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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The AOC Tapes: Rep says she got goddaughter into Bronx charter school - when that's a no-no in parts of her base.
During a March 2019 town hall organized by Jackson Heights People for Public Schools, she had harsh words for New York City public schools — but also lauded public education as “one of the greatest gems of public good in the United States.” She warned that residents of the Bronx were now being “incentivized to enroll into a charter school.”

“The moment we start feeling that way is when we should start fighting to improve them,” Ocasio-Cortez said during the meeting, which was attended by a who’s who of anti-charter activists, including State Sen. Jessica Ramos, Assemblywoman Catalina Cruz and NYU professor Diane Ravitch.

During the same meeting, AOC conceded that her cousin’s children also attended charter schools, according to the socialist magazine Jacobin.
Ocasio-Cortez scorches public schools at Queens town hall
The freshman lawmaker, speaking Saturday at a packed town hall organized by the Jackson Heights People for Public Schools, said, “As a child I spoke Spanish first. … and I went to a school where no one looked like me. I went to a school where teachers thought I needed remedial education because I spoke two languages instead of one.”

It wasn’t until she took a “high-stakes” test in which she scored in the 99th percentile across the board, she said, that educators realized she did not need extra help.

“It took a test instead of understanding the child in front of them,” said Ocasio-Cortez, who shared the stage with State Sen. Jessica Ramos, Assemblywoman Catalina Cruz, and NYU Professor Diane Ravitch, a leading charter school opponent.
As if private schools will automatically be better.
The AOC Tapes: 'I was discouraged from dressing ghetto as a kid'
“We were taught that dressing a certain way is ghetto, and once you have like hoop earrings, it’s like a very subtle. It’s not outward, but, you know, you don’t show up to a job interview in a nameplate and hoop earrings,” Ocasio-Cortez says during a Facebook live video from 2017.

“I’m Puerto Rican. I kind of grew up with this kind of subtle message that if you dress like that, you will not be taken seriously,” she adds in her pre-Congress confessional. “Why is it that when I wear hoop earrings, it’s like sassy? But when … I don’t know, when Jessica Biel wears hoop earrings, it’s elegant.”

The AOC Tapes: Dem darling says Thomas Jefferson 'was a progressive' president
“Thomas Jefferson is one of my favorite presidents,” AOC says while her and friend Maria Swisher visited the Jefferson Memorial. “I love Thomas Jefferson because [of] his just voracious curiosity about the world.”

She praised some other presidents, like her "bae", Abraham Lincoln, and she had some nice words to say about Ted Cruz. “Sometimes I think Ted Cruz is a little nerdy in how he talks and people point that out. But it’s because, you know, for what it’s worth, Ted Cruz is a constitutionalist. And politics aside, that dude loves the language of documents,” she said.

But she didn't say anything about his fathering love children with slave Sally Hemings.

The AOC Tapes: Rep says Fox News tries to 'trigger' progressive women - part of her training at Brand New Congress's "boot camp" in Kentucky was doing mock interviews with reporters from news media with different slants: left-wing, mainstream, and right-wing.
“These mock interviews were like the real deal. So as soon as I walked into my Fox News interview, they were calling me like young lady and, you know, amping up that, like, kind of sexist subtext a little bit,” AOC says. “And and it’s meant to, you know, trigger you a little bit and see how you handle that hot seat.”

“You know, I guess the way that I kind of handled my Fox News interview was highlighting … the bipartisan aspects of our agenda,” she continues.
The AOC tapes: Watch congresswoman rock out to Bon Jovi on road trip - "Livin' On A Prayer" - she, Maria, and Josh sang along, and she did air guitar and air drums.

The AOC Tapes: Congresswoman praises Trump in unearthed video
“I’d like to say about President Trump is that part I think of what made his communication so effective is because he was capitalizing on the frustration of the American people,” she says. “Nobody else besides him and Bernie Sanders were really articulating the frustration of the American people.”

Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic nominee, went unmentioned.

During her 2018 congressional race and since taking office, Ocasio-Cortez has relentlessly railed against Trump, labeling him a “racist” and accusing him of using the language of “white supremacy.” She has also warned he is leading the country towards “fascism.”
No contradiction. AOC finds both good things and bad things about President Trump.
Now that's quite funny. You mean AOC is not a socialist, even though she's admitted to being one on many occasions? She's also the rabid socialist the Bern's main backer.

Once again, accusing AOC of being a socialist without proof. And we've had this talk about about why you can't prove Bernie Sanders is a "rabid socialist". Do you know how I know you can't prove this?


Bernie's proposed tax plan, as shown here.

And here is the tax plan from Australia's conservative party, currently in government:


Bernie Sanders is more fiscally conservative than Scott Morrison's government. But that's not going to stop you from spewing rhetorical bullshit now will it?

FMD....................if you think the senile old rabid socialist the Bern is conservative, you must have lived on Mars for the last few years! He's a self proclaimed socialist! A blood brother of Corbyn in the UK. And we all know how he went at the last election don't we! No wait: The Russians got Boris elected, right?
Spectrum News NY1 on Twitter: "Congresswoman @AOC, who represents parts of Queens and the Bronx, teamed up with city census officials for a town hall Saturday in Queens. https://t.co/DRWXTPnNyj" / Twitter
AOC Makes Push for All New Yorkers to be Counted in Census
"If our kids aren't counted and our families aren't counted, then our schools aren't going to get the teachers that they need,” Ocasio-Cortez said at the event. “Our infrastructure is not going to get the investment that it requires, including our transit infrastructure, our bridges, our roads, our hospitals. So we have to make sure that our response is completely overwhelming, that every single person is counted and that everyone gets the resources that they need."

The census starts March 12, and can be completed online, by mail or phone in multiple languages.
Jessica Ramos on Twitter: "Did you know children under age 5 are one of the largest groups of undercounted people in the US?
This year, we’re making sure ALL children, all working families & all New Yorkers get counted. Thanks @RepAOC for hosting a #Census2020 town hall for our community! #GetCountedNYC https://t.co/zzenzVuip5" / Twitter

Julie Menin on Twitter: "Incredible Census Town Hall hosted by @aoc in Queens! We are in a nationwide competition & can’t let other states take our funding and political representation. In 2010, Queens had a 62% self-response rate! We can and must do better. NYC we are down for the Count! #GetCountedNYC https://t.co/E03Jnp6SJC" / Twitter

The video is at Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Home at Facebook - several other AOC town-hall videos can be found there. She should have an easy time refuting her challengers' objection that "she's never in her district".
Rise of Sanders, AOC has some NY Democrats feeling 'left' out: Devine - discusses AOC challenger Miguel Hernandez, a 35-year-old Republican who says “I consider myself politically independent, fiscally very conservative, socially very liberal. But there’s a big difference between liberal and socialist. Socialism is one of the biggest dangers we could face.” He has support from some entertainment people.

A son of Puerto Rican immigrants, he brags about his working-class origins and claims that “Unlike AOC, I wasn’t born with a silver spoon.” Except that AOC wasn't either. “I am a building superintendent and a certifier. There are a lot of problems with housing: mold, asbestos and lead inside the walls. Kids that are living inside these properties that are health hazards for them. I could fix it. I’ve been doing this for over 19 years.” - something that AOC's Green New Deal for Public Housing addresses.

NY Post Publishes 12 Stories On AOC In One Day - those "AOC Tapes" stories from those long-ago Facebook Live videos.
Rise of Sanders, AOC has some NY Democrats feeling 'left' out: Devine - discusses AOC challenger Miguel Hernandez, a 35-year-old Republican who says “I consider myself politically independent, fiscally very conservative, socially very liberal. But there’s a big difference between liberal and socialist. Socialism is one of the biggest dangers we could face.” He has support from some entertainment people.
That quotation is from Noel Ashman, not Miguel Hernandez.
It wasn’t until she took a “high-stakes” test in which she scored in the 99th percentile across the board, she said, that educators realized she did not need extra help.
Which sounds like a ringing endorsement of testing. Too bad that testing, esp. high stakes testing, is considered anathema on the Left.

