• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Speaking of "sook." The Democrats have been sooky since they lost the the WH in 2016. Not forgetting that the attempted impeachment failed along party lines.

Doesn't change the fact that your criticism of "The Squad" in wanting to impeach Trump is unwarranted, Their actions were completely justified,

Think they would have tried to impeach a Democrat POTUS under the same circumstances?
Speaking of "sook." The Democrats have been sooky since they lost the the WH in 2016. Not forgetting that the attempted impeachment failed along party lines.

Doesn't change the fact that your criticism of "The Squad" in wanting to impeach Trump is unwarranted, Their actions were completely justified,

Think they would have tried to impeach a Democrat POTUS under the same circumstances?

This shows your ignorance of US politics. First off, no one with Trump's history would have survived the primary process running as a democrat. And secondly, it's beside the fucking point. You, YOU are upset that democrat politicians like AOC, Tlaib etc wanted to impeach Trump. Why do you think it was unjustified? Do you have an answer or are you just going to derail with more bullshit?
Dumping/impeaching the first America first POTUS, since Washington and Lincoln is more than just unjustified. It's traitorous!
You're adorable. Like the gift that keeps on giving. Lese majeste is not a thing in the US.
Only in America and perhaps Australia could such a vile bunch of women as " the squad" get elected to any kind of governing body. The beginning of the end of Western Civilization has begun in earnest!
What makes them so "vile"? That they use their natural hair color and eye color? Would you prefer it if they dyed their hair blonde and wore blue contact lenses?

Like this: should aoc go blonde? : redscarepod ( retouched picture of her with blonde hair and blue eyes)

That is from what many Fox-News women look like.

Think they would have tried to impeach a Democrat POTUS under the same circumstances?
Yes. AOC won by primarying a big-name Democrat who was the fourth most powerful Democrat in the House.

Dumping/impeaching the first America first POTUS, since Washington and Lincoln is more than just unjustified. It's traitorous!
angelo, I'd like to see your assessment of the historical records of at least some of the other Presidents.
Knock Down The House | FULL FEATURE | Netflix - YouTube

Official AOC Shop with a new arrival: GND Mug – Official AOC Shop - Green New Deal

My favorites are the GND posters: Bronx, Queens, Boston, Detroit, Los Angeles, and San Juan PR

What places might be next? Philadelphia? Ben Franklin Pkwy. DC? The Washington Mall. San Francisco? The Golden Gate Bridge. Portland? Seattle? The Space Needle. Chicago? St. Louis? The Gateway Arch. Dallas? Houston? Miami?

Merchandiser/ Designer Submission Form
Team AOC is looking to revamp our merchandise.

The merchandiser will be someone who has an eye for design, that can find talent, and who can manage possible collaborations.

For designers, we're looking for fresh new design ideas and concepts.

AOC gave a shout-out to these T-shirt designs by her friends in Congress:

Policy is my Love Language Tee – Ayanna Pressley for Congress

Speak Truth To Power - Arabic (Classic and Fitted Asphalt Tee) - Rashida Tlaib Webstore
AOC is like a tar baby for the right wing. When right-wingers pick fights with her, they get entangled.

John Gage on Twitter: ". @AOC calls the statue in the US capitol building of Father Damien, a canonized saint in the Catholic Church, a part of “white supremacist culture.”
Father Damien died of leprosy after spending his life serving others who had the disease. https://t.co/NVnfCN7EVK" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "@johnrobertgage 1. Unsure why you cut the context of the video. Here’s moments prior
2. Read the text of the video you posted: it’s not about litigating an indiv person or statue, but examining that the TOTALITY of all 100+ statues are almost all white & male,incl to rep largely nonwhite places https://t.co/624zJ11jU1" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "@johnrobertgage Frankly this isn’t even a hard point to understand, especially for a journalist.
It’s also clear you understood this point well enough to identify the relevant context in the video and deliberately erase it in an effort to stir up controversy." / Twitter

