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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

AOC was hilariously trolled at a town hall by a woman saying, "We have to eat the babies to combat climate change!" This is satirizing a modest proposal by Jonathan Swift. The left was calling this woman mentally ill despite the fact that it was a joke. It was meant to show how insane AOC and Greta sound to people with their climate alarmism.

The left proves it doesn't understand humor. They actually thought the woman was serious!
Why the fuck do you care how she spends her money?
It goes against her stated ideals. She is ranting about 99% vs. 1% and yet she is using her newfound 1%-er status to enjoy luxuries not accessible to vast majority of her constituents, and especially of those who voted for her.

It is her fucking money. You are just inviting people to take you to task for spending your money on hookers

Here we go again with the obsession of some posters on here!

, when sex can be had for free.

1. Free sex is not available to everyone, and besides it can be argued that "we all pay for sex one way or the other" but that "at least hookers are honest about the price" (Cal Lightman from "Lie to Me".)

2. I am not suggesting that she should let her boyfriend cut her hair for free. This is the fallacy of the excluded middle, as there are many options between $0 and >$300.

3. I am not visiting the most expensive escorts in town, but instead opt for more reasonably priced services. Given Supercuts and the like, a $300 hair thing is equivalent to a hooker that charges several thousand dollars!

Also, AOC is not a self-described "socialist", she is a self-described "democratic socialist".
If she is a democratic socialist, then she is a socialist by definition. Democratic Socialism ⊂ Socialism.
Wikipedia said:
Not to be confused with  social democracy.
Democratic socialism is a term used to refer to the socialist political philosophy which advocates political democracy alongside a socially owned economy,[1] with an emphasis on workers' self-management and democratic control of economic institutions within a market or some form of a decentralised planned socialist economy.[2] Democratic socialists argue that capitalism is inherently incompatible with the values of freedom, equality and solidarity and that these ideals can be achieved only through the realisation of a socialist society. Although most democratic socialists are seeking a very gradual transition to socialism,[3] democratic socialism can support either revolutionary or reformist politics as a means to establish socialism.[4]
 Democratic Socialism

Democratic Socialists of America overtly support Karl Marx.

Right-wing assholes like to call her ignorant,
Because she most certainly is, particularly with regard to what are supposedly areas of her expertise - economics and foreign affairs.

but when they aren't even smart enough to know the difference between those two terms, they are the ignorant ones.
Nope. It's you dude. "Democratic socialism" is a type of "socialism". It's not a separate thing.
Oh, you mean like how Mitch McConnel gets free haircuts in a Senate barbershop that are not available to AOC, or anyone else who is not a Senator?
Maybe AOC should have primaried Gillibrand instead of Crowley then.

Who is the hypocrite now?
What's hypocritical here? It's not like the only options are free and spending more than $300 dollars. There are more reasonably priced options. Fancy salons are not the only game in town.
Also I doubt Mitch McConnel[sic] gets lowlights.
AOC was hilariously trolled at a town hall by a woman saying, "We have to eat the babies to combat climate change!" This is satirizing a modest proposal by Jonathan Swift. The left was calling this woman mentally ill despite the fact that it was a joke. It was meant to show how insane AOC and Greta sound to people with their climate alarmism.

The left proves it doesn't understand humor. They actually thought the woman was serious!

Actually, that is not satirizing A Modest Proposal.
For one thing, the original WAS satire, and this woman was just copying it.
Now, if you could cite someone saying theybthought it was real, that'd be interesting. Because i don't think she was taken all that seriously, not in reality. Probzbly because a lot of people recognized Swift's work.
Yeah. We're so enlightened that we subscribe to the notion of punishment rather than the idea of treatment.
I agree that there are too many things that are illegal that should be legal and that there are too many crimes that result in a custodial sentence that should be treated with penalties like community service.
Crimes like murder, robbery, aggravated assault etc. are definitely not among those.
It can be argued that we release some violent criminals too early, who go on to commit other violent crimes soon after release.

Prison abolition would make it impossible to lock up violent criminals. But it is necessary to separate them from the rest of society. What to do with them? Establish a penal colony? But we no longer have remote outposts like Romania or Australia, so until we can establish a penal colony on the Moon, we need prisons for sure. :)

Those (mostly brown) boys who break our laws written by (mostly white) boys must be taken off the streets and punished. I'm pretty sure that's true since we subscribe to the idea of beating children who have been baaaaad. Oh wait ....
So are you saying that breaking laws is ok as long as you are "brown"?

