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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

More AOC duplicity. I will be shocked if she's re-elected next time!


AOC Takes Aim at Party Leadership for Indulging Moderates: ‘Democrats Can Be Too Big of a Tent’ she says. Derides the " moderates" in her own party. And most here say she's not mentally unstable?

That doesn't make her unstable, it just makes her blinded by her fanaticism--something we've already seen repeatedly.
Hill.TV's Krystal Ball says Ocasio-Cortez has become a force in Democratic Party | TheHill
Hill.TV host Krystal Ball praised Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-N.Y.) first year in Congress, saying the progressive lawmaker has distinguished herself in the Democratic Party.

Ball said Ocasio-Cortez, who is often referred to as AOC, has honed a kind of political acumen that puts her above many other Democratic lawmakers.

“AOC’s understanding of the long-game, of how pushing previously radical ideas into the conversation, can dramatically shift what’s possible,” Ball said Tuesday. “That understanding has handed her power and influence that exceeds nearly anyone, to include the Speaker of the House.”
AOC won against Joe Crowley by seeking out new voters and giving them something to vote for. Over the last year in Congress, she hasn't faltered or sold out, at least so far.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Is this her Democratic Party now? - CNNPolitics

Liberal vs. moderate vs. conservative:
  • 1994: L 25%, M 48%, C 25%
  • 2008: L 38%, M 38%, C 21%
  • 2019: L 51%, M 34%, C 13%
  • 2019 Mid-Dec: L 50%, M 36%, C 10%
While Ocasio-Cortez isn't running for president -- yet! -- she is very much a driving force within the party to turn it even more leftward. The question she -- and her fellow liberals -- have to answer is whether they are OK with potentially losing moderate and conservative Democrats along the way.
AOC should leave the Democratic Party (opinion) - CNN
In the interview, the congresswoman who represents parts of the Bronx and Queens complained, "We're not allowed to talk about anything wrong the Democratic Party does." Nonetheless, she went on to complain that "Democrats can be too big of a tent" and that "they let anybody who the cat dragged in call themselves a progressive. There's no standard."

Perhaps AOC would be happier leaving for another party that let her set the standards.

While under the Democratic umbrella, she seems to have made it her mission to fight the "Democratic establishment." In particular, she has worked with a group called Justice Democrats, a small, grassroots organization that supports progressive Democratic candidates as part of a larger effort to transform the party in the image of politicians like AOC.

AOC's animosity toward Biden may be linked to her support for his rival Bernie Sanders, or may reflect a poor understanding of how progressive Biden truly is on certain issues.

Biden Dismisses AOC's Gripe about Sharing a Party: 'This Tent Is Plenty Big for the Both of Us' | National Review
“Differences in the party have always existed,” Biden told NBC News. “I get broad support from the African American community, the black and brown community, the working-class, middle-class folks, a few of whom voted for Trump.”

“I’ve always had broad support within the party,” Biden continued. “I think this tent is plenty big for both of us.”
Joe Biden one-on-one interview with Lester Holt (extended)
Curious, what has Ocasio-Cortez done that has shifted the Democratic Party even slightly? I don't recall any shifting to begin with.
The Leadership Conference on Twitter: "WATCH: @AOC & @vanitaguptaCR clarify some #2020Census basics: The census WON'T ask about citizenship. Participating is safe & confidential. Duty of government is to count EVERY person.
And yes: Citizenship question was effort to weaponize census & advantage non-Hispanic whites. https://t.co/QSJ7fe9i1i" / Twitter

Some of an AOC hearing video.

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Question Line at Hearing on Reaching Hard-to-Count Communities in the 2020 Census - YouTube
Asking some hearing witnesses about why someone would want some places undercounted, and what the consequences of undercounting can be, like reduced funding for public services.

AOC Says Climate Crisis Causes Her Anxiety About Having Children on TMZ
AOC Says Climate Crisis Causes Her Anxiety About Having Children | TMZ - YouTube - short interview. The younger one is, the more one's lives will be impacted by climate-change troubles and disasters, like the recent California and Australia droughts and wildfires. The President needs to stand up to the fossil-fuel industry, but "I think he's in their pocket".

