• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

I looked in Kaji Douša's posts, and I found
A pastor of some sort? Really? This is supposed to be a reality based community!

I looked for the New Sanctuary Coalition and its Facebook page describes it as
The New Sanctuary Coalition is an interfaith network of congregations, organizations and individuals, standing publicly in solidarity with families and communities resisting detention and deportation in order to stay together.
New Sanctuary Coalition - "Keeping families together and advocating against deportations"

In other words, an organization in favor of unrestricted illegal immigration acting under guise of religion.

Another video of AOC at that Micah Faith Table Breakfast event with someone introducing her. Meryl Lynn introduced it with "STOP what you are doing & watch AOC at the Martin Luthor King Jr. Faith Leader Breakfast."

Martin Luthor King? Is he also a Superman villain. :)

I tracked down this organization: Micah Institute - "Micah convenes, educates and organizes New York City multi-faith leaders to create and use a coordinated, cohesive and collective prophetic voice to build a movement to fight poverty and injustice."
Ugh! Don't we have enough problems with the religious right without encouraging the religious left too? Btw, that is my least favorite thing about Mayor Pete.

Then she got into how she went to Standing Rock.
Speaking of faith-based, fact-free nonsense ...
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AOC is really going on my nerves with all this god-bothering lately.
And what is this "human technology"? Unless it's alien technology from Area 51, all technology we have is human. Even more nebulous is "moral technology" (technology is by definition amoral) and "economic technology" (things like Bloomberg terminals would qualify though).

If there were zero billionaires in the US, there'd still be almost as many poor people.

[url=https://twitter.com/jackmjenkins/status/1219337089860407297]Jack Jenkins on Twitter: "For the curious: the reported influence of Standing Rock on @AOC (and a LOT of other people) also shows up on my forthcoming book. Standing Rock was (and is) an unapologetically religious/spiritual movement. Period. https://t.co/m13owAavSt" / Twitter
I agree. It was "unapologetically" (what is with that word and idiots? Linda Sarsour also uses it all the time) a religious movement in the sense that it had nothing to do with reality.
All the claims made by #noDAPL types were spurious and the actions undertaken by the protesters/campers were severely counterproductive in that they not only wasted 1000s of gallons of fuel, but also polluted the annual flood plain they were camping on with thousands of tons of garbage, including untreated human waste.

A vessel? For whom? Zuul the Gatekeeper of Gozer?
Not a good analogy though. Original Ghostbusters made way more sense ....

Kaji Douša - Live with #AOC at #MLKDay faith leader breakfast
Again with that Czech pastor!

Poverty and hopeless are not laws of nature, but the result of our decisions.
A pet peeve of mine is people mixing up nouns and adjectives in a list. It's like a type mismatch. It should be "poverty and hopelessness." [/GRAMMAR NAZI]
Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons on Twitter: "As she was leaving Standing Rock, @AOC thought "Lord, just do with me what you will. Allow me to be a vessel." That was the moment she was asked to run for Congress. "I knew I was being told to run."
All the joking aside about Zuul the Gatekeeper, AOC seriously does sound like a religious fanatic saying "Lord, just do with me what you will. Allow me to be a vessel." These are not the words of a rational person.

Video via Rev. @KajiDousa from an #MLKDay faith leader breakfast this morning: https://t.co/ftG8Yexomf" / Twitter[/url]
This is the third time (well first technically, since I am replying Benjamin Button style) in as many posts you mention this guy. What's up with that?
Also, Twitter should allow unicode characters in Twitter handles.

She won, and unlike Obama, she didn't throw away her movement of followers.
In what way did he do that? Also, there is a difference between running for one of the safest House seats in the nation and running for president.

She remembered that event elsewhere:

"I was nominated at first by a group called Justice Democrats. They were trying to essentially field non-corporate candidates in the 2018 midterm election,” she says. “They were looking for people with a history of community service and my name had come across their desk, and they called.”
JD are the puppet masters behind AOC and behind her squad in general. Far from being just a (former) staffer at her office, Saikat Chakrabarti is really Corporal Sandy's commanding officer. Lieutenant maybe, or captain.

