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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

"I will not stay up late at night waiting for an apology from a man who has no remorse over using abusive language towards women." - AOC

Ilhan Omar on Instagram: “I not only stand with @aoc, but all women who have experienced verbal abuse not just once, but since they were little girls.

This behavior by Ted Yoho and so many others will not be tolerated.

All women deserve respect and fundamental equality. Period.

IO used the pronunciation "blaygrounds", but for the most part, she has only a slight accent.

Glamour on Instagram: “AOC just Eviscerated *that* GOP Congressman in powerful speech. ICYMI: Rep. Ted Yoho reportedly called the congresswoman a "fuc*ing bitch" earlier this week. Link in bio for her full response.”
"I am here because I have to show my parents that I am their daughter, and that they did not raise me to accept abuse from men." -- AOC

Congresswoman Barbara Lee on Instagram: “Remarks on Accosting of Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez

It’s past time that this legislative body understand that women of color are here to stay.

@aoc is here to stay.

And we're getting things done.”

Instagram photo by Kelly Rose Burgess • Jul 23, 2020 at 6:16 PM
Nice painting of AOC.

Jake Prendez on Instagram: “I'm so happy I chose Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @aoc as the cover of the magazine in my "Inspiration of a New Generation" painting. Proud of her for standing up to folks like Ted Yoho. "B@tches get shit done".
This painting is part of the Norman Rockwell in Post Racial America Series where I re-imagine Rockwell images in a contemporary lens with People of Color as the subject. Im honored to include Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @repaoc”
"I will not stay up late at night waiting for an apology from a man who has no remorse over using abusive language towards women." - AOC

Ilhan Omar on Instagram: “I not only stand with @aoc, but all women who have experienced verbal abuse not just once, but since they were little girls.

This behavior by Ted Yoho and so many others will not be tolerated.

All women deserve respect and fundamental equality. Period.

IO used the pronunciation "blaygrounds", but for the most part, she has only a slight accent.

Glamour on Instagram: “AOC just Eviscerated *that* GOP Congressman in powerful speech. ICYMI: Rep. Ted Yoho reportedly called the congresswoman a "fuc*ing bitch" earlier this week. Link in bio for her full response.”
"I am here because I have to show my parents that I am their daughter, and that they did not raise me to accept abuse from men." -- AOC

Congresswoman Barbara Lee on Instagram: “Remarks on Accosting of Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez

It’s past time that this legislative body understand that women of color are here to stay.

@aoc is here to stay.

And we're getting things done.”

Instagram photo by Kelly Rose Burgess • Jul 23, 2020 at 6:16 PM
Nice painting of AOC.

Jake Prendez on Instagram: “I'm so happy I chose Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @aoc as the cover of the magazine in my "Inspiration of a New Generation" painting. Proud of her for standing up to folks like Ted Yoho. "B@tches get shit done".
This painting is part of the Norman Rockwell in Post Racial America Series where I re-imagine Rockwell images in a contemporary lens with People of Color as the subject. Im honored to include Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @repaoc”

Who was it that said "We're gonna impeach" the MF when the Democrats won the House?
Who was it that said "We're gonna impeach" the MF when the Democrats won the House?
angelo, show us all what a great work ethic that you have and do the research.

Research? Why, sure, why not! It was, and by the way you'd you know it, this Palestinian bitch.....................................https://www.vox.com/policy-and-poli.../rashida-tlaib-trump-impeachment-motherfucker

New Congress member creates stir by saying of Trump: “We’re going to impeach this motherfucker!”
Who was it that said "We're gonna impeach" the MF when the Democrats won the House?
angelo, show us all what a great work ethic that you have and do the research.

Research? Why, sure, why not! It was, and by the way you'd you know it, this Palestinian bitch.....................................https://www.vox.com/policy-and-poli.../rashida-tlaib-trump-impeachment-motherfucker

New Congress member creates stir by saying of Trump: “We’re going to impeach this motherfucker!”

So fucking what? The daughterfucker has done plenty to deserve to be impeached.
Research? Why, sure, why not! It was, and by the way you'd you know it, this Palestinian bitch.....................................https://www.vox.com/policy-and-poli.../rashida-tlaib-trump-impeachment-motherfucker

New Congress member creates stir by saying of Trump: “We’re going to impeach this motherfucker!”

So fucking what? The daughterfucker has done plenty to deserve to be impeached.

