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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Yea, right, never mind that AOC lives just a 16 minute walk away from her office yet drives a dirty fossil fueled automobile to work every day. Never mind saving the planet. The hypocrisy is truly breathtaking!


I'm aware of the fact that "chicks on the right" has always been a goofy group - I stopped as soon as I saw that asinine "She says that housing isn't affordable in DC, BUT SHE LIVES IN A LUXURY APARTMENT!!!!1!" argument. That's oe of the more obvious, and popular, ad hominem arguments around. She could live in a mansion complete with Scrooge McDuck money bin, and she'd still be correct - DC lacks affordable housing - as does the entire corridor from Richmond VA to Baltimore MD. Want cheap housing? Be prepared to live in a slum, *and* have your neighbors consider you a gentrifier.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Today was a fun day at work!
Got to nerd out w/ @Lin_Manuel this morning to work on multilingual community outreach for #Census2020
It is so important that we help *everyone* - regardless of immigration status, income, or housing - get counted. https://t.co/6CGQ8B7VP1" / Twitter

‘Hamilton’ creator Lin-Manuel Miranda, AOC team up to boost Census participation with PSA - New York Daily News
He’s not throwing away our shot to be counted.

“Hamilton” creator Lin-Manuel Miranda teamed up with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) to film a public service announcement urging New Yorkers to participate in the upcoming U.S. Census.
To keep NYC from being undercounted, as it has been back in 2010. But I expect right-wingers to go into hysterics about how AOC wants to rig the census so she can keep her seat.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Today was a fun day at work!
Got to nerd out w/ @Lin_Manuel this morning to work on multilingual community outreach for #Census2020
It is so important that we help *everyone* - regardless of immigration status, income, or housing - get counted. https://t.co/6CGQ8B7VP1" / Twitter

‘Hamilton’ creator Lin-Manuel Miranda, AOC team up to boost Census participation with PSA - New York Daily News
He’s not throwing away our shot to be counted.

“Hamilton” creator Lin-Manuel Miranda teamed up with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) to film a public service announcement urging New Yorkers to participate in the upcoming U.S. Census.
To keep NYC from being undercounted, as it has been back in 2010. But I expect right-wingers to go into hysterics about how AOC wants to rig the census so she can keep her seat.

I have a US Rep in the family. He says he doubts NY Dems will attempt to redistrict AOC out of the NY delegation. Because doing so would mean running against her, and no one wants to do that. I don't know the mechanics of redistricting, but FYI...
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Pregnant women.
This administration is now targeting pregnant. women.
When you single out the most vulnerable, the cruelty is the point. #AbolishICE #BreakUpCBP https://t.co/urb9WdOexV" / Twitter

NBC Latino on Twitter: "U.S. to impose visa restrictions for pregnant women https://t.co/UfIsxY9rdp" / Twitter
U.S. to impose visa restrictions for pregnant women
The Trump administration is coming out with new visa restrictions aimed at restricting “birth tourism," in which women travel to the U.S. to give birth so their children can have a coveted U.S. passport.

Birth tourism is a lucrative business in both the U.S. and abroad. American companies take out advertisements and charge up to $80,000 to facilitate the practice, offering hotel rooms and medical care. Many of the women travel from Russia and China to give birth in the U.S. The U.S. has been cracking down on the practice since before Trump took office.
JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon says socialism will lead to 'eroding society'
“Most state-owned enterprises don’t do a particularly good job,” he added. “You look around the world and they become corrupt over time. That doesn’t mean that capitalism is perfect. That doesn’t mean that every public company is perfect. No, there are flaws.”
So that's why all military and police forces are mercenaries and hired guards.

