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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Geographical nitpick: Broadway doesn't run through Riverdale, it runs through Marble Hill, which some mainly older residents call Lower Riverdale. Riverdale is a half mile or so to the west, up the palisade.

Also, Marble Hill is still New York county i.e. Manhattan, even though it's on the Bronx side of the river, since the river was altered more than a century ago.

Not in AOC's district...it's Charlie Rangel's old district, now represented by Adriano Espaillat, another Joe Crowley type machine politician AFAICT.
Geographical nitpick: Broadway doesn't run through Riverdale, it runs through Marble Hill, which some mainly older residents call Lower Riverdale. Riverdale is a half mile or so to the west, up the palisade.
Looking at the map, it says Fieldston (adjacent to Riverdale), with Riverdale being on the far side of the Riverdale Parkway. What is odd is that my school said it was in Riverdale, but the map shows Fieldston. But what does one expect of a college named after the wrong Burrough. ;)

They reference the 1 (and 9?), so I'm guessing they lived in Kingsbridge, but Fieldston is possible too.
Geographical nitpick: Broadway doesn't run through Riverdale, it runs through Marble Hill, which some mainly older residents call Lower Riverdale. Riverdale is a half mile or so to the west, up the palisade.
Looking at the map, it says Fieldston (adjacent to Riverdale), with Riverdale being on the far side of the Riverdale Parkway. What is odd is that my school said it was in Riverdale, but the map shows Fieldston. But what does one expect of a college named after the wrong Burrough. ;)

They reference the 1 (and 9?), so I'm guessing they lived in Kingsbridge, but Fieldston is possible too.

Fieldston is cheek and jowl with Riverdale, up the palisade. Very exclusive area, beautiful.

My point is the 1/9 is close to a mile west. If they lived in Kingsbridge, why call it Riverdale?
Rashida Tlaib on Twitter: "Woohoo! Passed my first bill of 2020.
221 YES votes ✊
What it does:
📣Shortens the length of time of bad marks on your credit report from 7 to 4 years.
📣Help us remove fraudulent schemes on our credit report.
📣Prevents medically necessary debt from being reported." / Twitter

Curbed on Twitter: "Breaking: @AOC and Squad unveil People’s Housing Platform, a collective platform tackling tenant rights, housing assistance, real estate speculation, public housing construction and more [url]https://t.co/mpZ3GW7PY6 https://t.co/fC4zCJ4GqB" / Twitter[/url]
AOC and Squad’s People’s Housing Platform: Making housing a human right - Curbed - Broad set of seven laws also tackle homelessness, public housing, replacing Opportunity Zones program
  • New York Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s already-introduced “A Place to Prosper Act,” which would reform existing housing laws and regulations to expand assistance, strengthen tenant rights, invest $10 billion in lead abatement, and tie highway funding to equitable development practices
  • A proposal by Massachusetts Rep. Pressley that would create a massive investment in the public housing stock through the Housing Trust Fund, increase tenant input through strengthened resident councils, and link transit and infrastructure spending to a reform of exclusionary zoning policies (municipalities must get rid of height restrictions, for instance, to qualify for funding)
  • Minneapolis Rep. Ilhan Omar’s previously introduced Homes for All Act, which would allocate new funding for the construction of 10 million new public housing units and create a $200 billion community control and anti-displacement fund to fight gentrification; it has an estimated $1 trillion price tag
  • Michigan Rep. Tlaib’s proposal to replace the Opportunity Zone program with a Community Benefits Fund that would provide grants for community land trusts, land banks, and nonprofits working in underinvested communities, all funded by the repeal of Opportunity Zones (in other words, arguing that the tax revenue that was expected to be lost from that program could be redirected to other spending)
  • Washington Rep. Pramila Jayapal’s proposal to combat homelessness, the Housing is a Human Right Act, by increasing funding for a range of support services including medical and mental health treatment, and aims to ensure homelessness services are available to all who need them
  • Oregon Rep. Earl Blumenauer’s proposal to offer a refundable monthly tax credit for renters and tax credits to help potential first-time homebuyers
  • A bill fighting real estate speculation that Illinois Rep. Chuy Garcia is currently finalizing (details will be released later this year)
But it will be hard to get that past Mitch McConnell. I'm reminded of a bit of "I Love Lucy" where in a Lucy - Ricky argument, Ricky holds off Lucy. He does so by stretching out his arm and pushing against Lucy's forehead as she flails away helplessly. So Mitch thinks of himself as like Ricky with the Democrats like Lucy.

