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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

I'm sure that AOC is not a trollish sort of person, but if she was, then she has succeeded magnificently with "socialism" and "concentration camp". ...
A better future for all where everyone is equally poor?
That's what I mean. These hysterics about "socialism".

A case of do as I say not what what I do?

Dark money for me, but not for thee?

Socialist superstar Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Saturday began a fundraising push for her very own political action committee — despite her status as the party’s leading foe of big money in politics.
PAC's != dark money. Courage to Change has an actblue fundraising page. Not what a dark-money PAC would have.
AOC has now gotten involved with some urban planning: improved links between LaGuardia Airport and the rest of New York City. LGA is in her district, and its only transit connections to the rest of NYC are some street-level buses.

Out of the 46 improvement alternatives, the authors of a comparison of them decided on one, a Willets Point subway/LIRR - LGA rail line. Some 255 out of 414 comments had opposed it, and it would be an eastward detour.

She noted some other alternatives:
  • A ferry line
  • An elevated subway-train line Astoria - LGA
  • Dedicated bus lanes for the Q70 bus. Its route: Jackson Heights / Roosevelt subway - LGA
  • A new rail line Woodside subway/LIRR - Jackson Heights / Roosevelt subway - LGA
She seemed to think that that last one is the best rail one.

I think that she's right about WS - JH/R - LGA being the best rail alternative, but I'm hoping that this does not become another Amazon for her.
Ocasio Cortez makes some mistakes but is clearly learning and is transparent. She's a real genuine human being in Washington, and she's clearly not bought. Its so rare. I think she'll be your president one day.
angelo's titled link:
AOC Takes Aim at Party Leadership for Tolerating Moderates: ‘Democrats Can Be Too Big of a Tent’ | National Review
I don't see how that is "duplicity".

Another link in that vein:
AOC Hit List Targets Two Dozen Democrats | The American Spectator - "The self-styled “girl from the Bronx” follows through on her threat to purge moderates."

Purge? Like what Joseph Stalin did?

Noting the efforts of Brand New Congress and Justice Democrats. Though AOC was associated with them during her primary campaign, she later dissociated herself from them, and she is now targeting only two Democrats. Most of the other BNC and JD targets have better voting records.
Ocasio Cortez makes some mistakes but is clearly learning and is transparent. She's a real genuine human being in Washington, and she's clearly not bought. Its so rare. I think she'll be your president one day.

I doubt it. If you're running as a non-republican, you can only win by developing a strong and very large coalition. Growing a tent is not AOC's style.
AOC has now gotten a new Instagram handle: aoc
Like what she had gotten for Twitter a year ago: AOC

Before that on both platforms, it was ocasio2018.

An Interview With the 22-Year-Old Organizer Who Helped Craft the Green New Deal for Public Housing – Next City
Ilona Duverge is a 22-year-old organizer who recently graduated from John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City. She worked as a campaign staffer for Bronx Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and then co-founded Movement School, which runs training programs for activists and organizers.
She helped start some public-housing activism in NYC, and some housing activists were at the rollout for AOC's Green New Deal for Public Housing. No building-repair contractor-company executives.
I think a lot of our readers know what organizers do or are organizers themselves, but just pretending they don’t, what does organizing look like for you with Reclaim NYCHA?

The role that we see ourselves playing is to be able to train and equip residents with the tools and the resources they need to organize for justice for NYCHA.
NYCHA = New York City Housing Authority
What’s different about our training and our way of organizing is that we approach it as a very “train the trainers” model. This is why Movement School was even started, because we wanted campaigns and movements to be more representative of the communities that they’re fighting for.
By training activists from those communities themselves.
What do you tell participants that they’re going to get out of it in terms of organizing skills?

We pitch it as building political power. ...

Can you tell me about the work you did on the AOC campaign and what the relationship between her Congressional office and former campaigners and organizers has been like?

During the primary I did field work, and during the general I was her deputy organizing director. AOC is at heart always an organizer and always putting organizers first because she knows how she won. It was by inspiring people on the ground to actually do the work. And I think that’s something that she’s always going to champion, organizing people on the ground, because she is an organizer. She gets that in order to create a sustainable movement and a movement made by the people, you need people.
In effect, AOC is like what Barack Obama once was, and what he ought to have been in his presidency. As to inspiring others to do the work, that may seem like laziness, but more people working means more work done, and willingly working is better than grudgingly working.