WTF would a socialist Sydney- sider know about American conservative politics? Could you list the misnomers the Trump has done to merit impeachment, apart from being a buffoon? If you think he's bad, I'd hate to know what you think of Scomo! I presume Groper, hair sniffer Joe and Albo are your idols?
Research? Why, sure, why not! It was, and by the way you'd you know it, this Palestinian bitch.....................................https://www.vox.com/policy-and-poli.../rashida-tlaib-trump-impeachment-motherfucker

New Congress member creates stir by saying of Trump: “We’re going to impeach this motherfucker!”

So fucking what? The daughterfucker has done plenty to deserve to be impeached.

WTF would a socialist Sydney- sider know about American conservative politics? Could you list the misnomers the Trump has done to merit impeachment, apart from being a buffoon? If you think he's bad, I'd hate to know what you think of Scomo! I presume Groper, hair sniffer Joe and Albo are your idols?

Glad you asked. The most obvious one is ensuring his businesses profit from him being in government. For example forcing the US military to use his resorts and Saudi representatives booking Trump hotels to garner favours. Both of which are a clear violation of the Foreign Emoluments Clause of the US Constitution. In your spare time, google "Jimmy Carter" and "peanut farm" to see what happens when conservatives are butt-hurt and accuse Democrats of an insignificant fraction of what Trump has grifted.

Then there is the paying off of a porn star using campaign funds. A violation of campaign finance laws set by the Federal Electoral Commission

Trumps tweets providing his opinion of Roger Stones sentencing can be interpreted as an abuse of power, as both his Press Secretary and the Courts have stated that Donald Trump's tweets can be considered statements of policy.

Having Trump's daughter own patents for voting booths reeks of nepotism - and if it isn't a crime it fucking should be. And whilst we're at it, let's just throw in all the times Trump has put family member in positions of responsibility despite failing the most basic of background checks.

Then there was the time he leaked sensitive information about the al-Baghdadi raid. A minor nitpick, but you can be damn sure if Obama did something similar he would have been crucified.

And then there was the thing Trump was actually impeached for; using the US State Department as his own personal Ordo Inquisitorum whilst crying witch hunt with a total lack of self awareness.

So, yes. There are Third World dictators with more integrity than Trump and that is not hyperbole. Other people can add to his list of corrupt dealings and policy. Scott Morrison is simply incompetent - there is a huge distinction between the two.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's eloquence in the face of arrogance is a master class | Francine Prose | Opinion | The Guardian
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s 23 July address to the House of Representatives was a welcome reminder of what political speech can be: eloquent, lucid, truthful, intelligent, moving and persuasive. It also made you aware of how low public discourse has sunk. From both sides of the aisle, we hear soundbites, attacks, promises that vanish before the ink dries, reasons the rich should prosper while the poor stay poor. We’ve learned to accept the word salad – rambling, digressive, inarticulate, salted with evasions, distortions and lies – we’re served whenever Trump comes to the table.

By contrast, Ocasio-Cortez’s address was a masterpiece of heartfelt, unadorned plain speech that (consciously or instinctively) employed the tools of the orator, the rhetorician and preacher. What carries us is repetition, rhythm, emphasis, cadence, pronunciation (the congresswoman leans into her Bronx vowels) and a seamless transition from each event or idea to its larger implications.

EXCLUSIVE: “It’s embarrassing,” AOC on DNC’s Rejecting Marijuana Legalization | The News Station
AOC dons one of Rep. Elma Adams (D-NC) famous collection of more than 1,000 hats – which the Young congresswoman later signed – on the House steps in between votes on Wednesday. Photo Courtesy of Matt Laslo

Democratic leaders have angered progressives once again. Only this week, it was a completely unforced error, as the Democratic National Committee decided to reverse the party’s historic position on marijuana legalization from 2016 and instead followed the lead of its presumptive presidential nominee Joe Biden and opted to merely endorse decriminalization.

