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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Inside Standing Rock - What is Dakota Access Pipeline? - YouTube - 2016 Nov 23 - interviews with several people there, has some links.

AOC Meets with Pine Ridge Delegation - YouTube - 2019 Jun 13 - Lakota Peoples Law Project - We joined Oglala Sioux Tribe President Julian Bear Runner's delegation to meet with Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. We talked about KXL, the Green New Deal, and the need for positive change.

AOC credits going to the Standing Rock camp with starting her political career. As she left, she felt prepared to give all she had. She also describes how the camp showed that "another world" is possible - a different kind of society. But it's likely difficult to scale a society like that camp, and the camp's society was a very incomplete one.

FULL Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez TYT Interview - YouTube - 2019 Jun 7 - she talks about what a big adjustment her sudden fame was, then about what counts as progressiveness. Joe Biden called himself the most progressive one in the race. But the Hyde Amendment is not progressive.

What makes a good candidacy? A good candidate, a bad opponent, and a supportive community. Then working with Ted Cruz on banning Congresspeople from becoming lobbyists -- a favorite post-Congress career. AOC notes some loopholes, like being a consultant instead of a registered lobbyist.

Her previous interview with the TYT was during her primary campaign, in the spring of 2018.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Closing Keynote Netroots Nation 2018 - YouTube - Aug 4 that year - She quotes Ayanna Pressley on how those closest to the pain should be closest to the power. We will beat big money with big organizing, she says. There are two kinds of swing voters: red <-> blue and nonvoter <-> voter. Also that Democrats need to "come home" to its past of the New Deal and the Great Society and the Civil Rights Act. Midwesterners aren't that different from Northeasterners, she says.

She wasn't wearing makeup and she wore the same dress 5 days in a row: a black sleeveless one with its zipper in front. She had arrived earlier that day from campaigning in California.

I decided to look at the beliefs of some of the participants in that MLK Micah Faith Table.

Rev. Kaji Dousa (Douša - Dousha) preached a sermon the day before in which she explained that Heaven is not really separate from us. Meaning that Heaven and Hell are things that we can experience in this life.

Rabbi Emily Cohen is in  Reconstructionist Judaism, and that is more theologically liberal than Reform Judaism. It's much more about what may be called cultural Judaism than religious Judaism. "Kaplan affirmed that God is not anthropomorphic in any way. All anthropomorphic descriptions of God are understood to be metaphorical. Kaplan's theology went further to claim that God is not personal, and not a conscious being, nor can God in any way relate to or communicate with humanity. Kaplan's theology defines God as the sum of all natural processes that allow people to become self-fulfilled." and "Most Reconstructionists do not believe in revelation (the idea that God reveals his will to human beings)."

Its most usual theology is  Religious naturalism, something that has been criticized for redefining "God" and "revelation" and the like. Religious naturalism is something like Albert Einstein's beliefs.

AOC's own theological beliefs seem rather vague and ambiguous. In that talk, she talked a lot about her "faith", but it was her ethical/moral/social beliefs.
Joe Neguse on Twitter: ""Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses"
As a son of Eritrean refugees, those words mean everything.
The President's travel ban on Eritrea & other African countries is reckless, cruel and wrong.
Congress must oppose it. And we will. https://t.co/e7Ws3Ga5rX" / Twitter

Ayanna Pressley to deliver Working Families Party response to Trump's State of the Union - CNNPolitics
Greg Krieg on Twitter: ">@AyannaPressley to give the progressive Working Families Party’s SOTU response on Tuesday night: https://t.co/4z9cNEJj6W" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Let’s gooo https://t.co/FajlnwNeQe" / Twitter

AOC was introduced at that gathering by Rev. Raymond Rivera, a Pentecostal minister who composed a rebuttal to Serene Jones calling the Virgin Birth "bizarre": Dr. Serene Jones, President Of Union Theological Seminary Use of "Bizarre" in Discussing the Virgin Birth and the Resurrection of Christ - Parkchester Times | Parkchester News and Marketplace

Feeling drawn to Standing Rock -- an unkind interpretation of that is that it's like people feeling drawn to Devils Tower in the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind": Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Devils Tower, Wyoming | Intermountain Histories