It'll be necessary to do a lot of similar reforms on state and local levels, and we are already seeing some of those, like in New York State and California.
Bernie Sanders's Iowa surrogate is AOC, and it appears to be working - The Washington Post
That stool was the domain of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who likes to grab the mic out of its stand and sit down, her arm casually rested against a lectern, as she tells personal stories and calmly articulates the case for a political revolution.

Images of her circulated online often seem to catch her mid-sentence and gesturing, a near-perfect caricature of an angry, scolding, far-left scourge of establishment Democrats. That impression has, at times, been earned — often to the delight of the right. But to the rapt crowds who populate the Bernie bubble in Iowa, she was all energy and empathy, talking about how Medicare-for-all and abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement were just a matter of common sense and human decency.

In Sioux City in the far northwest, at a raucous rally of more than 1,200, she sat on that stool and talked about how her mother had cleaned houses when she was growing up in the Bronx and Westchester County, N.Y., and how “I would do my homework on other people’s kitchen tables, and I would read books on other people’s staircases. And even in high school, my mom cleaned an English teacher’s house for free so that I could have SAT lessons.” She talked about school counselors who discouraged her from applying to Boston University, where she eventually went, and about her first job, at 14 or 15, as a hostess at an Irish pub, where she first learned to pull a Guinness.
She was paid under the table, so she laughed and said she won't say which one. She also talked about how Bernie Sanders was the son of a paint salesman. She likes to speak without notes.
“It’s funny because there’s a lot of kind of confusion in messaging, especially from the right,” she said. “One minute I’m a know-nothing. The next minute I’m a mastermind who’s taking over the party. They can’t figure out if I’m an elitist or if I’m embarrassingly poor — which there’s no such thing.”

She couldn’t afford “a second home,” and she certainly couldn’t afford a second set of furniture, she said, so for her first three months in Congress, she slept on an air mattress. “And it was such a surreal experience, because I’d wake up on that air mattress and I’d walk to my work where the nation’s laws are made and be told all the time that health care for my family wasn’t possible. . . . To be able to walk into a space and be told that our lives are too politically inconvenient to fight for is quite an experience.”

Eighteen months ago, when she had only catastrophic health insurance with an $8,000 deductible, she said, she’d tried to pay a doctor with a bag of her cash tips, then burst into tears when the doctor told her she needed a blood test, because she couldn’t afford one.

“And the doctor said, ‘What do you do for a living?’ And I said, ‘I’m running for Congress.’ ”
She found a free clinic, and she had to wait half a day there - she told her campaign's other canvassers that she'd be busy that day. After that, she accumulated another bagful of cash tips, and she went to that doctor again. Clean bill of health, but she was very worried.
History repeated itself. A Latina woman subbed for an old white man. The first time was Annabel Palma debating AOC instead of her opponent, Joe Crowley. AP was very absent-minded, mainly talking about her achievements in the NYC Council. The two were much alike in their absenteeism. The second time was AOC subbing for Bernie Sanders as he was stuck in DC for the Trump impeachment trial. AOC performed very well. The two were also much alike in championing a social-democratic order.


A lot of the recipients I don't recognize, but some I do. Facebook and Google, presumably for running campaign ads. ActBlue, for accepting donations. Delta Airlines, JetBlue, Amtrak, Uber, Lyft, ZipCar for transport. Hotels.com, The Line Hotel for lodging. T-Mobile for telecom service. ...

She donated money to the NYS Democratic Party, the PAC's Courage to Change, Brand New Congress, and the candidates Marie Newman, Mike Levin, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib.

capitalism wants your
body to be a machine.
you are not a machine.
you are a magical,
divine human being.
The Nap Ministry, founded 2016
AOC linked this with a caption: "Rest up. Enjoy your weekend fully and unapologetically."

The Nap Ministry on Instagram: “Rest Meditation #1 #napministry #thenapministry #restasresistance #restisresistance #sleep #rest #spiritualcare #healing #naps #napping #soulcare #selfcare #chicago #atlanta #performanceart #naptime #community #archive #spiritualdirection #reparations #joy #socialjustice #racialjustice #justice #communitycare #womanism”

The Nap Ministry (@thenapministry) • Instagram photos and videos - We examine the liberating power of naps. We believe rest is a form of resistance and reparations. We install Nap Experiences. Founded in 2016.
Blind to whom, to those who don't want to see?

