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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

She got cheered more than former VP Al Gore, Danish PM Mette Frederiksen, or the UN Sec'y General António Guterres.
“She got a rockstar welcome in that audience,” Nicholas Reece, a city councillor from Melbourne, Australia, said. “There’s just something about her which is really mobilising and electrifying people around the world, particularly young people.”
She then showed up at a Fridays for Future rally outside Copenhagen City Hall, along with some visiting activists and mayors.
... where she called on the gathered activists to “make sure the politicians sweat a little bit”

“We have to face the oil and coal industry, the CO2-emitting industry, Wall Street, Bolsonaro, Donald Trump,” she said to cheers from the crowd. “We can’t and won’t win by staying home.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This is how the powerful and the predatory are protected: by their friends and allies commanding powerful organizations; by people willing to accept their money or status in exchange for boosting their reputation; and by those too eager to look the other way. https://t.co/562CayQvR0" / Twitter
VANITY FAIR on Twitter: "EXCLUSIVE: Ronan Farrow’s producer says NBC tried to bury the Weinstein scoop: “Noah [Oppenheim] was very, very clear. No further calls. You are to stand down” https://t.co/RF5EOklG1D" / Twitter
Ronan Farrow’s Producer on How NBC Killed Its Weinstein Story | Vanity Fair - "Rich McHugh recounts how top NBC brass, including news chairman Andrew Lack and news president Noah Oppenheim, bowed to Harvey Weinstein to quash the truth."
Looking back to her BU years. More people gushing over her. It's hard to find anyone from her past with strong negative opinions of her. The most that anyone has found is that waitress who got only $50 from her out of $560 of a busy night's tips.

The Story Behind Ocasio-Cortez’s Dancing Video—from Those Who Made It | Bostonia | Boston University
Of the one who organized the effort, "He says Cortez was a friend and “sort of the face of the Thurman Center,” because of her ability to rally people to want to be a part of it."

Molly Ringwald, Ally Sheedy Back Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘Breakfast Club’ Dance - The Daily Beast, Feb 2019

Molly Ringwald on Twitter: "That's it, Alexandria you're in the club! ❤️❤️ @allysheedy1 #AlexandriaOcasioCortez #DemsTakeTheHouse" / Twitter

ally sheedy on Twitter: "@yashar @AOC I LOVE THIS #TeamAOC" / Twitter

Activism was where she came from, and it's big movements of activists who will make a different. I think that she recognizes that.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Urges Students to Become Activists | BU Today | Boston University - "Congressional candidate, CAS alum: persistence, courage needed to achieve social justice"
... The friends she made at BU, she said, remain her closest friends and helped her throughout her campaign.

Ocasio-Cortez “was a bright shining light” when she was at BU, recalled Raul Fernandez (COM’00, Wheelock’16), a Wheelock College of Education & Human Development lecturer, who was in the Tsai audience. Fernandez said she was a student ambassador at the Howard Thurman Center for Common Ground, when he was assistant director, and she came around often for the regular Coffee and Conversation events.

“Everybody knew her as one of the smartest people in the room for sure,” says Fernandez, who shares her Puerto Rican heritage. She didn’t talk about political ambitions then. “Her main focus was using the time she had on this planet to benefit people in the community.”
A very commendable ambition. That was Howard Thurman Center for Common Ground
And if all that's not enough, there is a thread dedicated to her at the TalkFreeThought forum that has over thirty-one hundred posts!
"A Modest Proposal" was mocking poor people who have babies who then get offended when asked, "Why not sell your babies to the rich?"
A Modest Proposal, by Dr. Jonathan Swift - "For preventing the children of poor people in Ireland, from being a burden on their parents or country, and for making them beneficial to the publick."
 A Modest Proposal - "The essay suggests that the impoverished Irish might ease their economic troubles by selling their children as food to rich gentlemen and ladies. This satirical hyperbole mocked heartless attitudes towards the poor, as well as British policy toward the Irish in general."

AOC was hilariously trolled at a town hall by a woman saying, "We have to eat the babies to combat climate change!" This is satirizing a modest proposal by Jonathan Swift. The left was calling this woman mentally ill despite the fact that it was a joke. It was meant to show how insane AOC and Greta sound to people with their climate alarmism.

