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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

In a recent hearing on setting the poverty line,
Oversight Committee on Twitter: "No parent with a bachelor's degree + 2 jobs should be eating Ibuprofen like Tic Tacs & going to bed hungry bc they can’t afford healthcare + food at the same time.
Yet this is the reality of a poverty line calculation that fails to reflect what poverty is like in America. #fbf https://t.co/V11I0xhhBR" / Twitter

Julie Menin on Twitter: "Incredible Census Town Hall hosted by @aoc in Queens! We are in a nationwide competition & can’t let other states take our funding and political representation. In 2010, Queens had a 62% self-response rate! We can and must do better. NYC we are down for the Count! #GetCountedNYC https://t.co/E03Jnp6SJC" / Twitter
If no one responds, then the Census Bureau will send an enumerator, and that is a much less precise method of counting.

Jessica Ramos on Twitter: "Did you know children under age 5 are one of the largest groups of undercounted people in the US?
This year, we’re making sure ALL children, all working families & all New Yorkers get counted. Thanks @RepAOC for hosting a #Census2020 town hall for our community! #GetCountedNYC https://t.co/zzenzVuip5" / Twitter

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Everyone should know – filling out #Census2020 is:
Make sure your voice is heard in our democracy by filling out your census this year because #WeCount! https://t.co/09ngrw9wsN" / Twitter

Conducting the Count | 2020 Census
  • Make an accurate list of every residence in the U.S. and five U.S. territories—including houses, apartments, dormitories, military barracks, and more.
  • Get a member of every residence to complete the census online, by phone, or by mail in March and April of 2020.
  • Follow up in person with homes that have not responded.
Oversight Committee on Twitter: "#BREAKING: Chair @RepMaloney, @RepAOC & @NydiaVelazquez want @FEMA, the Puerto Rico Dpt. of Justice & the Puerto Rico Emergency Management Agency to provide documents regarding reports that disaster-relief supplies remained in a warehouse for over 2yrs. https://t.co/oDpycRFaBg" / Twitter
Maloney, Velázquez, and Ocasio-Cortez Seek Documents on Disaster Aid in Warehouse in Puerto Rico | House Committee on Oversight and Reform
Like what slip-up had caused disaster-aid administrators to lose track of a warehouseful of supplies.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Los trabajadoras/es del hogar son uno de los grupos más vulnerable – a veces sufriendo de abuso físico, mental y sexual o falta de días de descanso. Estoy tan emocionada de unirme con @YalitzaAparicio para luchar por los derechos laborales de nuestra/os trabajadora/os del hogar. https://t.co/CN7cq00iRg" / Twitter
Domestic workers are one of the most vulnerable groups - sometimes suffering from physical, mental and sexual abuse or lack of rest days. I'm so excited to join with @YalitzaAparicio to fight for the labor rights of our domestic workers.
(Image with text in Spanish)

Yalitza Aparicio Martínez on Instagram: “Cuando se lucha por lo derechos de las trabajadoras del hogar, la lucha no sólo es por y para ellas, también se lucha para que sus hijos puedan tener un futuro digno”. Estas inspiradoras palabras expresadas por Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez se quedaron grabadas para siempre en mi corazón. Tuve el honor de conocer a esta fuerte, talentosa y valiente mujer que trabaja día con día para mejorar las condiciones sociales en su país. Gracias a nuestro encuentro, pudimos escucharnos y compartir nuestro punto de vista sobre los derechos de las y los trabajadores del hogar. ¡Gracias a @aoc y a su increíble equipo por abrirme las puertas de sus oficinas en Washington D.C.! 🇺🇸🇲🇽 #alexandriaocasiocortez

“When fighting for the rights of domestic workers, the struggle is not only for and for them, it is also fought so that their children can have a decent future.” These inspiring words expressed by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez were etched forever in my heart. I had the honor of meeting this strong, talented and brave woman who works every day to improve the social conditions in her country. Thanks to our meeting, we were able to listen and share our point of view on the rights of domestic workers. Thanks to @aoc and his amazing team for opening the doors of their offices in Washington D.C.! 🇺🇸🇲🇽 #alexandriaocasiocortez

The translations here are unedited Google Translate autotranslations. AOC's black jumpsuit has semitransparent outer sleeves and a loose black tie that's on top of a low neckline. That looks awfully expensive.
Time for some fun to break the monotony of this thread.
(A portrait of AOC with "Ask not what you can do for your country. Demand your country provide free education, free healthcare, shelter, universal jobs guarantee, rainbows, unicorns, and lollipops.")