CNBC on Twitter: "JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon takes on socialism, says it will lead to an 'eroding society' https://t.co/6jOSFJMg0F" / Twitter
with responses
Pete is a Republican on Twitter: "@CNBC he didn't have a problem with socialism when Obama bailed out the banks. seriously, why are we listening to this donk" / Twitter

BerkeleyBernie 🗽 #CloseTheCamps on Twitter: "@CNBC Jamie Dimon is CEO of a bank that:
- got a $416B bailout while he was on the NY Fed
- was fined $13B for mortgage fraud
- illegally foreclosed on military families
- avoided taxes through offshore tax scams
That's the type of corporate socialism that harms everyday people." / Twitter

Sydney Falco on Twitter: "@CNBC By society he means “high society” of aristocrats who know the price of everything and the value of nothing." / Twitter

AOC responded
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Saving this comment for the next time Wall Street asks for a $700 billion bailout from the federal government. https://t.co/5GuSTwcvQV" / Twitter

Angela Belcamino on Twitter: "@AOC Sadly, there's always money available to bail out Wall Street and for war." / Twitter

H. Eric Loewe on Twitter: "@AOC MT @Public_Citizen
@AOC to Chase CEO: I rep kids that go to jail for jumping a turnstile...Do you think that more folks should’ve gone to jail for their role in the financial crisis that led to 7.8 million foreclosures in the ten years between 2007-2016? https://t.co/l1ffXrRqxm" / Twitter

Stephanie Love🌹 on Twitter: "@AOC God, I love what a fighter you are for the working class @AOC. 💪🥰♡" / Twitter

H. Eric Loewe on Twitter: "@AOC MT @nowthisnews
@RepKatiePorter challenged big bank CEO Jamie Dimon to pay his workers a living wage by literally showing him the math [url]https://t.co/FVg2geB3im
https://t.co/PxjM6CFyrQ" / Twitter[/url]
Public Citizen on Twitter: "“People’s lives are not commodities.” — @AOC https://t.co/mVPKIPNqJJ" / Twitter as opposed to cellphones. Originally from Amy Vilela, as seen in "Knock Down The House".

Kojo Ebro on Twitter: "Hey @AOC I need clarity and help communicating why the Census is important. Also why is race still a question? How does this contribute to federal dollars to states? Who decides allocation?
Please send back-up!! Thanks https://t.co/Ox3LAyahcx" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The Census is how funding for programs is determined.
To your 1st Q: We count how many people are in a community to know how much $ to give schools, housing, hospitals, etc.
If you don’t fill the Census, then planners believe people live in a community than reality &fund less. https://t.co/xf7CsLY9Db" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "2) Race is a question because the Census is also used as publicly funded research tool, as well. It helps experts answer lots of questions about health and income disparities, like the racial wealth gap, or assist with public health data.
(Immigration status will NOT be asked.)" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Fewer people**" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Additionally, the Census determines how many members of Congress a state gets.
If a state/city gets undercounted, then that community will literally get less members (votes) in Congress to pass key legislation on healthcare, climate, criminal justice priorities, etc." / Twitter
As to meeting with those religious leaders on MLK Day, this might be prompted with what she's up against.

From last October 10, about her biggest challenger so far:
It's Bronx City Councilman Fernando Cabrera, a Pentecostal / nondenominational pastor. So is AOC gearing up to try to out-religion him? I keep on being worried that she might go the way of Candace Owens: Candace Owens on Twitter: "Leftism, atheism, and narcissism are a packaged deal." / Twitter But she ought to remember how she won against Joe Crowley. It was by seeking new voters, and in this context, it would include unaffiliated, nonreligious, agnostic, and atheist voters.

I note that AOC showed up in a synagogue in Dec 2018, in a Ramadan Iftar dinner spring 2019, and at a Tibetan Buddhist organization early 2019 - she seems rather ecumenical. I think that she'd make a good Unitarian Universalist.

AOC: After Standing Rock Protest I Prayed 'Lord, Do With Me What You Will' | RELEVANT Magazine
It was truly one of the most spiritually transformative experiences of my life. I remember leaving that camp and thinking "Lord, just do with me what you will. Allow me to be a vessel." And I was driving off the camp I got an email asking if I would consider a run for Congress. I felt the spirit of that preparation. I felt like this was my charge. And I didn’t know if I would win. I didn’t know if I would lose. I knew I was being told to run.
She described her protest-camp epiphany in Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: The IN THE THICK Interview and she says that the Standing Rock camp helped her relate to her Taino Indian ancestry. How the American left is rediscovering morality | US news | The Guardian also talks a bit about that, and she mentioned it in an old Vogue interview - "the universe was trying to tell me something".

