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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Yea, right, never mind that AOC lives just a 16 minute walk away from her office yet drives a dirty fossil fueled automobile to work every day. Never mind saving the planet. The hypocrisy is truly breathtaking!


I'm aware of the fact that "chicks on the right" has always been a goofy group - I stopped as soon as I saw that asinine "She says that housing isn't affordable in DC, BUT SHE LIVES IN A LUXURY APARTMENT!!!!1!" argument. That's oe of the more obvious, and popular, ad hominem arguments around. She could live in a mansion complete with Scrooge McDuck money bin, and she'd still be correct - DC lacks affordable housing - as does the entire corridor from Richmond VA to Baltimore MD. Want cheap housing? Be prepared to live in a slum, *and* have your neighbors consider you a gentrifier.

So it's fine to ignore the hypocrisy because it's AOC! Had that been a conservative, there'd be hell to pay!

As an aside, I wish that there were a "conservative AOC". I admire at how united the right is. It gives you an incredible advantage...
As an aside, I wish that there were a "conservative AOC". I admire at how united the right is. It gives you an incredible advantage...
Catalina Lauf? She has a campaign video that's a ripoff of AOC's "Courage to Change", but it doesn't show her campaigning, as AOC's one does.

MoveOn on Instagram: “There's a lot of work to do, and we're going to do it. . . . . 📸 @dailykos”
AOC: "I just hope that more people will ignore the fatalism of the argument that we are beyond repair. We are not beyond repair. We are never beyond repair."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "“I just hope that more people will ignore the fatalism of the argument that we are beyond repair.
We are not beyond repair.
We are never beyond repair.”
Thank you to @thenation for trekking up to the Bronx and capturing what this movement is all about. https://t.co/VYLY8jepg6" / Twitter

2018 Jun 22
noting Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Fights the Power | The Nation - 2018 Jun 22 - "The insurgent candidate from the Bronx is challenging Democrat Joseph Crowley with a scrappy grassroots campaign and a platform based on economic justice."

AOC was not noticed because nobody in NYC politics thought that she could get very far. But she did, with a very low-budget campaign.
Still, she notes: “Anybody who knew anything about politics in New York City told me not to do this…. [they said] (a) you’re wasting your time, (b) it’s pointless, and (c) you’ll never have a career in New York City politics ever again if you do this.”

That last point has little sway over a woman who’s not even sure she wants a future in politics. “This is hard,” she admits, appearing genuinely ambivalent. “Before I got into this, I kind of saw running for office as a self-centered type of endeavor.”

She pauses for a moment. “If it is effective and appropriate for me to run again and if that is what people want, if that’s what our movement wants, and it seems like there will be real support for it, I’ll do it again” she adds. But if it’s more appropriate for me to serve in some other capacity, I’m happy to do that, too.”

That Ocasio-Cortez doesn’t seem to have a taste for blood, or a love of campaigning for campaigning’s sake might ultimately stand in her way, unless the Democratic Party changes their line significantly to embrace more left-leaning platforms. But whatever happens on June 26, Ocasio-Cortez hopes her supporters will take pride in the achievements of her run.

“I’m glad I didn’t listen to myself when things got really difficult and no one was paying attention and I was like, ‘Why am I doing this?’” she says.
Then that quote.
AOC Responds to Her Critics - 2018 Oct 4
Still, in spite of her star power, her staff and volunteers stress that Ocasio-Cortez is part of a movement in which no individual deserves sole credit. They emphasize building community and sharing power as the keys to an effective progressive movement.

Crucially, these supporters insist that the movement’s work does not end with an election.
That was written over a year ago, and that is still right. Barack Obama's shutting down his 2008 campaigners was a huge mistake -- he had to rebuild his campaign infrastructure for his 2012 run.
Political campaigns for high-profile candidates are notoriously competitive environments in which staffers vie for status and influence—think House of Cards meets Game of Thrones. Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign, by contrast, feels more like a kibbutz or a socialist summer camp: Staffers seem averse to asserting, let alone exploiting, their precise roles in the campaign or their level of intimacy with the candidate. They don’t emphasize distinctions between volunteers and staff, junior or senior, experienced or not. “I’ve known Alex for a long time,” one woman replied coolly when I asked if she was a staffer.