Like the Right, which says "Ask not what you can do for your country. Demand your country provide free protection, and also free punishment and torment and exclusion and deportation of everyone you dislike."

Right wingers like making dumbness jokes about her, instead of warning "Be careful. She's smarter than she looks."

Ocasio-Cortez: Trump would 'never' say to her face some of the shots he takes at her on Twitter | TheHill - like call her a "wack job" after she was trolled in a town hall by someone who said that we must "eat the babies".

actually that characterization in that image is as close to the truth as it's possible to get!
Do you get paid to do this?
To a capitalism apologist, what could be a better motive?

Who was that visitor to AOC's office?
'Together we fight': Ocasio-Cortez and Roma star Yalitza Aparicio team up for domestic workers' rights | US news | The Guardian
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the star of the Oscar-nominated movie Roma, Yalitza Aparicio, met in Washington DC on Wednesday to discuss domestic workers’ rights.

Both women have been fierce advocates for domestic workers.

In July 2019, Ocasio-Cortez co-sponsored the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights, which would amend federal labor laws to include domestic workers. In announcing the bill, the US lawmaker from New York explained that her mother was a domestic worker during her childhood.

“My mom was a domestic worker – she cleaned houses to support our family,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote on Facebook and Twitter last summer. “As a little girl, I grew up reading books on other people’s staircases. I did homework on other people’s dinner tables. Today, as a Congresswoman, I’m proud to cosponsor the Domestic Worker Bill of Rights.”
Domestic Workers on Twitter: "We’re having a 🎉CELEBRATION🎉 with domestic workers and members of Congress — THANK YOU to all of the co-sponsors and supporters of the National #DomesticWorkersBillofRights! We wouldn’t be here without you. https://t.co/ylNBr5SNZj" / Twitter

Domestic Workers on Twitter: "WOW: Hear @AOC share her story of watching her mom clean houses when she was a kid. She has so much pride when she talks about her mother’s work — and that’s why she supports the Bill of Rights. Domestic worker women are strong and powerful — and their kids are too! https://t.co/5bLdeniIBy" / Twitter
AOC did this nice speech at a recent hearing:
Sharon_McGowan on Twitter: ".@AOC breaking it down like few others can. Thank you for participating in today's hearing, and using your voice to call for an end to discrimination cloaked in the language of religious liberty. https://t.co/fscIKdR9EW" / Twitter
NowThis on Twitter: "'The only time religious freedom is invoked is in the name of bigotry and discrimination. I'm tired of it' — @AOC just flipped the entire ‘religious freedom’ argument on its head https://t.co/DXIByZAUYC" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Thank YOU @staceyabrams for remaining undeterred in the fight for our democracy, and for your continued work on the ground with @fairfightaction, @faircount & beyond. https://t.co/q3uAPv0c1o" / Twitter
Stacey Abrams on Twitter: "Thank you to @RepAOC & @HouseOversight for this work. Voter suppression occurs in Georgia + across the country. Elections aren’t for politicians. They give voice to citizens’ values. No one should be silenced in our democracy. And bad actors should be held accountable. https://t.co/Q7SWju81by" / Twitter
NowThis on Twitter: "‘The Georgia secretary of state reportedly purged more than half a million voters from the rolls, blocked thousands of new registrations, and closed polling places, all while he was candidate for governor.’ — @AOC went off on voter discrimination and suppression https://t.co/5I1LaXUkir" / Twitter

Talk about gross conflicts of interest.