I'm reminded of this. From Taoist to Infidel by Richard Carrier has this curious epiphany:
Then a miracle happened. At least, it was what believers would call a miracle. In a bookstore hunting for a dictionary for school, I had a feeling that told me to turn. I did, and the first thing I saw was a Jane English translation of the Tao Te Ching. I took it up, and, like Augustine, turned to a page at random and read. What it said was so simple, so true, so elegantly and concisely put, and so wise, I knew this was the answer. I bought the book and read it all through, and from that day I declared my faith in Taoism, my first real religion.
He then cited all the "evidence" he had of its truth, like him being in a better state to all the answers the Tao Te Ching offered to mystical experiences. He later moved away from that, however.
As to meeting with those religious leaders on MLK Day, this might be prompted with what she's up against.

From last October 10, about her biggest challenger so far:
It's Bronx City Councilman Fernando Cabrera, a Pentecostal / nondenominational pastor. So is AOC gearing up to try to out-religion him?
I think she has been staring into the abyss too long.

But she ought to remember how she won against Joe Crowley.
Through a fluke low-turnout primary.

I note that AOC showed up in a synagogue in Dec 2018, in a Ramadan Iftar dinner spring 2019, and at a Tibetan Buddhist organization early 2019 - she seems rather ecumenical. I think that she'd make a good Unitarian Universalist.
That scattershot approach to religion reminds me of Beni from the original Mummy.

Not that "humble vessel" shit yet again!

she says that the Standing Rock camp helped her relate to her Taino Indian ancestry.
I wonder if she is more than 1/1024 Taino. :)
She has the conquistador last name.

- "the universe was trying to tell me something".
Reality check - "the universe" is not a sentient being and is not telling her anything.
Queens is ‘very fertile ground’ for an upset - Queens Chronicle: Queenswide - 2018 Mar 8 - this is another story of how AOC's campaign looked before her victory, and the first Queens Chronicle story on that.
“It was an opportunity for working-class Americans to really have a clear channel to political representation in this county,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “After that disaster of a general election, I decided with my friends that it wasn’t over. We were just beginning a strong political movement in this country.”

She and her Sanders campaign colleagues then traveled the country to meet with activists and ordinary individuals — including those impacted by the water crisis in Flint, Mich. and Native Americans protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock.

The day after she returned to the Bronx from Standing Rock, Ocasio-Cortez said, is when BNC called her and asked her to run for Congress against Crowley.
The timeline is a bit confused. Seems like AOC first got an e-mail from BNC, then a phone call.
“They looked at the incumbent, how much are they corroding his or her party with corporate interests. And Joe Crowley is very much up there,” she said, when asked why BNC backs her.

According to his challenger, Crowley is focused more on serving his donors than his constituents. Per OpenSecrets.org, a website that tracks campaign contributions, $229,000 of the $2 million Crowley raised in 2017 came from developers, while $216,000 was given by those in financial investment.

It is those connections with developers looking to build in the Queens portion of his district, not the voters, that Crowley cares about the most, according to Ocasio-Cortez.

“Luxury real estate developers are some of the largest contributors to Joe Crowley,” she said. “[Overdevelopment] is done with the help of the Queens machine. Residents are extremely frustrated that they can’t afford to live in communities they have resided in for generations.”
This her campaign pitch: we have the people, they have the money.
(AOC's victory over Joe Crowley)
Through a fluke low-turnout primary.
A fluke? AOC claims that NY primaries have low turnouts, meaning that this was likely typical. I'd have to check ballotpedia.org about that.

she says that the Standing Rock camp helped her relate to her Taino Indian ancestry.
I wonder if she is more than 1/1024 Taino. :)
A lot more.  Puerto Ricans mentions
Studies have shown that the racial ancestry mixture of the average Puerto Rican (regardless of racial self-identity) is about 56% European/North African (Canary Islander Guanche), 28% Sub-Saharan African, and 16% Native Taino, with European ancestry strongest on the west side of the island and West African ancestry strongest on the east side, and consistent levels of Taino ancestry throughout the island. Even though over 75% of the population of Puerto Rico self identifies as white, only about 25% are purely (or close to pure) of European/North African ancestry. About 45-50% of Puerto Ricans have high amounts of black West African ancestry, but majority are mixed race and self identify as white, the opposite of the US One drop rule, a legacy the Regla de Sacar law in colonial Puerto Rico.[34]
Yea, right, never mind that AOC lives just a 16 minute walk away from her office yet drives a dirty fossil fueled automobile to work every day. Never mind saving the planet. The hypocrisy is truly breathtaking!


