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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

AOC did an online workshop with New York Make The Road about getting unemployment compensation, and I recall her thinking of doing one for small businesses.

Trying to collect AOC's social-media videos.

From a year ago, her gardening:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Shows Off Her Community Garden: Food That Comes Out Of Dirt…It's Like Magic - YouTube
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at Glover Street Community Garden - YouTube
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Cooking Class Ep 1 - YouTube
AOC helps children plant flowers at Bronx community garden - YouTube

Right-wingers chortled over the first two. The right wing is a good source for saved AOC Instagram videos, but that can be hit-and-miss.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in a Nail Salon - YouTube
AOC ripped for holding a covid forum from her plush DC home - YouTube
She talks with how she copes with this crisis. She strongly protects her days off, something that she has already been doing.

Opponent Michelle Caruso-Cabrera:
AOC in her new luxury apartment during the COVID-19 Crisis - YouTube

However, AOC has been living there for nearly all her time in Congress. She got it because it is a nice and secure place within walking distance of the Capitol building and its nearby office buildings. She slept on an air mattress at first, and she assembled some IKEA furniture.

Given her career, I suspect that MCC would make AOC seem like a peasant.

110% accurate description!
The right wing enjoys snickering about how dumb AOC supposedly is, and I've seen lots of dumbness jokes made about her. The right wing loves having villains. I remember how they hated Bill and Hillary Clinton as left-wing ogres. "Impeach Clinton and Her Husband" -- a bumper sticker. "Hillary Fried Chicken: two fat thighs, two left wings, and $3.99 plus tax plus tax plus tax" -- a joke I heard.

The right wing hated on onetime Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, President Barack Obama, and others. Anyone they disliked became a left-wing extremist. So it is with AOC, and also Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar.

On April 1, 2020, AOC had no less than three live events (!)

Virtual Forum with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Covid-19 and the Stimulus hosted by Make the Road New York

How to Access Unemployment Insurance & Individual Cash Assistance During COVID-19 | AOC - YouTube

And an Instagram Live session that I didn't catch. It included a very kind statement that one is more than one's job performance, and some other stuff. Right wingers saved some of the rest of it; their AOC Derangement Syndrome can sometimes be very helpful.

Ocasio-Cortez blames Trump and Republicans for the deaths of every American who dies from nCovid19.. - YouTube
I think that she is very right about the Trump Admin's colossal negligence. They had at least a month and likely two months to gear up for the new virus, but they ignored intelligence warnings and tried to dismiss it as a non-issue.

AOC Says that the U.S. Has Not Had a Female President Because the Country Is Sexist and Racist - YouTube
I think that she's right about the sexism part, though not about the racism part -- the racism part would not have kept a white woman from becoming President. She was also somewhat mistaken about nonwhites getting the vote in the 1960's. They were guaranteed it, at least in theory, in the 1860's, with the 14th Amendment. But various southern states created obstructions that interfered with black people voting, obstructions that were officially abolished only in the 1960's.

The sexism part is very real -- and much worse for most of our nation's history. Women could not vote for the first half of the US's history, and then got it in a patchy fashion until 1920. Women were also shut out of a lot of professions for a long time. But over the last half-century or thereabouts, the US has gradually moved toward accepting female leadership.
Alexandria Occasional-Cortex ought not worry. Nikki Haley’s got 2024 in the bag.
Dream on.

AOC ripped for holding coronavirus forum from plush DC abode - by Michelle Caruso-Cabrera
“While Queens and The Bronx have lines down the block at hospitals and grocery stores, AOC is holed up at a brand new luxury apartment where she shops at Whole Foods in her lobby,” Caruso-Cabrera said.

“That’s shameful. No wonder voters think that she is out of touch. She has a golf-simulator and infinity pool and Peloton Cycle room as well as other luxuries while families in the Bronx and Queens are worried about how long the lines are at the grocery store and where they are going to get their next paycheck. AOC isn’t even here to see their desperation and their struggle to survive with her own eyes,” the challenger said.
But AOC provides plenty of counterevidence, like:

Moumita🌹Bernie for President on Twitter: "Tonight I was on TBN 24 Bangla News Channel with @AOC discussing mutual aid. We’re all grateful to AOC for being the first to address the Bangladeshi community. We hope other electeds follow her lead. We’re 66,000 strong in Queens. And we have lost many of our people to COVID19. https://t.co/eFSek7p067" / Twitter - April 2

AOC went to DC for a vote on a bill on Apr 1, then returned to NYC the next day. She's demonstrated that she's far from being like her predecessor, Joe Crowley. I don't know what sort of counterattack she will do, but I'm guessing that it would be something like "Are you saying that I live just like you?"