“The great evolution that we’ve had in [the last] two years is that we have really dismantled this idea of race or class,” she says. “We’ve actually realized that it’s only by uniting race and class that we can win. That’s what I think explains the surge in progressive-left candidates that are also of color—and particularly women of color are doing very well. Because it’s not an option for us” to separate multiple identities.
She campaigned for several other candidates back in 2018, including some white men. It's good that male honkies can have a place in the movement.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "One great thing about our campaign video: not a single consultant was involved.
I wrote the script. My family is the closing shot. That’s my actual bodega.
Detroit DSAers @means_tv worked with our team to film and tell the story.
Volunteers coordinated the shoot. https://t.co/xH30sGTFKC" / Twitter

Corey Torpie Photography on Instagram: “Catering hall ambient light and a Faith Leaders breakfast with @aoc this am. . . . #politicalphotography”
The Catholic priest there was unable to conjure up a pile of bread and fish, it seems.

Corey Torpie Photography on Instagram: “@aoc and Ta-Nehisi Coates in conversation today at Riverside Church . . . #politicalphotography” on MLK Day

Corey Torpie Photography on Instagram: “In between moments on the photo line. . . . #aoc #politicalphotography” - Like Elizabeth Warren, AOC likes to pose for selfies with her constituents in her town halls.

Corey Torpie Photography on Instagram: “This weekend I'm documenting as @aoc campaigns for @berniesanders in Iowa. This process, which can seem so distant at times, is rooted in the idea that we must all come together and create community with our neighbors. So much is possible when we do. . . . #politicalphotography #notmeus”
One of the pictures shows her dancing at one of the events.

Corey Torpie Photography on Instagram: “Scenes from Iowa . . . #politicalphotography”
Please stop posting blind links.
Boston University’s Fake-o-Nomics Darling
National Review said:
But when the time came to put her BU economics education to work, Ocasio-Cortez flunked. On PBS last week, she asserted that “unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs.” Moreover, the erudite B.A. holder in economics posited, “unemployment is low because people are working 60, 70, 80 hours a week and can barely feed their kids.”
Egad. This nonsense needs more unpacking than a cross-country Mayflower moving truck.
The unemployment rate, which stands at a historically low 4 percent, is calculated by extrapolating and dividing the number of people out of work by the total number of individuals in the American work force.
Please stop posting blind links.
Boston University’s Fake-o-Nomics Darling
National Review said:
But when the time came to put her BU economics education to work, Ocasio-Cortez flunked. On PBS last week, she asserted that “unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs.” Moreover, the erudite B.A. holder in economics posited, “unemployment is low because people are working 60, 70, 80 hours a week and can barely feed their kids.”
Egad. This nonsense needs more unpacking than a cross-country Mayflower moving truck.
The unemployment rate, which stands at a historically low 4 percent, is calculated by extrapolating and dividing the number of people out of work by the total number of individuals in the American work force.

Much better. Now please teach Angelo how to do that. Thank you.
Yea, right, never mind that AOC lives just a 16 minute walk away from her office yet drives a dirty fossil fueled automobile to work every day. Never mind saving the planet. The hypocrisy is truly breathtaking!


I'm aware of the fact that "chicks on the right" has always been a goofy group - I stopped as soon as I saw that asinine "She says that housing isn't affordable in DC, BUT SHE LIVES IN A LUXURY APARTMENT!!!!1!" argument. That's oe of the more obvious, and popular, ad hominem arguments around. She could live in a mansion complete with Scrooge McDuck money bin, and she'd still be correct - DC lacks affordable housing - as does the entire corridor from Richmond VA to Baltimore MD. Want cheap housing? Be prepared to live in a slum, *and* have your neighbors consider you a gentrifier.

So it's fine to ignore the hypocrisy because it's AOC! Had that been a conservative, there'd be hell to pay!

You haven't demonstrated any hypocrisy on her part. She says DC is expensive for the average income, she lives in an apartment she can afford due to her above-average income.


"She wants to save on fuel, buty she drives!!!one"

...and? I'd certainly drive in winter, or if I needed to keep a flexible schedule, or if I received numerous death threats from ideologues.
"She wants to save on fuel, buty she drives!!!one"

...and? I'd certainly drive in winter, or if I needed to keep a flexible schedule, or if I received numerous death threats from ideologues.
This reminds me of an interview from early 2018, I think, where AOC and her interviewer took a bus from the Bronx to Queens across a bridge between the two boroughs. There isn't any rail line connecting them -- all the Bronx ones come out of Manhattan, and likewise for all the Brooklyn and Queens ones.