As to how AOC's Green New Deal for public housing and how it was written,
Because AOC’s office has this organizing mindset, they really believe when crafting legislation in giving the folks that they are trying to build legislation for an actual seat at the table. That’s the most powerful way to build legislation, is with the frontline communities that are actually most affected by it and getting the input from on the ground.
Ilona Duverge then noted that NYCHA has 400,000 tenants - a bit more than live in the Eugene OR metropolitan area, where I currently live.
AOC Visits Pelham Parkway Houses | The Bronx Chronicle - November 25, 2019 3:24 PM
Daniel Aldana Cohen Ph.D of the University of Pennsylvania gave a power point presentation backing up what the congresswoman said. If it can be done in public housing in other countries it should be able to be done here.
But it may be hard to get it past the Republicans. At least not without supporting their favorite pork.
After the meeting everyone went outside for a walk ending up by the temporary boilers placed in the street for many years waiting for the broken boilers to be fixed, since the money to do that was allocated years ago. The group then broke out into smaller groups to canvass the tenants informing them of the benefits of the New Green Deal to them
AOC is right: The LaGuardia AirTrain is a worthless white elephant - the New York Post
Best mayor, worst airport: AOC is right, there is a better way for LaGuardia transit - New York Daily News

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Have the pigs started flying yet? The Daily News, the NY Post, and I are actually in agreement about the same subject (AirTrain) on the same day!
Someone play the numbers 😂 https://t.co/woOnNyBOX3" / Twitter

All the ways AOC has made critics' heads explode | CSNY
  • Refusing to pay "dues" to the DCCC, because of which sorts of candidates she favors
  • Adopted a “purebred” puppy
  • Getting a haircut
  • Travelling in cars
  • Wearing a suit to work
  • Wearing a designer suit for a magazine photoshoot
For Interview magazine - she looked like she was confronting her readers.

NY mag: AOC passed on mayoral, could challenge Schumer or Gillibrand | CSNY

AOC is running for re-election in her district "Her enormous pool of campaign funds, however, has people wondering what her next big political move will be." A lot of people talk about her running for President, but she does not seem interested in doing so.
The subject of Ocasio-Cortez running for Senate came up briefly in Freedlander’s New York magazine’s profile of her, which is in the current print issue and published online last week. In the profile, it was mentioned that “people close to” the congresswoman considered having her toss her hat in New York City’s 2021 mayoral race but ultimately decided against it and that she might look statewide instead.

“People close to her discussed a possible run for mayor of New York in 2021 but decided against it; a statewide run, probably for the Senate, is likelier,” Freedlander writes. “That would mean challenging Chuck Schumer in 2022 or Kirsten Gillibrand in 2024.”

Schumer’s cozy relations with moderate Democrats makes him the incumbent senator that Ocasio-Cortez would be most likely challenge, considering Gillibrand veered more to the left during her presidential campaign and has views more in line with New York’s growing progressive movement.
CS is also close to Wall Street and he is not very strongly anti-Trump.

I'm guessing that AOC will stay in the House for the time being. She might end up like Nancy Pelosi or Maxine Waters.
Bernie Sanders Sent Me on an All-Expenses-Paid Trip to Iowa
Author Jack Allard described CA Rep. Ro Khanna as the "AOC of the West Coast".

Bernie Sanders's campaign operation picked people up in cities in Iowa and nearby states. Cities like Sioux Falls SD, Minneapolis MN, and Chicago IL. JA went from Sioux Falls to Fort Dodge IA, three hours each way. The bus had around 15 people on board, because SD is Trump country, even Sioux Falls, with some 250,000 people. The bus had power outlets and free Wi-Fi.

