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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "We recently held our first virtual town hall, ..." / Twitter
We recently held our first virtual town hall, with presentations on the Census and COVID-19 from experts at @nycHealthy, @NYCSchools, and the US & NYC Census Bureau. Here are some of the highlights….

We discussed why decarceral policies are a critical part of the response to COVID-19. We must aggressively reduce our incarcerated population in order to avoid a potentially deadly outbreak across our city and state prisons.

We also shared how the Trump administration's cruel "public charge" rule puts us all at risk. Undocumented people must have access to medical care without fear of retribution.

We are fighting for real economic relief for working families, including eviction freezes, paid sick leave, and no-strings emergency UBI. I also partnered with @RepChuyGarcia on measures that would stop foreclosures and protect credit ratings.

We’re also fighting for college students. It’s time to cancel all student loan debt and reimburse low-income students who were forced to buy expensive last-minute tickets to get home after their campuses shut down.

We are also asking the Census Bureau to extend the enumeration period by at least 3 months. I encourage everyone to self-report online now at http://my2020census.gov. The Census will determine your community's funding and representation for the next decade.

We also answered questions about testing. Tests are now free but we don’t have enough. If you have mild symptoms, stay home and self-quarantine. Do not try to go to an ER and get a test. It will overwhelm our hospitals and healthcare providers who are already feeling the strain.

For more information on COVID-19 and the Census go to http://ocasio-cortez.house.gov . And, don’t forget, now is the perfect time to fill out your Census form online: http://my2020census.gov
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | Representing the 14th District of New York
Information and Resources on COVID-19 (Coronavirus) | Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Census 2020 - online form that one can fill out. I'm still waiting for my mailed one.

I checked on several other Congresspeople. They had varying degrees of response.
I recalled this: No, Oprah is not going to be a viable Democratic candidate
In some ways, they’re perfectly good representatives of the yin and yang of our two political parties. Donald Trump: xenophobic, angry, crude, white male. Oprah Winfrey: kind, sympathetic, open, black female. They’re almost caricatures of the right and left. All they need to do is open their mouths in a public forum and stand there like the apotheosis of their representative parties, and people start clamoring to make them our real political leaders.
Seems to me that AOC is much like OW here.

Sunrise Movement (@sunrisemvmt) • Instagram photos and videos - "We are building a movement of young people to combat climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process ☀️ #GreenNewDeal"

Sunrise Movement on Instagram: “They won’t admit that the best solutions to the COVID-19 crisis are the policies young people have been demanding: Medicare for All, Housing For All, rights for workers, cancelling student debt, and a Green New Deal. Every day Trump resists our popular demand, he is endangering lives and killing jobs.”
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Calls for Universal Basic Income
"We need to bail out tipped, freelance, hourly/tipped, and gig workers"
  • Rent, Mortgage, & Debt-Payment Suspensions
  • Paid Leave for Every Worker
  • Immediate Unemployment Insurance
  • Guaranteed Healthcare

I ended up discovering these links when looking at what AOC has linked to in her Instagram page:
Fierce by mitú (@fiercebymitu) • Instagram photos and videos
Christine Gutiérrez (@cosmicchristine) • Instagram photos and videos
Christine Gutiérrez
Author of I Am Diosa 🌑🌙 Releasing 8/20
Latina Therapist🦋
Creating life with @fernandosamalot💛
🐶 mom @bodhi_thepup
Founder #diosatribe 🧘🏻*♀️🧘🏾*♀️
Complete count of IL-14 House Republican Primary:
Jim Oberweis 13,187 25.6%
Sue Rezin 11,720 22.8
Catalina Lauf 10,365 20.1
Ted Gradel 6,864 13.3
James Marter 5,666 11.0
51,487 votes, 462 of 462 precincts reporting

So CL placed third. She ran as an anti-AOC.

Turning to another Republican self-styled anti-AOC, Elise Stefanik, she's the only Republican in NY-21 this year, and Tedra Cobb the only Democrat.
I once tried to assess AOC's linguistic proficiency by getting some transcripts of her interviews and the using a readability test. IIRC she spoke at grade 8.5. She is roughly comparable to most recent presidents - Trump Speaks At Fourth-Grade Level, Lowest Of Last 15 U.S. Presidents, New Analysis Finds - and much better than the current one.