The left proves it doesn't understand humor. They actually thought the woman was serious!
But it was not very apparent that this was humor, and AOC decided to take no chances on someone who might have been dangerous. So she avoided contradicting Ms. Eat Babies and she calmly and kindly reassured Ms. EB that we do indeed have a path forward out of our troubles.

Calling it humor seems like saying: "Gotcha! It's humor."

Half-Life, imagine that someone talked about raping you in your rear end with a broom handle, and then castrating you with garden shears. Would you be willing to accept that that was humor?

Oh, you mean like how Mitch McConnel gets free haircuts in a Senate barbershop that are not available to AOC, or anyone else who is not a Senator?
Maybe AOC should have primaried Gillibrand instead of Crowley then.
That would not have been possible for her, since she would not have been eligible for the Senate. But even if she was eligible and she wanted to, it would have been a long shot compared to what she actually did. She would have had to campaign over all of New York State instead of a bit of New York City.

Sure, Keith, from one the biggest lefties on youtube:


Take a look at some of the comments. Please don't claim "these are fake comments by fake leftists!"

"Jesus Christ the US needs a better mental care system."

"She looked genuinely concerned for the lady."

"She did the right thing of course non sense like that shouldn't even be addressed why would she give ANY attention to an obviously ridiculous idea."

"Clearly, a village somewhere has lost its idiot."

"You can hear it in the first 10 seconds of AOC response with barely a word spoken and thats all we need to hear.
There is empathy in her voice, she was sad for the woman. I trust AOC"

"So they like to eat babies. It makes since now why they are so strongly against abortion."

"Why address a crazy person in the audience? There is no answer for crazy people. Just agree and step back slowly."

See, Keith? The humor flew right over their heads.
I think that AOC was a heck of a lot more classy about it than some right-winger who whines that it was humor.
People willingly have babies knowing full well the economic situation.
and economic situations can never change?
But instead of stopping having babies, they have them. This is why Swift suggested they sell the babies to the rich since they might as well get money out of it instead of nothing.
nope. Not even close.
Swift was not mocking the poor Irish.
But, the thought shocked the readers. So readers were shocked by the thought of selling babies to the rich, but not as shocked as having the babies dying in outright poverty. That's the point! Why aren't you as outraged about babies dying of poverty as you are about baby selling?
so close, but not quite there....
What is your interpretation of, A Modest Proposal?
still not doing your homework.
You made claims you cannot back up.

As always.

And you have no fucking ideawhat it would take to satirize AMP, sshivh is not what this woman did.
All I can say is, I did not have sex with that woman. And I apologize.

They say that the eyes are the window to the soul. If that is so, Iv'e seen saner looking eyes in mental institutions for the criminally insane!

Why were you locked up in a mental institution for the criminally insane?

I have a daughter who is paranoid schizophrenic if you insist on knowing why I would visit such institutions!
I agree that there are too many things that are illegal that should be legal and that there are too many crimes that result in a custodial sentence that should be treated with penalties like community service.
Crimes like murder, robbery, aggravated assault etc. are definitely not among those.
It can be argued that we release some violent criminals too early, who go on to commit other violent crimes soon after release.

Prison abolition would make it impossible to lock up violent criminals. But it is necessary to separate them from the rest of society. What to do with them? Establish a penal colony? But we no longer have remote outposts like Romania or Australia, so until we can establish a penal colony on the Moon, we need prisons for sure. :)

So are you saying that breaking laws is ok as long as you are "brown"?

Says a lot to whom derec? To you. Yeah, that's the ticket. We need to bring back the rack so we can straighten out those we despise. Yessir. That'll larn them uppity (mostly brown) boys for being (mostly brown) boys. Every body can plainly see they are just plain evil. Even God sed so. Maybe you would are to explain why one who advocates for more just laws for blacks while being something of a radical. You should know since subscribe to a Congress of white boys who advocate and enact laws to sustain white control of those inferior people who are. being poor, obviously lazy and criminal.
Are you ok? Do you need to lay off drugs? Or up your meds? Not sure which, but this rambling response makes absolutely no sense.