Francis Chung on Instagram: “Reps. Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez take part in a House Oversight and Reform hearing on voter suppression in minority communities on Capitol Hill today. The committee took testimony from a panel of civil rights activists featuring Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, Timothy L. Jenkins, Marcia Johnson-Blanco, and Diane Nash. #houseoversightcommittee #alexandriaocasiocortez #aoc #ayannapressley #rashidatlaib #revwilliambarber #timothyjenkins #marciajohnsonblanco #dianenash #washingtondc #dc #capitolhill #votersuppression
In that recent Breakfast Club interview, AOC cited some political and economic influences:
She concedes that "compassionate capitalism" might be another good label.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Jesus would be maligned as ‘radical’ by today’s Congress - AOL News

AOC stated that VP Mike Pence doesn't believe in science. This provoked some responses from Ted Cruz.

Ted Cruz on Twitter: "As you are speaking as the oracle of science, tell us, what exactly is a Y chromosome? https://t.co/t4XVVzWr3A" / Twitter

Ted Cruz on Twitter: "2/x And at what age of gestation does science tell us that an unborn child feels physical pain?" / Twitter

Ted Cruz on Twitter: "3/x And, of the 195 countries on planet Earth, which country produced the greatest total reduction in CO2 emissions in 2019?" / Twitter

AOC responded:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Sen. Cruz, while I understand you judge people’s intelligence by the lowest income they’ve had, I hold awards from MIT Lincoln Lab &others for accomplishments in microbiology.
Secondly, I’m surprised you’re asking about chromosomes given that you don’t even believe in evolution. https://t.co/vOIwJhpl7q" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Sincerely,
an Intel global finalist,
a fmr multi-year intern for Sen. Kennedy,
a cum laude dual major in Economics & International Relations,
a fmr Educational Director for national organization,
Who to you is “just a bartender,”
And also your colleague. https://t.co/9ktAgXFXDE" / Twitter

I don't know what that bit about chromosomes is about, but I'm guessing that it's about transgender people, people who are somatically one sex and psychologically the other sex.

Ocasio-Cortez reads entire Green New Deal into congressional record | TheHill
“But throughout this entire year, as we’ve discussed the Green New Deal, I’ve noticed there’s been an awful lot of misinformation about what’s inside this resolution, a tremendous amount of wild claims: everything from saying we’re seeking to ban airplanes to ending ice cream,” Ocasio-Cortez said on the House floor.

“And, as a consequence, I’ve realized that many of my colleagues have never even read the resolution that they’re speaking on," she added. "They haven’t opened a single word of it — and it’s actually only about ... just 14 pages long. So I have decided that since some of my colleagues across the aisle could not for some reason read the resolution, that perhaps this hour would be spent best reading it to them, for the public record.”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Happy @StPatsforAll! 🍀💚 https://t.co/J7m8fimtBe" / Twitter - a LGBT-friendly St. Patrick's Day Parade

AOC isn't anywhere close to Irish, though some Irish emigrants might have settled in Puerto Rico and become some of her ancestors. But her first paid job was in an Irish pub.

Alexandria O'Casio

Bronx councilman drops bid against AOC to run for borough prez - Fernando Cabrera
Cabrera told The Post Sunday he would support former CNBC cable TV journalist Michelle Caruso-Cabrera in the primary as the moderate alternative against lefty firebrand AOC in the 14th Congressional District covering portions of the Bronx and Queens.
Because the two would otherwise split the moderate vote.
“We are fighting for the heart and soul of The Bronx. AOC and the far left are trying to take over the party. We are not going to allow them to do that. AOC parachuted in from Yorktown Heights,” Cabrera said of Ocasio-Cortez’s being raised in nearby Westchester County. “She doesn’t speak to our values.“
Except that AOC returned to the Bronx after going to college, and after some attempts to improve education there, she became a waitress and a bartender to support herself. She continued to live in the Bronx and she commuted to Manhattan for that job. So she isn't some Westchester carpetbagger.
Cabrera anticipates that AOC’s Justice Democrats and other progressive allies will back a rival contender.
AOC is endorsed by Brand New Congress, Justice Democrats, and Our Revolution, among others. BNC and JD supported her the first time around, and it was BNC that had recruited her.
AOC is dangerous and should in all reality be deported for being anti America and pro the Bern who would destroy the American dream and take America down via the Venezuela- Cuba road to ruin.

Whatever one may think of the Trump, or the GOP. They're the only ones who stand for Democracy and the American way. This motley lot [Dems] have gone too far to the left.