Some more sources:
In the first MSNBC "All In" link, I found this transcript of her famous campaign ad "Courage to Change":
Women like me aren't supposed to run for office. I wasn't born to a wealthy or powerful family. Mother from Puerto Rico, dad from the south Bronx. I was born in a place where your zip code determines your destiny.

Every day gets harder for working families like mine to get by: the rent gets higher, health care covers less, and our income stays the same. This race is about people versus money. We've got people, they've got money. It's time we acknowledge that not all Democrats are the same, that a Democrat who takes corporate money, profits off foreclosure, doesn't live here, doesn't send his kids to our schools, doesn't drink our water or breathe our air cannot possibly represent us.

What the Bronx and Queens needs is Medicare for All, tuition tree public college, a federal jobs guarantee and criminal justice reform. We can do it now. It doesn't take 100 years to do this, it takes political courage.
The Courage to Change | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - YouTube

Checking in on her PAC, Courage to Change, it's dropped the two losers: Jessica Cisneros (TX-28) and Cristina Tzintzun Ramirez (TX-SEN). The other five remain: Marie Newman (she won her primary), Georgette Gomez (CA-53) (she advanced in her primary), and Teresa Leger Fernandez (NM-03), Kara Eastman (NE-02), and Samelys Lopez (NY-15) (they haven't had primaries yet) SL is running in the South Bronx, right next door to AOC's district, NY-14.

CTC uses these criteria:
  • How have the candidate’s lived experiences prepared them for office?
  • Will the outcome of this race shift political power back to working-class people?
  • Does Courage to Change PAC’s involvement add value to the race?
  • Is this person a progressive, movement-oriented, underdog candidate?
  • Does the candidate display a strong history of community involvement and a deep understanding of local issues?
  • When is the upcoming Election Day?
  • Is there a sense of political urgency in the race that requires immediate action?

There are numerous other progressive candidates, including several challengers of Democratic incumbents, though AOC has endorsed only two of those sorts: JC and MN. She hasn't endorsed any challengers to the Democratic leadership.
Coronavirus: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blasts 'shameful' corporate bailout - YouTube
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez clashed with Republicans as the US Senate voted on a $2.2tn coronavirus relief bill on Friday. She said it was a ‘shameful’ corporate bailout that would further widen the income inequality gap. ‘What did the Senate majority fight for?’ the New York congresswoman asled. ‘One of the largest corporate bailouts with as few strings as possible in American history’

AOC breaks with Bernie on how to lead the left - POLITICO - is AOC selling out?

AOC campaigned for Cori Bush in 2018, though she hasn't done so this year. She's backed only two challengers to long-time incumbents with one winner and one loser.
Ocasio-Cortez’s shift coincides with turnover among top aides in her congressional office — replacing some outspoken radicals with more traditional political professionals — along with a broader reckoning on the left on how to expand Sanders’ coalition after his failure to significantly do so in the presidential primary. Some progressives have questioned whether Sanders should have softened his anti-establishment rhetoric and tried to build bridges with mainstream Democrats who voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 rather than betting big on turning out disaffected and first-time voters.

Ocasio-Cortez’s endorsement moves are not a fluke but part of a larger change over the past several months. After her disruptive, burn-it-down early months in Congress, Ocasio-Cortez, who colleagues say is often conflict-averse in person, has increasingly been trying to work more within the system. She is building coalitions with fellow Democratic members and picking her fights more selectively.
Conflict-averse in person? That would fit with her personality. She's very friendly and compassionate, and in Big Five terms, she's high on agreeableness. She's credited her bartending experience with helping her deal with obnoxious people, and she's mentioned someone's advice to grow a "rhino skin" for dealing with certain sorts of people. So she's learned how to be lower in agreeableness when necessary.
After starting some high-profile fights with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and tweaking Democratic colleagues on Twitter early in her tenure, Ocasio-Cortez has been more conciliatory toward other House Democrats. In February, she dubbed Pelosi the “mama bear of the Democratic Party.”
That's cute.
“The Democratic Party is the party of coalitions, not a cult,” said James Carville, a top strategist for Bill Clinton’s 1992 campaign and vocal critic of Sanders during the primary. “I’ve observed her. I think she’s really talented, that she’s really smart. Maybe she is — I don’t speak for her — coming to the conclusion that she wants to be part of the coalition.”