“It’s embarrassing. It’s embarrassing that this is not on the Democratic platform,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told The News Station on the steps of the Capitol. “The Democratic platform on this issue is more conservative than it was in 2016.”
While Sen. Cory Booker said that he’s “confident that under a Biden administration, we will take strides in marijuana justice like we have never seen before in history. I know he knows it’s unjust. I know he knows that this system is not fair, and I know he is committed to ideals of fairness and justice. So I think there’s a lot of space to work with him.” AOC was less confident. “No, no, I’m not confident, because I do know that this is an issue that is just, frankly, it’s very unique to him,” Ocasio-Cortez said of her party’s new standard bearer. “His attitude towards it is very personal, and it’s been shaped over decades of attitudes towards marijuana. And that doesn’t just change when you present someone with research and popular support.”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Abolishing ICE isn’t a radical thing to do, it’s a humane thing to do." / Twitter
NowThis on Twitter: "ICE is illegally detaining immigrant children in hotels. Watch these lawyers get violently removed from a Hampton Inn in Texas after trying to give legal aid to the kids there https://t.co/RIrOgvEQYe" / Twitter

Leonard Pitts: AOC, the hornet’s nest Republicans cannot stop themselves from poking - The Salt Lake Tribune
Last week, it took center stage in the House of Representatives, via a speech from Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. For some reason, she is the hornet's nest Republicans cannot stop themselves from poking, even though they end up stung to pieces every time.

Florida Rep. Ted Yoho is the latest. He accosted Ocasio-Cortez on the steps of the U.S. Capitol and told her she was "disgusting" for having linked a spike in crime to poverty and unemployment. ...

Afterward, Yoho's first comment was "No comment." He later offered an apology that wasn't, expressing contrition for his "abrupt manner." ...

Ocasio-Cortez rightly rejected this self-justifying swill. Addressing the House Thursday, she noted that she’s been called such things before. It’s something women get used to ignoring, and she might have done so, but for Yoho’s use of his wife and daughters as moral shields.

“I am two years younger than Mr. Yoho’s youngest daughter,” the 30-year-old legislator said. “I am someone’s daughter, too. ...

Bread For The World, a nonprofit Christian group, apparently agreed. It asked Yoho to resign from its board.

As well it should have. The issue is not just objectionable words, but the contempt they encode ...

Of course it's radical. AOC doesn't want any enforcement against illegals. She wants de-facto open borders, especially regarding her fellow hispanics.
Ocasio-Cortez calls to abolish ICE, says Latinos must be exempt from immigration laws because they are 'Native' to US

She wants us to be speaking Spanish in a few decades because under her policies we will get overwhelmed by unrestricted inflows from Mexico and Central America.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez July 27th 2020 Instagram live stream about stimulus, schools & more - YouTube
I haven't seen AOC on Instagram Live in some time. This one is caught directly from AOC's Instagram broadcast, and instead of multicolored hearts going upward on the right, it has white hearts.

She was here to do fundraising for NYSYLC - NYSYLC (@NYSYLC) / Twitter - "First undocumented youth-led organization in New York. @NYDreamAct leaders. Creating equal opportunities through our Dream Team Network." - undocumented immigrants do lots of essential work. They are "underpaid" and "underrecognized".

She was eating black-raspberry-chocolate-chip ice cream. She wanted to avoid giving brands, and she ate it out of a mug.

She was getting lots of donations.

She talked about John Lewis and how to honor him. She doesn't think that most schools can open safely. But they do a lot of childrearing work, taking loads off of parents' back. She recalls Squidward looking out the window at Spongebob and Patrick playing - that's the US watching other countries reopening safely. Full shutdown is like pulling an emergency lever on a subway train.

Part of a school's job is socializing of children. Difficult when social distancing. She then slammed Republican politicians for being unwilling to support unemployment insurance. Which jobs would all the some 30 million unemployed people go to? She says that they are gone, and that they will have to be built up again.

Then medical insurance. Some Democrats are also to blame for continuing employer-provided medical insurance. COBRA is for continuing employer-provided insurance for when one is unemployed. But it's awfully expensive and nobody likes it. Then she criticized Republican Senators for doing very much. She also criticized many of her colleagues for lack of urgency. It is as if they don't know what it's like to be an ordinary person who is financially vulnerable.
WTF would a socialist Sydney- sider know about American conservative politics? Could you list the misnomers the Trump has done to merit impeachment, apart from being a buffoon? If you think he's bad, I'd hate to know what you think of Scomo! I presume Groper, hair sniffer Joe and Albo are your idols?

Glad you asked. The most obvious one is ensuring his businesses profit from him being in government. For example forcing the US military to use his resorts and Saudi representatives booking Trump hotels to garner favours. Both of which are a clear violation of the Foreign Emoluments Clause of the US Constitution. In your spare time, google "Jimmy Carter" and "peanut farm" to see what happens when conservatives are butt-hurt and accuse Democrats of an insignificant fraction of what Trump has grifted.