Fort Dodge has population 24,000, but it is a hub of commerce for the surrounding farms. Bernie Sanders and Tom Steyer had offices next door to each other. BS's volunteers come from a broad spectrum of ideological positions.
In the circle, the spectrum ranged from a young Marxist who saw Bernie as the closest mainstream candidate to his ideology to an older man who identified as a Christian, a Conservative, and a Republican who was here to spend time with his son and wife, who were both strong Bernie supporters. This man in particular had some interesting thoughts on the 2020 race.
Guidelines for canvassing:
  • Share why you personally support Sanders. ...
  • Ask the voter what the most important issues are to them in 2020
  • Do not engage in arguments with people who don’t agree with you. ...
  • Do not smear other candidates. ...
Movement School on Twitter: "@AOC Help support trainings for a new generation of progressive organizers at our Movement School, a program started by former @AOC staffers.
We aim to train hundreds across the country in community organizing, communications, campaign management, and more! https://t.co/aRCxOhlJ90" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "We don’t just invest in elections & re-elections.
We invest in political education, movement building, and creating spaces & communities that put power back in the hands of everyday people.
Incredibly proud of @mvmtschool & tenants building power in the Reclaim NYCHA program ⬇️ https://t.co/dGcreKACma" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Movement Is About a Lot More Than Just Congress – Mother Jones - "Activists from AOC’s congressional campaign are taking on the nation’s biggest public housing system."
For years, tenants in New York’s public housing residences had complained about the black mold breeding on the walls, the brown liquid dripping from the ceilings, and the cold water flowing from the faucets. But the city hadn’t made repairs. One white-skied Saturday this past November, neither New York City Housing Authority head Gregory Russ nor mayor-turned-presidential-candidate Bill de Blasio was present in the crowd of activists and public housing residents who took the 5 train to the Bronx and huddled in a blue-walled basement in the Pelham Parkway Houses to announce their support for a Green New Deal for public housing. But Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sat on a folding chair in the front row, listening.

La Keesha Taylor, a resident of Holmes Towers on the Upper East Side, stood on a small stage in front of about 80 people, holding an enlarged photo of her son’s bed and pillow, spattered with blood. She said she recently heard him coughing in his bedroom and found him bleeding from his nose and mouth, which she blamed on the excessive heat in her apartment. “There’s always a problem, every single year, when we change to wintertime and it’s time for housing to give us heat and hot water,” she said. “I don’t know why they can’t get it right. Winter comes every year.”
Then some AOC campaigners founding Movement School, with an offshoot, Reclaim NYCHA, for taking on NYCHA's management.
When Ocasio-Cortez stepped on stage in the Pelham Parkway basement, she addressed the rapt crowd with the same aspirational energy that has come to define her rise to prominence. “Public housing was once regarded one of the best places to live in America,” she said. “It was only when we talked ourselves out of it that things started to erode. It was only when we decided that it wasn’t worth it anymore that it started to hold back. But as long as we valued it, it was important.” Applause pierced the air as she continued, “And we can value it again. And we should value it again.”
NYCHA houses 1 in 15 NYC residents, and most NYCHA buildings are over 50 years old, with the Faircloth Amendment forbidding building any more of them. Then NYCHA apartments having lead paint on their walls and the NYCHA authorities lying about having inspected some 55,000 apartments and otherwise covering up problems. After a bit about how someone teaches how to promote one's messages with press releases and social media, one of her students:
Tyre told me that she has refused to pay her $497 monthly rent since December 2018, when a court ordered NYCHA to repair her apartment, whose problems included a dilapidated cabinet, a damaged front door, loose plaster in the bathroom, black mold on a bedroom ceiling, and a mysterious brown substance in the bathroom she can’t get control of.
Repair people's arrival is difficult to predict, requiring tenants to be in their apartments for entire weekdays, missing work and classes and the like. A lot of her fellow tenants feel hopeless and are unwilling to join that strike out of fear of reprisals. Then the Green New Deal for public housing, which AOC and Bernie Sanders introduced.
“Grassroots organizing was the biggest force behind getting the rent and tenant protections passed this year in New York state,” Ocasio-Cortez told me, referring to the Housing Stability and Tenant Protection Act of 2019, which prohibits landlords from evicting tenants for making complaints and limits security deposits to one month’s rent, among other reforms. “Grassroots movements, I think, are really critical to getting that immediate change on the local and state level on a policy front, not just an electoral front.”
La Keesha Taylor:
“I don’t trust NYCHA,” she said, at the height of her speech to the crowded basement. “The Green New Deal is our hope. They are going to invest in our developments—not only ours, but all over the nation. We’re going to get brand new things. They’re going to revitalize the developments. They’re going to build. They’re going to give us union jobs. They’re going to give us hope.”

Several voices shouted, “Amen!” as the audience burst into applause. Ocasio-Cortez sat cross-legged in the front row, beaming.
as part of " The squad" of the rabid socialist infested Democratic Party, is it any wonder there's a very good chance they'll be decimated come November?


New investigative documents released by a state agency have given fresh life to lingering questions about the marital history of Rep. Ilhan Omar and whether she once married a man — possibly her own brother — to skirt immigration laws.