It was the right call, at the right time. “I had actually just gotten off of camp at Standing Rock. I was there with the Lakota Sioux and all of the Native peoples that were really standing up to protect the water supply in the Midwestern United States,” she says.
No, they did not. The whole thing was bogus, as we have discussed at length when it was happening. The protesters/campers polluted the area far more than the pipeline will.

“That experience was very personally important and transformative, and I kind of left feeling like I had to do more, and I didn’t know what that was. When I got that call, I just felt like, 'OK, the universe is telling me something, so I’m going to listen.'"
King’s life did not end because he said ‘I have a dream.’ It ended because he was dangerous to the core injustices of this nation...
It ended because of a lone wolf assassin. Or does she think X Files was a documentary?
If we want to honor him, we have to be dangerous too.”

She talked about what one sees presented in TV shows like the Star Trek franchise.
I too would like to have the warp drive, holodeck and replicators. :)
You mean the guy who wants to be given free money just because he is black?

I sure hope not! #BLM are nothing but a bunch of apologists for thugs like Michael Brown, Mario Woods, Quanice Hayes and the like.

About the gun-rights protest in Richmond, VA - hardly any cops. While BLM and other protests on the Left often have oodles of cops in riot gear.
First off, it is wrong to say that there were "hardly any cops". And second, the gun-rights protest was peaceful, unlike the #BLM riots that lead to scenes like these, so more aggressive police presence is appropriate.

As a local, you got exactly one thing right - there were lots of cops during the Bmore riot. BLM wasn't involved, though, apart from the cleanup the following day - there were no protests that day at all, because it was the day of Freddie Grey's funeral and the family requested a day of remembrance. he police simply forced black high schoolers from several schools off the busses they had to ride to go home, surrounded them for a couple of hours, and then fired rubber bullets and tear gas at them because "they refused to disperse". The teens, tired and under attack, flipped out and began throwing whatever they could find at the cops, and then went on a rampage, with several druggies (and drug dealers) taking advantage of the complete chaos for their own purpose, while the police , having lost all control, fell back. Their supposed reason for such idiocy? two tweets from unknown people calling for a "purge" in the mall at the exact hub they forced the kids to get off their busses.

But I didn't see many police at the Virginia gun rally, just a bunch of overweight guys cosplaying as soldiers in a war zone.
She thinks that ballot-box politics often catches up to what activists are doing, like Black Lives Matter activists. About the gun-rights protest in Richmond, VA - hardly any cops. While BLM and other protests on the Left often have oodles of cops in riot gear. She suspects that a lot of Democratic Party officials consider activism a "nuisance". Republicans in swing districts dig in their heels, while Democrats in such districts try to act like conservatives. Need both activism and being in office.

This seems fair, as far as left-wing activists go, although it can be in fits and starts. The wild overreactions by cops in Ferguson and Bmore are certainly part of what caused Obama to say "You guys are really abusing this military surplus, so we're suspending the program", although Sessions reversed it. They've also led to local DAs reforming who they prosecute, who is held with bail versus who doesn't, etc.

TNC then suspected that a reason that Republicans embrace their activists and Democrats don't is because of the influence of Wall Street - big-money donors. Like having fancy dinners in wine caves with fancy chandeliers. AOC said that the Democratic Party is not a "left party" but a "center or center-conservative party". "We can't even get a floor vote for Medicare for All." Even one that gets voted down.

She thinks it "flawed" that we can capitalism our way out of poverty. She noted two-party vs. multiparty systems, even if she was unfamiliar with Duverger's law. She thinks that people can identify more easily with some party in a multiparty system. Then Puerto Rico and how PROMESA extracts wealth created in that island for Wall Street, not leaving much for that island. How many Puerto Ricans don't feel that the US government doesn't care for them very much. She stands by her describing PR as a colony of the US.