Says a lot to whom derec? To you. Yeah, that's the ticket. We need to bring back the rack so we can straighten out those we despise. Yessir. That'll larn them uppity (mostly brown) boys for being (mostly brown) boys. Every body can plainly see they are just plain evil. Even God sed so. Maybe you would are to explain why one who advocates for more just laws for blacks while being something of a radical. You should know since subscribe to a Congress of white boys who advocate and enact laws to sustain white control of those inferior people who are. being poor, obviously lazy and criminal.
Are you ok? Do you need to lay off drugs? Or up your meds? Not sure which, but this rambling response makes absolutely no sense.
AOC was hilariously trolled at a town hall by a woman saying, "We have to eat the babies to combat climate change!" This is satirizing a modest proposal by Jonathan Swift. The left was calling this woman mentally ill despite the fact that it was a joke. It was meant to show how insane AOC and Greta sound to people with their climate alarmism.

The left proves it doesn't understand humor. They actually thought the woman was serious!

Actually, that is not satirizing A Modest Proposal.
For one thing, the original WAS satire, and this woman was just copying it.
Now, if you could cite someone saying theybthought it was real, that'd be interesting. Because i don't think she was taken all that seriously, not in reality. Probzbly because a lot of people recognized Swift's work.

Sure, Keith, from one the biggest lefties on youtube:


Take a look at some of the comments. Please don't claim "these are fake comments by fake leftists!"

"Jesus Christ the US needs a better mental care system."

"She looked genuinely concerned for the lady."

"She did the right thing of course non sense like that shouldn't even be addressed why would she give ANY attention to an obviously ridiculous idea."

"Clearly, a village somewhere has lost its idiot."

"You can hear it in the first 10 seconds of AOC response with barely a word spoken and thats all we need to hear.
There is empathy in her voice, she was sad for the woman. I trust AOC"

"So they like to eat babies. It makes since now why they are so strongly against abortion."

"Why address a crazy person in the audience? There is no answer for crazy people. Just agree and step back slowly."

See, Keith? The humor flew right over their heads.
Actually, that is not satirizing A Modest Proposal.
For one thing, the original WAS satire, and this woman was just copying it.
Yes, "homage" would be a better word.
Probzbly because a lot of people recognized Swift's work.
You are giving wokesters too much credit. Jonathan Swift is a dead white man after all, and this his books are considered passe.
"A Modest Proposal" was mocking poor people who have babies who then get offended when asked, "Why not sell your babies to the rich?" The poor don't want to sell their babies for money but they are perfectly willing to let them die of starvation for free.
Swift was saying, "At least you can make money off your baby."

This is the same thing today. They claim the babies will die anyway if we do nothing about climate change, so why not eat the babies and possibly save the planet? The babies will die anyway....

"A Modest Proposal" was mocking
Sooooo, you agree it was satire. How did plagiarizing it satirize it?
poor people who have babies who then get offended when asked, "Why not sell your babies to the rich?"
Um, was that a common question in the 18th Century? There were a lot of people responding to that question, setting themselves up for mockery?

I really don't think anyone was getting upset st that question, but you could cite....something?
The poor don't want to sell their babies for money but they are perfectly willing to let them die of starvation for free.
...willing? The total lack of options us not the same as 'willing.'
Swift was saying, "At least you can make money off your baby."
uh....no. no, he was not.
This is the same thing today. They claim the babies will die anyway if we do nothing about climate change, so why not eat the babies and possibly save the planet? The babies will die anyway....

What a strange interpretation.

So, did anyone take this bizarre plan seriously? Anyone? Anyone atvall.

You did see where i keep asking you for citations, right? Any progreess there?
Says a lot to whom derec? To you. Yeah, that's the ticket. We need to bring back the rack so we can straighten out those we despise. Yessir. That'll larn them uppity (mostly brown) boys for being (mostly brown) boys. Every body can plainly see they are just plain evil. Even God sed so. Maybe you can explain why one who advocates for more just laws for blacks is thought of as something of a radical. You should know since subscribe to a Congress of white boys who advocate and enact laws to sustain white control of those inferior people who are, being poor, obviously lazy and criminals.

Are you ok? Do you need to lay off drugs? Or up your meds? Not sure which, but this rambling response makes absolutely no sense.

So I point out you support laws written by white boys that are designed to mainly punish brown boys and you go all "are you OK?"

I'm pretty sure I'm not the one with reality issues.
Sooooo, you agree it was satire. How did plagiarizing it satirize it? Um, was that a common question in the 18th Century? There were a lot of people responding to that question, setting themselves up for mockery?

I really don't think anyone was getting upset st that question, but you could cite....something?
The poor don't want to sell their babies for money but they are perfectly willing to let them die of starvation for free.
...willing? The total lack of options us not the same as 'willing.'
Swift was saying, "At least you can make money off your baby."
uh....no. no, he was not.
This is the same thing today. They claim the babies will die anyway if we do nothing about climate change, so why not eat the babies and possibly save the planet? The babies will die anyway....