I'm aware of the fact that "chicks on the right" has always been a goofy group - I stopped as soon as I saw that asinine "She says that housing isn't affordable in DC, BUT SHE LIVES IN A LUXURY APARTMENT!!!!1!" argument. That's oe of the more obvious, and popular, ad hominem arguments around. She could live in a mansion complete with Scrooge McDuck money bin, and she'd still be correct - DC lacks affordable housing - as does the entire corridor from Richmond VA to Baltimore MD. Want cheap housing? Be prepared to live in a slum, *and* have your neighbors consider you a gentrifier.

So it's fine to ignore the hypocrisy because it's AOC! Had that been a conservative, there'd be hell to pay!
Ocasio-Cortez on the ballot in NY-14 - Queens Chronicle: Queenswide - "Crowley expects easy primary win"
This year marks the first time Crowley, who represents the state’s 14th Congressional District, has faced a Democratic primary challenger since he represented NY-7 prior to redistricting six years ago.

The 2004 primary was no contest, however, as Crowley crushed former state Sen. Dennis Coleman by 44 percentage points in what was a low-turnout race.

If Ocasio-Cortez is to pull off a stunning upset of the House Democratic Caucus chairman — whom insiders view as a top candidate for speaker of the House, should Democrats retake the chamber — she will have to overcome a number of massive hurdles, beginning with fundraising.
Joe Crowley is a big fundraiser, and he outraised AOC by a sizable factor: 10 to 20.

Crowley, Ocasio-Cortez debate as primary nears - Queens Chronicle: Western Queens News

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez crushes Joe Crowley in primary stunner - Queens Chronicle: Editions
“Every person here this evening changed America tonight,” Ocasio-Cortez said to thunderous applause. “You have given this country proof that when you knock on your neighbor’s door; when you come to them with love; when you let them know that you’re there for them, we can make change.”

“What I want to make very clear is that this is not an end. This is a beginning,” she told her supporters. “Because the message we sent the world tonight is that it’s not OK to put donors before your community. The message we sent tonight is that improved and expanded healthcare for every single person in America is what we deserve as a nation.

“What we proved tonight is that sometimes, in the deep darkness of our political environment, that there is still hope for this nation. That is what you have given every person in this country.”
Crowley out, Maloney escapes, Meeks routs - Queens Chronicle: Queenswide
Carolyn Maloney and Gregory Meeks will have challengers this year.
A fluke? AOC claims that NY primaries have low turnouts, meaning that this was likely typical. I'd have to check ballotpedia.org about that.
I didn't mean that the low turnout was a fluke, but her victory. The low turnout is what made the fluke upset more likely because any fluctuation is exaggerated.

A lot more.  Puerto Ricans mentions
It was a joke referring to Warren being 1/1024 a Cherokee princess. But I do not see how a likely Taino ancestry makes what AOC says about pipelines any more significant.
Alexandria the Great’s amazing victory over Crowley - Queens Chronicle: Editorials

What happens next? Pols talk Crowley’s loss - Queens Chronicle: Queenswide
Some local politicians claim that AOC's upset victory was not such a big upset, from her campaign being very visible:
“For me, on the ground, I was watching and feeling that momentum build. There was no question that it was building steam every day,” Van Bramer told the Chronicle. “You could see more and more Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez people as the days went by on the corner, at the green market and knocking on doors.”

“Her videos are very well done and her message is clear. She’s articulate. This woman goes right to it,” Holden said. “I thought she would give him a run for his money. I know some people in the district who said she rang their doorbells twice but they never saw Joe Crowley.”
AOC's campaign mailings were also much more informative than JC's.
Asked why Crowley lost, both Van Bramer and Holden both gave credit to Ocasio-Cortez for running an inspired campaign based on ideas and placed blame on the incumbent for potentially not taking the race seriously until it was too late.
Another one had a different theory.
Instead, he said it had almost everything to do with a paltry 13 percent turnout, disgust over the Trump administration and progressives nationwide specifically “targeting” Crowley — whom some liberals see as too corporatist to lead the party — in an effort to help move Washington more to the left.