This is the clip on Twitter, minus the part on Puerto Rico. A lot of people misquoted it as "center-right", but given her education, there's a good chance she meant "conservative" to mean "preserving norms", rather than "banning abortion". And at this point, it's very hard to argue that the GOP are anything but far-right radicals. - the poor should have the highest tax rate, deny all refugees entry, ban all birth control, suppress voters of particular skin colors and ethnicities, ignore obvious lawlessness by Our President, ignore/destroy any evidence that disagrees with your desired conclusion, insist that a Nazi wannabe rally (which was planned as a violent event) is better than a sports player kneeling during the national anthem - these are all wild departures from where we've been the past 50-60 years. And as far as the overall party goes, yeah, it's pretty close to the center.

Then on some rich person saying that he knows better about how to manage his resources than the government does. AOC was very critical of that. To her, it was like saying that businesses must be exploitative, that we can't have worker-owned cooperatives. Then, at least in theory, that the government is the people. Then about billionaires, that they don't do the actual work, that it was their employees who did it, and often underpaid ones. "So no one ever makes a billion dollars. You take a billion dollars." - the exact opposite of the Randroid theory so popular among capitalism apologists, that it is business leaders who are the real workers in their businesses.

She doesn't mean to imply that all billionaires are corrupt, however, just that the nature of the system produces grotesque concentrations of wealth. After how political and economic systems come and go, "No one talks about the dangerous King. No one talks about the anti-capitalist King. No one talks about the anti-poverty King." Then about how we are at the edges of an untenable system that is starting to crack. She doesn't consider charity wrong, but she asks where the money will go. As to what a billionaire could do, she says that she wouldn't want his money, but instead that he reform his business so that employees have more of a say in it. Like worker cooperatives. "I don't want your money as much as we want your power. The people, not me ... that's going to get cut and clipped."

She likes what unions fought for in the early 20th cy: 8 hours of work, 8 hours of leisure, and 8 hours of sleep. Those 8 hours could be used for family and community activities. But that's been eroded with increasing work hours.

And it's impossible to argue with evidence, that the past 30 years have actually been good for the average family. If anything, the kids graduating today are likely to be either in the military, or in a job that won't allow them to buy a house or retire without massive help from their families. And while MLK wasn't exactly anti-capitalism, he certainly wouldn't approve of neoliberalism. As far as knowing his quotes go, I'm surprised at how little people know about things he's said and written. I'm not an MLK scholar, but folks are insisting he'd endorse Sanders in the primary, or Trump in the general (both are ridiculous assertions, assuming the Boondocks "King fell into a coma when he was shot and woke up just now" scenerio), that he'd insist on black people pulling themselves up by the bootstraps (he specifically and repeatedly spoke of the masive assistance white families received that black families were denied), or that he'd hate Black Lives Matter (He'd fully agree with nonviolent protest against police brutality, as well as their various charity efforts).

She talked about having the more luxurious sorts of things -- that it's having something that one is not supposed to have. She talked about how when she got to her Congress office, that she felt that she was not supposed to have that office plaque, that she slipped in through a crack in the system. So TNC's Jordans are OK - "live in it while fighting for a better world.

Yes, it's common to note that you still have to liv in the world, and there's often no point in taking a vow of poverty in the US.
Ta-Nehisi Coates
You mean the guy who wants to be given free money just because he is black?
If that's your take on reparation.

(Black Lives Matter activism...)
I sure hope not! #BLM are nothing but a bunch of apologists for thugs like Michael Brown, Mario Woods, Quanice Hayes and the like.
So the cops are completely justified in overreacting to young black men?

Not again with the "wine cave" nonsense! Both parties need to support business ("the business of America is business").
Presumably justifying political corruption.

I tracked down this organization: Micah Institute - "Micah convenes, educates and organizes New York City multi-faith leaders to create and use a coordinated, cohesive and collective prophetic voice to build a movement to fight poverty and injustice."
Ugh! Don't we have enough problems with the religious right without encouraging the religious left too? Btw, that is my least favorite thing about Mayor Pete.
I don't like it either. I don't like the presumption that devotion to religion automatically makes one virtuous.