What a strange interpretation.

So, did anyone take this bizarre plan seriously? Anyone? Anyone atvall.

You did see where i keep asking you for citations, right? Any progreess there?

People willingly have babies knowing full well the economic situation. But instead of stopping having babies, they have them. This is why Swift suggested they sell the babies to the rich since they might as well get money out of it instead of nothing. But, the thought shocked the readers. So readers were shocked by the thought of selling babies to the rich, but not as shocked as having the babies dying in outright poverty. That's the point! Why aren't you as outraged about babies dying of poverty as you are about baby selling?

What is your interpretation of, A Modest Proposal?
When you hate someone, the way they hold their spoon drives you crazy. But your best friend can spill his drink in your lap, and you don't mind.
To All Men Enraged by AOC's Expensive Haircut: Yes, This Is How the U.S. Economy Bleeds Women Dry | Opinion
Never mind the double standard that's imposed upon women in leadership—all women, really—to look good (but not too good). Imagine how the media would pounce over a messy bun day on the House floor.

And then there's the reality that haircuts for women cost more than those for men. It's well-documented, and it's called the "pink tax"—a popular euphemism for gender-based pricing. Simply stated, the pink tax is when goods or services marketed to women cost more than the men's version for no apparent reason other than price gouging.
Then several examples of that.
Yes, an educated consumer can buck the system, be diligent to check prices and reject the branding ploy. But that's time and energy, and therefore money, too—a pointlessly unfair burden. The GAO agreed that these differences add up over a lifetime.
Then the "tampon tax", with tampons not exempted from sales tax as a necessity in 34 states.
Among the 22 state legislatures that took up the issue in 2019 is Tennessee. After legislation failed to pass there, a late-breaking budget surplus prompted the state to save its "hunters and shooters $500,000 annually across the state" by eliminating a gun ammunition tax.

Still others have chosen to exempt an equally alarming and bizarre array of items, while continuing to generate revenue for state coffers off of menstruation: BBQ sunflower seeds (currently exempt in Indiana), gun club memberships (currently exempt in Wisconsin) and erectile dysfunction pills (exempt just about everywhere!).

Prioritizing any of these items over a necessity like menstrual products is yet another way the U.S. economy manages to bleed women dry at every turn. Enough.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The real tea is that Jeff Sessions gets publicly subsidized haircuts to look as self-made as possible before telling everyone else to lift themselves up by their bootstraps.
Wonder how many other Republicans do the same?
🍵🍵🍵 https://t.co/sfbyNCxZOA" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "(The truth is, the GOP loves spending the public’s money - but only when it’s to benefit themselves, the very wealthy, & their industry friends. See: oil subsidies, the trillion-dollar GOP tax scam, etc, etc)" / Twitter

Someone retweeted this one from back in 2018: H. Eric Loewe on Twitter: "@AOC MT @TheLoveBel0w "We write unlimited blank checks for war, we JUST wrote a 2 trillion dollar check for the GOP tax cut & NOBODY asks those folks how are they gonna pay for it. So my question is why are our pockets only empty when it comes to ...?" - @AOC https://t.co/KJZveCQGbf" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "
For working people.
For the poor.
For jobs.
For justice.
For peace.
For prosperity.
For economic mobility.
For society.
For our planet.
We fight for a #GreenNewDeal.
https://t.co/9Ya8iNNYE3" / Twitter
AOC has been Instagramming her trip to Copenhagen DK. It's her first trip out of the US while in office.

When she arrived there, she came across a sigh that announces that the airport is to be emissions-free by 2030, at least for ground transport. She states that doing that is a matter of political will. She also noted that Copenhagen now has a new metrorail line that circles the city, and that was built in 10 years. While Americans wring their hands about how they can't build big things.

Every taxi so far is electric. Plenty of public transit - buses, trains, etc. Bikes are very common. She has never seen as many bikes parked in one place in NYC as she has seen in Copenhagen. Also a shopping area where people walk on the streets - two-lane ones.

Then on preparing her speech. She was badly jetlagged, since Copenhagen is 6 hours ahead of NYC. She also saw her face on some newspapers on the day of her speech before the C40 attendees (Oct 11). She was already anxious about doing her speech, and those newspapers only made it worse, hyping a speech that she hadn't yet delivered. Being a public figure means having much of one's life publicized - she has been one ever since she defeated Joe Crowley in last year's primary. Including being assessed by "weird people with bad opinions".

She also laments the right wing attacking her for tiny mistakes here and there, instead of such things as "creating economic opportunity for working people in tackling climate change." She also complains about other politicians getting away with saying "truly crazy stuff" while she receives much more scrutiny. But it makes her perform very well.

