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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

So 35 grocery stores out of over 6,000 supermarkets and almost 140,000 bodegas.

Not a very convincing argument coming from the guy that goes all grammar nazi anytime he see someone use the word socialism to mean benefits for citizens.

How you mange to keep your head from expoding from cognitive dissonance, I'll never know:


Doesn't change my argument. Is the store pictured and the items on the shelves owned by the government? If not, it's not an example of socialism.

Has Venezuela been mismanaged? Absolutely. Maduro is an idiotic despot. That and the collapse of oil prices doomed Venezuela. Putting unrealistic rules on capitalist producers like selling your product at less than the cost of production is stupid but it's still not socialism. Printing money like there's no tomorrow is stupid but it's not socialism.
Amy Sho on Twitter: "This is @AOC letting my baby smooch her face in the middle of a parade down my street so I’d say it was a pretty good day. #stpatsforall https://t.co/JnVM5z9mkC" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This was one of the sweetest moments of the day! 🥰 https://t.co/sKnrB6ou5O" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "To defeat Trump, it is going to take progressive, mass-movement politics that expands the electorate and fights for working-class & marginalized people.
Turning back the clock may sound appealing to some, but we must recognize how we got here in the first place." / Twitter

To defeat Trump, it is going to take progressive, mass-movement politics that expands the electorate and fights for working-class & marginalized people.

Turning back the clock may sound appealing to some, but we must recognize how we got here in the first place.

I understand disaffected voters because I once was one.

As a waitress, I’d watch pundits on TV talk about how we didn’t need to improve the ACA much when almost no one I knew could afford insurance. Or they’d talk about how great the economy was when everyone I knew struggled./2

And while folks on TV went on about how we don’t need substantive change in America because things “aren’t that bad,” I couldn’t help but feel lied to.

Mountains of student debt.
Friends working multiple jobs just to afford rent.
Not one person I worked with had insurance.

There will always be people who make the case against transformative change.

But today our generation’s prospects are worse off than our parents’. Today people are dying bc they can’t afford insulin. Today the for-profit caging of people is normal.

I, for one, choose change.
Mountains of student debt.
Well when you go to an expensive private university and then occasionally (no pun intended) work as a waitress/bartender in between activism trips to places like North Dakota, it is hardly surprising you have a mountain of student debt. But is that my fault? Why should I (as a taxpayer) bail you out? I went to a state university and didn't go gallivanting in North Dakota.

Friends working multiple jobs just to afford rent.
I don't know, move to a less expensive building. Maybe one with no door man or even outside of Manhattan or one of trendier Brooklyn neighborhoods.

Not one person I worked with had insurance.
Not even with Obamacare?

There will always be people who make the case against transformative change.
If things are doing pretty good, transformative change is a big risk. A lot more room for things to go south than north.

But today our generation’s prospects are worse off than our parents’. Today people are dying bc they can’t afford insulin. Today the for-profit caging of people is normal.
That's exaggerating quite a bit. How many people died because they could not afford insulin? And for profit prisons have problems for sure, but it is hardly "normal" to be locked up. You really have to commit felonies to go to prison. I wonder how many Bronx thugs Alex from the block knows if she thinks that's "normal".

I, for one, choose change.
Change is not necessarily positive. Plenty of people voted for change in Venezuela in 1999. Look how that worked out for them!
Well when you go to an expensive private university
If she didn't, then you'd say that it's her fault that she limited her career prospects by not getting good academic credentials.

Also, I thought that right-wingers considered economics a virtuous thing to study.

I don't know, move to a less expensive building. Maybe one with no door man or even outside of Manhattan or one of trendier Brooklyn neighborhoods.
As if they didn't already do that. Derec, what makes you so expert on them? As to moving out, that's what many Californians have done, and many people of neighboring states dislike their presence.
Not one person I worked with had insurance.
Not even with Obamacare?
Not even with that. Right-wingers seem to think that Obamacare is grossly generous, but AOC recalls what poor coverage an Obamacare plan had had - something like a $5000 deductible with $200/month. When she was running, AOC could only afford to go to a doctor by accumulating tips over some weeks. A free clinic required waiting several hours - hours when she could be working.