One could reasonably ask the question: Is it possible to be white, or cacausion and not be a racist? No according to many self hating leftards!
AOC has done more Instagramming on her Copenhagen trip. She went on a Ferris-wheel sort of ride with two opposite-direction arms rather than a wheel, and she gave two thumbs up to the experience. She also described how bikes were everywhere in Copenhagen, and how some bikes have built-in locks. She also described the streets: car lanes, then bike lanes, then sidewalks, with the bike lanes having intermediate elevation. "Bike lanes are insanely controversial in NYC but here they just... exist. For a city it feels like there are very few cars on the road."

AOC's book-publishing company:
Brook Avenue Press Inc. - Company Profile
At its address:
890 Garrison Ave Bronx, NY 10474 Businesses
Lots of startups there.

Gillibrand pushes small biz tax break at BankNote | Bronx Times
Sen. Gillibrand, Bronx BP Diaz Jr., Call for Tax Breaks to Boost Growing Tech Start-Ups in the Bronx | Kirsten Gillibrand | U.S. Senator for New York
AOC is now 30 years old.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes!🎈
Spending the day in Denmark after C40, enjoying this social democracy that treats healthcare & education as rights, zero-carbon as priority, & infrastructure as a key public good.
Here’s to another year of fighting for our future.💜
https://t.co/t2jfzNZPTe" / Twitter

AOC has another Democratic challenger:
City Councilman Fernando Cabrera is challenging AOC | CSNY
Cabrera kicks off bid primary against Ocasio-Cortez
Democrat launches primary challenge to Ocasio-Cortez | TheHill
Conservative New York City councilman launches Democratic primary bid against AOC

He calls himself a centrist, he denounces socialism, and he claims that Venezuela is socialist. He was a Republican until 2008, he is a Pentecostal pastor, and he has associated himself with the Family Research Council and praised the policies of Uganda's government, both very homophobic. Yet he insists that he has made pro-LGBT votes in City Council business.

AOC Challenger Defends The Rich - YouTube - saying how difficult it is to be rich, because of all the things that one has to take care of. Which is absurd, because if one has a lot of money, one can retire and live off of one's investments. One has to be careful not to spend one's wealth too fast, but that's about it. That aside, he's a preacher of the "Prosperity Gospel".

He objects to AOC's defense of rejection of the Amazon HQ2 deal, saying that it cost the city 25,000 jobs. But what she objected to was the $3 billion in tax giveaways and outright subsidies.

He claims that AOC is never in her district, that she does not get along well with local politicians, and that she has been very divisive. He also claims that he has gotten much more done in his career than she has: 13 bills passed and $200 million into his district, vs. none for AOC. But he does not have Sen. McConnell or Pres. Trump standing in his way. From Politico:
“She doesn’t play well with local officials,” he added. “They’ll all tell you exactly the same thing: We can’t work with her, she’s impossible.”

He rejects the Green New Deal as very expensive, and "Medicare for All" single payer, preferring "choice". AOC has argued that with a public option, medical-insurance companies will dump their more expensive customers onto it.

From City&State:
Jake Sporn, political strategist at Tusk Strategies who has lived and worked in the Bronx, sees Cabrera’s bid as more of an exercise in raising his profile. “For all the Republicans hopelessly trying to oust her in the general election, it’s not a shock that a conservative Democrat would want to challenge her on the right too,” he said. “I’d imagine he’ll end up as a fixture on Fox News and as a critic in some other national stories, but any challenge against AOC is a long shot bid.”
These articles on Fernando Cabrera's candidacy don't mention Badrun Khan's candidacy. BK is campaigning on a similar platform, and if the two stay in the race, then they are likely to split the anti-AOC vote in the primary. AOC has been raising a lot of money, and I'm sure that she won't take her candidacy for granted the way that Joe Crowley did. Both FC and BK claim that AOC is never around in her district, and I have this picture of AOC's campaigners mercilessly ridiculing that claim. Like showing AOC in her district on several occasions and quoting FC and BK on how she's never around.
Like showing AOC in her district on several occasions
She showed up in her district "on several occasions" between her jaunts to Copenhagen and the like? Such dedication!
You'd be surprised. She's done a town-hall event once a month there, like the recent one where someone made a modest proposal for dealing with the climate crisis.