Then she got into how she went to Standing Rock.
Speaking of faith-based, fact-free nonsense ...
So it's Bismarck NIMBY's good, Standing Rock NIMBY's bad, right?

I found it annoying that AOC seemed to consider the provisioning of her trip miraculous. She went with two friends, and they also were activists, and that gave them some connections. So it wasn't like they'd dropped in by accident. Also, I fail to see what kind of a miracle an 18-year-old car is. Especially a car with a broken cigarette lighter. Meaning that its riders can't use it to charge their cellphones.
AOC is really going on my nerves with all this god-bothering lately.
That's hard to avoid in an event in honor of MLK. But what I find interesting is that she likes him as a moral leader, not as a theologian. She doesn't discuss his Bible interpretations in any place that I've found, for instance.

And what is this "human technology"? Unless it's alien technology from Area 51, all technology we have is human. Even more nebulous is "moral technology" (technology is by definition amoral) and "economic technology" (things like Bloomberg terminals would qualify though).
Psychological and social technology, like how we should act and relate to each other.

All the joking aside about Zuul the Gatekeeper, AOC seriously does sound like a religious fanatic saying "Lord, just do with me what you will. Allow me to be a vessel." These are not the words of a rational person.
She seemed rather desperate to me.

She won, and unlike Obama, she didn't throw away her movement of followers.
In what way did he do that?
Obama’s Lost Army | The New Republic - In 2008, the leaders of his campaign built up a big army of followers - canvassers, phonebankers, and the like. But after Obama got elected, this movement was folded into the Democratic Party apparat and it disintegrated. So much so that in 2012, Obama's campaign leaders had to build it up again.

Bernie Sanders has resolved not to repeat that mistake. In fact, he has pledged to be the Organizer in Chief.
Also, there is a difference between running for one of the safest House seats in the nation and running for president.
That's the main election. The primary election is another story. AOC succeeded in primarying a heavy hitter in the Democratic Party. It was the biggest upset since Dave Brat primaried Eric Cantor.
It ended because of a lone wolf assassin. Or does she think X Files was a documentary?
 James Earl Ray may not have been part of a conspiracy, but he had the motivation:
His chief interest, however, was the George Wallace presidential campaign. Ray harbored a strong prejudice against African Americans and was quickly drawn to Wallace's segregationist platform. He spent much of his time in Los Angeles volunteering at the Wallace campaign headquarters in North Hollywood.[14]

He considered emigrating to Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), where a predominantly white minority regime had unilaterally assumed independence from the United Kingdom in 1965.[15] The notion of living in Rhodesia continued to appeal to Ray for several years afterwards, and it was his intended destination after King's assassination. The Rhodesian government expressed its disapproval.[16]

Derec said:
She talked about what one sees presented in TV shows like the Star Trek franchise.
I too would like to have the warp drive, holodeck and replicators. :)
AOC had in mind what sort of society. A society without poverty or war, a society where everyone is well-fed and well-housed and so forth.
Justin Kanew on Twitter: "“No one ever makes a billion dollars. You take a billion dollars.”
Democratic socialist @AOC preaching 🔥 on Democratic socialist #MLKDay https://t.co/Neidip4wP3" / Twitter

Very rich people as takers instead of as makers. I don't quite agree with that, but I wouldn't go as far as the opposite extreme, the theory in Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" that they are the only significant makers.

There are several other snippets from that talk that have been clipped and tweeted. I searched for: AOC #MLKDay

Blackout for Human Rights on Twitter: "“This idea of unity cannot work if the only thing we unify is around war, the concentration of wealth and injustice. If that’s the only place we find common ground, we have way more work to do.” - @AOC #MLKDay #MLKNow #MartinLutherKingJrDay https://t.co/wfPaSaAUdQ" / Twitter

Blackout for Human Rights on Twitter: ""They knew no one was going to come...To know that a society does not care for you has a profound impact on one’s psyche whether it’s in Puerto Rico, the Bronx or any number of communities. When society has abandoned you, it completely shapes your world view”-@AOC #MLKDay #MLKNow https://t.co/gugQRd0SWJ" / Twitter

Blackout for Human Rights on Twitter: ""These basic tenants of human dignity aren’t afforded for certain people yet you see congress approve the largest military budget in years. It tells you that the destruction of humanity is a higher priority than the preservation and advancement of humanity." -@AOC #MLKDay #MLKNow https://t.co/KrEttMqLWG" / Twitter
It's all for "national defense", of course.