Michelle Broder Van Dyke on Twitter: ".@AOC questioning why there aren’t more women statues in the rotunda, using Hawai‘i as an example and suggesting there should be a statue for Queen Lili‘uokalani, who was the only queen regnant and the last sovereign monarch of the Hawaiian Kingdom. https://t.co/neJQfZxR1U" / Twitter
Justin Kollar on Twitter: "Lots of super bad faith takes out there on social media accusing @AOC of hating on Father Damien. This is the (very good) point she was making." / Twitter
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Yep.
At no point did I say Fr. Damien was a bad figure - in fact, I explicitly stated that my observations weren’t about litigating his or any individual statue.
It’s about the fact that a huge supermajority of statues in the Capitol are white men. Barely any women or BIPOC." / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "We have 100+ statues and portraits in the Capitol. Almost all of them are of white men.
Every single statue there could be of a canonized saint and that *still* doesn’t change the fact that the erasure of women & BIPOC from American history is a feature of white supremacy." / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "It is ironic that many claiming to “defend” a saint no one attacked approached this matter w/ such lack of grace or generosity.
Instead of examining for truth, many jumped to irrational conclusions & sprung to cast judgement & condescension w/o engaging the actual idea presented" / Twitter
Time for a chuckle.......................
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100 Bulletz on Twitter: "Once again, @AOC caught another body.
Queue Ether instrumental...
#aocdebate #aoc #cabrera #morbidlyobese #COVID19 #coronavirus https://t.co/B1UeYN7inT" / Twitter

About her blasting MCC as a carpetbagger who wouldn't know her way around NY-14.
"catch a body" = murder, video called "AOC Ethers Establishment Shill"

In the debates, AOC seemed to have much more respect for Badrun Khan than for MCC. She praised BK at one point for being willing to discuss policy, and she once asked BK about something instead of MCC.

Irma Bell🌹❤️🌹#RedAwaken2020 on Twitter: "@cummings2020 #NY14 has been without Representation since AOC was selected, handled by Justice Democrats, & went from Casting Call to Congress. ELECT JOHN CUMMINGS who will represent the people of his Community! DONATE (link) help him defeat AOC! #RedAwaken2020 https://t.co/rqYMp4yH0s" / Twitter
NYPD Cop & Teacher vs. Socialist & Activist
John Cummings is now the official opponent of AOC!

Irma Bell🌹❤️🌹#RedAwaken2020 on Twitter: "@cummings2020 #NY14 has been without Representation since AOC was selected, handled by Justice Democrats, & went from Casting Call to Congress. ELECT JOHN CUMMINGS who will represent the people of his Community! DONATE (link) help him defeat AOC! #RedAwaken2020 https://t.co/XOIOYBWcsJ" / Twitter
With a campaign poster showing the text "John Cummings" with American-flag letters.

Judy Ferony on Twitter: "@realDonaldTrump Meanwhile #NY14 got cheated out of a Republican Primary.
New York GOP are just as corrupt & mobbed-up as NYS Dems.
Where’s @cummings2020❓
He’s been a ghost!
No ads, no mailings & no TV presence on free TV where many of the voters are poor and don’t have or want cable.
#NYC" / Twitter

Vafa Tabatabaie on Twitter: "When you run for Congress in #NY14, claiming “honest representation” but don’t even post your political affiliation on your website, or your twitter account, for that matter. What does that say about @cummings2020? He claims @AOC can’t find the block? I can’t find your party! https://t.co/IcyQlPyuxV" / Twitter

John Cummings for Congress NY-14 - his campaign page. I checked, and that was indeed correct. It's like he's trying to avoid telling everyone that he's a Republican.

TUCKER FOR CONGRESS - Antoine Tucker wants to "defeat AOC’s globalist agenda" - his Twitter feed includes defenses of Trump. He is running as a Republican write-in.

Miguel Hernandez For Congress | Rebuild New York - after not making it into the Republican primary, he is now running as an Independent. His campaign page looks rather glaringly unfinished, with placeholder text in some spots, and with links going back to that page.

Manhattan Republican files paperwork to challenge AOC — Queens Daily Eagle - April 23, 2019 - about him. He has had over a year to fix his campaign site.

Scherie Murray for Congress is still up.

Michelle Caruso-Cabrera | Democratic Candidate for US Congress NY14 is also up, and it has not been updated since the primary election. It has "About", "Volunteer", "News", "Videos", but no "Issues".
Cuomo beats back ‘surprise’ AOC challenge to lead NY delegation to DNC | Fox News
Cuomo beats back 'surprise' AOC challenge to lead NY delegation to DNC

Gov. Guomo got 218 votes, AOC 34 votes.