Neera Tanden, president of the liberal think tank Center for American Progress and a longtime Hillary Clinton aide, called Ocasio-Cortez's shift "a sign of leadership."
AOC's PAC "Courage to Change" has endorsed two challengers of Democratic incumbents, two challengers of Republican ones, and three contestants for open seats.

Cori Bush's primary is on Aug 4, and that's still far out. But AOC is keeping an eye on CB's and some other races.
Bush’s campaign manager, Isra Allison, told POLITICO that despite the lack of an endorsement this time, “We support AOC and the work she’s done and the attention she’s brought to these important issues. Our opinions on that trump any of her recent decision-making.”

“It’s understood that she’s in a precarious position endorsing incumbent challengers at all being in Congress,” said Brandon Sharp, a senior adviser for Morgan Harper, a Justice Democrats-backed candidate challenging Rep. Joyce Beatty in Ohio.
Good to see someone acknowledge what a tight spot AOC is in.
AOC's staff has had some notable turnover.

Her first chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, had pissed off some Congressional colleagues by saying “we gotta primary folks” and later calling some of them “new Southern Democrats.” IMO, he was way out of line with that one. He was replaced by Ariel Eckblad, who has worked for Kamala Harris.

Communications director Corbin Trent has also quit, and he was replaced by Lauren Hitt. She has worked with a range of candidates from Gov. John Hickenlooper and Rep. Beto O’Rourke to NY gov contender Cynthia Nixon.
Some associates of Ocasio-Cortez thought Trent was hurting her by calling for tactics they felt were politically foolhardy. One ally recalled Trent wanted Ocasio-Cortez to go beyond "Medicare for All" and embrace a fully nationalized health care system like the United Kingdom’s, in an attempt to further stretch the boundaries of the debate.
That seems like a big folly - it's essentially creating a big national HMO.
“AOC gets to Congress and is like, ‘[Wow], there are a lot of people who agree with me,” he said. McElwee added that “she does have these big ideological goals,” but also wants to address immediate issues important to her constituents like ensuring the census materials are bilingual. “AOC is, I think, a very famous person but fundamentally a quite normal representative," he said.
Looking at the comments, some of them commented that AOC is more like Elizabeth Warren than like Bernie Sanders. AOC has stated that she really doesn't understand how BS has sustained his career for so long. Looking at the Big Five again, BS must be rather low in agreeableness, because he's been in political isolation for a *long* time.
Transcripts of AOC's appearance on "The View", Feb 2020
AOC on Why She Triggers People: Political System Not Designed for People Like Us | CNSNews
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez responds to criticism that Sanders' policies are too radical Video - ABC News

Ryan Grim on Twitter: "Good story on the strategic daylight opening up between @AOC and some elements of the left. https://t.co/kOITvt2yuD" / Twitter

“Ideas That Are Lying Around” on Twitter: "The "AOC sells out" piece gets written every six months or so.
Two things: she's raised more money for primary challengers than any elected official in the US and there's been a lot more open political conflict between AOC/Pelosi than Bernie/Schumer. https://t.co/Zx55edzmE7" / Twitter

I've found AOC Is Wrong - offering a free e-book, "AOC Is Wrong: The Upside Down World of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.". However, one has to give the site one's e-mail address, so I won't bite. It states "You'll also receive the Tom Woods Letter, which I send during the week. It's notorious, and subscribers read like a who's who of the libertarian world. This is the one email newsletter people say they look forward to. Unsubscribe with one click. But I'll bet you won't."

Good reason not to. The author's home page: The Tom Woods Show He wrote The Definitive Smash of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - It didn't go into much detail.
Ocasio-Cortez: 'I support impeaching this president' - "AOC Unfiltered" on Skullduggery - 2019 Apr 14 - but she also wanted to do more than be anti-Trump. A lot more. I couldn't find a transcript.