She also wrote about delivering speeches. She likes audiences who react when she speaks rather than passively sit there.

After delivering her speech to the C40 people, she went to Copenhagen city hall and spoke to some climate activists. Much more pleasant for her since activism is where she came from. The weather was windy and rainy, but it didn't stop them, since that is rather normal weather for Denmark. Reminds me of what the weather is like for non-summer seasons in the US Pacific Northwest.

"The power isn't here, on this stage. It's out there with you, in the streets. It's time to make politicians sweat a little more about issues of our future."
I have sort of been checking out electric bicycles on the net over the last year. Two things I have noticed. First, many of these things have no fenders. Not going to be pleasant to ride in rainy or wet conditions. And second, no provisions on any of these to have sidesaddles or baskets. Forget a run to the store on one of these. So many companies trying to sell these things. So few companies that "get it" about using such a bicycle in the real world. Want to ride to work and take a lunch and your laptop and a briefcase? Forget about it.
There is no double standard about AOC. If she didn't want to get an expensive haircut, she didn't have to. Nobody is forcing her to look a certain way. Look at Trump's hair. Nothing great about it and people don't seem to give 2 craps. Why can't AOC just think like Trump does about his hair? I for one don't care what her hair looks like. She's just trying to justify spending such a ridiculous amount. No one forces any woman to look any way. This is nonsense. I've seen plenty of women with no makeup wearing sweatpants in public. I don't think, "What's wrong with this woman?" I think, "Wow good for her."

The only people I see trying to force women to dress a certain way are women in women's commercials. All those maybelline commercials with women telling women to buy this or that. Nobody has to listen though. Makeup is a waste of time and money.
Ocasio-Cortez tells world's mayors drastic action needed on climate crisis | US news | The Guardian

11.10.2019 - Rede Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - C40 World Mayors Summit - YouTube - has her introducer, who says that she may be seeing a lot more of AOC in the years to come. C40 World Mayors Summit 2019: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - YouTube strips away that intro. There are also longer versions, but they include some of the conference action before and after.
“It is unsustainable to continue to believe [in] our system of runaway, unaccountable, lawbreaking pursuit of profit,” she told the conference.

Instead, she said, the world needed to adopt “a cooperative, collaborative” system, “whose economy … benefits the middle and lower classes and marginalised people”.

“Our current logic created this mess and operating in the same way will not get us out.”
She then talked about how NYC's three major airports are vulnerable to sea-level rise. I fact-checked that assertion and I found that all three airports are very close to sea level. JFK at Jamaica Bay off the Atlantic Ocean, LaGuardia at the East River off Long Island Sound, and Newark at Newark Bay off of Hudson Bay. Much the same is true of San Francisco Bay, where I'd lived for many years, where San Francisco's and Oakland's airports are at the southern lobe of San Francisco Bay, though San Jose's airport is a little bit inland on flat land. Philadelphia's airport is on the Delaware River, a bit above sea level at Philly's location. DC's Reagan airport is on the Potomac River, close to sea level, while Dulles and BWI are a bit inland on flat land. The same can be said of an enormous amount of infrastructure and construction - shockingly vulnerable, and built there because of approximate constancy of sea levels over the last few millennia.

She then talked about what sort of world her children would live in, if she decides to have any. A world with much important infrastructure drowned, a world where it's much harder to grow food crops. I note California's Central Valley becoming much less productive because of droughts. She also mentioned drowned Internet cables and data centers, and she noted widespread inaction by national governments. She didn't mention Mar-a-Lago or take a swipe at Donald Trump for being so complacent about it.

Not just as an elected official, not just as a public figure,
“I speak to you as a human being, a woman whose dreams of motherhood now taste bittersweet because of what I know about our children’s future,” she said, her voice breaking as if she was struggling to hold back tears.

“That our actions are responsible for bringing their most dire possibilities into focus.”
Some right-wingers cited this as yet more evidence of what a great actress AOC supposedly is.

She then talked about how destructive Hurricane Maria was to Puerto Rico, being a big natural disaster and killing one of her grandfathers. Living under colonial rule made things worse. I remember how President Trump seemed to have a grudge against Puerto Rico, some feeling that Puerto Ricans deserve to be punished for their sins, a feeling that he did not have about Florida or Texas.

Also Dorian in the Bahamas.

She talked about what a massive worldwide effort that it will take to handle the climate crisis. She stated that it was only common sense to help those that were left behind as a result of uneven development.

She ended by paraphrasing the end of FDR's first inaugural speech: The Avalon Project : First Inaugural Address of Franklin D. Roosevelt That's where he said that "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself".
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