“It took a test instead of understanding the child in front of them,” said Ocasio-Cortez, who shared the stage with State Sen. Jessica Ramos, Assemblywoman Catalina Cruz, and NYU Professor Diane Ravitch, a leading charter school opponent.
A bit hypocritical to rant against corned beef charter schools for the hoi poloi, but if you are in the Politburo, it's fine for your family members. :rolleyes:

As if private schools will automatically be better.
Not automatically better than a well-run public school, but most private schools are better than most public schools.
“We were taught that dressing a certain way is ghetto,
Spoiler alert: it is.
and once you have like hoop earrings, it’s like a very subtle.
Real "subtle" ;)

But when … I don’t know, when Jessica Biel wears hoop earrings, it’s elegant.”
I do not think anybody thinks it's elegant.
Btw, I did a google image search and on a cursory glance, no hoochie hoops on Jessica Biel.

The AOC Tapes: Dem darling says Thomas Jefferson 'was a progressive' president
“Thomas Jefferson is one of my favorite presidents,” AOC says while her and friend Maria Swisher visited the Jefferson Memorial. “I love Thomas Jefferson because [of] his just voracious curiosity about the world.”
I agree with her on that. Jefferson is greatly underrated from both Left and Right.

She praised some other presidents, like her "bae", Abraham Lincoln, and she had some nice words to say about Ted Cruz. “Sometimes I think Ted Cruz is a little nerdy in how he talks and people point that out. But it’s because, you know, for what it’s worth, Ted Cruz is a constitutionalist. And politics aside, that dude loves the language of documents,” she said.
Plus the dude has a beard. What Bronx girl could resist? ;)

But she didn't say anything about his fathering love children with slave Sally Hemings.
I think way to much hay is made of that. We do not know the particulars of their relationship.
A son of Puerto Rican immigrants, he brags about his working-class origins and claims that “Unlike AOC, I wasn’t born with a silver spoon.” Except that AOC wasn't either.
Her father was an architect and they lived in Yorktown Heights which has a median household income of $108k.

something that AOC's Green New Deal for Public Housing addresses.
That's a big problem with GND - it attempts to address way too much.
Rise of Sanders, AOC has some NY Democrats feeling 'left' out: Devine - discusses AOC challenger Miguel Hernandez, a 35-year-old Republican who says “I consider myself politically independent, fiscally very conservative, socially very liberal. But there’s a big difference between liberal and socialist. Socialism is one of the biggest dangers we could face.” He has support from some entertainment people.
That quotation is from Noel Ashman, not Miguel Hernandez.
I goofed. You're right. NA is one of MH's supporters, and I got confused about the quote's context.

A son of Puerto Rican immigrants, he brags about his working-class origins and claims that “Unlike AOC, I wasn’t born with a silver spoon.” Except that AOC wasn't either.
Her father was an architect and they lived in Yorktown Heights which has a median household income of $108k.
They lived in a small house and AOC recalls doing her school homework in other people's houses as her mother was cleaning them. She also recalls grumbling about eating rice and beans a lot because that was what was cheap. So unlike President Trump, she did *not* grow up with a silver spoon in her mouth.
They lived in a small house and AOC recalls doing her school homework in other people's houses as her mother was cleaning them. She also recalls grumbling about eating rice and beans a lot because that was what was cheap. So unlike President Trump, she did *not* grow up with a silver spoon in her mouth.
Are you sure about that? Architects make good money and her father did not die until she was already at BU. Maybe she is exaggerating her working class biography (similar to Biden/Hillary poor-off that Jon Stewart talked about) for political points? She would not be the first politician to do so. Remember Warren lying about her father being a janitor?
Sede en el Bronx, Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez - YouTube - "Headquarters in the Bronx"

Starts with someone interviewing her in Spanish. Then a lot of snippets from "Courage to Change", "Knock Down The House", her BU dance video, etc. They used the hard-edged techno music that someone replaced the original Lisztomania music with in a version of the AOC BU dance video.