Omar has denied the allegations in the past, dismissing them as “baseless rumors” first raised in an online Somali politics forum and championed by conservative bloggers during her 2016 campaign for the Minnesota House. But she said little then or since about Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, the former husband who swept into her life in 2009 before a 2011 separation.

The questions surfaced again this month in a state probe of campaign finance violations showing that Omar filed federal taxes in 2014 and 2015 with her current husband, Ahmed Hirsi, while she was still legally married to but separated from Elmi.

Although she has legally corrected the discrepancy, she has declined to say anything about how or why it happened.

The new documents also detail the Omar campaign’s efforts to keep the story of her marriage to Elmi out of the press, arguing that detailed coverage would legitimize the accusations and invade her privacy.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Small digital update: my Instagram handle has been updated from its 2018 origins - it is now @AOC!
If you head there now (IG: aoc) you can catch our new pup Deco meeting his Tías @AyannaPressley & @RashidaTlaib 🐶💕 https://t.co/nFCMkZra1P" / Twitter

Tía = aunt in Spanish

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@aoc) • Instagram photos and videos - RIP, @ocasio2018
She became @AOC on Twitter a little over a year ago.

Deb Haaland and Sharice Davids
Deb Haaland on Instagram: “@shariceforcongress and I may have been the first, but we won’t be the last! More Native Women are choosing to run for office at every level. Sharice and I both see them and we are here to support them every step of the way! #befierce”

AOC's good friend Ayanna Pressley has a medical condition that made her lose her hair:
Ayanna Pressley on Instagram: “As a Black woman, the personal is political. My hair story is no exception. Sharing a very personal story today to create space for others: @the.root”
Ayanna Pressley on Instagram: “However you show up in the world, you are beautiful & you are enough ✨

SubwayCreatures on Instagram: “Dogs have to be carried in the subway using either crates or bags—so NYers get creative #subwaycreatures” - like letting a dog's legs stick out of its bag so it can walk.

AOC has a long history with MLK:
Tyre told me that she has refused to pay her $497 monthly rent
Rent of less than $500? In NYC? This is playing the 14/15ths of New Yorkers who do not have a "public housing" hookup for suckers. Not to mention the taxpayers who subsidize this cheap city living.
Why didn't anybody tell this guy about the amazing world of NYCHA?

Ok, ok, I am aware that public housing tends to suck, but what do you expect at those prices? And they didn't even have to be a survivor of Andrea Doria to get in! But given how ridiculously expensive NYC (especially Manhattan) real estate is, would it not make a lot more sense to build public housing units outside the city limits or at least outside the astronomical real estate price areas?

La Keesha Taylor said:
“I don’t trust NYCHA,” she said, at the height of her speech to the crowded basement. “The Green New Deal is our hope. They are going to invest in our developments—not only ours, but all over the nation. We’re going to get brand new things. They’re going to revitalize the developments. They’re going to build. They’re going to give us union jobs. They’re going to give us hope.”
GND is supposed to be about climate and the environment. Not about spending taxpayer money on getting freeloaders nicer digs for $500/month in fucking NYC. What does fixing Tyre's mold issue or getting her nicer kitchen cabinets have to do with CO2 emissions anyway?
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I'm sure that AOC is not a trollish sort of person, but if she was, then she has succeeded magnificently with "socialism" and "concentration camp".

I do not think she is trolling. I think she is really that dumb.

When we talk about the word socialism, I think what it really means is just democratic participation in our economic dignity, and our economic, social, and racial dignity. It is about direct representation and people actually having power and stake over their economic and social wellness, at the end of the day. To me, what socialism means is to guarantee a basic level of dignity.

We went over this before. What she is describing is actual socialism. When socialists like AOC talk about workplace/economic democracy, what they mean is a sort of  workers' self-management. It's not "they call it socialism but it's really social democracy". Don't be fooled - DSA are REAL socialists.

Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives.

Remember untermensche? Whatever happened to him? He was big into this kind of idea, and he was one of the most left-wing posters on here. As they admit, this would be a radical transformation of the economy. Note also that they admit in this quote that they want to abolish profit.

Democracy and socialism go hand in hand. All over the world, wherever the idea of democracy has taken root, the vision of socialism has taken root as well—everywhere but in the United States.
Bullshit. It's the opposite. Wherever socialism takes hold, democracy dies. Example:
Venezuela’s last democratic institution falls as Maduro attempts de facto takeover of National Assembly

Because of this, many false ideas about socialism have developed in the US.
True. But that doesn't mean DSA are not real socialists, i.e. they support an economic system characterized by a public ownership of means of production.
A rare occurrence: AOC using profanity in a speech.