AOC Concedes to Unblock Candace Owens from Twitter After Letter from Owen’s Lawyer - YouTube
Candace Owens on Instagram: “ANNOUNCEMENT: In July of 2019, a New York Federal appeals court upheld a lower court decision from 2018, which disallowed President Trump…”

Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) / Twitter
Candace Owens (@realcandaceowens) • Instagram photos and videos

AOC finds her perfect puppy – which other politicians have found theirs? | US news | The Guardian - "The congresswoman says her French bulldog will come with her to the office and to town halls, making them an ideal pair"
Curious, what has Ocasio-Cortez done that has shifted the Democratic Party even slightly? I don't recall any shifting to begin with.
Stuff like a Green New Deal and Medicare for All. She may be the most visible part of an overall trend, however.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The people who tell you we DO have war money but DON’T have healthcare money, tuition-free money, infrastructure money, or Green New Deal money are playing games with you." / Twitter
Yes. Very true.

Planet Common Sense on Twitter: "@AOC How 'bout you pay your party dues and let the grown-ups worry about how America's money gets spent. 😉 https://t.co/srF888BVDy" / Twitter
AOC riles Dems by refusing to pay party dues, bankrolling colleagues' opponents | Fox News

She has raised the fourth most money of any Democratic Representative, with only Daniel McCready, Adam Schiff, and Nancy Pelosi ahead of her.
“Sometimes the question comes: 'Do you want to be in a majority or do you want to be in the minority?'” Rep. Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y., told Fox News, when asked about AOC's stance. “And do you want to be part of a team?"

Another source was less diplomatic: “Deadbeat Cortez should pay her bills,” complained a House Democratic aide. “She’s always whining about people paying their fair share and here she is leaving her friends with the bill.”
She has refused to pay any of her $250,000 "dues" to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC).
Her goose egg of a contribution is no accident. Ocasio-Cortez says she has beef with the DCCC and she'll withhold her money in protest of how the Democratic Party won't back insurgent progressive primary candidates, like herself, in the name of protecting incumbents.

“For me personally, I’m not paying D-trip dues,” said Ocasio-Cortez, using slang for the DCCC and citing a “myriad of reasons.”

“One, I don’t agree with the policy around blacklisting groups that help progressive candidates,” she said, referring to a DCCC effort to sideline vendors who assist challengers to members of Congress. “I think we need to evolve as a party and make room for that.”
She has raised some $300,000 for candidates that she supports, including incumbent challengers Marie Newman and Jessica Cisneros. MN is challenging Dan Lipinski and JC Henry Cuellar.
But she does support some colleagues: “I’m happy to support some incumbents, but it’s not just a blanket rule."

In one online appeal, Ocasio-Cortez urged her supporters to back “bold swing district Democrats” by donating to Rep. Mike Levin from California, Rep. Jahana Hayes of Connecticut, and Rep. Katie Hill (before she resigned from Congress amid a throuple sex scandal with a staffer).
Also Bernie Sanders, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and Ayanna Pressley.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The @DCCC’s new rule to blacklist+boycott anyone who does business w/ primary challengers is extremely divisive & harmful to the party.
My recommendation, if you’re a small-dollar donor: pause your donations to DCCC & give directly to swing candidates instead.
Some great ones:" / Twitter

Then recommending Mike Levin, Lauren Underwood, Katie Porter
I know she has suggested these things, which are barely even outlines of blueprints. But where has the Democrat Party shifted?

Raising money and supporting losing candidates isn't shifting anything.
I know she has suggested these things, which are barely even outlines of blueprints. But where has the Democrat Party shifted?
The conversation around a lot of issues, like her Green New Deal and maximum marginal income-tax rates.

Ocasio-Cortez defends decision not to pay dues to House Democratic campaign arm | TheHill
We are trying to raise the equivalent of my dues directly to other members," Ocasio-Cortez told The Hill. She said the money she has raised has so far gone to backing House Democrats, as well as nonincumbent candidates.