As to Rev. Rivera's idea that God somehow got AOC into office, that reminds me of this ( George Washington):
In 1755, Washington served voluntarily as an aide to General Edward Braddock, who led a British expedition to expel the French from Fort Duquesne and the Ohio Country.[34] On Washington's recommendation, Braddock split the army into one main column and a lightly equipped "flying column".[35] Suffering from a severe case of dysentery, Washington was left behind, and when he rejoined Braddock at Monongahela the French and their Indian allies ambushed the divided army. The British suffered two-thirds casualties, including the mortally wounded Braddock. Under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Gage, Washington, still very ill, rallied the survivors and formed a rear guard, allowing the remnants of the force to disengage and retreat.[36] During the engagement he had two horses shot from under him, and his hat and coat were bullet-pierced.[37] His conduct under fire redeemed his reputation among critics of his command in the Battle of Fort Necessity,[38] but he was not included by the succeeding commander (Colonel Thomas Dunbar) in planning subsequent operations.[39]
In "The Finger of God", Isaac Asimov wrote about a high-school teacher who described that as evidence that God was protecting George Washington so that he could eventually lead the rebellious British North American colonies to victory. Despite the death of his boss, GW survived intact despite enemy bullets going into his hat, his coat, and two horses that he was riding.
Joe Neguse on Twitter: ""Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses"
As a son of Eritrean refugees, those words mean everything.
I do not think a 19th century poem should form the basis of US immigration policy in the 21st century.

The President's travel ban on Eritrea & other African countries is reckless, cruel and wrong.
Congress must oppose it. And we will.
I do not think an outright ban is the solution, but stricter vetting of legal immigrants and deporting illegal ones is.

Ayanna Pressley to deliver Working Families Party response to Trump's State of the Union - CNNPolitics
Working Families Party? Pressley left the Democratic Party? Does that mean she will lose Dem Party support for her reelection?

AOC was introduced at that gathering by Rev. Raymond Rivera, a Pentecostal minister who composed a rebuttal to Serene Jones calling the Virgin Birth "bizarre":
It doesn't get much more bizarre than Pentecostalism. AOC really has some strange bedfellows.

I would not call that a rebuttal. More like a feeble letter to the editor in a local rag that is long on race-card word salad (sample: "her claims reflect the attitude of the white Eurocentric mindset that has shaped both church and society, particularly in defining what is normative and authoritative") and short on offering any evidence or support for the claim that there was a virgin birth. In fact, he offered zero such evidence, and a proper response to his rambling incoherent response would be this.

Feeling drawn to Standing Rock -- an unkind interpretation of that is that it's like people feeling drawn to Devils Tower in the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"
Nah. In that movie, the aliens were real. Standing Rock had far less going for it.

As to Rev. Rivera's idea that God somehow got AOC into office, that reminds me of this ( George Washington):
How is that different than religious nuts on the right claiming the same for Trump?

In "The Finger of God", Isaac Asimov wrote about a high-school teacher who described that as evidence that God was protecting George Washington so that he could eventually lead the rebellious British North American colonies to victory. Despite the death of his boss, GW survived intact despite enemy bullets going into his hat, his coat, and two horses that he was riding.
Or he just got really lucky. Any individual winning the lottery is extremely unlikely, but somebody winning the lottery isn't. Any individual having such a lucky escape in battle in unlikely, but somebody having such an escape in a war where 10s of thousands of people are fighting for years is almost inevitable.
IA asked if there was someone who died in that battle who could make the colonies independent without a war. The teacher grew red in the face and said "Are you saying that there was someone greater than George Washington?" (my memory)

The Ones We've Been Waiting For by Charlotte Alter: 9780525561507 | PenguinRandomHouse.com: Books - How a New Generation of Leaders Will Transform America

Through the experiences of millennial leaders–from progressive firebrand Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg to Republican up-and-comer Elise Stefanik–Charlotte Alter gives the big-picture look at how this generation governs differently than their elders, and how they may drag us out of our current political despair. Millennials have already revolutionized technology, commerce, and media and have powered the major social movements of our time. Now government is ripe for disruption. The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For is a hopeful glimpse into a bright new generation of political leaders, and what America might look like when they are in charge.
It has a chapter called "The Pilgrimage of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez" about her trip to Standing Rock.