In 10:42, her grand-opening speech starts. She described the place as intended to be a place for local activists as well as for her campaign. She also described how much money her campaign has despite it being almost entirely small donations. She described how her campaign HDQ was designed for big gatherings with smaller areas for different activities. She mentioned signing up for canvassing duty, getting signatures to put her on the primary ballot.

Then an interview from her primary campaign, showing her campaigning on the streets and on an elevated-train-station staircase. She was wearing an off-white dress with black trimmings. Most likely bought in a thrift shop - that's how AOC can look expensively dressed in her early years. She also talks about how awful NY election laws are, how hard it is to get on the ballot. Nobody expected her to get enough signatures, but she did, and she did without paying big money to some consulting firm.
From Remezcla. I think that this is where I first saw AOC.

Then an interview in Spanish with Samelys Lopez, someone who mentioned AOC in it. Then more snippets of AOC with that hard-edged techno music. Then an interview with her in Spanish by a reporter - I guessed that she was talking about her new campaign HDQ. Then lots of people taking selfies with her. Then some repeated snippets and that Remezcla interview.
Our Team | Beneficient

Capital Markets - Michelle Caruso-Cabrera - Audit Committee

Prior: CNBC's chief international correspondent and co-anchor of "Power Lunch"; Reporter with WTSP-TV in St. Petersburg, Florida; Reporter and special projects producer for Univision; Published author

Expertise: economic reporting
CEO, MCC Productions
BS, Wellesley College

MCC's career is the sort of thing that AOC might have gone into if she had wanted to. With her education, she could easily have gotten a job at some Wall Street firm. She may have ended up like Saikat Chakrabarty, making big money for a while, then quitting to become an activist.

CloseUp: Ocasio-Cortez calls for fresh look at primary calendar (also on YouTube). She responds to screams of "Socialism!" by saying "Look at the actual policies." She thinks that we ought to have a conversation about which states have the first primaries and she says that caucuses make it difficult for people who don't have several hours of free time to attend one. As to the Presidency in 2024, it's "barely legally" and she wants to take things "one step at a time" (laughs).

LOL. AOC's Insane SOTU Rant - YouTube - "insane" according to a right-winger. She boycotted it and called it a "campaign rally".

Unapologetic Street Series on Instagram: “I made a @aoc valentine a little, but this is relevant year round. 🌸💖 photo by @eric_kelly ✨ huge shout out to Eric for allowing me to go through his campaign photos of Bernie and AOC and letting me utilize them to create work supporting their individual and joint political efforts ✨ can’t wait to show you more work from these photos!” - "I wake up every day & I'm a Puerto Rican girl from the Bronx every single day." - AOC

@congressbae • Instagram photos and videos - an AOC fan account
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Had an great time with @breakfastclubam - you can catch this morning’s interview here: [url]https://t.co/H2xLw2NtpU https://t.co/sTJM8ViCVz" / Twitter[/url]
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Talks 2020 Race, Trump Tweets, Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Socialism + More - YouTube

She started off with how she ran for office, seeking out new voters. Bernie Sanders has been a mentor for her. She suspects a generational difference in what people consider socialism, based on experiences like the cold war (older) and capitalism run amok (younger). AOC's anti-capitalist tendencies are from MLK, Howard Thurman, Albert Einstein, etc. Stuff like Social Security, Medicare, roads, firefighters, ... she considers socialist or at least non-capitalist. Democratic socialism - labor unions, worker cooperatives. She acknowledges that some people may prefer to call it "compassionate capitalism."