The Azara Group on Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, 2016 MCC "lives in Manhattan with her husband" - a rather expensive place to live.

Terrence K. Williams on Twitter: "AOC blamed every CoronaVirus death on President Trump & Republicans
This Liar said people are dying because of the President.
SHAMEFUL She should be blaming China & not President Trump !
RT & Let’s remind her & everyone. Hey @AOC 👉 #ChinaLiedPeopleDied https://t.co/qXQw38Dmfb" / Twitter

China being guilty of an initial coverup does not make the Trump Admin any less guilty.

Caleb Hull on Twitter: "Here’s @AOC going on a rant about how Trump didn’t take coronavirus “seriously” and that people are dying because of him.
However, Trump put travel restrictions on China early on and AOC claimed it was racist for people not to be going to Chinese restaurants because of the virus https://t.co/xQZZxlmwt7" / Twitter

As if that would make anything else unnecessary.

Caleb Hull on Twitter: "Here's AOC encouraging her followers to engage in "organized rent strikes" because capitalism is to blame for people making money off of "just owning property." https://t.co/GWGd004DTa" / Twitter

Income on property is effectively free stuff, and that's supposed to be a great evil.
I refuse to believe she can actually put together a jigsaw puzzle, let alone something from IKEA! Any Proof?
angelo, what would you consider acceptable evidence?

Candace Owens Warns AOC: I’m Coming For Your Seat - US Liberty Wire - "If elected, Owens said she would champion family values and argue that Democratic policies have led to a permanent minority underclass."
Candace Owens on Twitter: "I’m now honestly considering running for office. Never had any desire to previously, but something changed in me last night.
Had a conversation with my husband and I think it’s a plan." / Twitter

She is a right-wing jerk, and she once satirized AOC's reactions to an immigrant-detention camp:
Candace Owens on Twitter: "I decided to stage a photoshoot just like @AOC!
Except I’m outside of an inner-city school where the conditions are abhorrent and the majority of black AMERICAN boys can’t pass a basic reading exam.
Maybe the liberal media will give this epidemic some attention now?
#BLEXIT https://t.co/xlDk1DXnFC" / Twitter

I thought over what AOC said about women not getting elected President and she attributed it to "misogyny". She mentioned the racial angle as an extra burden for "women of color". I couldn't find anything quick on voting rights for north vs. south between the 1860's and 1960's, so I decided to see who got elected to Congress. Fortunately, Wikipedia has  List of African-American United States Representatives

The first generation, 1870 - 1887, was from Southern states: AL, FL, GA, MS, NC, SC
The second generation, 1889 - 1901, was also from Southern states: NC, SC, VA
The third generation, 1929 - 1970, was from Northern states: CA, IL, MI, MO, NY, OH, PA
The fourth generation, 1971 - present, is mainly from Northern states: AL, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, IL, IN, LA, MA, MD, MI, MN, MO, NC, NJ, NV, NY, OK, PA, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA

"Southern" = ex-Confederate, "Northern" = ex-Union, later admissions

So before the Civil Rights Act in 1965, blacks could likely vote in most Northern states without much trouble
I'm returning to
Ibrahim on Twitter: "AOC on the Politico article: “I do think it’s funny that all these folks that are one day like keep your third eye open, manufactured consent are the same ones who fall the fastest for these ploys to demoralize the left.” https://t.co/WxeVWNq0wp" / Twitter
because of certain phrases in it.

"keep your third eye open" - that's from  Third eye - a mystical-awareness sense in Hindu and Buddhist and New-Age beliefs, often represented as an additional eye on one's forehead.