How Millennial Leaders Will Change America | Time
Love ’em or hate ’em, this much is true: one day soon, millennials will rule America.

So what’s America going to look like when this generation rises to power? I spent the past three years trying to answer that question by crisscrossing the country, interviewing the young leaders who are among the first in their cohort to be elected to public office. I sat down with Democratic stars like Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 30, and former South Bend, Ind., mayor Pete Buttigieg, 38, and Republican up-and-comers like Representatives Elise Stefanik and Dan Crenshaw, both 35. I interviewed rookie Democratic Congresswomen like Lauren Underwood, 33, and Haley Stevens, 36, and a smattering of local leaders from California to New York, including Stockton, Calif., Mayor Michael Tubbs, 29, and Ithaca, N.Y., Mayor Svante Myrick, 32. The result is my book, The Ones We’ve Been Waiting For.

But a progressive youthquake is coming. Research has shown that people’s experiences in early adulthood have the greatest impact on their lifelong political leanings, and millennials, for the most part, have experienced an America riven by inequality, endless wars, a financial collapse, a student debt crisis, and inertia in the face of climate change. All that has made them distinctly more liberal than their elders. “The America we grew up in is nothing like the America our parents or our grandparents grew up in,” Ocasio-Cortez told me in an interview in her Capitol Hill office last year. “A lot of what we have to deal with are issues and decisions that were made by people in generations before us.”

Researchers have found that popular Presidents tend to attract young people to their party, while unpopular Presidents repel them. Those formative attitudes are persistent: if you’re disenchanted by a Republican President as a teenager, you’re disproportionately more likely to vote for Democrats well into your adult life. One Pew study of 2012 data found that those who turned 18 during the unpopular Republican Richard Nixon years were more likely to vote for Democrat Barack Obama, while those who turned 18 just a decade later, during the prosperous Ronald Reagan years, tended to vote for Obama’s GOP opponent in the 2012 presidential race, Mitt Romney.

Republicans have long done well among white voters, but millennials and their younger siblings in Gen Z (those born since 1997) are the most racially diverse generation in U.S. history. Republicans maintain strong ties to religious voters; millennials widely reject organized religion and are more openly LGBTQ than any generation before. On nearly every predictor of social conservatism–religion, race, wealth–millennials are headed one way and the GOP is headed another.
AOC seems well-posed to be a leader in the years to come, though I think that she will likely stick to being a Representative. She's a homebody, and having to travel a lot to visit her constituents would be difficult for her. So as long as she can represent the Bronx and Queens, she'll be happy.
'Not Normal' But in a Good Way: Ocasio-Cortez Raises $1 Million in One Month for Re-Election | Common Dreams News - "The energy of this movement is at an all-time high."
"Our team is floored," the campaign told supporters in a press release announcing the $1 million in funds for January. "The energy of this movement is at an all-time high, and that foreshadows a lot of great things for our future."

Ryan Grim on Twitter: "Egged on by the DCCC's hostility to progressive candidates, small donors have given more than $1 million to @AOC in a single *month*. That's not normal for the House. https://t.co/Va73X2a5P7" / Twitter

Ryan Grim on Twitter: "@AOC Because she raised so much, she's saying in that email that she's not going to raise for her own campaign on the last day of the month (which is a huge day for fundraising) but instead will raise for her leadership PAC, which she uses to support other House candidates/members" / Twitter

Eva Putzova 🏜️ on Twitter: "The DCCC loves to tip the scales.
They gave $8,500 to my opponent, Tom O'Halleran, in December alone.
They don't care about democracy, they care about power.
My campaign is 100% grassroots.
Help us offset their influence by chipping in here: [url]https://t.co/krs8Gk6Xho
https://t.co/kMoY9i66ks" / Twitter[/url]

OCASIO-CORTEZ, ALEXANDRIA - Candidate overview | FEC - now updated to the end of last year. Seems like it gets updated a month afterward.