"AOC calls BS.” | Crooked Media -- has a transcript.

“The smoking tweet.” | Crooked Media - doesn't have a transcript. It includes an interview with AOC not long after her victory over Joe Crowley.

Michelle Caruso-Cabrera | Democratic Candidate for US Congress NY14 - still no campaign platform. Badrun Khan has one, however, and it seems rather Bidenite.

As to that MLK religious-leader gathering, I found Rev. Kaji Dousa's affiliation: United Church of Christ. It's Barack Obama's and Amy Klobuchar's. As to why AOC might have arranged it, it may have been from being up against an evangelical pastor, Rev. Fernando Cabrera, in her re-election race. But he's now dropped out and he supports MCC.

Even so, I think that it would be hard for AOC to pretend to be an evangelical Protestant or a conservative Catholic.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 'breaks' with Bernie because she can do math, and 30% doesn't win anything
It wasn’t going to be long before the left-left of the progressive movement turned on New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (aka AOC). The same crowd that claimed that Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren was a Wall Street corporatist neoliberal snake wasn’t going to stand for anyone that challenged Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’s “leadership” of the left.

I just expected that acrimony to take longer to show up.
  • She is more willing to make friends and seek allies than BS is. Like Elizabeth Warren.
  • She has a more moderate approach on some issues, like accepting a medical-insurance public option as a stepping stone to Medicare for All.
  • She has gone the other way on some issues, like recommending keeping an eye out for ICE agents.
  • She has criticized some BS campaigners for being nasty.
  • She has not challenged enough Democratic incumbents, despite her getting into office that way.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "@nbcsnl ok this is legendary" / Twitter
Saturday Night Live - SNL on Twitter: "𝗙𝗹𝗶𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗰𝗵. https://t.co/t8qHcGRUhY" / Twitter - EW and the actress who plays her on SNL

That set off a lot of BS's more fervent followers.
Barack Obama on Twitter: "We've seen all too terribly the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic. We can't afford any more consequences of climate denial. All of us, especially young people, have to demand better of our government at every level and vote this fall. https://t.co/K8Ucu7iVDK" / Twitter
Trump weakens fuel economy standards, rolling back climate change fight - Los Angeles Times

Bassam Khawaja on Twitter: "Wow. Zoom, which is being widely used by people working from home, falsely claimed that its meeting service was end-to-end encrypted. [url]https://t.co/oVliiA5T9I #Coronavirus #COVID19" / Twitter[/url]
Zoom Meetings Do Not Support End-to-End Encryption

Not really end-to-end, but transport-layer -- Internet connections' TLS (Transport Layer Security), what webservers use for webpages. That's where the s in https comes from.
Zoom provided the following statement to The Intercept: “Zoom takes its users’ privacy extremely seriously. Zoom only collects data from individuals using the Zoom platform as needed to provide the service and ensure it is delivered as effectively as possible. Zoom must collect basic technical information like users’ IP address, OS details and device details in order for the service to function properly. Zoom has layered safeguards in place to protect our users’ privacy, which includes preventing anyone, including Zoom employees, from directly accessing any data that users share during meetings, including — but not limited to — the video, audio and chat content of those meetings. Importantly, Zoom does not mine user data or sell user data of any kind to anyone.”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Isn't 'Breaking' With Bernie Sanders
Ever since she backed Nancy Pelosi for the speakership in the newly elected Democratic-majority House of Representatives, I’ve been telling people that she has natural political chops that it's dangerous to underestimate. (Among the members of the Squad, AOC is second only to Ayanna Pressley in this regard.) Now, of course, some of the performative Left have their purity in a knot because she’s demonstrating this again.

... For a rookie who not long ago was taking drink orders, AOC has proven herself to be an aggressive and informed questioner in committee hearings. (I hear mixed things about her constituent service, and the wingnut press has been beating its little tin drums about it, but I also hear that it’s gotten better.) And it also elides the fact that, when Sanders was hospitalized with a heart attack, AOC pretty much became the Sanders campaign, and it can be argued that she rescued it completely.
Her not endorsing Elizabeth Warren's campaign likely hurt that campaign.