She thinks that her fellow Congresspeople understand that she is not trying to be annoying for the sake of being annoying when she does what she does. She also thinks that going after big donors means being willing to do what they want.

She dislikes Michael Bloomberg, for rather obvious reasons. She also says that while political redemption is possible, it must be earned. She also criticized "saviorism", expecting some elected official to save us, and she says that as an elected official. It's necessary to have mass movements in addition to good elected officials. She also says that race and class are mixed up with each other in the US. Then she gets into taxi medallions and predatory lending involved with them. She wants a bailout for taxi drivers saddled with huge debt. That was because of taxi drivers becoming activists.

After discussing how nasty people can be on the Internet, she gets to how much President Trump craves attention, how he can't stand it when someone gets more attention than he does - whether Nancy Pelosi or Adam Schiff or Colin Kaepernick. She refuses to reject primary challenges on principle, because that's how she got into office. As to charter schools, she does not reject them outright. She helped a relative's daughter get into one because that relative had the alternative of sending her to an awful local public school. She prefers having good public schools. She says that property-tax funding of public schools is a big problem, because it makes people want to live among people richer than them.

About a public option, she is concerned that the private insurance companies will push their sickest patients onto it and load it down. About impeachment, she thinks that it's the principle that counts, even if it was unsuccessful at removing Trump from office. The Democrats, by doing their part in the House, put the burden on the Senate. She thinks that it's not going to be any one person who will beat Trump, that it will take a mass movement, especially in electoral-college swing states. She recommends focusing on cities, like Philadelphia and Detroit and Minneapolis. We need to inspire people to turn out who didn't turn out last time, she says. She's describing how she won her upset victory - getting new voters.

She doesn't have any career goals in the sense of wanting some position, and she is willing to take stances that may limit her future career. She feels good about calling the border detention camps concentration camps and for calling for a 70% marginal income-tax rate on top incomes. She sees herself as less aspiring to a position than having a mission. The last few years have been an unpredictable whirlwind for her, and if she had been planning to run for office 5 years ago, she wouldn't have been a bartender in a restaurant. She is a "spiritual person" and when she wakes up she tries to think "Given the way that things are now, what are the best ways I can be a vessel for good." Elsewhere, she has said "I just ask the question, how can I do the most good right now?" For her, it could be continuing in politics, writing books, being a university professor, getting a cabin somewhere, "I have no idea". So it's a day-by-day thing for her. She thinks that too many politicians think about running for President, and that they are unwilling to take courageous stances because of that. "F that". That may be an overstatement, but I think that that's even true of politicians who are content to continue in their current offices. She mentioned elsewhere how fearful many politicians are of doing anything that may seem to limit their careers. She then confessed to having a potty mouth, though not in public.
A "spiritual person" who thinks each morning about "what are the best ways I can be a vessel for good." - that's consistent with what she has said in other interviews.

Bernie Sanders 2020: Sanders Wants AOC in His Administration
In response that BS promising her a White House position.
“For me, I wake up every morning and think, how could I do the most good, and so that decision, should we get to it, should the senator ask, is something I would consider,” the New York congresswoman, who represents parts of Queens and the Bronx, said.

36 Hours With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | Vogue
A candidate not consumed by reelection feels nearly scandalous. But I get it: Our generation has pretty much only a guaranteed present. “I don’t think too much about [the future]. I’d probably say the most in the future I think about has to do with personal stuff, like how I would handle having children,” she says. She does her best nasally media impression: “Where do you see yourself in five years? I just ask the question, how can I do the most good right now?
I think that it seems scandalous because it takes a lot of campaigning to win, and a lot of fundraising.

I found a transcript of AOC's national town hall from a year ago. Video: The Green New Deal With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | All In | MSNBC - YouTube and Web-Exclusive: All In Extra Conversation With Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | All In | MSNBC - YouTube
Town Hall with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. TRANSCRIPT: 3/29/19, All In w/ Chris Hayes. | MSNBC
HAYES: How do you think about your future?