She's received $5,379,749.22 in contributions, more than all her opponents combined. Her opponents tended to get larger individual contributions than she did, however. As earlier, she got a little more from California than from New York, her two biggest contributor states. Of her opponents, none of the Democrats have contributions broken down by state, but some of the Republicans do. John Cummings got most of his from NY, but sizable amounts from Texas, Florida, and California. Scherie Moore got most of hers from Virginia, and lesser amounts from NY, FL, TX, and CA. Jineea Butler got most of his from Florida and Washington State, with lesser amounts from MD, WI, CA, and some others - none from NY. Antoine Tucker got most of his from CA. Miguel Hernandez got most of his from NY. Ruth Papazian got the most from VA, then TX and CA. The others did not get any broken down by state.
The morons that follow her every stupid utterance and socialist ideology like GND are most certainly stupid, or just plain crazy.
What "socialist ideology"? It seems to only exist in the heads of her detractors.

Corey Torpie Photography on Instagram: “Best thing about going to Iowa and seeing this whole process up close? All the volunteers on the ground doing the damn thing. . . . #politicalphotography #aoc #iowa”
A commenter called AOC "the female Bernie".

She claimed about Iowa that agricultural workers in Iowa are up to 50% Hispanic, and she mentioned connecting to Hispanic communities there. I checked  List of U.S. states by Hispanic and Latino population and some Iowa counties do have sizable Hispanic fractions.

She also said that if you are under 40 and vote, you will "completely break the polls". At least if enough under-40 people vote -- people who usually don't vote in large numbers. Something like her primary victory. A poll taken before it showed her losing by 30% when she won by 15% - her campaigners expanded the vote by 68%, bringing in a lot of people who did not seem worth polling. The classic example of such mispolling is what  The Literary Digest did in 1936. It polled a large number of would-be voters, and it predicted a landslide victory for FDR challenger Alf Landon. But that poll was mainly of people with cars and telephone service and the like, people more affluent than average. It was less affluent people who pushed FDR to victory that year.

Then this weird statement by her in the MLK-day TNC conversation. "I don't know what shape or or what form my life will take, and I don't impose a plan on it, because I have given it - myself, personally - in my context of things - I have given it to a higher power."

I found that weird, because one can't get anywhere without planning. Maybe not some detailed plan for much of one's life, but plans for shorter-term things and smaller-scale things. She could not have gone to Standing Rock without planning, and she could not have gotten elected without planning. Like accumulating more than 5000 petition signatures for getting on the ballot, well more than the 1250 needed to qualify, to avoid legal challenges.

Those qualifications are interesting - is she saying that that's how her mind works? I looked up that phrase, and while I could not find an exact match, I found a lot of stuff about "surrendering one's life to God" or to a "higher power" in the context of twelve-step addiction recovery. 5 Forms of a Higher Power to Believe In - music, nature, the Universe, humanity, love.

AOC does not seem to have any long-term career plans, and she doesn't seem interested in climbing some career ladder. She doesn't seem to be aiming at becoming the head of some committee or running for the Senate or running for the Presidency. She prefers to go to where she thinks she can do the most good. She is also a homebody, and the House is the easiest for such a person.
What "socialist ideology"? It seems to only exist in the heads of her detractors.
If the GND isn't a socialist manifesto, what is?
What "socialist ideology"? It seems to only exist in the heads of her detractors.
If the GND isn't a socialist manifesto, what is?
How it is "socialist"?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@aoc) • Instagram photos and videos - she recently Instagrammed on her Bronx campaign headquarters, which is now under construction. She wants to make it available for activists, because according to her, activism is how we are going to get the world that we want.

Corey Torpie Photography on Instagram: “It felt really special to be traveling on an all female team with @AOC as she campaigned for @berniesanders in Iowa last weekend. . . . #politicalphotography #aoc #notmeus

Ariella Schwartz (@ariellayschwartz) • Instagram photos and videos - "liberal dirtbag | she / her | currently coordinating @ team @aoc (all opinions, drunk dms & curse words are my own / not my employers)"
ocasiocortez.com - that URL still redirects to AOC's 2018 campaign site.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The folks writing checks for a new Space Force are the same ones asking “how are you going to pay for” public college or healthcare.
This is the richest country in the world. Our problem isn’t a lack of money. It’s a lack of good priorities.
And that is something we can change. https://t.co/BGXPbdlGjC" / Twitter

Bernie Sanders on Twitter: "This is the richest country in the history of the world. We can afford to guarantee health care and education for all our people. What we need is the political will. #NotMeUs https://t.co/3kIbDxvDHV" / Twitter
where AOC spoke about that selectiveness.
What "socialist ideology"? It seems to only exist in the heads of her detractors.
If the GND isn't a socialist manifesto, what is?