Generation Green New Deal 🎥 on Twitter: "We’re excited to share the first trailer for Generation Green New Deal!
We’re making a film about the historic youth-led movement to stop the climate crisis and transform America.
Help us finish the film by contributing to our Indiegogo campaign: [url]https://t.co/9UHezT4b6K
https://t.co/HL6X587rT2" / Twitter[/url]
Includes a captioned version of the GGND documentary trailer.

Among the snippets were of AOC showing up at the Sunrise Movement's sit-in in Nancy Pelosi's office on November 13, and of her speaking to the SM activists in a church the day before, St. Stephen's Episcopal Church. She stepped up onto a table while wearing a businesswoman skirtsuit and high heels - very athletic. Standing on that table, she said "This is a fight for our fucking lives."

Sunrise Movement 🌅 on Twitter: "Um wow. The #GreenNewDeal caucus has just joined the #YoungandNaive summit https://t.co/61H8wL5S83" / Twitter
Varshini Prakash standing on a folded-out folding table holding a microphone while AOC and Rashida Tlaib look on appreciatively from the floor.

Sunrise Movement 🌅 on Twitter: "“I’m gonna take the table,” says @Ocasio2018, “because we are busting down the doors.” https://t.co/tQ8IebKtBb" / Twitter
Showing AOC on that table holding a microphone. RT is on the nearby floor.

Sunrise Movement 🌅 on Twitter: "“We need to stand up to these Koch Brother assholes.” Hell yes we do. That’s why we need to elect more candidates — like @Ocasio2018 and @RashidaTlaib — who take the #NoFossilFuelMoney pledge and commit to #GreenJobsForAll https://t.co/4K7Y0YBhy6" / Twitter

Koch Brother assholes?

Sunrise Movement 🌅 on Twitter: "While historic wildfires burn in CA, @Ocasio2018 and @RashidaTlaib are giving fiery speeches about changing the Democratic Party so our generation has a shot at livable future https://t.co/UYfs1S1gAr" / Twitter

Sunrise Movement 🌅 on Twitter: "Our generation just flipped the House with a record turnout, and elected leaders like @Ocasio2018 and @RashidaTlaib.
If Dem leadership is unwilling to offer more than empty promises, they should step aside and make way for new leadership that will. 👇 https://t.co/6Bdpn1zGVg" / Twitter

AOC and RT are holding black T-shirts that read "Good Jobs and a Livable Future"

Sunrise Movement 🌅 on Twitter: "We’re not on the sidelines. We’re fighting for the HEART of the Democratic Party. And we’re prepared to primary anyone who takes money from the fossil fuel billionaires. (Just ask @Ocasio2018.) https://t.co/GgVBd3ktL9" / Twitter
Showing her listening to someone. She had slammed her opponent Joe Crowley for having ties to real-estate developers, though with his talent for raising money, he likely also took a lot of fossil-fuel money also.
Standing on that table, she said "This is a fight for our fucking lives."
Standing on a table? That's very β-esque of them.

Koch Brother assholes?
Whatever you may think of the Kochs, fossil fuels have been essential to build and maintain the modern world, and will remain necessary for a few more decades. You can't just flip a switch and conjure up a billion electric cars and millions of wind turbines and solar panels in an instant. That takes time. A long time. As well as minable metals like copper. :)

If Dem leadership is unwilling to offer more than empty promises, they should step aside and make way for new leadership that will. https://t.co/6Bdpn1zGVg" / Twitter[/url]
AOC and RT are holding black T-shirts that read "Good Jobs and a Livable Future"
Or maybe the "squad" should pull a Bernie and exit the Democratic Party and just run as independents. Or maybe on a DSA ticket.

Sunrise Movement on Twitter: "We’re not on the sidelines. We’re fighting for the HEART of the Democratic Party. And we’re prepared to primary anyone who takes money from the fossil fuel billionaires. (Just ask @Ocasio2018.) https://t.co/GgVBd3ktL9" / Twitter
Showing her listening to someone. She had slammed her opponent Joe Crowley for having ties to real-estate developers, though with his talent for raising money, he likely also took a lot of fossil-fuel money also.
"Fossil fuel billionaires" - bad. Real estate developers - bad. Hedge fund billionaires that AOC took money from - good.
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