Islamic State media operative advises Muslims in the West to be “patient” and “strike the enemy with a deadly blow”
In a Muslim Brotherhood-style message, “a pro-Islamic State (ISIS) media operative” is advising “ISIS supporters in the West who are not able to join jihad frontlines to wait patiently for the right time to carry out deadly attacks.” The woman — who goes by the name Greenlantern — delivered a theological message and call to jihad that resembled the message given by 9/11’s mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed (KSM), who once advised….

“We will win because Americans don’t realize . . . we do not need to defeat you militarily; we only need to fight long enough for you to defeat yourself by quitting.”

large-scale attacks such as 9/11 were “nice, but not necessary”

“…jihadi-minded brothers would immigrate into the United States” and “wrap themselves in America’s rights and laws” until they were strong enough to rise up and attack us. “He said the brothers would relentlessly continue their attacks and the American people would eventually become so tired, so frightened, and so weary of war that they would just want it to end.”

The West has seen these very words become reality, increasingly so as Muslim Brotherhood operatives have infiltrated every sector of society, winning via intimidation control over political leaders who are willing to sell out their own integrity and that of their nations. Now, most citizens of Western countries are terrified even to discuss the truth about jihad violence and subversion. The stealth jihad operation is described by both “Greenlantern” and Khalid Sheik Mohammed.

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AOC is dangerous and should in all reality be deported for being anti America and pro the Bern who would destroy the American dream and take America down via the Venezuela- Cuba road to ruin.

Whatever one may think of the Trump, or the GOP. They're the only ones who stand for Democracy and the American way. This motley lot [Dems] have gone too far to the left.

- Nobody should be popping Ibuprofen like tic-tacs. It will wreak havoc with your gastrointestinal system in large quantities.
- Bachelor's degree is no guarantee of getting a decent job. Some degrees (BA in Medieval Poetry for example) are nigh useless.
- Parenthood is a choice. That said, the government already provides government provides many benefits to families with children such as food stamps (much bigger amounts and income limits for those with children), tax exemptions EITC (much bigger amounts and income limits for those with children). If you work two jobs and still struggle this much, may I suggest a budget? You do not need that leased Beamer, designer clothes, or that iPhone 11 on an unlimited 5G plan.

Yet this is the reality of a poverty line calculation that fails to reflect what poverty is like in America. #fbf https://t.co/V11I0xhhBR" / Twitter[/url]
Reality of poverty in America: paying for you groceries with food stamps and living in Section 8 housing while driving a newish SUV and sporting $150 Jordans.
This year, we’re making sure ALL children, all working families & all New Yorkers get counted. Thanks @RepAOC for hosting a #Census2020 town hall for our community! #GetCountedNYC https://t.co/zzenzVuip5" / Twitter[/url]
I do not think illegals should be counted. Why should NYC get more Congress seats just because they have a lot of illegals due to their sanctuary policies?
Is that a government owned grocery store? Are the products on the shelves produced in government owned factories?
Not sure about that grocery store, but the Venezuelan government has seized grocery stores.
Venezuela: Grocery Chain to Be Seized

So 35 grocery stores out of over 6,000 supermarkets and almost 140,000 bodegas.

Not a very convincing argument coming from the guy that goes all grammar nazi anytime he see someone use the word socialism to mean benefits for citizens.
So 35 grocery stores
In that particular instance.
Not a very convincing argument coming from the guy that goes all grammar nazi anytime he see someone use the word socialism to mean benefits for citizens.
Well words like "socialism" have meanings. The goal of the Bolivarian revolution is implementation of socialism in its true meaning. That it has become a clusterfuck of epic proportions even in a partial implementation is not exactly a point in socialism's favor.

It is also quite strange to claim Venezuela is not socialism but that Denmark is.
Is that a government owned grocery store? Are the products on the shelves produced in government owned factories?
Not sure about that grocery store, but the Venezuelan government has seized grocery stores.
Venezuela: Grocery Chain to Be Seized

So 35 grocery stores out of over 6,000 supermarkets and almost 140,000 bodegas.

Not a very convincing argument coming from the guy that goes all grammar nazi anytime he see someone use the word socialism to mean benefits for citizens.

How you manage to keep your head from exploding from cognitive dissonance, I'll never know:

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