AOC recently mentioned in her Instagram Stories:
NYC Well – Talk. Text. Chat. 24/7
Helping New Yorkers in Crisis

NYC Well is your connection to free, confidential mental health support. Speak to a counselor via phone, text, or chat and get access to mental health and substance use services, in more than 200 languages, 24/7/365.
Not surprisingly, AOC wants mental health in Medicare for All coverage.

Something AOC has recently been listening to:
GirlTrek's Black History Bootcamp - Day 1: Audre Lorde
Today's 30-minute walk is dedicated to the brave and brilliant Audre Lorde.

She argued that our very survival is political - that we were never meant to survive.

As you walk, meditate on her idea of "radical self-care."

What would it look like if you were radical about caring for yourself? How would it even feel?

What does it require? Today, you can walk in silent meditation, join our phone conversation, or cue up the playlist to let Audre Lorde's inspiring words guide you. This is your 21-day journey.

The only thing we ask is that you walk at least 30 minutes and reflect each day.

This habit will transform your life. We'll be cheering! #daughtersof #girltrekJoin the 21 Day Black History Bootcamp at https://bit.ly/blackhistorybootcamp to receive specially curated emails with inspiring words, survival tips, speeches + dedicated songs to listen to for each featured legendary Black woman.

AOC mentioned this resource for anyone who might want to become a Congressional staffer:
Dome Watch - for following Congress's schedule.
Also lists job openings for Congressional staffers for Democratic politicians.
Who was it that said "We're gonna impeach" the MF when the Democrats won the House?
angelo, show us all what a great work ethic that you have and do the research.

Research? Why, sure, why not! It was, and by the way you'd you know it, this Palestinian bitch.....................................https://www.vox.com/policy-and-poli.../rashida-tlaib-trump-impeachment-motherfucker

New Congress member creates stir by saying of Trump: “We’re going to impeach this motherfucker!”

Racism, xenophobia, and sexism all in one sentence. Well done.
Research? Why, sure, why not! It was, and by the way you'd you know it, this Palestinian bitch.....................................https://www.vox.com/policy-and-poli.../rashida-tlaib-trump-impeachment-motherfucker

New Congress member creates stir by saying of Trump: “We’re going to impeach this motherfucker!”

Racism, xenophobia, and sexism all in one sentence. Well done.

You asked I provided. By the way, where do you see my racism? Had she been Polish, I would've called her the Polish bitch.
Ilhan Omar’s August Day of Action - she had a lot of guests.
AOC mocks "mediocre Republican freshmen" - YouTube
AOC says Rep. Ilhan Omar facing tough primary challenge because she's 'damn effective' | Fox News - "'Because when you speak truth to power, power fights back,' Ocasio-Cortez said" - Like financing Michelle Caruso-Cabrera.

AOC noted that it is unusual for someone to dump a lot of money into a primary race in a heavily blue district. Campaign funders “usually like to get a bang for their buck” like trying to flip a seat. Or else defend a seat, I may add. She considers such efforts backhanded praise. “So when we’re the ones that are attracting multimillion-dollar primary challengers in an unprecedented way, that just tells you how effective Ilhan is.” and “That tells you how damn effective she is against big real estate, against our military-industrial complex, against our Wall Street complex, against basically every corrupt institution that we have right now in this country. And they’re coming for each and every one of us.”

“And it’s not a coincidence that these primary challengers who have cropped up are funded by Wall Street and dark money. So it’s really one of those big, like, ‘choose your fighter’ moments. Like, are you going to – do you really think that a Wall Street-backed, you know, lobbyist operation is really going to be what’s best for us, or are we going to back grassroots, people-backed candidates?” She says that there is a lot of “squirming in Washington right now,” and not much political courage. “Which is why it’s so important that we have folks like Ilhan who are anchoring our Congress around a moral center that is accountable to everyday people, and not lobbyists or corporations that are looking to make a buck off of our public good, off of our public institutions.”

She talked about how Wall Street raised $3M against her, how a dark-money PAC also spent a lot of money, and how her multimillionaire opponent loaned herself $1 million for ad buys in the last 72 - 90 hours of the campaign. AOC didn't mention MCC by name, but she was clearly talking about MCC.

AOC has earlier talked about how, for such powerful leaders, Congresspeople seem very fearful. She also earlier said that the reason that many members don't support the likes of Medicare for All is that they are afraid of losing.