Who can forget Marx and Engels famously calling for a capitalist society to exert more control over private corporations in order to make socialism happen
Inside Standing Rock - What is Dakota Access Pipeline? - YouTube - 2016 Nov 23 - interviews with several people there, has some links.

So I watched this video. It has a multitude of falsehoods about the pipeline. But we have discussed DAPL and the idiots who were protesting it at length when it was going on. The people they interviewed though. Old hippies and Millennial neo-hippies. Long on woo, short on science and facts. Sample of one of the NoDAPL geniuses: "we don't want to bring oil into our homes because they call it the black snake". As we say in the South, "bless his heart". They don't understand economics either- that a company seeks profit is not evil! Also, I am guessing most of these people don't have jobs; you know, except for that hippie chick peddling her new-agey crap...
I will respond to the rest of your post later (on the other side of Iowa), but for not let me leave you with this: we must fight against ignorance and nonsense coming from both Right and Left. Intellectual laziness is not righteous just because it's based on so-called "indigenous" beliefs and supported by those on the political Left.
What "socialist ideology"? It seems to only exist in the heads of her detractors.
If the GND isn't a socialist manifesto, what is?

Who can forget Marx and Engels famously calling for a capitalist society to exert more control over private corporations in order to make socialism happen

Yea, socialism has worked well everywhere it's been tried hasn't it!
Blind to whom, to those who don't want to see?

To anyone on mobile. The URL only shows when you hover it.

Okay, here's an edited version of what it's said of that site.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez majored in economics, but she doesn’t seem to have learned much.
It costs a pretty penny to earn a diploma in stupid.

The annual list price to attend Boston University — including tuition, fees, room, and board — currently rounds out to $70,000. To acquire a degree in economics from this tony institution of higher learning, an undergrad must complete courses in calculus, microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis, empirical economics, statistics, and assorted electives.

Four years, 52 credits and nearly $300,000 later, the school promises that BU economics majors will depart “with a firm understanding of core microeconomic and macroeconomic theory” and the “empirical skills that are essential to applying economic reasoning in our increasingly data-driven world.”

How, then, to explain the abject economic illiteracy of meteoric media darling and democratic socialist “political rock star” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? The 28-year-old BU alumna graduated with an economics and international relations degree in 2011. She calls herself a “nerd” and bragged about her academic credentials, tweeting earlier this month:

“How many other House Democrats have a degree in Economics like I do? Trying to find who out here is going to be in the Gini Coefficient Appreciation Squad.”

I don't believe she's stupid. Rather, she's blinded by her ideology.
Okay, here's an edited version of what it's said of that site.


How, then, to explain the abject economic illiteracy of meteoric media darling and democratic socialist “political rock star” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? The 28-year-old BU alumna graduated with an economics and international relations degree in 2011. She calls herself a “nerd” and bragged about her academic credentials, tweeting earlier this month:

“How many other House Democrats have a degree in Economics like I do? Trying to find who out here is going to be in the Gini Coefficient Appreciation Squad.”
I don't believe she's stupid. Rather, she's blinded by her ideology.
That tweet:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Wondering: How many other House Democrats have a degree in Economics like I do?
Trying to find who out here is going to be in the Gini Coefficient Appreciation Squad." / Twitter

2018 Jul 3
 Ro Khanna also has an economics degree.

Also as to the "finger of God" bit about George Washington and his surviving a battle in 1755, there was something similar that happened to Japan some 740 years go. China was then ruled by Mongol emperor Kublai Khan of the Yuan dynasty, and he tried twice to conquer Japan.

Before that, in 1266, he sent some envoys who demanded that Japan become a vassal state of his regime. They returned empty-handed. He did it some more times, with the same result. So in 1274, he decided on invading Japan and he sent out an invasion fleet with some 20,000 soldiers, according to one source.