Right-wingers sometimes seem to think that healthcare ought to be grotesquely expensive, and when they find themselves coming down with coronavirus from people who could not afford to be tested, who will they blame?
There will always be people who make the case against transformative change.
If things are doing pretty good, transformative change is a big risk. A lot more room for things to go south than north.
Except that they aren't for many people.
But today our generation’s prospects are worse off than our parents’. Today people are dying bc they can’t afford insulin. Today the for-profit caging of people is normal.
That's exaggerating quite a bit. How many people died because they could not afford insulin?
How many people will have to die before it will bother you?
And for profit prisons have problems for sure, ...
A remarkable concession.
What I find hypocritical is she tries lecturing conservatives on religion and on "what Jesus would do" and calls us conservatives "not true Christians."

Meanwhile, she supports abortion. Jesus would not be OK with killing innocent unborn babies.

It's like a bank robber lecturing us about how we shouldn't be robbing banks.
What I find hypocritical is she tries lecturing conservatives on religion and on "what Jesus would do" and calls us conservatives "not true Christians."

Meanwhile, she supports abortion. Jesus would not be OK with killing innocent unborn babies.

It's like a bank robber lecturing us about how we shouldn't be robbing banks.

To be fair, she often confuses Jesus the landscaper with Jesus of Nazareth.
Meanwhile, she supports abortion. Jesus would not be OK with killing innocent unborn babies.
Or just putting words in your god's mouth?

The 6th commandment, Keith.

The law considers it a double homicide if you kill a pregnant woman, Keith. Yet, an abortion is viewed as legal.

Even the law is confused about the subject.
Meanwhile, she supports abortion. Jesus would not be OK with killing innocent unborn babies.
Or just putting words in your god's mouth?

The 6th commandment, Keith.
Ah. But i was asking when JESUS said a word about abortion.
Like when you claimed he had an opinion on same-sex marriages and were talking out your ass....

The law considers ….
You said Jesus. I asked about Jesus. Not about the current legal system which is not Christain.
The 6th commandment, Keith.
Ah. But i was asking when JESUS said a word about abortion.
Like when you claimed he had an opinion on same-sex marriages and were talking out your ass....

The law considers ….
You said Jesus. I asked about Jesus. Not about the current legal system which is not Christain.

Yeah, the sixth commandment doesn't mean shit when talking about abortion. In later verses, there are both commandments to induce abortions of women who have been "unfaithful", and to rip babies from their mothers' wombs and dash their head on rocks. (And yes, I do mean here to use the term babies because they have been vested as such by their own parents as wanted; though they are also instructed on murdering the adult women parents and little boys as well, in those passages, and abducting/enslaving/raping the Virgin women of that country...)
What I find hypocritical is she tries lecturing conservatives on religion and on "what Jesus would do" and calls us conservatives "not true Christians."

Meanwhile, she supports abortion. Jesus would not be OK with killing innocent unborn babies.

It's like a bank robber lecturing us about how we shouldn't be robbing banks.

Really? Did you know the god of the bible actually gives instructions on how to perform an abortion.
What I find hypocritical is she tries lecturing conservatives on religion and on "what Jesus would do" and calls us conservatives "not true Christians."
(on her support of abortion...)
Crybaby rhetoric.

To be fair, she often confuses Jesus the landscaper with Jesus of Nazareth.
I don't get the connection.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@aoc) • Instagram photos and videos - in her most recent Instagram Story, she puts in a plug for Bernie Sanders, complete with an Instagram filter that frames her face with "I'm voting for Bernie".

AOC top adviser Corbin Trent exits campaign - he's now working in Bernie Sanders's campaign.
AOC Flips the Religious Freedom Argument on Its Head | NowThis - YouTube
I've made a transcript:
I'm experiencing this hearing, and I'm struggling whether I respond or launch into this question as a legislator or from the perspective of a woman of faith. Because I cannot--it's very difficult to sit here and listen to arguments in the long history of this country of using scripture, and weaponizing and abusing scripture, to justify bigotry. White supremacists have done it, those who justified slavery did it, those who fought against integration did it, and we're seeing it today.

And sometimes, especially in this body, I feel as though if Christ himself walked through these doors and said what he said thousands of years ago--that we should love our neighbor and our enemy, that we should welcome the stranger, fight for the least of us, that it is easier for a rich man--it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into a kingdom of heaven, he would be maligned as a radical and rejected from these doors.