To anyone on mobile. The URL only shows when you hover it.

Okay, here's an edited version of what it's said of that site.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez majored in economics, but she doesn’t seem to have learned much.
It costs a pretty penny to earn a diploma in stupid.

The annual list price to attend Boston University — including tuition, fees, room, and board — currently rounds out to $70,000. To acquire a degree in economics from this tony institution of higher learning, an undergrad must complete courses in calculus, microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis, empirical economics, statistics, and assorted electives.

Four years, 52 credits and nearly $300,000 later, the school promises that BU economics majors will depart “with a firm understanding of core microeconomic and macroeconomic theory” and the “empirical skills that are essential to applying economic reasoning in our increasingly data-driven world.”

How, then, to explain the abject economic illiteracy of meteoric media darling and democratic socialist “political rock star” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? The 28-year-old BU alumna graduated with an economics and international relations degree in 2011. She calls herself a “nerd” and bragged about her academic credentials, tweeting earlier this month:

“How many other House Democrats have a degree in Economics like I do? Trying to find who out here is going to be in the Gini Coefficient Appreciation Squad.”
So she went to college, got a degree, and Malkin's op-ed (18 months old) doesn't like her... therefore, she be dumb.

Could have just said Michelle "Went to Oberlin at currently $50k a year for Tuition to learn how to write op-eds with an English major after dropping out of music department" Malkin doesn't like her.

Seriously, someone mocking BU, after having went to Oberlin?
AOC graduated Cum Laude, fourth in her class, with a double major.

Maybe others are the stupid ones?
No, you are wrong, the English major knows more about economics than a person that graduated with an economics degree Cum Laude. I know when I went to college we always hushed up when in the presence of English Majors.
Okay, here's an edited version of what it's said of that site.
Was it really that hard?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez majored in economics, but she doesn’t seem to have learned much.
It costs a pretty penny to earn a diploma in stupid.

How, then, to explain the abject economic illiteracy of meteoric media darling and democratic socialist “political rock star” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? The 28-year-old BU alumna graduated with an economics and international relations degree in 2011. She calls herself a “nerd” and bragged about her academic credentials, tweeting earlier this month:

“How many other House Democrats have a degree in Economics like I do? Trying to find who out here is going to be in the Gini Coefficient Appreciation Squad.”
What was AOC supposed to have learned?
AOC graduated Cum Laude, fourth in her class, with a double major.
She has impressive credentials on paper. But "on tarmac", she has demonstrated ignorance of most basic economics concepts.

Maybe others are the stupid ones?
Like who? People who don't burn almost a thousand gallons of gasoline in order to protest an oil pipeline?
No, you are wrong, the English major knows more about economics than a person that graduated with an economics degree Cum Laude. I know when I went to college we always hushed up when in the presence of English Majors.

Well for this particular economics graduate, that is the case. Not sure how she bamboozled the BU people to grant her the degree. Maybe she slept with the dean?
you are a magical,
divine human being.
The supposed future of the Democratic Party is in magical thinking?

Holy hashtag overload Batman!
Also, what is the difference between "womanism" and "feminism"? Is it like those nutcases who kept arguing whether woo was "wholistic" or "holistic"? :)

The Nap Ministry (@thenapministry) • Instagram photos and videos - We examine the liberating power of naps. We believe rest is a form of resistance and reparations. We install Nap Experiences. Founded in 2016.
Just like the AOC being in favor of "powerful magic", this Nap Ministry is like something from Veep. Complete with Selina Meyer eye roll and Catherine being really into it.
So she went to college, got a degree, and Malkin's op-ed (18 months old) doesn't like her... therefore, she be dumb.
Well in the intervening 18 months there has been more. Like thinking a government doesn't have to worry about paying for hyper-expensive programs like GND because they can always print more money.

Could have just said Michelle "Went to Oberlin at currently $50k a year for Tuition to learn how to write op-eds with an English major after dropping out of music department" Malkin doesn't like her.

Seriously, someone mocking BU, after having went to Oberlin?

Hey, if even an English major can see flaws in AOC's understanding of basic economics, then she is really in trouble. How about you move away from the genetic fallacy, and tell us why you think Malkin's critique is wrong. And no, "AOC went to BU and has a degree" is not an argument.
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