You're 29 years old.


HAYES: You can – are you – this – is this your life's calling? Is this what you're doing?

OCASIO-CORTEZ: I have always felt and for a very long time have felt that my life's calling is to serve people. I didn't know that that was going to lead me to congress. I didn't know that, that this is where it would take me, and so I can't, and I won't project into the future how I feel is that I will at any given time do the thing that I think can create the most good and the most opportunity for good, and that could mean that I'm in office for two years and I just take huge political risks for the next two years, and they kick me out of there because they realize I don't belong there, you know.

Or it could mean that I'm there longer.

But for me I think that it's always about asking the question of where and how can I do the most good and do good for my community and the country, and that's really what guides my decision making.

HAYES: That does it for our special with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
That's also consistent with what she says about taking risks - it's easier for her because she does not worry about how they will affect her future career.

Risks like calling those border camps concentration camps.
Time for some fun to break the monotony of this thread.
(A portrait of AOC with "Ask not what you can do for your country. Demand your country provide free education, free healthcare, shelter, universal jobs guarantee, rainbows, unicorns, and lollipops.")

Like the Right, which says "Ask not what you can do for your country. Demand your country provide free protection, and also free punishment and torment and exclusion and deportation of everyone you dislike."

Right wingers like making dumbness jokes about her, instead of warning "Be careful. She's smarter than she looks."

Ocasio-Cortez: Trump would 'never' say to her face some of the shots he takes at her on Twitter | TheHill - like call her a "wack job" after she was trolled in a town hall by someone who said that we must "eat the babies".
Where can you do the most good? – Two Kinds of Intelligence

Discusses "Knock Down The House":
The part where AOC held her flyer side-by-side her opponent’s and pointed to hers, “This is the work of a strategist!” Her flyer shows her face, the call to action to vote along with the date and venue and relevant details, and specific detailed demands. Crowley’s? It only showed that he was there to defeat Trump (?) and used vague words such as “deliver”, to which AOC said, “Deliver? Deliver is for pork!” There was also no call to action whatsoever on Crowley’s flyer — which highlights the importance of a call to action in political campaigns and the specificity of manifestos.
To me, it's simpler: good documentation vs. bad documentation. AOC's mailer was good documentation: when to vote, and what AOC proposes. JC's mailer was bad documentation: being anti-Trump and "delivering" without the primary election date on it.

Yalitza Aparicio Martínez on Twitter: "Visité a @AOC en sus oficinas en Washington D.C. y compartimos nuestro punto de vista sobre los derechos de las y los trabajadores del hogar. Estoy feliz de haber conocido a una mujer tan fuerte, inteligente y valiente como ella. 🇺🇸🇲🇽 #AlexandriaOcasioCortez #TrabajadorasDelHogar https://t.co/UJhtg5PGSN" / Twitter
Visit @AOC in its offices in Washington DC and we share our point of view on the rights of domestic workers. I am happy to have met a woman as strong, intelligent and brave as she. 🇺🇸🇲🇽 #AlexandriaOcasioCortez #TrabajadorasDelHogar
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Fue un honor conocerte, @YalitzaAparicio. Eres una inspiración por mujeres y trabajadores en el mundo. Gracias por la conversación - juntos luchamos por los derechos de trabajadores del hogar. 💜🏠 https://t.co/rhv2Y54ktP" / Twitter
It was an honor to meet you, @YalitzaAparicio. You are an inspiration for women and workers in the world.
Thanks for the conversation - together we fight for the rights of domestic workers. 💜🏠

From a recent Congressional hearing,
Public Citizen on Twitter: ".@AOC: The Georgia Secretary of State reportedly purged more than half a million voters from the rolls, blocked thousands of new registrations, and closed polling places — all while he was *a candidate for governor.* https://t.co/6Kns7qyPw8" / Twitter
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