We’re a progressive media company specializing in live streaming and digital strategy. We create news and opinion content for our network of social media channels every day. We can help you reach progressive audiences via next generation live streams, virtual town halls, and other innovative productions. A Team of Experienced Activists, Producers, and Social Media Strategists.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Two years ago, three out of the four women running grassroots campaigns in @knockdownmovie lost their primary election.
Today, 3 out of 4 won.
If you haven’t seen it yet, you can find @ CoriBush’s story in Knock Down the House on YouTube (& Netflix): (links)" / Twitter

Knock Down The House | FULL FEATURE | Netflix - YouTube
Won their primaries, yes. AOC and CB are likely to win the general election, while it'll be an uphill fight for PJS - it's against Republican Senator Shelley Moore Capito.

News & Documentary Emmys on Twitter: "The #NewsEmmys nominees in Editorial and Opinion are
The Rachel Maddow Show │ @MSNBC @maddow
Equal Play │ @nytimes
Real America with Jorge Ramos│ @ThisIsAmerica [MENTION=2]Jo[/MENTION]rgeramosnews
A Message from the Future With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez │ @theintercept
New Day Weekend │ @NewDa
https://t.co/MHTyX6RUHf" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "So... while 2020 is highly unpredictable, I *definitely* did not expect to be nominated for an Emmy Award for our Green New Deal project with @theintercept, @mollycrabapple, @NaomiAKlein & others.
Rather shocked & very grateful.
Please watch it here: https://t.co/IMCtS86VXG" / Twitter

Hispanic Caucus on Twitter: ".@CBP agents shared vulgar images of men sexually assaulting @RepAOC.
They mocked @RepEscobar.
They joked about migrants dying.
They wrote racist comments about Latinos.
Now @CBP is obstructing an investigation & protecting agents from accountability. https://t.co/V3cGMeWjM8" / Twitter

After a Year of Investigation, the Border Patrol Has Little to Say About Agents’ Misogynistic and Racist Facebook Group — ProPublica - "The Border Patrol vowed a full accounting after ProPublica revealed hateful posts in the private Facebook group. Now congressional investigators say the agency is blocking them and revealing little about its internal investigation."

AOC then tweeted on a list of activist workshops:
  • Back to School: How to Organize a Childcare Collective
  • #AbolishICE: Resisting ICE and Organizing a Neighborhood ICE Watch Network
  • Working During Covid: Organize your Workplace for Safety
  • Inside/Outside: Supporting Incarcerated Loved Ones
  • Here to Stay: A Workshop on Resisting Gentrification
During last-minute vote stumping in Queens, AOC focuses on grassroots strategy - QNS.com - back in June 24, about AOC's last day of primary-election campaigning.
AOC left little to chance in what was viewed as a tough primary day with significant mail-in votes as she faces off with two well financed challengers. She said she understood the results might not be certain for weeks.

The freshman Congresswoman pulled out all the stops Tuesday afternoon, bringing in a loud-speaker truck plastered with her image and calling on voters to go to the primary polls. She walked the streets of Astoria, a stones throw from the P.S. 70 polling site on 43rd Street to convince voters to give her a second term in Congress.
Back in 2018, she won the primary by 4,018 votes, a 13.4% margin with total votes 29,778. This time around, she won by 35,240 votes, a 56.4% margin with total votes 62,439.
“Especially with the way I won the first time, I have always known to never ever ever take a seat in congress or in general, this seat belongs to the people and it is our responsibility to work hard and earn it,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “So from the very beginning of this race before I had any challengers I knew that I must run like I’m always 10 points behind.”
Though she raised more than $10 million, she ran very few TV ads.
“I’ve always used my resources differently from a traditional candidate, which means that my money doesn’t go to flashy TV ads, or corporate consultants — but instead, goes directly back into the community,” she said. “That includes field organizers, outreach, organizers and the advocates that we have on the ground 24/7 to make sure we are organizing our small businesses, community boards and having that direct community outreach.”
With that style of campaigning, I think that she'd be better off staying a Representative. A Senator would mean having to campaign all over New York State, and a President would mean having to campaign all over the nation, or at least in presumed "swing states".
Sydney on Twitter: "Thank you so much @AOC and her team in the Bronx ❤️❤️❤️ https://t.co/Z9Qu5RzaMm" / Twitter with a picture of some 10 bags of donations in a hallway. The bags were dark green with AOC's campaign logo, "Clean Air and Water for All", and "Green New Deal" on them.