A spokesperson for the DCCC did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Noticias Telemundo on Twitter: "La representante demócrata @AOC asegura que quienes dicen que Estados Unidos "tiene dinero para una guerra" pero no para el cuidado de salud o matrículas gratuitas, "están jugando juegos contigo". https://t.co/HeOzrzgoTO" / Twitter
Spanish translation of
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The people who tell you we DO have war money but DON’T have healthcare money, tuition-free money, infrastructure money, or Green New Deal money are playing games with you." / Twitter

Marisa Schultz on Twitter: "SCOOP: @AOC withholding $250,000 in "dues" from the Democratic party in protest and building her own grassroots fundraising for progressives instead
AOC riles Dems by refusing to pay party dues, bankrolling colleagues' opponents [url]https://t.co/OMkJxaCLOA
#FoxNews" / Twitter[/url]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I give quite a bit to fellow Dems - we’ve fundraised over $300,000 for others (more than my “dues”), w/ over 50% going to swing seats.
DCCC made clear that they will blacklist any org that helps progressive candidates like me. I can choose not to fund that kind of exclusion. https://t.co/qqwdwPAqek" / Twitter

A little over a year ago, she said that she didn't want to be the leader of a movement. She's now becoming the de facto leader of one. A "Herbal Tea Party"?

Paula Jean Swearengin on Twitter: "@AOC Thank you!!" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I’m also not the only one.
Expanding a House majority is critical, which is why I regularly (and happily) fundraise sizeable amounts for fellow members.
I also believe that a Dem majority should be transformative, which is why I give strategically. Seems fair, no?" / Twitter

Movement School - has a picture of AOC during her primary campaign.
The progressive movement, despite our demonstrated ability to mobilize large-scale grassroots action, still lacks the political power to enact solutions that are as big as the crises we face.

Movement School aims to translate activist power into political power by changing how we develop campaign leadership. Headlined by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in New York City, a handful of 2018 campaigns pushed the boundaries of what anyone believed was possible in grassroots campaigning. They excelled by mobilizing volunteers in disciplined teams, by integrating new tech tools and aggressive digital strategies, and by harnessing bold, unapologetic messaging across all facets of their campaigns. We need to build on this momentum - we need to build the next generation of organizers.
Training the Next Generation of Progressive Organizers
Ironically, the progressive movement’s work to build its own political infrastructure may have been inadvertently accelerated by a policy designed to suppress the party’s insurgent wing. In March, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee announced a new policy to blacklist any firms working for primary challengers, effectively protecting the party’s white, male incumbents in safe blue seats.

As a result of the DCCC blacklist, several consultants dropped the primary campaign of Marie Newman, the pro-abortion rights progressive who has launched a second challenge to Illinois Rep. Dan Lipinski, one of the few anti-abortion Democrats in the House. Despite the blacklist, organizations like EMILY’s List, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, have still rallied behind Newman’s challenge. A Movement School participant even went on to work for Newman after the trainings.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The rumors are true. Today we’re announcing the Courage to Change PAC - and we need your help.
We are pushing the envelope in DC by rewarding those who reject lobbyist money, fight for working families,& welcome newcomers.
Change takes courage. Let’s go: https://t.co/F01JmYaR7w" / Twitter

At Courage to Change — Donate via ActBlue it defaults to an even split between that PAC and AOC's campaign, but one can adjust it if one likes.

When community leaders, activists, and working-class candidates try to run for office, organizations like the DCCC discourage them. These potential progressive leaders are asked: “Can you raise $300,000 from your friends and family? If not, don’t bother trying.”
That PAC presents itself as an alternative source of financing.

I looked up that PAC at opensecrets.org and I found Courage to Change Summary | OpenSecrets It still has not received much money, and the only recipient so far has been Mike Levin, D-CA-49.

The Bipartisan Evolution of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - 2019 Jun 26 - an interview for Playboy magazine. But it has only one picture of AOC, a side-view portrait taken in a dark room with stark lightning.

