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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

She looks like a stunned mullet! :p
A stunned mullet?

All the right-wingers have been gloating over the lack of success of AOC's candidates in TX last Tuesday. But if I was Henry Cuellar, I'd be scared. VERY scared.

As to her opponents, I'd rate Badrun Khan as the one most like her, a sort of wimpy Bidenite centrist version of her, though she does have experience in politics. Michelle Caruso-Cabrera is a joke. She has zero experience in anything related to politics. She also has yet to state her campaign platform or schedule any campaign events, at least not publicly.

Late Night with Seth Meyers - NBC.com - AOC appeared there Thursday, March 5.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Praises Elizabeth Warren for "Historic Candidacy" | Hollywood Reporter

About EW, "She's a champion and I think that she ran an absolutely stunning, incredible race." Though she is endorsing Bernie Sanders, and she had campaigned for BS back in 2016. About BS vs. Joe Biden, "I've said throughout this entire process that what is so important is that we ultimately unite behind who that Democratic nominee is. I think it's a two way street ... I've been concerned by some folks saying they won't support him [Sanders]." But whoever wins, it's important to get a lot of turnout so as to defeat Donald Trump.

About the coronavirus, "It can be overwhelming. I'm trying to make sure I'm practicing good hygiene." About VP Mike Pence, "I think that we should have a person who believes in science in charge. Ideally what we have is a person who believes in universal health care and paid sick leave and an agenda that actually can help prevent the transmission of disease."
AOC is truly a goldmine of humor.
Argumentum ex titulis picturarum

Alexandria Ocasia Cortessis est conciliaria Consili Representatores Civitatium Iunctarum Americae.

Natus est in Bronxe in Urbe Novi Eburaci. Sed erat in scholaa in Vestsestro, et in academiaa in Universitate Bostoniense. Bronxem rediit et post initis mortuis negotiorum, existitit pedisequa et pincerna. Auxiliavit Bernardum Sandersum in anno 2016, competivit ut existat Praeses. Donaldus Trumpus existitit Praseses, et Alexandria et duo amici per currum ad Petram Stantem ivit. Erat eventum spirituale. Rediit et competivit Consili Representatores. Vicit Josephum Crauleium, concilium in longo tempore, et Antonium Pappasem. Maximus successus est Nova Res Viridis.

I used some online resources to produce this Latin, which I'm sure is very horrible.
Watch Late Night with Seth Meyers Episode: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, James Taylor - NBC.com - AOC starts at about 16 minutes in. Nice interview. They start off with a picture of Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL-01) wearing a gas mask on the House floor, presumably in connection with coronavirus. AOC noted that he had matching shoes. Back to that gas mask, she sometimes feels like that with some of the debates that occur in Congress, she says. She'd want to ask Rep. Gaetz how often he washes his hands.

For heading the effort against coronavirus, she'd want someone who believes in science and wants universal healthcare and paid sick leave. She worked in the food-service industry, and a lot of people there are undocumented. Getting medical care can be used against them in deportation proceedings, so they are a disease risk. Though she supports Bernie Sanders, she thought highly of Elizabeth Warren's campaign. Youth turnout waxes and wanes, she says; she claims about 30% extra youth turnout in Iowa, and also a big turnout in New Hampshire.

She doesn't like that some Bernie supporters are willing to vote for Biden, and some Biden supporters for Bernie -- the Democrats have to get together to fight Trump.

Then on the census - the gov't won't report on whatever creative living situations one might have.

Then pictures of AOC's dog Deco as honorary chairman of the House Rules Committee for the day - several other members' dogs have done that duty.
Melissa Villaseñor on Instagram: “Oh gosh 😍💗 my heart!!!!!! @aoc you are the best. This meant so much to me to meet you!!!!”

AOC + her SNL cast member impersonator, Melissa Villaseñor! : AOC

Melissa Villaseñor plays AOC on Saturday Night Live. This picture was for the two of them getting ready for makeup jobs for some TV appearances - Seth Meyers for AOC and whatever MV might have been doing that day.

Late Night with Seth Meyers is recorded in Studio 8G, and Saturday Night Live in Studio 8H, both on the 8th floor of the Comcast Building on 30 Rockefeller Plaza ("30 Rock"). That building was formerly the formerly the RCA Building and then the GE Building. Those two studios are two of NBC's New York City studios, all in that building.

Back to my Latin, Wikipedia uses Civitates Foederatae Americae - Federated States of America - and Camera Repraesentantium Civitatum Foederatarum - Chamber of Representatives of the Federated States
AOC is getting under the Religious Right's skin with her statement of "faith".

IS AOC CATHOLIC? – Catholic League - Bill Donohue's right-wing-outrage organization. He says: "Is Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) Catholic? She was, but there is no evidence she still is. Yet she is conveniently labeled as a Catholic by some of her supporters and she occasionally implies she is still Catholic."

Then about her Feb 27 appearance in an Oversight Committee hearing on the Trump Admin's use of "Religious Freedom" against LGBTQ rights.
In her remarks, AOC never once identified herself as a Catholic, though she did play the religion card. She preferred to use such terms as, “From the perspective of a woman of faith” and “I know it is part of my faith.”