And I know, and it is part of my faith, that all people are holy. And all people are sacred. Unconditionally. And that is what makes faith sometimes--that's what prompts us to transform. Because it is unconditional. It's not about that it is up to us to love parts of people. We love all people. There is nothing holy about rejecting medical care of people, no matter who they are, on the grounds of what their identity is. There is nothing holy about turning someone away from a hospital. There's nothing holy about rejecting a child from a family. There's nothing holy about writing discrimination into the law. And I am tired of communities of faith being weaponized and being mischaracterized because the only time religious freedom is invoked is in the name of bigotry and discrimination. I'm tired of it.

My faith commands me to treat Mr. Minton as holy because he is sacred. Because his life is sacred. Because you are not to be denied anything that I am entitled to. That we are equal in the eyes of the law, and we are equal, in my faith, in the eyes of the world. And so I just have to get that out ahead of time because it is deeply disturbing, not just what is happening here, but what this administration is advancing is the idea that religion and faith is about exclusion. It is not up to us. It is not up to us to deny medical care. It is up to us to feed the hungry, to clothe the poor, to protect children, and to love all people as ourselves.
Is that a government owned grocery store? Are the products on the shelves produced in government owned factories?
Not sure about that grocery store, but the Venezuelan government has seized grocery stores.
Venezuela: Grocery Chain to Be Seized

So 35 grocery stores out of over 6,000 supermarkets and almost 140,000 bodegas.

Not a very convincing argument coming from the guy that goes all grammar nazi anytime he see someone use the word socialism to mean benefits for citizens.

Do pray tell how all those free benefits for citizens are to be paid for. I know, print more money right?
What I find hypocritical is she tries lecturing conservatives on religion and on "what Jesus would do" and calls us conservatives "not true Christians."

Meanwhile, she supports abortion. Jesus would not be OK with killing innocent unborn babies.

It's like a bank robber lecturing us about how we shouldn't be robbing banks.

Really? Did you know the god of the bible actually gives instructions on how to perform an abortion.

The god of the babble you are quoting is from the old testament who was a bloodthirsty monster in comparison to meek and mild Geezus. Not to mention the O/T was superseded by the new testament which preaches love for your fellow man/woman. But even the O/T commands Thou Shalt Not Kill
In her recent speech, AOC was referring to Evan Minton, a transman (female-to-male person) who was denied a hysterectomy by a Catholic-controlled hospital for religious reasons. He is suing because of that.

WATCH: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez talks Super Tuesday, Bernie Sanders and why he's the 'strongest candidate' to defeat Pres. Donald Trump | abc7news.com - interesting interview, 2020 Mar 3 morning. The conversation was over Skype, an online-video-chat service.

About "Bernie Bro" behavior, AOC recommended that if one is perceived as a bully, then one should show up for a stint of canvassing. Meeting fellow canvassers and possible voters will give a lot of perspective.

Which state is she focusing on? AOC is jealous of CA going early. But CA is a big one, and others are TX - more and more in play - and CO - trending Dem.

Elevator pitch for Bernie Sanders? His candidacy is not just about him, but about a big movement, a movement that crosses a lot of divisions, a movement of people who want big changes.
AOC Challenger John Cummings at CPAC 2020 with Next News Network's Gary Franchi - YouTube - datelined 2020 Feb 28 - saying how AOC is a "parachute candidate" - like some of her Democratic opponents. Michelle Caruso-Cabrera?

He talked about how her district offices are evidence of her absence from NY-14. It took her some months to open a Queens one, and her Bronx one is in another politician's district office. JC claimed that her numerous town halls and other community events were an attempt to catch up. He also talked about the failed Amazon deal.

I checked on MCC's site, Michelle Caruso-Cabrera | Democratic Candidate for US Congress NY14 and she doesn't have any campaign events scheduled. All she's done is create a website and make some interviews and tweet a little.

AOC shows a lot of interest in community stuff. Like "B-PECA" - Bronx, NY on Instagram: “"Attached are flyers and the calendar of all upcoming events, programs, and classes that are scheduled to take place at the Allerton Library.” Including:
  • SBS: Social Media Marketing
  • Adult Brunch & Paint with Assemblywoman Nathalia Fernandez
  • Race & Color Discrimination Workshop
  • City's First Readers Present the Early Literacy Series
  • Dr. Seuss Birthday Reading Celebration
  • Census 2020: The Census & You
  • Meditation for Healthy Living (LP: spelling fixed)
I think that she'd be happiest as a Representative, because as a Senator or a President, she'd have to stretch too far.
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