Blackout for Human Rights on Twitter: "@AOC "And here are all of these people flying confederate flags with semi-automatic weapons and there are almost no police officers at that protest. So who, or what, are our institutions protecting from who? That image conveys it all." -@AOC #MLKDay #MLKNow https://t.co/kSi32Mc7il" / Twitter

Blackout for Human Rights on Twitter: "“There’s this gun rights protest in Richmond on MLK day…When we go out and march for the dignity and recognition of the lives of people like Freddie Gray and Eric Garner, the whole place is surrounded by police in riot gear without a gun in site." -@AOC #MLKDay #MLKNow https://t.co/wLYQF1xZ3S" / Twitter

Defund Corruption on Twitter: "SO thrilling & inspiring to see & hear @RepAOC speaking live on #MLKDay at the beautiful @RiversideNYC. #IF America survives the rethuglican-russian assault on democracy, @AOC will most definitely be a POTUS. #IF she wants. (That cabin in the woods does sound MUCH more fun tho.)" / Twitter
I recall AOC once stating that if she lost the 2018 primary, she might go off into the woods into a while.

Blackout for Human Rights on Twitter: "Q: “How does the Democratic party view activism?”
A: “I think they view it as a nuisance…many of them view it as annoying and that they don’t understand the inside. I think people are protesting precisely because they understand the inside.” - @AOC #MLKDay #MLKNow https://t.co/q0dS6DOluY" / Twitter

Blackout for Human Rights on Twitter: ""In a system and an environment like today, whether you’re talking about late stage capitalism, racism, the president or the difficulties of life, Sisterhood can defeat almost all of it." -@AOC closes out her guest conversation with Ta-Nehisi Coates #MLKDay #MLKNow https://t.co/UG7988NYOu" / Twitter

Ibrahim on Twitter: ".@AOC today: “ We don’t have a left party in the United States. The Democratic Party is not a left party. The Democratic Party is a center, or a center-conservative party” https://t.co/FIVjsa1Rxf" / Twitter

Blackout for Human Rights on Twitter: ""When we talk about King, no one talks about the dangerous King. No one talks about the anti-capitalist King, the anti-poverty King. Where we are right now is at the edges of an untenable system that is starting to crack" - @AOC #MLKDay #MLKNow https://t.co/aYtDhdQo0c" / Twitter

Lola Adesioye on Twitter: ""The long term impact of activism is political consciousness..." - @AOC #MLKDay #MLKNow https://t.co/yx8mHBctZO" / Twitter

Carol Duncan on Twitter: ".@aoc on the gun rights rally in VA today. @RiversideNYC #MLKday #MLKnow https://t.co/5sQ3X6z0MO" / Twitter

Nida Khan on Twitter: "Appreciate that Ta-Nehisi & @AOC opened up the convo with a focus on war, innocent civilians killed & the failure of the press to humanize them (something I have written/talked about for years) #MLKNow #MLKDay https://t.co/wU1RY05AUf" / Twitter

Black+Magic+Woman on Twitter: "C’mon @AOC!!
on billionaires:
‘YOU didn’t make those widgets.
You employed - at less than a livable wage - hundreds or thousands of PEOPLE who made those widgets’ #MLKNOW #MLKday" / Twitter

I think that that's overly simplistic, but I don't think that Randism is right about this issue either.

Blackout for Human Rights on Twitter: "“We always have to center American lives over human lives. We don’t think about the quarter million innocent Iraqi civilians that died in the Iraq war. We don’t talk about that." - @AOC on complicity #MLKDay #MLKNow #MartinLutherKingJrDay https://t.co/erkhrc9C31" / Twitter

Mariya on Twitter: "“We have a faith in you that we don’t normally have in politicians.” — Ta-Nehisi Coates in conversation with @AOC #MLKNow #MLKDay https://t.co/8ABrcm0PvI" / Twitter
Looking at AOC's past, she was a lot more than a bartender, and I am very happy to see her in office.