Started by describing a party that Joe Crowley held less than a month after AOC defeated him.
Two months later, I met Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for the first time at a gloomy little community center in Wilmington, Delaware where she was campaigning with a woman named Kerri Harris, who was hoping to unseat Sen. Tom Carper.
Tom Carper - Ballotpedia - 2018 Sep 6 Democratic Party primary - he won, 64.6% to Kerri Harris's 35.4%.
When I tell people that I sometimes write about Capitol Hill, they want to know if I’ve met Ocasio-Cortez and “what she’s like.” She is tiny, very small and her glasses are even larger from two feet away and her lipstick even brighter than in the photos. She seems to always be clutching a thermos and carrying a bag on her shoulder that she adjusts with a short shrug.

... Asked if she thought, when she first entered Congress, if she would be working with Republicans, AOC told Playboy, “Ted Cruz? No, I did not think that would happen. But I did think that certainly and ironically with some Tea Partiers. Even though we may have different logic or different reasons for coming to the same conclusions, we do come to the same conclusions on certain things. Legalization of marijuana being one.”
She and TC agree on opposition to Congresspeople becoming lobbyists, and support of birth control being available over the counter. She might also collaborate with some right-wingers on government surveillance and military spending.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: I Don't Think The Blacklisting Of Progressive Organizations Is Fair - YouTube - though AOC doesn't appear on Fox News, she lets herself be interviewed by Fox reporters when they catch up with her.

She won't pay her DCCC dues because she does not want to finance the shutting out of candidates like her. She states that she's raised more than her dues for other candidates, half of it for swing-district candidates.

Spectators in total disbelief as prodems Ocasio-Cortez Plans to ABANDON entire PARTY - YouTube - a bit of that interview, then Scherie Murray claiming that she won't be focused on being a celebrity.

NBC News on Twitter: "BREAKING: Dow soars past 29,000 for first time; crossed the 28,000 mark just 37 days ago. https://t.co/aR8yjVdxmG" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The Dow soars, wages don’t.
Inequality in a nutshell. https://t.co/hD1g1y4uBk" / Twitter

Someone responded "Trying to show the poor that they're better off by pointing out how well the stock market is doing is like my boss telling me I don't need a raise and showing me his brand new Mercedes as evidence."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s New PAC Is Already Raising Big Money | HuffPost
“It’s a very exciting launch,” Ocasio-Cortez campaign spokesman Corbin Trent said. “When I see so many people stand up and say they are ready to change not just D.C., but the country, it fills me with hope.”

“We’re paving a different path,” her campaign wrote in the first fundraising email. “The DCCC has been an entrenched tool in a system that blocks working-class candidates from running for office, and protects out of touch incumbents.”
Amanda Terkel on Twitter: "NEW from @danielmarans — @AOC’s new PAC raised more than $69K on its first day of public fundraising https://t.co/kCtku6zEUz" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Thank you to everyone contributing to this effort so far - this is a big deal.
Help us build a war chest to support progressive red-to-blue seats, bold incumbents, and newcomers to Congress alike.
Become a founding member of Courage to Change: [url]https://t.co/Mnfs3iI9Cu
https://t.co/Qyn2acuMTz" / Twitter[/url]

Courage to Change? That's from her famous campaign video: The Courage to Change | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - YouTube

Melanie Davis on Twitter: "@aterkel @AlxThomp @danielmarans @AOC She doesn't have to DIAL-For-Dollar$ because she is doing her work by representing the People with it, pushes back against the 1% influencing our politics&legislation. She is doing the work of the people a d so the people respond in kind. My household gives $ every month to her. https://t.co/REbrKHRdoI" / Twitter

Melanie Davis on Twitter: "@daveweigel @aterkel @danielmarans @AOC @AOC doesn't have to Dial for Dollars, Hustle for Hundreds, Grovel for Greenbacks, Call for Cash because she is doing the work for the People. Period. She is working & any other legislator not doing it should take a page from her book, she learned from Bernie Sanders after all. https://t.co/aEC97BXn3u" / Twitter
  • Asking for Assets
  • Begging for Bucks
  • Calling for Cash
  • Dialing for Dollars
  • Entreating for Enrichment
  • Foraging for Franklins
  • Groveling for Greenbacks
  • Hustling for Hundreds
Another nice thing is that AOC can do more of the work of Congress. Some people on the "other side" grudgingly admire how well-prepared she is for committee hearings.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s New PAC Is Already Raising Big Money | HuffPost
“It’s a very exciting launch,” Ocasio-Cortez campaign spokesman Corbin Trent said. “When I see so many people stand up and say they are ready to change not just D.C., but the country, it fills me with hope.”