Then there is the paying off of a porn star using campaign funds. A violation of campaign finance laws set by the Federal Electoral Commission

Trumps tweets providing his opinion of Roger Stones sentencing can be interpreted as an abuse of power, as both his Press Secretary and the Courts have stated that Donald Trump's tweets can be considered statements of policy.

Having Trump's daughter own patents for voting booths reeks of nepotism - and if it isn't a crime it fucking should be. And whilst we're at it, let's just throw in all the times Trump has put family member in positions of responsibility despite failing the most basic of background checks.

Then there was the time he leaked sensitive information about the al-Baghdadi raid. A minor nitpick, but you can be damn sure if Obama did something similar he would have been crucified.

And then there was the thing Trump was actually impeached for; using the US State Department as his own personal Ordo Inquisitorum whilst crying witch hunt with a total lack of self awareness.

So, yes. There are Third World dictators with more integrity than Trump and that is not hyperbole. Other people can add to his list of corrupt dealings and policy. Scott Morrison is simply incompetent - there is a huge distinction between the two.

Integrity you say. Bill Clinton had that in spades full didn't he? So did Obongo for that matter when he flatly refused to call Islamic terrorism for what it really was. Notice how I'm not even mentioning The Benghazi cover up, or the billions of US dollars shipped over to the Iranian mullahs in the dead of night. Obongo's outright anti Israel stance, the US's only true ally in a sea of anti Americanism. That's just the tip on the iceberg that was the Obongo administration!
Integrity you say. Bill Clinton had that in spades full didn't he? So did Obongo for that matter when he flatly refused to call Islamic terrorism for what it really was. Notice how I'm not even mentioning The Benghazi cover up, or the billions of US dollars shipped over to the Iranian mullahs in the dead of night. Obongo's outright anti Israel stance, the US's only true ally in a sea of anti Americanism. That's just the tip on the iceberg that was the Obongo administration!

Ignoring the derails, hyperbole and unsubstantiated bullshit you just spewed, you feigned outrage here about the concept of newly appointed women in Congress stating Trump has committed impeachable offenses. I gave you a fraction of his high crimes and misdemeanors and facts to back them up to show the attitude you're so sooky about is completely warranted.

Or to put it another way, you argument is based on bullshit. As to the rest of your other whataboutisms, just look in the other threads where you tried the same crap and routinely got your arse handed to you. Or keep derailing threads, I can't stop you.
Integrity you say. Bill Clinton had that in spades full didn't he? So did Obongo for that matter when he flatly refused to call Islamic terrorism for what it really was. Notice how I'm not even mentioning The Benghazi cover up, or the billions of US dollars shipped over to the Iranian mullahs in the dead of night. Obongo's outright anti Israel stance, the US's only true ally in a sea of anti Americanism. That's just the tip on the iceberg that was the Obongo administration!

Ignoring the derails, hyperbole and unsubstantiated bullshit you just spewed, you feigned outrage here about the concept of newly appointed women in Congress stating Trump has committed impeachable offenses. I gave you a fraction of his high crimes and misdemeanors and facts to back them up to show the attitude you're so sooky about is completely warranted.

Or to put it another way, you argument is based on bullshit. As to the rest of your other whataboutisms, just look in the other threads where you tried the same crap and routinely got your arse handed to you. Or keep derailing threads, I can't stop you.

Speaking of "sook." The Democrats have been sooky since they lost the the WH in 2016. Not forgetting that the attempted impeachment failed along party lines.
Speaking of "sook." The Democrats have been sooky since they lost the the WH in 2016. Not forgetting that the attempted impeachment failed along party lines.

Doesn't change the fact that your criticism of "The Squad" in wanting to impeach Trump is unwarranted, Their actions were completely justified,
Then AOC discussed Portland OR. She got into DHS, the Department of Homeland Security. She stated that it has very poor oversight and is a frequent lawbreaker. Opponents included libertarian-leaning Republicans -- they had some principle. Also from the Left. Nowadays, the Republican Party has a Trump personality cult.