Not only did she not identify her faith, she said, “We are equal, in my faith, in the eyes of the world.” Catholics don’t speak that way. They would say something like, “As a Catholic, I believe we are all equal in the eyes of God.”
She called herself "raised Catholic" (2018 Dec 20 tweet) and referred to her “Christianity + faith life” (2019 Apr 28) and BD found both of those references rather odd. She has never said "As a Catholic" or "My Catholic" anything. Then that America-magazine piece:
In her piece, she made a comment about the Catechism and forgiveness, and uses terms such as “For Catholics,” but never once does she say she is a Catholic. Yet that was the purpose of the article. It was titled, “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on her Catholic Faith and the Urgency of Criminal Justice Reform.” Why the reticence given this opportunity to showcase her Catholic credentials? Indeed, she could have told us something about how much her Catholic faith means to her, but she didn’t come close.
Then in reference to Evan Minton, a transman, and someone that BD considers 100% female, “My faith commands me to treat Mr. Minton as holy because he is sacred, because his life is sacred, because you are not to be denied anything I am entitled to, that we are equal in the eyes of the law.” - referring to a Catholic-controlled hospital that denied him a hysterectomy.
AOC says Right is 'weaponizing Scripture'
Emotions, not facts, lead her narrative against Bible-believing – not Bible-denying – Americans, as she attempted to deliver a religious sermon to the panelists.

She then claimed her Catholic beliefs make her approach every person – including transgender committee panelist Evan Minton – with a holy reverence.

She held back no punches, essentially accusing Christians of being nothing more than empowered haters – saying nothing of Christian charity, volunteering and sharing the gospel of love.
Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo. I thought that conservatives were opposed to calling oneself a victim. Because that's what the article's author is doing here.
angelo, when you see a photo of a person on the Internet with words next to their face, they are not actually saying those words.
Nick Cage should play AOC in her inevitable biopic. Same eyes. :)

But Don, it's not that she said that, it's that she has a memeable face, as I said before.
AOC is truly a goldmine of humor.
Argumentum ex titulis picturarum
It's not our fault AOC has such a memeable face.
People make choices - at least own your choices without making up such ridiculous rationales.

Unbelievable, with all that is going on the world, a thread about a first year representative to Congress is still going strong after 2 months and almost 4000 posts.
From an Instagram Live session last night - @aoc

Charlotte Alter on Twitter: "AOC on whispers abt her future:
"I wanna level with all of you... I'm not a person who aspires to position, I aspire to a mission. We have a lot of issues in our country right now, and we need to address those issues. We can't swing from one savior to another."" / Twitter

I agree.

AOC also Instagrammed about someone's Instagramming about a message that she had sent Students for a Free Tibet and Tibetan Community of New York and New Jersey. She had appeared at a Tibetan Lunar New Year event last year.

Students for a Free Tibet on Twitter: "This statement was released by the office of @AOC on March 10, 2020. We thank Congresswoman for standing up with Tibetans on the occasion of the 61st Tibetan National Uprising Day. @TCNYNJ1 @officeoftibet @SFTHQ @RFATibetan @VOA_Tibet_News #March10 https://t.co/6MyVXYGlrI" / Twitter

 Tibetan Uprising Day
 1959 Tibetan uprising
Communist China had taken control of Tibet in 1951, with the  Seventeen Point Agreement
Many Tibetans did not like that, however, and in 1956, they started rebelling against their rulers. The 1959 uprising was part of that. It failed, though rebellions continued until 1962.

A consequence of that failure is that Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, went into exile.
‘Coronavirus doesn’t care if you’re documented’: AOC rails against prison labour, US healthcare and child homelessness in Q&A | The Independent
In a live Instagram question-and-answer session with her followers, the progressive New York congresswoman said it’s understandable that the closure of the city’s massive public school system would be a “last resort” decision, which could endanger children experiencing homelessness or children from poor households who rely on school meals, without a meaningful public health response to care for them.

She also said undocumented people should be able to access healthcare despite pressure to avoid alerting authorities to their status: “Disincentivising our immigrant neighbours from seeking healthcare is wrong ... Healthcare is a human right for all people. Coronavirus doesn’t care if you’re documented or undocumented.”
There are now over 170 cases of COVID-19 in the state and 2,000 city residents are now being quarantined because of the disease. New York City has a population of 8.6 million people and the metropolitan area has a population of 24 million people.
Ms Ocasio-Cortez said while there is an individual risk of infection, “more than that, there’s a systemic risk component” that’s not about “a disease that will be fatal to you” but how the country responds to overcrowded and overstressed institutions, including hospitals and nursing homes.
She recommends "patroning" local restaurants, especially Chinese and Asian ones, ones that she has claimed are being very hard-hit by people staying away from them.

About Bernie Sanders doing poorly on March 10, “There’s no sugar-coating it. Tonight’s a tough night.” She claims that there is a "stark" generational divide, with older people preferring Joe Biden and younger ones preferring Bernie Sanders.
As for her political aspirations, she said: “I wanna level with all of you... I’m not a person who aspires to position. I aspire to a mission. We have a lot of issues in our country right now, and we need to address those issues. We can’t swing from one saviour to another.”

The answer to “who is going to save us” is “you”, she said. “If you think democracy is a set-and-forget it kind of thing ... that’s not the mentality necessary for us to actually win on the real issues.”
In other words, we have to save ourselves.
People make choices - at least own your choices without making up such ridiculous rationales.
I own my choice. But choices don't exist in a vacuum; that was my only point.

Unbelievable, with all that is going on the world, a thread about a first year representative to Congress is still going strong after 2 months and almost 4000 posts.
This thread is being driven by lpetrich and his (obsessive?) urge to verbally cunnilingue AOC every chance he gets. I am merely sometimes commenting on it, but without lpetrich this thread would have gone inactive a long time ago.

But Don, it's not that she said that, it's that she has a memeable face, as I said before.

"I'm obsessed with AOC."

You are confusing me with lpetrich.
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