"manufactured consent" - that's from  Manufacturing Consent -
Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media is a 1988 book by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky, in which the authors propose that the mass communication media of the U.S. "are effective and powerful ideological institutions that carry out a system-supportive propaganda function, by reliance on market forces, internalized assumptions, and self-censorship, and without overt coercion", by means of the propaganda model of communication.[1] The title derives from the phrase "the manufacture of consent", employed in the book Public Opinion (1922), by Walter Lippmann (1889–1974).[2] The consent referred to is consent of the governed.

"Keep your third eye open" got responses like

Ryan M. Moore 🌹 on Twitter: "Oh ok. “Keep your third eye open” sounds like contempt for the actual left, like conflating people who actually believe in things with wacky crazy hippies who shouldn’t be taken seriously.
Also, no comment on the substance of the article, ie the interview backstabbing Bernie? https://t.co/9fpTuO1xNT" / Twitter

Ryan M. Moore 🌹 on Twitter: "Sorry to harp on this but this is a pitch-perfect Obama answer. “I’m sane, leftists who have a problem with me are crazy” said with a big smile, completely ignoring the actual facts (whatever its agenda the politico article dealt largely with things she’s factually said/done)" / Twitter

zack on Twitter: ""Keep your third eye open" is such a CIA term of what a radical sounds like. AOC is a cop. https://t.co/pFdxRqwIOK" / Twitter

Searching for "keep your third eye open" gave links on how to increase one's mystical awareness:

Seems like AOC runs into New-Age believers. But then again, she likes to meditate and she has practiced yoga. More recently, she talked about turning a packaging box into a yoga mat.
In the video, AOC mimed a third eye on her forehead with a hand gesture.

AOC's 3rd eye by means of manufactured consent (@ThankYou4Eva) / Twitter - whose response was

AOC's 3rd eye by means of manufactured consent on Twitter: "@YellBRo not supporting grassroot leftist candidates demoralizes the left but carry on with your finger snaps https://t.co/kaHXdn7Wao" / Twitter
Though she won against a Democratic incumbent, supporting challengers of Democratic incumbents can be bad for her career. Especially when those incumbents are committee heads and party leadership. It must be noted that AOC herself had no big-name endorsements until very late in her primary campaign, and that is when Ro Khanna dual-endorsed her and her opponent, Joe Crowley.

AOC's 3rd eye by means of manufactured consent on Twitter: "@YellBRo look how fiesty she is now, you third eye losers and Noam Chomsky nerds." / Twitter

The Yellow Brick Road on Twitter: "did she say "manufacture consent" to manufacture consent against people who mention "manufacturing consent"? i think she dissed the buddah too https://t.co/k2RWrgN4CX" / Twitter - a rather recursive reference

"Manufactured consent" AOC - responses:

Politically, shitposter extraordinaire🌹 on Twitter: "no matter your stance on AOC and the drama surrounding her: she did just kinda own all the people who talk about manufactured consent and then just instantly took this article as fact. https://t.co/iX0M2gHBAu" / Twitter

Mor Ⓥ Spicer #TimesUpBiden on Twitter: "I pretty much ignored all the coverage around AOC backing away from Bernie and I'm glad I did. Manufactured consent is real and we all need to do better for #notmeus & ignore the evil that exists in the propaganda machine #UniteWithBernie https://t.co/mL4kV2vb69" / Twitter

I like this assessment:
Rodrigo Saldaña on Twitter: "@Vedantthelegend @ibrahimpols @fffiii2020 @lhfang
@AOC is a novice finding her footing.
@PramilaJayapal and @RoKhanna are more willing to compromise. And by compromise I mean dilute.
@IlhanMN has better politics now.
IDK about @RashidaTlaib being divisive, The Clinton Machine is doing FOX level manufactured consent about Berners" / Twitter

PJ and RK are in their second terms. What's that about IO?
AOC is involved with her community:

Moumita🌹Bernie for President on Twitter: "Tonight I was on TBN 24 Bangla News Channel with @AOC discussing mutual aid. We’re all grateful to AOC for being the first to address the Bangladeshi community. We hope other electeds follow her lead. We’re 66,000 strong in Queens. And we have lost many of our people to COVID19. https://t.co/eFSek7p067" / Twitter