Justin Jackson on Twitter: ".@AOC if Neera Tanden is praising you, you’re doing something wrong. Change course." / Twitter
Justin Jackson on Twitter: "In the future AOC is going to need to be more open in her opposition against the Nancy Pelosi types in the Democratic Party. This isn’t easy, and she won’t be particularly liked by a lot of corporate dems because of this. But that was her mandate when she was elected over Crowley" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "@J_ManPrime21 Can’t control what people say about me, only what I do. Manufactured cynicism is a real thing.
I’m blessed to be held accountable and made better by activists + movements. If you point to actions I can adopt to be better I’m grateful, but I can’t do anything about gossip. Sry!" / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I said what I said 👏🏽 https://t.co/8rxQh7uSFA" / Twitter
Ibrahim on Twitter: "AOC on the Politico article: “I do think it’s funny that all these folks that are one day like keep your third eye open, manufactured consent are the same ones who fall the fastest for these ploys to demoralize the left.” https://t.co/WxeVWNq0wp" / Twitter

She also said that she has, if anything, become more ardent about her positions. She says that she originally thought that political power and political capital are finite resources that one can use up. But she discovered that she makes power by using power. One doesn't have to feel motivated to produce at all times -- if one doesn't, then one ought to rest.

Make the Road New York on Instagram: “Join Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez…”
Join Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@aoc) and Make the Road New York for a virtual forum where the Congresswoman will hear directly from her constituents about the impact of COVID-19 in our communities and share updates from Washington. .
We’ll be talking about the grave public health crisis racing our communities, the dangers frontlines workers are facing, the challenge of unemployment and paying rent at this time, and the growing disaster in jails, prisons, and detention centers.
We’ll also discuss what was in the latest federal stimulus bill, what was left out (a lot!), and what needs to come next to ensure respect and dignity for all.
Barack Obama on Twitter: "We've seen all too terribly the consequences of those who denied warnings of a pandemic. We can't afford any more consequences of climate denial. All of us, especially young people, have to demand better of our government at every level and vote this fall. https://t.co/K8Ucu7iVDK" / Twitter
Trump weakens fuel economy standards, rolling back climate change fight - Los Angeles Times

Bassam Khawaja on Twitter: "Wow. Zoom, which is being widely used by people working from home, falsely claimed that its meeting service was end-to-end encrypted. [url]https://t.co/oVliiA5T9I #Coronavirus #COVID19" / Twitter[/url]
Zoom Meetings Do Not Support End-to-End Encryption

Not really end-to-end, but transport-layer -- Internet connections' TLS (Transport Layer Security), what webservers use for webpages. That's where the s in https comes from.
Zoom provided the following statement to The Intercept: “Zoom takes its users’ privacy extremely seriously. Zoom only collects data from individuals using the Zoom platform as needed to provide the service and ensure it is delivered as effectively as possible. Zoom must collect basic technical information like users’ IP address, OS details and device details in order for the service to function properly. Zoom has layered safeguards in place to protect our users’ privacy, which includes preventing anyone, including Zoom employees, from directly accessing any data that users share during meetings, including — but not limited to — the video, audio and chat content of those meetings. Importantly, Zoom does not mine user data or sell user data of any kind to anyone.”

Wait a minute. Is this has been drongo associating GW/CC/CD with this tragic pandemic? If this isn't the dumbest comment [besides his comments on Benghazi] this guy has ever made, I'll eat a bat! The Dems are most certainly scraping the bottom of the barrel if they have to rely on comments from Obongo and the current darling of the left, AOC.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I said what I said ???????????? https://t.co/8rxQh7uSFA" / Twitter
Ibrahim on Twitter: "AOC on the Politico article: “I do think it’s funny that all these folks that are one day like keep your third eye open, manufactured consent are the same ones who fall the fastest for these ploys to demoralize the left.” https://t.co/WxeVWNq0wp" / Twitter

She also said that she has, if anything, become more ardent about her positions. She says that she originally thought that political power and political capital are finite resources that one can use up. But she discovered that she makes power by using power. One doesn't have to feel motivated to produce at all times -- if one doesn't, then one ought to rest.