Taking people in unmarked vans. Violation of habeas corpus. American exceptionalism - "Freedom" - civil liberties - doesn't mean the right to abuse a store clerk because one doesn't want to wear a mask. Freedom of speech, to have due process of law. Disappeared into a van by an unidentified officer -- big trouble. The largest law-enforcement agency in the US: CBP, Customs and Border Patrol. Low accountability.

She thinks that violating some people's civil liberties is a bad precedent, because it can lead to other violations of civil liberties. Then what gets labeled radical and what doesn't. Republicans are never labeled radical no matter what they do, she says. She notes people calling her recent House speech "fiery". AOC then talked about flattering vs. unflattering pictures. She noted MCC's Wall-Street-funded campaign, with its using unflattering pictures of her, like pictures of her in the middle of speaking. Or in her confrontation with Ted Yoho, of her scowling and him smiling.

She then criticizes Republicans for wanting to reduce unemployment payments. Some states are horrible, like Florida. Republicans: stimulus check vs. unemployment assistance. AOC wants both. Put pressure of Republicans.

AOC said that she fell off the iG Live train because she was rather busy with delivering donations and running a primary campaign. She'll be thinking of a recipe to cook for a future IG Live session. She said that those watching were living proof of a society that's compassionate, that takes care of each other, and that guarantees basic human, civil, and economic rights (my approximate transcript of her words).

Ended at $63,037.31 with 4260 donations.
Two Very Different Democrats, Joe Crowley and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Squared Off in Debate Friday Night - blast from the past. Joe Crowley the hand-wringing centrist vs. AOC the bold progressive.

AOC with Cori Bush back in 2018:

Cori Bush's Campaign Against Lacy Clay Bolstered by Ocasio-Cortez Upset | News Blog - 2018 Jun 27
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Coming to St. Louis to Stump for Cori Bush | News Blog - 2018 Jul 11
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Cori Bush Are Punk AF | News Blog - 2018 Jul 23
In addition to being an activist and an organizer, Bush is a St. Louis native, a pastor and a nurse. She is very personable and she stands proud and balanced between fearlessness and heart. Impressive on paper, up close she radiates confidence, warmth and ability.

When the women arrived on site earlier in the day, each gave a quick pep talk to the volunteers, reasserting the goals for the canvassing session, for their campaigns, for the future. Ocasio-Cortez said, “I follow Cori’s leadership. She is an example to me.” None of Bush’s volunteers seemed surprised that she was pounding the pavement with them just months after a bad car accident. Even though Bush's doctors asked her to cool it, the canvassing team saw her dedication as inspiration.

Still, they're facing an uphill battle. During her speech to the volunteers, Ocasio-Cortez said, “What Cori is doing is giving people something to vote for, not just something to vote against.” This is a common line among progressives, but it frequently rubs non-progressives the wrong way, because there is plenty to vote against.

And people who think the No. 1 goal has to remain beating the GOP sometimes take umbrage at progressives who take on incumbents in their own party. They don't like contested primaries and they don't like outsiders taking on insiders,
even if they agree with their values. They fear that the fractured Democratic Party will become so weakened by in-fighting that we will end up with terrible situations like… let’s say... a psychopath reality television star in the Oval Office and a bunch of feeble leaders who can’t seem to organize a way out.
When someone asked AOC what an ordinary person can do, she responded
Ocasio-Cortez offered the best answer to this problem that we've heard yet: “Donate skills.” Much of her campaign, she explained, was run by people who just showed up and lent their expertise. She suggests finding a candidate who you can get behind and if you are good at something, volunteer to do that.

Maybe you can code, maybe you’re a good photographer, maybe you have PR experience, maybe you're great at talking to people, or maybe you’re even good at hitting up your friends for money. All kinds of skills can be useful. You just have to show up.
The article had some pictures of AOC with CB, and I recall a video of AOC and CB doing campaign speeches together.

But AOC is staying quiet this time around, likely because she doesn't want to piss off a lot of senior colleagues, like Lacy Clay, her senior in her two committees, Oversight and Financial Services.
Speaking of "sook." The Democrats have been sooky since they lost the the WH in 2016. Not forgetting that the attempted impeachment failed along party lines.

Doesn't change the fact that your criticism of "The Squad" in wanting to impeach Trump is unwarranted, Their actions were completely justified,

Only in America and perhaps Australia could such a vile bunch of women as " the squad" get elected to any kind of governing body. The beginning of the end of Western Civilization has begun in earnest!
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