The invasion force had some success at first, but Japanese soldiers beat it off, and they were helped by some bad weather.

Japan's leaders decided to prepare for another invasion, and sure enough, Kublai Khan tried again in 1281. He sent out an invasion force of some 125,000 - 150,000 soldiers, according to some sources, but they were stymied by Japanese samurai defending the invasion site, Hakata Bay. The samurai fought bravely there for some months, but though most of the invaders were stuck in their boats the whole time, they did not give up.

Then on August 15, a typhoon (hurricane) came by and devastated the invasion fleet. The survivors were either captured or else returned home, and the Mongols did not try again.

This hurricane became known as a kamikaze - "divine wind".

The Japanese suicide attackers late in the war were the Kamikaze Tokubetsu Kogekitai - "Divine Wind Special Attack Forces", tokkotai or tokko for short. The "Divine Wind" part was from their intended effect.
lpetrich said:
you are a magical,
divine human being.
The supposed future of the Democratic Party is in magical thinking?
That's as far as they get in woo-woo, it seems, so I don't think that I'd want to be too literal about it.

 Womanism - it's a variation of feminism - "Hudson-Weems identifies further differences between womanism and feminism being; womanism is “family-oriented” and focuses on race, class, and gender, while feminism is “female-oriented” and strictly focuses on gender." It was first named by Alice Walker in 1979.
That's as far as they get in woo-woo, it seems, so I don't think that I'd want to be too literal about it.
As I said above, I watched the first Standing Rock video you posted. The woo is strong with the Left.

 Womanism - it's a variation of feminism - "Hudson-Weems identifies further differences between womanism and feminism being; womanism is “family-oriented” and focuses on race, class, and gender, while feminism is “female-oriented” and strictly focuses on gender." It was first named by Alice Walker in 1979.
It's not Judean People's Front, it's People's Front of Judea!
What "socialist ideology"? It seems to only exist in the heads of her detractors.
If the GND isn't a socialist manifesto, what is?

Who can forget Marx and Engels famously calling for a capitalist society to exert more control over private corporations in order to make socialism happen

Yea, socialism has worked well everywhere it's been tried hasn't it!

Yes. Yes it has.
 Joan of Arc (1412 - 1431) - French: Jeanne D'Arc. She came from a peasant family, and her last name was likely originally Darc, a name that got misparsed as D'Arc.

When she was 13, she had visions of the archangel Michel, St. Margaret, and St. Catherine of Alexandria. They told her to support Charles VII to recover France from English domination late in the Hundred Years' War. Charles VII then sent her to the Siege of Orléans as part of a relief army to assist the city's besieged inhabitants. The siege was lifted after only nine days, she became more prominent, and Charles VII's armies had more victories. This led to him being consecrated as king in Reims.

A little later, she went to Compiègne to help defend it against an English and Burgundian siege. She was captured on 23 May 1430, and she was put on trial for heresy, and on 30 May 1431, she was burned at the stake.

Margaret Atwood says Greta Thunberg is the 'Joan of Arc of the environment'

America Could Never Handle A Jacinta Ardern - Noteworthy - The Journal Blog - "New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 29, is the progressive Joan of Arc every serious liberal was waiting for."

Red Sísmica de Puerto Rico - Puerto Rico Seismic Network
¿Lo sentiste? ¡Reportalo! - "Reportar un Sismo Sentido" (Did you feel it? Report it. To Report an Earthquake that you Felt.)
Red Sísmica de PR on Twitter: "ACTUALIZADA: 4/febrero/2020 10:45:55 AM
Mag: 5.0 Ml, Prof: 7 Km , Sentido: Int. Máx VI en Ponce, PR
No hay Aviso, Advertencia o Vigilancia de tsunami para Puerto Rico e Islas Vírgenes
Emitido: 2020-02-04 11:05:42 (GMT-4) https://t.co/QhezL53iss" / Twitter

No advisory, warning, or tsunami watch for Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands
Andrea González-Ramírez on Twitter: "Another 5.0 earthquake just hit Puerto Rico. The island has been shaking since December 28. Today is February 4. https://t.co/a4is05b0ub" / Twitter

The perils of subduction zones.
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