With responses

Moses Utomi on Twitter: "@disruptionary @AOC Sending love to the Queens Bangladeshi community! It's heartbreaking to see what's happening to so many families. Also, shout out to @badrun_khan, district 14's Bangladeshi-American congressional candidate. Washington needs more voices like hers." / Twitter

Moumita🌹Bernie for President on Twitter: "@MosesUtomi @AOC @badrun_khan For what? She didn’t do anything.
Sorry but this Bengali woman supports AOC." / Twitter

Didarul Alam on Twitter: "@MosesUtomi @disruptionary @AOC @badrun_khan Nope . Who is she ? Most people in Bengali community don't even know her ." / Twitter

If that level of name recognition is anywhere typical, it looks like Badrun Khan will sink without a trace in the upcoming primary.

WBAI New York at 99.5 FM (@WBAI) / Twitter
City Watch on Twitter: "Thank you to our listeners and our special guests @AOC, @BrooklynDA and @jbowlesnyc
Today's episode also featured an interview with @Dromm25 as part of @CelesteKatzNYC's excellent series on the coronavirus
Listen to the full show at @WBAI.org https://t.co/f7R94LcCjL" / Twitter

City Watch on Twitter: "Turn on @WBAI 99.5 FM now - or livestream us at [url]https://t.co/oHGrzn9oXM - to hear @DavidFBrand's conversation with @AOC, and @JackHites talks with @BrooklynDA about coronavirus and bail reform, and @nycfuture's @jbowlesnyc about the longterm impact of coronavirus on NYC https://t.co/Q6yzG9IvFH" / Twitter[/url]

WBAI Radio Archives - City Watch - Sun, Apr 5, 2020 18:00 PM

AOC criticized the state government for jailing more people instead of less, and she argued for clemency - a 90-yr-old inmate isn't going to cause a lot of trouble. She also proposes that many politicians don't recognize the depth of the crisis, especially on the Federal level, and she proposed that when we rebuild as it ends that we rebuild in a more just fashion. Something like the New Deal.

She also criticized certain politicians' preference for austerity policies, and she implied that they seem to have limited imaginations in that regard - "we cannot cut our way to growth".
AOC also talked mutual-aid networks, proposing to help one's neighbors or just plain talk to them. If one has hired domestic workers, then she suggests continuing to pay them. One can also contribute to strike funds, shop at alternate places, or even go out oneself.

angelo quoted "And when the actual my opinion, the structure of it, is compromised in very deep ways, you know it's not, I don't think it was like I'm going to take my ball and go home, it's we have a select committee whose mission I'm I was uncertain on who's members take fossil fuel money." - AOC Interview on WNYC 07/09/2019

That is not very coherent, I must concede.

But early in 2019, AOC had wanted a Select Committee on Climate Change, but she discovered that it was rather disappointing. Not much power, like subpoena power or drafting of legislation, and no exclusion of anyone who had taken fossil-fuel money. So she didn't join. In any case, her other committees kept her very busy - she's in Oversight and Financial Services.

She did a IG Live appearance last week, and some right-wingers snickered over her saying that the US is a "brutal" and "barbaric" society for working-class people, and some also snickered about her making a margarita for herself as she complained about politicians not doing enough about the coronavirus crisis.

Yesterday, as I write this, she did How to Access EIDL & PPP for Small Businesses & Nonprofits | AOC Live - YouTube - "Join Team AOC LIVE to learn how eligible small businesses and nonprofits can apply for and access Economic Injury Disaster Loans and the Paycheck Protection Program"
Noticias Telemundo on Twitter: "🇺🇸 La congresista demócrata @AOC habla en exclusiva del impacto del #coronavirus en su distrito y sobre el manejo de la administración #Trump.
"Estamos luchando para mejorar la vida de la comunidad", indicó.
🎥 Vía @UnNuevoDia. https://t.co/Va2kstAzje" / Twitter

🇺🇸 Democratic congresswoman @AOC exclusively talks about the impact of #coronavirus in your district and about managing the administration #Trump .
"We are fighting to improve the life of the community," he said.
🎥 Vía @UnNuevoDia

I only speak English and autotranslator, and it can be fun to look at mistranslations, like this misgendering of AOC.
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