Applause at Global Summit as Ocasio-Cortez Calls Climate Crisis 'Consequence of Our Unsustainable Way of Life' | Common Dreams News - inlines several tweets about her two speeches, one to the C40 delegates, and one to some climate activists.
AOC has done more Instagramming on her Copenhagen trip. She went on a Ferris-wheel sort of ride with two opposite-direction arms rather than a wheel, and she gave two thumbs up to the experience. She also described how bikes were everywhere in Copenhagen, and how some bikes have built-in locks. She also described the streets: car lanes, then bike lanes, then sidewalks, with the bike lanes having intermediate elevation. "Bike lanes are insanely controversial in NYC but here they just... exist. For a city it feels like there are very few cars on the road."

AOC's book-publishing company:
Brook Avenue Press Inc. - Company Profile
At its address:
890 Garrison Ave Bronx, NY 10474 Businesses
Lots of startups there.

Gillibrand pushes small biz tax break at BankNote | Bronx Times
Sen. Gillibrand, Bronx BP Diaz Jr., Call for Tax Breaks to Boost Growing Tech Start-Ups in the Bronx | Kirsten Gillibrand | U.S. Senator for New York

Here's betting she could never have afforded galaventing around the planet on horrible carbon emitting jets were she still a bartender!
It goes against her stated ideals.

Which stated ideal says that she cannot pay for a haircut and dye job in NYC out of her own pocket? Please provide a specific quote from AOC herself.

She is ranting about 99% vs. 1% and yet she is using her newfound 1%-er status to enjoy luxuries not accessible to vast majority of her constituents, and especially of those who voted for her.

My guess is that she is a few million short of being in the top 1% of earners in the US, but I am amenable to being corrected. Please provide evidence of your contention that AOC is wealthy enough to be placed in that top 1%. Others have already noted that $260 for a women's cut, styling, and dye job with low-lights in NYCC is not out of the ordinary. Please provide evidence that the amount she paid is overly expensive for those services in NYC.

Here we go again with the obsession of some posters on here!

Seems to have more to do with your obsessions. On the other hand, if you weren't trying to tell AOC how to spend her money, perhaps no one would be making such observations about the way you spend your money. I believe that was my point to begin with.

KeepTalking said:
, when sex can be had for free.

1. Free sex is not available to everyone.

Free hair cuts are not available to everyone either, just to socialists like Mitch McConnel, apparently.

2. I am not suggesting that she should let her boyfriend cut her hair for free.

You shouldn't be suggesting anything about how she spends her own money, because it is her money and it is none of your business what she does with it. I'm not sure why you aren't concerned about Mitch McConnel abusing his position as a Senator to obtain free socialist haircuts, though.

3. I am not visiting the most expensive escorts in town, but instead opt for more reasonably priced services. Given Supercuts and the like, a $300 hair thing is equivalent to a hooker that charges several thousand dollars!

Prove it. Show us evidence that the most expensive cut, style, and dye with low-lights in NYC is $280.

KeepTalking said:
Also, AOC is not a self-described "socialist", she is a self-described "democratic socialist".
If she is a democratic socialist, then she is a socialist by definition. Democratic Socialism ⊂ Socialism.
Wikipedia said:
Not to be confused with  social democracy.
Democratic socialism is a term used to refer to the socialist political philosophy which advocates political democracy alongside a socially owned economy,[1] with an emphasis on workers' self-management and democratic control of economic institutions within a market or some form of a decentralised planned socialist economy.[2] Democratic socialists argue that capitalism is inherently incompatible with the values of freedom, equality and solidarity and that these ideals can be achieved only through the realisation of a socialist society. Although most democratic socialists are seeking a very gradual transition to socialism,[3] democratic socialism can support either revolutionary or reformist politics as a means to establish socialism.[4]
 Democratic Socialism

Way to cherry pick. Please take note of the very next sentence:

Wikipedia said:
In the term democratic socialism, the adjective democratic is added and used to distinguish democratic socialists from Marxist–Leninist inspired socialism which to many is viewed as being undemocratic or authoritarian in practice.