Lola Adesioye on Twitter: "Ta-Nehisi Coates in conversation with @AOC - intelligent, thoughtful, powerful conversation. #MLKNow Thank you @UnitedBlackout for putting this event on. Is great soul and brain food for #MLKDay https://t.co/eWOMPv9IiH" / Twitter
Justin Kanew on Twitter: "“No one ever makes a billion dollars. You take a billion dollars.”
Democratic socialist @AOC preaching ?????? on Democratic socialist #MLKDay https://t.co/Neidip4wP3" / Twitter

Very rich people as takers instead of as makers. I don't quite agree with that, but I wouldn't go as far as the opposite extreme, the theory in Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" that they are the only significant makers.

Robert Reich said something to the effect of billionaires didn't get to be billionaires through great new inventions. They got there by cornering the market. I think that applies quite nicely to Microsoft (Gates) and Amazon (Bezos).
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Did you know?
One of the largest categories of theft in the US is wage theft.
Up to $50 billion are stolen from working people’s wages annually.
Make sure you #CheckYourPayStub - especially when you work overtime. https://t.co/dvP4jIPI9H" / Twitter

One of the biggest crime waves in America isn't what you think it is
It's not just about underpaying workers. They're not paying workers what they're legally owed for the labor they put in.

It takes different forms: not paying workers the federal, state, or local minimum wage; not paying them overtime; or just monkeying around with job titles to avoid regulations.

Latino Victory on Twitter: "❤ esto.
La congresista @AOC ha lanzado una cuenta de Twitter en español. Esta es una buena manera de interactuar con votantes hispanohablantes.
Siga la nueva cuenta: @AOCenEspanol https://t.co/MxeBrG3W0g" / Twitter

@AOCenEspañol (@aocenespanol) / Twitter - AOC in Spanish

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Well, well, well:
Remember when we put the CEO of Barstool Sports on notice about tweeting threats to intimidate his workers from unionizing?
Looks like he just had to settle with the NLRB over his actions.
Reminder: Threatening workers who want to unionize is illegal :) [url]https://t.co/vPEGbjCH32
https://t.co/F8useTAD7Z" / Twitter[/url]
Andrew Wallender on Twitter: "NEW: Barstool Sports reached a settlement with the federal labor board over its founder's anti-union tweets this past August.
The company said the tweets and other anti-union material would be deleted: https://t.co/lfYe5vUuk7" / Twitter
Justin Kanew on Twitter: "“No one ever makes a billion dollars. You take a billion dollars.”
Democratic socialist @AOC preaching ������ on Democratic socialist #MLKDay https://t.co/Neidip4wP3" / Twitter

Very rich people as takers instead of as makers. I don't quite agree with that, but I wouldn't go as far as the opposite extreme, the theory in Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" that they are the only significant makers.
Robert Reich said something to the effect of billionaires didn't get to be billionaires through great new inventions. They got there by cornering the market. I think that applies quite nicely to Microsoft (Gates) and Amazon (Bezos).

Bill Gates got to where he was by exploiting a natural oligopoly. It was rather accidential, since his company started off with software-development tools. Around 1980, IBM was coming up with its own desktop computer, and it was buying just about everything outside of IBM for speed. BG found out that IBM wanted an OS for it, so he bought one and offered it to IBM under the name PC-DOS, while reserving the right to offer it under the name MS-DOS. Also, when IBM gave him a non-disclosure agreement, he offered one of his own. It helped that he had a corporate lawyer as a father.

IBM's original PC and its successors were intended to be as proprietary as any other desktop computers of the time. But that did not stop the cloners. The Franklin Computer cloners were caught because they had copied the Apple II a little bit too closely. The PC cloners could get everything but the BIOS, the boot ROM, from IBM's suppliers, including MS-DOS from MS. When they reverse-engineered the BIOS, they were all set.