“I think there was a lot of outside people that wanted to push this,” Den Dekker said. “I believe this particular seat was targeted to make a statement.”
During the 2018 primary campaign, Joe Crowley contributed some money to one of Amy Vilela's opponents for the NV-04 seat in 2018. Which supports the asleep-at-the-wheel theory.
A fluke? AOC claims that NY primaries have low turnouts, meaning that this was likely typical. I'd have to check ballotpedia.org about that.
I didn't mean that the low turnout was a fluke, but her victory. The low turnout is what made the fluke upset more likely because any fluctuation is exaggerated.
I doubt that it was a fluke, because of her massive get-out-the-vote operation. She had a very good ground game.

A lot more.  Puerto Ricans mentions
It was a joke referring to Warren being 1/1024 a Cherokee princess. But I do not see how a likely Taino ancestry makes what AOC says about pipelines any more significant.
I agree that those are separate issues. But to her, it was a way to feel a connection to her Taino ancestry.
Instagram story posts can link to other Instagram posts. AOC did several of them recently.

Natl Domestic Workers Alliance (@domesticworkers) • Instagram photos and videos - she mentioned it and mentioned how her mother did a lot of cleaning of houses. In her childhood, she'd sometimes do her homework in houses that her mother was cleaning. She also mentioned Alia - "Help your cleaner get paid time off and insurance for just $5 per cleaning"

Does this mean that AOC might be hiring a housecleaner some time soon? Or more likely two housecleaners, one for NYC and one for DC.

MoveOn on Instagram: “Ayanna Pressley Is Fighting for Us
"My Mother, may she rest in power, made sure I knew early on that the pursuit and the work of justice is a cradle to grave struggle." @AyannaPressley shares her fierce commitment to justice that fuels her tireless work to hold Trump accountable for his crimes.”

Maria Hinojosa on Instagram: “First day teaching style @barnardcollege BRING IT!!!!!!!”

David Begnaud on Instagram: “Tomorrow
I'm packing a bag to head down to Puerto Rico. .
I will cover the protest & participate in the inaugural event for PR Live.
Looking forward to being back on the island.”

Morris Park BID on Instagram: “❗️Plastic Bag Ban& Paper Bag Fee start on March 1, 2020❗️@NYCSanitation will prohibit distribution of single-use plastic bags. All businesses covered by the ban must charge a $0.05 fee on paper bags (SNAP or WIC customers excepted). More on this NY State law at on.ny.gov/byobagny 🌳@rubendiazjr #Bronx #byobagny”

Then a bit of video of her unfolding a foldable cloth bag.

(Painting of AOC)
Andrea Acevedo LADYMUSH 🦋🍄 on Instagram: 💥A fighter. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
#butterflymush #femaleartist #aoc #alexandriaocasiocortez #thesquad #art #digitalart #painting #portrait #nyc #womenincongress #thefutureisfemale #empoweredwomen #inspo #Mushgirl @aoc”

"Sorry, we don't use takeaway coffee cups ... BYO, or just take a break + have a coffee cup here."
StayBlooming.com on Instagram: “More of this please! ☕️ Do you know of any places that don’t use disposable cups? Tag them below, give them the credit they deserve! Seen via @reusablenation. #reuseable #disposable #singleuse #plastic #takeaway #plasticfree #thinkgreen #gogreen #ecoconscious #environment
AOC then commented on her experiences in Niger, that people would have to wait for coffee cups and then drink their coffee before departing. It's a nice way of slowing down, and one can get to appreciate the surrounding world. Also talk to fellow customers.

Bronx Brigade on Instagram: “Today we were joined by @AOC at the Mason Tenders’ training center, who spoke to @laborers79 members about how we can create safe, quality work opportunities in the #Bronx and across NYC.
We are ready to fight for #BetterCareers and an economically empowered BX! 💪🦺🏗🏘👷🏽*♀️Thanks for joining us Congress Women Ocasio-Cortez!”

She also tweeted about that meeting:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Had a powerful, moving meeting in Queens yesterday on developing a #GreenNewDeal with our family in the @LIUNA laborers’ union.
A GND requires the creation of millions of dignified, union jobs to rebuild and decarbonize US infrastructure.
Together we can get it done.
💪🏽🌎👷🏽*♀️ https://t.co/angGxFj9XJ" / Twitter
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