Hmmm, seems like Wikipedia does actually note a difference. That is unless you want to redefine "distinguish" as well.

Democratic Socialists of America overtly support Karl Marx.

Please provide evidence that AOC is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America. And just to head off your next response that it doesn't matter if she is an actual member of the Democratic Socialists of America, here is the sentence after the one I posted above from Wikipedia. Just two sentences away from where you apparently stopped reading:

Wikipedia said:
Democratic socialists oppose the Stalinist political system and the Soviet-type economic system, rejecting the perceived authoritarian form of governance and highly centralised command economy that took form in the Soviet Union and other Marxist–Leninist states in the early 20th century.

According to your source, it seems that overtly supporting Karl Marx is not necessary to be a Democratic Socialist.

Right-wing assholes like to call her ignorant,
Because she most certainly is, particularly with regard to what are supposedly areas of her expertise - economics and foreign affairs.

but when they aren't even smart enough to know the difference between those two terms, they are the ignorant ones.
Nope. It's you dude. "Democratic socialism" is a type of "socialism". It's not a separate thing.

Unless we actually read the source you provided which states, as shown above, that the phrase is one that is used to distinguish those who apply the label to themselves from actual socialists.
My post #3099 shows why AOC is hypocritical. Donald Trump looks like he doesn't give 2 craps about his hair and nobody seems to care. So, why does AOC act like, "OMG! People care about my hair! I need to look so good!" The POTUS doesn't even care for God's sake!

She is a strange one indeed.
Here's betting she could never have afforded galaventing around the planet on horrible carbon emitting jets were she still a bartender!
That would have been difficult.

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Best Comebacks For Her Haters - 30 of them.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Surprise! Thank you for this amazing educational opportunity.
You can, in fact, pursue an agenda of healthcare, fair wages, and education while supporting small businesses.
Having mega-corporations pay their fair share means you can give small mom & pops a break. https://t.co/J2SYcfZ0Nr" / Twitter

Responding to when she wanted a tax cut for small businesses.

AOC Reveals How She Copes With Public Speaking Nerves - has some of her Instagram pix from Copenhagen.

AOC raised over $11K for campaign in Queens 'fund run' - "Participants in AOC’s ‘fun run’ didn’t know they were donating to her campaign"

AOC Joins Resistance Revival Chorus For Green Deal
"I can't hold a note to save my life, but that didn't stop me from catching the spirit today."

Resistance Revival Chorus on Instagram: “And she can sing! Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined us on stage as an honorary @resistancerevivalchorus member today as we helped…”
"This joy that I have, the world didn’t give it to me / The world didn’t give it, so the world can’t take it away."

Resistance Revival Chorus on Instagram: “We believe that joy is an act of resistance. So we put it on a t-shirt! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ As our friends at @raceforward put it…”
FogoAzulNYC 🇧🇷🇺🇸🎶🗽🥁💃🏽 on Instagram: “Our busy weekend has come to a close! 🥺 This is us beaming with pride and endorphins with our representative of the 14th congressional…”
AOC has done more Instagramming on her Copenhagen trip. She went on a Ferris-wheel sort of ride with two opposite-direction arms rather than a wheel, and she gave two thumbs up to the experience. She also described how bikes were everywhere in Copenhagen, and how some bikes have built-in locks. She also described the streets: car lanes, then bike lanes, then sidewalks, with the bike lanes having intermediate elevation. "Bike lanes are insanely controversial in NYC but here they just... exist. For a city it feels like there are very few cars on the road."

AOC's book-publishing company:
Brook Avenue Press Inc. - Company Profile
At its address:
890 Garrison Ave Bronx, NY 10474 Businesses
Lots of startups there.

Gillibrand pushes small biz tax break at BankNote | Bronx Times
Sen. Gillibrand, Bronx BP Diaz Jr., Call for Tax Breaks to Boost Growing Tech Start-Ups in the Bronx | Kirsten Gillibrand | U.S. Senator for New York

Here's betting she could never have afforded galaventing around the planet on horrible carbon emitting jets were she still a bartender!

Do you have a point other than your bad case of AOCDS?
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