All the other makers of desktop computers fell, with Apple being the only survivor, almost falling in the early 1990's. This is because for an OS to be useful, it must have a lot of software for it. That accounts for the fall of those others, since more software means more use, and less software means less use. This accounts for the triumphs of DOS and Windows, but also the triumph of its main alternative: Unix. It is not a single OS but a family of OSes sharing a variety of conventions, making it easy to port software from one to another. Among the numerous Unix flavors are OSX, Linux, and xBSD. The Playstation now runs on a BSD flavor, Android runs on a Linux flavor, etc.

This natural-oligopoly effect happens for user-interface-shell software. Windows and OSX each have their own ones, and Linux has two main ones: KDE and Gnome. Likewise for smartphones and tablets: iOS and Android are the two main ones. Likewise for game consoles: there have been 2 or 3 or 4 main ones for nearly all of their history.

For Amazon, I think that it's economies of scale. That also helps produce oligopolies for OSes and user-interface-shell software.
Blackout for Human Rights on Twitter: "It's here! Watch the full conversation between Author and Journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates and Congresswoman @AOC at our #MLKNow event on #MLKDay 2020: [url]https://t.co/LNjB7K6PIn https://t.co/umj8PKbsI8" / Twitter[/url] in a Facebook page

AOC riles Dems by refusing to pay party dues, bankrolling colleagues' opponents | Fox News
She has her own PAC, Courage to Change, but I could not find out much on it in opensecrets.org -- I considered fec.gov but is only up to last September about AOC's campaign contributions.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "While it is a gross injustice that it took this long for us to get the hospital on Vieques rebuilt, it’s also a relief that the construction grant has finally been approved. 🇵🇷
Thank you @NydiaVelazquez for your leadership & mentorship. #PuertoRicoSeLevanta https://t.co/c7YAllgYMN" / Twitter

Rep. Nydia Velazquez on Twitter: "My office has received official word that @fema approved a grant of $39.5 million for construction of a hospital on #Vieques. I joined with colleagues in previously writing FEMA to push for these funds to be released. This lifesaving step is long overdue. Will keep monitoring." / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "What is happening in Puerto Rico is horrifying.
From withholding relief aid to local & federal corruption, there is a lack of accountability, rooted in colonial status, that’s costing people their lives.
It’s dehumanizing, unjust, & exhausting. It’s personal. I’ve lost family. https://t.co/Vs5MqQl69K" / Twitter

Arelis R. Hernández on Twitter: "“There is no one more interested in seeing the money used correctly than everyday Puerto Ricans...We kicked out a governor because of it.” — @mikesotoclass
Calls for protest today as Puerto Rico tries to recover from 3 disasters in 3 years. https://t.co/UQ6gafigEQ" / Twitter

Puerto Ricans still waiting on disaster funds as Hurricane Maria’s aftermath, earthquakes continue to affect life on the island - The Washington Post

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "On the fed level, the colonial status of the island means that the gov makes decisions for millions who lack voting power - administration w/o representation.
Too often, that means it’s up to a handful of members who are willing to take up PR as our unofficial 2nd district. /2" / Twitter

Like AOC and Nydia Velazquez

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: ".@NydiaVelazquez is leading on getting the hospital in Vieques rebuilt.
I spent much of last year securing cleanup funds for those getting cancer from fmr US bombing. CHC hounds FEMA on recovery.
But the difficulty in Congress stays in colonial status. https://t.co/yO9zfeuBi7" / Twitter

AOC proposal calls for environmentally safer military cleanup efforts in Vieques, Puerto Rico from last July
The U.S. House approved an amendment presented by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, on Thursday to allocate $10 million to use closed detonation chambers in efforts to clean up military ordnance in Vieques, a smaller island located about seven miles off the southeast coast of Puerto Rico that for over 60 years served as a bombing range and site for military-training exercises.