“We’re paving a different path,” her campaign wrote in the first fundraising email. “The DCCC has been an entrenched tool in a system that blocks working-class candidates from running for office, and protects out of touch incumbents.”
Amanda Terkel on Twitter: "NEW from @danielmarans — @AOC’s new PAC raised more than $69K on its first day of public fundraising https://t.co/kCtku6zEUz" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Thank you to everyone contributing to this effort so far - this is a big deal.
Help us build a war chest to support progressive red-to-blue seats, bold incumbents, and newcomers to Congress alike.
Become a founding member of Courage to Change: [url]https://t.co/Mnfs3iI9Cu
https://t.co/Qyn2acuMTz" / Twitter[/url]

Courage to Change? That's from her famous campaign video: The Courage to Change | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - YouTube

Melanie Davis on Twitter: "@aterkel @AlxThomp @danielmarans @AOC She doesn't have to DIAL-For-Dollar$ because she is doing her work by representing the People with it, pushes back against the 1% influencing our politics&legislation. She is doing the work of the people a d so the people respond in kind. My household gives $ every month to her. https://t.co/REbrKHRdoI" / Twitter

Melanie Davis on Twitter: "@daveweigel @aterkel @danielmarans @AOC @AOC doesn't have to Dial for Dollars, Hustle for Hundreds, Grovel for Greenbacks, Call for Cash because she is doing the work for the People. Period. She is working & any other legislator not doing it should take a page from her book, she learned from Bernie Sanders after all. https://t.co/aEC97BXn3u" / Twitter
  • Asking for Assets
  • Begging for Bucks
  • Calling for Cash
  • Dialing for Dollars
  • Entreating for Enrichment
  • Foraging for Franklins
  • Groveling for Greenbacks
  • Hustling for Hundreds
Another nice thing is that AOC can do more of the work of Congress. Some people on the "other side" grudgingly admire how well-prepared she is for committee hearings.

Yea, she's very prepared and formidable. I just wish that she's focus some of her energy on defeating the republicans and Trump.
Last edited:
Yea, she's very prepared and formidable. I just wish that she's focus some of her energy on defeating the republicans and Trump.
What would you prefer?

AOC prefers to support candidates with platforms similar to hers - and who advocate those platforms in their campaigns. One must give one's voters something worth voting for, as she did in her primary race. It's not enough to be anti-Trump, she evidently thinks. What does one offer as one's alternative to Trumpism?

DCCC Chair Dodges Multiple Times on Whether Ocasio-Cortez Is Good For the Democrat Caucus - YouTube

She was reluctant to say anything bad about AOC. In fact, she praised AOC for supporting other candidates with the money that she has raised.
AOC prefers to support candidates with platforms similar to hers - and who advocate those platforms in their campaigns. One must give one's voters something worth voting for, as she did in her primary race. It's not enough to be anti-Trump, she evidently thinks. What does one offer as one's alternative to Trumpism?
Be careful. If the alternative is el socialismo most will hold their nose and choose Trumpism.
AOC prefers to support candidates with platforms similar to hers - and who advocate those platforms in their campaigns. One must give one's voters something worth voting for, as she did in her primary race. It's not enough to be anti-Trump, she evidently thinks. What does one offer as one's alternative to Trumpism?
Be careful. If the alternative is el socialismo most will hold their nose and choose Trumpism.
I'm sure that AOC is not a trollish sort of person, but if she was, then she has succeeded magnificently with "socialism" and "concentration camp".