Queens Rep. Ocasio-Cortez meets $1 million goal for COVID-19 relief, sets new fundraising initiative - QNS.com - Friday, August 7, 2020
“The federal government has excluded many essential workers from our communities in NY-14 from federal assistance,” she said. “Immigrants make-up 50 percent of our district, some of which are undocumented workers. They are frontline workers who despite the fact that they pay taxes have been left out of the stimulus payments and from unemployment expansion.”
The $1,021,857 she raised went to some 40 community organizations, and that in turn went to funding PPE, food pantries, bail funds, and financial assistance to a variety of vulnerable people.
Now that Ocasio-Cortez met her goal, she’s launched a partnership with the Street Vendor Project (SVP) to commit $3,000 each week toward fresh fruits and vegetables for families in her district.

Carina Kaufman-Gutierrez, SVP’s deputy director, said the congresswoman has been a critical supporter of street vendors throughout the pandemic, “first by fundraising for our Emergency Relief, and now by hiring street vendors to supply produce for weekly food distribution.”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "As federal response continues to be insufficient, our supporters have been stepping up to help families ourselves.
I’m proud to announce that #TeamAOC has raised over *$1 million* in direct aid to people - all from small dollar, grassroots donations. https://t.co/1rzwcCqCZX" / Twitter

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This direct aid has benefited over 40 diff efforts, from food distribution w @hungrymonknyc to helping immigrant families excluded from the CARES Act w/ @NYSYLC & @VendorPower.
In a just society, none of this would be necessary. But we’ll do everything we can until we get there." / Twitter
The congresswoman’s team said they will continue fundraising for organizations providing needed assistance for her constituents.

The congresswoman announced she officially scored the victory in the Democratic primary, after already having a major lead on Election Night with more than 70 percent of the vote. But more than a month after the election, the absentee ballot count for NY 14’s Congressional District was finalized on Aug. 6, with her coming out with almost 75 percent of the votes.
Announced where? I haven't seen anything from her recently about the election. I have also seen no acknowledgment in the Twitter feeds of either MCC or Badrun Khan.

The day after (June 24) from BK:
Badrun Khan on Twitter: "I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the support I received in this race, from my neighborhood, my district, my friends and family, and from #YangGang and #UBI advocates, and all my supporters across the globe. Thanks to all of you! I promise to keep fighting." / Twitter
Badrun Khan on Twitter: "Congrats @RepAOC on your victory. Hope you'll fix housing & education, & reconsider approach to securing true equality for the people. We need a permanent #UBI & VAT to fix our tax code. I do believe you want to help the people! Let's raise their floor, not lower their ceiling 😃" / Twitter

UBI = universal basic income, VAT = value-added tax, a common kind of tax outside of the US: "A value-added tax (VAT) is a consumption tax placed on a product whenever value is added at each stage of the supply chain, from production to the point of sale. The amount of VAT that the user pays is on the cost of the product, less any of the costs of materials used in the product that have already been taxed." (Investopedia)

  • 2018: total 29,778 ... AOC 16,898 56.7% ... Joe Crowley* 12,880 43.3%
  • 2020 (in-person): total 37,825 ... AOC* 27,460 72.6% ... MCC 7,393 19.5% ... BK 2,040 5.4% ... SS 932 2.5%
  • 2020 (all): total 62,439 ... AOC* 46,577 74.6% ... MCC 11,337 18.2% ... BK 3,119 5.0% ... SS 1,406 2.3%
SS = Sam Sloan, perennial candidate
Here is my pet name for the 2020 NY-14 primary election: Sandy vs. Shelly

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Billionaires need the working class.
The working class does not need billionaires." / Twitter

HBO on Twitter: "“Injustice is not built to last.” — @AOC
The new documentary, Seeing America with @mPinoe premieres tomorrow at 10 pm. https://t.co/jPXoPEfX7Y" / Twitter

In the form of arrogant ruling elites, yes. But ruling elites don't fall easily, and their fall is usually accompanied by a lot of death and destruction. Furthermore, recovery after such collapse always seems to result in emergence of new ruling elites.

So how can can one tame a ruling elite? Depose a ruling elite without causing a big mess? Keep a ruling elite from emerging?
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