Vieques is the most hazardous waste site in Puerto Rico, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Since 2003, the U.S. Navy has been using open-air detonation chambers to try to clean up ordnance that contain toxins such as Agent Orange, depleted uranium and mercury. The military ordnance was left behind across 9,000 acres of the property by the naval warfare service branch of the United States Armed Forces after decades of military weapons tests.
Fifty Years Beyond the Dream, Dr. King’s Call to Action Persists - 4 April 2018, the 50th anniversary of his death

At a statue of Adam Clayton Powell:
A young hispanic woman in a grey blazer — clipboard in one hand, microphone in the other — steps up to the marble directly below the feet of the statue. Her name is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old community activist and Democratic congressional candidate for New York’s 14th district primary in the Bronx and Queens. She is a self-described democratic socialist, just as Dr. King was. Her eyes partially squinted, she takes in a deep breath and looks out into the crowd.

“It’s no secret that we are here today to mark the end — the anniversary of the end of Dr. King’s life,” she declares. “…And that begs the question for us as to what the next beginning is. Because while King had a dream, we hold the candle, and that candle does not extinguish…

Our question is how are we moving it forward?”
Unity march for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Harlem - has a picture of AOC near some Black Lives Matter marchers.

I couldn't find anything independent on AOC speaking in a church that we saw in "Courage to Change" - it wasn't Riverside Church, it's apparently smaller, and not much more that I can put my finger on.
As to why anyone might want to keep around an 18-year-old Subaru station wagon with a broken cigarette lighter and broken heating, I propose:  Endowment effect - "In psychology and behavioral economics, the endowment effect (also known as divestiture aversion and related to the mere ownership effect in social psychology[1]) is the finding that people are more likely to retain an object they own than acquire that same object when they do not own it.[2][3][4][5]" - because having a car is easier than buying a car or renting a car. I also note that the car was functional enough to make it to Standing Rock and back.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: The rookie congresswoman challenging the Democratic establishment — full "60 Minutes" interview transcript today - CBS News - here is AOC's gaffe from that interview, in its context:
Anderson Cooper: One of the criticisms of you is that— that your math is fuzzy. The Washington Post recently awarded you four Pinocchios—

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Oh my goodness—

Anderson Cooper: —for misstating some statistics about Pentagon spending?

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: If people want to really blow up one figure here or one word there, I would argue that they're missing the forest for the trees. I think that there's a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right.

Anderson Cooper: But being factually correct is important—

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: It's absolutely important. And whenever I make a mistake. I say, "Okay, this was clumsy." and then I restate what my point was. But it's— it's not the same thing as— as the president lying about immigrants. It's not the same thing, at all.

2019 Apr 11 - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says stress is 'making me lose weight' - she appeared in an Instagram story with Rep. Lois Frankel of Florida.
After schooling her on the importance of “good shoes” with rubber soles — as opposed to the “ridiculous” heels Ocasio-Cortez tends to wear — Frankel shared her second piece of advice.

“You have to watch what you eat,” the 70-year-old Democrat said. “Because you can gain weight very quickly.”
Then about how AOC lost weight rather than gaining it - 10 lbs.
I also note that the car was functional enough to make it to Standing Rock and back.
But how much gas did the alleged car burn in the process? And a car this old is probably burning or leaking oil too.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: It's absolutely important. And whenever I make a mistake. I say, "Okay, this was clumsy." and then I restate what my point was. But it's— it's not the same thing as— as the president lying about immigrants. It's not the same thing, at all.

One of the main things she cares about is more and more illegal immigrants. :rolleyes:
I also note that the car was functional enough to make it to Standing Rock and back.
But how much gas did the alleged car burn in the process? And a car this old is probably burning or leaking oil too.
I looked for miles-per-gallon numbers for a 1998 Subaru station wagon, and I found city / highway numbers like 23 / 30 and 20 / 27 and 19 / 25 mpg.

Since most of the trip was by highway, I'll use 30 mpg. I did NYC - Flint MI - Bismarck ND with Google Maps, and I came up with 1780 mi. A more direct route returning was 1632 mi. The total is 3412 mi. For 25 to 30 mpg, that is 114 to 136 gallons of gasoline.
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