In discussion about alleged hypocrisy, the claim is that condition A contradicts condition B. But AOC has introduced legislation to move from condition A to condition B by adding enablement of condition B which currently is very lacking. So, condition A does not contradict condition B. If you want to now discuss infeasibility of Green New Deal, at least concede you were wrong about the hypocrisy as I have laid out, first, before changing the subject.

Blind Freddy can see the blatant hypocrisy of AOC, or anyone else who mentions the green new deal while having a well above average carbon footprint as she and her cronies have.

So after being refuted, you just repeat the claim. That's political, not logical.
Blind Freddy can see the blatant hypocrisy of AOC, or anyone else who mentions the green new deal while having a well above average carbon footprint as she and her cronies have.

So after being refuted, you just repeat the claim. That's political, not logical.

I think the word you're looking for is "STUPID".
... Electric cars would make sense, too, but the infrastructure isn't there to make that practicable in many places...which is exactly what AOC is trying to change through legislation. That legislative advocacy also makes sense and is not a contradiction but a way to make the system better.

Maybe you don't believe in improvement.
That improvement is not feesable or affordable until the science catches up with the crazy idea of carbon emission free world for perhaps centuries. Just about every single item in an average home is made or uses fossil fuel.
Bullshit. It is already feasible. angelo, have you ever heard of the Fischer-Tropsch reaction? One can use as feedstocks H2 from electrolysis of water and CO2 from the air.

AOC paraphrased The Avalon Project : First Inaugural Address of Franklin D. Roosevelt at the C40 meeting: "In this dedication of a world, we humbly ask for a blessing: May we be protected, each and every one of us, and may we be guided in the days to come."

Interesting that she spoke at the C40 meeting and not at the UN.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Today I am endorsing Senator @BernieSanders for president.
In the end, we must come together to defeat Donald Trump. We should do so knowing he is a symptom of a larger problem - and our greatest hope is a multiracial, working class movement in the United States of America. https://t.co/9fiTS7FTX9" / Twitter

Campaigning for him again. When she first campaigned for him, back in 2016, she was an obscure bartender in New York City.

She was wearing the same medium blue dress that she wore when she accepted that big birthday card, and she was indoors. So she recorded it earlier.

In her speech:

jordan on Twitter: "Take two minutes and listen to @AOC explain how a system that underpays and undervalues workers can leave them feeling worthless and how a candidate that fights for them can give them hope. #BerniesBack https://t.co/ULu6rOSN46" / Twitter

jordan on Twitter: "Take two minutes and listen to @AOC explain how a system that underpays and undervalues workers can leave them feeling worthless and how a candidate that fights for them can give them hope. #BerniesBack https://t.co/ULu6rOSN46" / Twitter

Anand Giridharadas on Twitter: "What an incredibly raw and personal endorsement of @BernieSanders by @AOC. A reminder that leaders can make us see ourselves differently. https://t.co/SkwfxNP2zS" / Twitter - she didn't consider herself very deserving before Bernie Sanders started running for President in 2016.

Waleed Shahid on Twitter: ""The halls of Congress are no joke...Behind closed doors, your arm is twisted...political pressure gets put on you. Every trick in the book, psychological and otherwise is used to get us to abandon the working class." -@AOC" / Twitter

The Hill on Twitter: "Rep. @AOC: "We right now have one of the best Democratic presidential primary fields in a generation, and much of that is thanks to the work that @BernieSanders has done in his entire life." https://t.co/THyJEJi0fK" / Twitter
AOC has three blue dresses: a light-blue one, a medium-blue one, and a dark-blue one. She also has a red one.

Earlier this year, she had supported public defender Tiffany Cabán for Queens District Attorney. She lost by about 60 votes to Melinda Katz, someone supported by AOC's old opponent Joe Crowley. TC showed up at Bernie Sanders's rally:

Tiffany Cabán on Twitter: "I am a 32-year-old queer, Latina, public defender and activist. I have spent my entire career fighting to bring real justice to working people. https://t.co/UA5YJZZVY0" / Twitter

Tiffany Cabán on Twitter: "My grandparents came here from Puerto Rico, and my parents grew up in public housing, in the Woodside Houses, not too far from the public housing units right across the street." / Twitter

Tiffany Cabán on Twitter: "I never thought someone like me could run for office. I grew up with a far more limited sense of what’s possible.
And then...came @aoc. https://t.co/suBOTWKQ4e" / Twitter

Tiffany Cabán on Twitter: "I’m sure every one remembers the first time you saw @aoc.
This 28-year-old bartender ferociously knocking her way through her district while the political machine laughed and mocked her." / Twitter

Tiffany Cabán on Twitter: "I’m sure you remember the first time you heard @aoc speak.
This young, Latina woman who was finally telling the truth about our broken political system and what we needed to do to fix it. https://t.co/jlaApJugkG" / Twitter

Tiffany Cabán on Twitter: "You don’t need Wall Street bankers and real estate developers writing $5,000 checks to run for office.
You don’t need the political machine.
You don’t need the Democratic establishment.
You just need the people. https://t.co/cowpmXmHu4" / Twitter

Tiffany Cabán on Twitter: "To every young person, woman, and queer person, every black and brown person thinking about running — who doesn’t have the money or support or know where to start: We need you to run." / Twitter

Tiffany Cabán on Twitter: "We only win when working people lead this movement. People like all of you. https://t.co/3siL4OrAwv" / Twitter

Tiffany Cabán on Twitter: ".@aoc didn’t care how much I raised or what electeds had endorsed me.
She just wanted to know if my neighbors were behind me. https://t.co/Ye9UOZzq8Y" / Twitter

Tiffany Cabán on Twitter: "Behind closed doors, when all the cameras are off, @aoc’s North Star is still pointed in the direction of the people. https://t.co/KEUsCWWfLb" / Twitter

Monica Klein on Twitter: "Queens in Queens: @CabanForQueens intros @AOC 👌 https://t.co/Y2XnE9vMLX" / Twitter

Yet another person inspired by AOC.
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