Make the Road New York on Instagram: “Join Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez…”
Join Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@aoc) and Make the Road New York for a virtual forum where the Congresswoman will hear directly from her constituents about the impact of COVID-19 in our communities and share updates from Washington. .
We’ll be talking about the grave public health crisis racing our communities, the dangers frontlines workers are facing, the challenge of unemployment and paying rent at this time, and the growing disaster in jails, prisons, and detention centers.
We’ll also discuss what was in the latest federal stimulus bill, what was left out (a lot!), and what needs to come next to ensure respect and dignity for all.

Yeah, authority and leverage in politics is not zero-sum. Which is not to say some actions don't increase or reduce the quantity of available leverage, just that using it doesn't necessarily adjust the quantity available. It comes down to understanding that using tools does not cost tools.

Abusing a tool or using them inappropriately is what damages or destroys them. Political power is a tool.
Baratunde on Twitter: "Yesterday @AOC went live on IG and I got a question in. Her answer is beautiful. Watch/read and give yourself some space to be less productive and more human. Love yall! #coronavirus #covid19 #stayhuman https://t.co/hoyRX64gz1" / Twitter

Also here with captions: Baratunde Thurston on Instagram: “AOC: You Are Worth Far More Than Your “Productivity”…”
Yesterday I was on IG which is one of the two places we can go without face masks (the other being Zoom), and I saw that @AOC was doing a live chat and Q&A. So I dropped in a Q similar to the question I asked @thechangeagent in the interview posted just before this: “How do you carry the burden of your constituents’ challenges right now and care for yourself?” Rep. Ocasio-Cortez briefly spoke about her own acceptance of her human limitations before pivoting to make a larger point about how we value people in a capitalist society. The money quote, no pun intended, is this: “you are just as worthy of a human being if you find yourself unemployed right now.” MORE EXCERPTS:
This is a very stressful moment. A lot of people are doing double duty. Basically if you are a caregiver or if you are a parent in anyway, and now all of a sudden you have to work from home and take care of your kids, guess what? Now you have two jobs simultaneously. And we should recognize that, we should make space for that.

I think that a lot of people should take this opportunity to reassess that and to say you can be a worthwhile human being even if it takes you a little bit longer to do an assignment, you are just as worthy of a human being if you find yourself unemployed right now. If you happen to be in the same position as millions of people in this country, if you're unemployed, you are no less worthy today than you were yesterday. You are no less worthy now than you were when you were employed. And there's all of these messages, very subtle but persistent, that basically says you are only as worthy as your paycheck or your title or your last physical or market-based accomplishment. And it's not true, it's just not true.

Don't feel pressure to be as productive. If you're in a position where you're managing other people please don't have the same expectations on them. Give people space and room to be a human being

#AOC #advice #coronavirus #pandemic #covid19 #QandA #capitalism #worth #value #unemployed #human #stayhuman #emotionallabor #politician #alexandriaocasiocortez
AOC seems very thoughtful and compassionate, and I like that she has broader thoughts than one's immediate business. I remember watching an online townhall on the coronavirus by another politician, and it seemed sadly lacking.

One of the responses was this:

— 𝐫𝐲𝐤𝐚 ₊˚.༄ on Twitter: "@baratunde her mind! 💅 https://t.co/MTXrKe8aHW" / Twitter - an assemblage of video of AOC over the last few years.
AOC instagram livestream 3.28.2020 - YouTube - mislabeled, since it is from the day of the State of the Union address, 2020 Feb 4,

AOC instagram live 3.29.2020 - YouTube

Terrence K. Williams on Twitter: "DUMBER THAN A BOX OF ROCKS!!
@AOC is attacking Capitalism & telling her followers to stop paying their rent
I would like to pay for her to go back to school! Please let her know!
👉 #AOCgoBackToSchool https://t.co/E8ZmZjAur9" / Twitter

Has a bit more of the Apr 1 AOC livestream. It was about not paying rent. She does concede that landlords often have mortgages to pay and that they have to maintain property and that they need an income for doing that. Something that she has said elsewhere.

On YouTube as AOC : DUMBER THAN A BOX OF ROCKS!! - YouTube
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