AOC Instagrammed on:

NYC DOT Art on Instagram: “DOT Art invites artists to apply to the 2020 Asphalt Art Activations Request for Qualifications to be included in a registry for potential asphalt art commissions this spring and fall 2020. Selected artists will receive up to $20,000 towards direct project costs. Artists should submit an application with samples of past work by Friday, February 21, 2020 to be considered for projects this spring. Application link in bio. 🎨@annabellepopaart”

Showing a picture of a section of pavement that was painted with stylized clouds and whales.

NYC DOT Art (@nyc_dotart) • Instagram photos and videos - NYC DOT - DOT Art Overview
DOT Art partners with community-based, nonprofit organizations and professional artists to present temporary public artwork on DOT property throughout the five boroughs for up to 11 months. Artists transform streets with colorful murals, dynamic projections and eye-catching sculptures. Sidewalks, fences, triangles, medians, bridges, jersey barriers, step streets, public plazas and pedestrianized spaces serve as canvases and foundations for temporary art. Over the past 11 years, DOT Art has produced over 300 temporary artworks citywide.
So it's fine to ignore the hypocrisy because it's AOC! Had that been a conservative, there'd be hell to pay!

You haven't demonstrated any hypocrisy on her part. She says DC is expensive for the average income, she lives in an apartment she can afford due to her above-average income.


"She wants to save on fuel, buty she drives!!!one"

...and? I'd certainly drive in winter, or if I needed to keep a flexible schedule, or if I received numerous death threats from ideologues.

Of course those ideologues could only be Republicans, right?
Unbelievable really how even the moderates in the Democratic Party [ as few as there are] have been silenced by rabid commo/socialists such as the Bern and AOC and being led like lambs to the slaughter come November.
Alessandra Biaggi on Instagram: “Exactly one year ago today I stood up in the Senate Chamber and shared that I am a survivor of child sexual abuse in support of the #ChildVictimsAct. I didn’t know that on the other side of the Capitol, three of my colleagues in the Assembly were doing the same. For so long I felt alone and in the dark, and like I was the only one that this had happened to. @yuhline_niou @catalinacruzny & @rbichotte have given me strength and power. Because of their courage I am braver. I am proud to stand with them and support all of the efforts moving forward to extend the CVA look-back window, and expand protections for survivors. We have broken a silence and the chorus is growing. Thank you to my Survivor Sisters 💕💪

Bronx Faces on Instagram: “Osadris/1990/The Bronx & Uptown, New York City "Living in the Bronx felt like a struggle to me when I was growing up and that's mostly cus I was never seen as a Bronx native to everyone else. I was told I couldn't claim it cus I lived in the "not so real side of the Bronx." I was born in the Bronx at Lincoln Hospital on 3rd ave, I was partially raised on the Concourse, I was partially raised in the Heights and Dyckman but til the age of 14 I was in the Bronx most of my time since most of my family and childhood friends were on the ave. At a young age my parents decided to move to the other side which is where I still reside- Riverdale, on BROADWAY!!! The longest ave in NYC that runs through almost every single borough. I'm minutes away from the 1 train which connects me quickly to Uptown- Dyckman, The Heights and Harlem, my 2nd homes to be exact. Little did I know growing up that this would be one of the biggest blessings in my lifetime. I didn't fully understand the harsh words about me not being a Bronxite until I got much older and realized how much intent and barriers that have been set up in our society to separate marginalized people of color, also how much black and brown people in NYC correlate struggle with having any type of cred. Growing up all I experienced was that my family ain't have the "finer" things, we recycled clothes as much as we could, Mami cooking meals for everyone and taking in mad family members, my siblings and I begging our pops to not take us "embarrass" clothes shopping to Costco's yet again and definitely knew/still know what it is like to feel the winter cold while being indoors. The best memories were all the experiences that shaped me to become who I am today. Riding the 1/9 (yeah 9 train!) red line or walking from Harlem to Dyckman just cus it was a nice summer day....”
IG IS CUTTING THIS ONE SHORT - TO FINISH READING OSA’S BRONX FACE STORY (believe me, you do!) hit my website - link in bio!

Made with chipboard, gouache paint, Metrocards, metal leaf, paper clips, broken jewelry, and a shipping package. 16x11.” 2020.”

Bronx Faces (@bronxfaces) • Instagram photos and videos - A collaborative community art project that pairs the stories & experiences of Bronx natives with a mixed media portrait — art by @legnini.art
Antoinette (Annie) Legnini
Unbelievable really how even the moderates in the Democratic Party [ as few as there are] have been silenced by rabid commo/socialists such as the Bern and AOC and being led like lambs to the slaughter come November.

You sound scared. Are you scared?
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