From an interview in Vogue done shortly before she won her primary,
When we talk about the word socialism, I think what it really means is just democratic participation in our economic dignity, and our economic, social, and racial dignity. It is about direct representation and people actually having power and stake over their economic and social wellness, at the end of the day. To me, what socialism means is to guarantee a basic level of dignity.

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) - Workings towards a better future for all.
Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives.

Democracy and socialism go hand in hand. All over the world, wherever the idea of democracy has taken root, the vision of socialism has taken root as well—everywhere but in the United States. Because of this, many false ideas about socialism have developed in the US.
Edward Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume 6, Chapter 37, Note 57:
I have somewhere heard or read the frank confession of a Benedictine abbot: "My vow of poverty has given me an hundred thousand crowns a year; my vow of obedience has raised me to the rank of a sovereign prince." I forget the consequences of his vow of chastity.
I'll take another look.

Poverty: campaigning on the cheap, accepting only small donations.
Consequence: getting one of the biggest donation totals

Obedience: violated that one in her campaign by not working inside of the Democratic Party apparat.
Obedience: doing the work of a Congressmember, like being well-prepared for hearings
Consequence: some of her Congressional videos becoming famous (corruption, Michael Cohen, Mark Zuckerberg)

Chastity: no love affairs to further her career
I'm sure that AOC is not a trollish sort of person, but if she was, then she has succeeded magnificently with "socialism" and "concentration camp".

From an interview in Vogue done shortly before she won her primary,
When we talk about the word socialism, I think what it really means is just democratic participation in our economic dignity, and our economic, social, and racial dignity. It is about direct representation and people actually having power and stake over their economic and social wellness, at the end of the day. To me, what socialism means is to guarantee a basic level of dignity.

Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) - Workings towards a better future for all.
Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives.

Democracy and socialism go hand in hand. All over the world, wherever the idea of democracy has taken root, the vision of socialism has taken root as well—everywhere but in the United States. Because of this, many false ideas about socialism have developed in the US.

A better future for all where everyone is equally poor?
Edward Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume 6, Chapter 37, Note 57:
I have somewhere heard or read the frank confession of a Benedictine abbot: "My vow of poverty has given me an hundred thousand crowns a year; my vow of obedience has raised me to the rank of a sovereign prince." I forget the consequences of his vow of chastity.
I'll take another look.

Poverty: campaigning on the cheap, accepting only small donations.
Consequence: getting one of the biggest donation totals

Obedience: violated that one in her campaign by not working inside of the Democratic Party apparat.
Obedience: doing the work of a Congressmember, like being well-prepared for hearings
Consequence: some of her Congressional videos becoming famous (corruption, Michael Cohen, Mark Zuckerberg)

Chastity: no love affairs to further her career

A case of do as I say not what what I do?

Dark money for me, but not for thee?

Socialist superstar Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Saturday began a fundraising push for her very own political action committee — despite her status as the party’s leading foe of big money in politics.
Yea, she's very prepared and formidable. I just wish that she's focus some of her energy on defeating the republicans and Trump.
What would you prefer?

AOC prefers to support candidates with platforms similar to hers - and who advocate those platforms in their campaigns. One must give one's voters something worth voting for, as she did in her primary race. It's not enough to be anti-Trump, she evidently thinks. What does one offer as one's alternative to Trumpism?

DCCC Chair Dodges Multiple Times on Whether Ocasio-Cortez Is Good For the Democrat Caucus - YouTube

She was reluctant to say anything bad about AOC. In fact, she praised AOC for supporting other candidates with the money that she has raised.

I'd prefer that she focus some of her energy rolling back the damage that the republicans are causing. I like AOC. She's bring energy to the party and hopefully some new voters. But let's be clear, the reason why the democrats control congress and is fighting back against Trump is because moderates in swing districts won big in 2018. AOC quoted last week that "Democrats can be too big of a tent,” she said.


That's bullshit. I love the quote in the linked article that the democrats are only too big of a tent to small minds. Our tent is too small as long as the republicans control our courts, the environment, and everything else.
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