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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Cynthia McKinney served six terms, and she was replaced by another black woman. While I personally think McKinney was a nut, as did a large majority of her district, I also think that AOC should be given more time before she's condemned, at least six terms. :D Seriously, she hasn't even had a chance to get some experience and mature a bit. Give her a break. Why are so many people so worried about one person when the House is made up of 435! Over react much?
READ: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Tweets ''This bartender' Has Served in a Senate Casework Office, Organized & Educated 1000s of Young People...'
Alex VanNess:
Why didn't anyone ever tell this bartender that maybe she should have started with the city council first?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Why don’t people ever tell billionaires who want to run for President that they need to “work their way up” or that “maybe they should start with city council first”?… https://t.co/XDOVBU80l4"
She linked to
The Daily Beast on Twitter: "Howard Schultz blames Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for his decision to run as Independent and it has to do with her plan to tax the rich https://t.co/OyWnMKDZGn"

She continued with
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "“This bartender” has served in a Senate casework office, organized & educated 1000s of young people, earned relevant degrees w/ honors, worked on field campaigns, and the only reason I wasn’t told to run for city council was because I was consistently told not to run at all.… https://t.co/PnzrJ85WJI"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "And by the way, it’s “Congresswoman.”"
AVN responded with
Alex VanNess on Twitter: "I deleted a tweet at AOC, which was a failed attemped at a snarky dig. She whooped my ass and dragged me hard. I will need burn cream for the next few days. In hindsight I shouldn't have deleted it, but it was actually the first time I ever received doxxing threats."
Thus showing some decency.

GingerSnaps on Twitter: "Though deleted it's a shining example of the ever-present double standard. No conservatives tweeted at candidate Trump to "start smaller" or called him "this reality tv show host." Thanks to him you don't get to play the "we need only serious candidates with serious ideas" card.… https://t.co/FXVSsX6F8j"
Defenders of such people could claim that being a billionaire is good enough qualification, because doing so involves managing a large business empire. But historically, business leaders have not made very good presidents: Do businessmen make good presidents?
Cynthia McKinney served six terms, and she was replaced by another black woman. While I personally think McKinney was a nut, as did a large majority of her district, I also think that AOC should be given more time before she's condemned, at least six terms. :D Seriously, she hasn't even had a chance to get some experience and mature a bit. Give her a break. Why are so many people so worried about one person when the House is made up of 435! Over react much?

AOC is already way over Derec's head, that's what his problem is.

As for Ms McKinney, she's a lost treasure. America not benefitting from people like her is why America is where it is today.
Cynthia McKinney served six terms, and she was replaced by another black woman. While I personally think McKinney was a nut, as did a large majority of her district, I also think that AOC should be given more time before she's condemned, at least six terms. :D Seriously, she hasn't even had a chance to get some experience and mature a bit. Give her a break. Why are so many people so worried about one person when the House is made up of 435! Over react much?

AOC is already way over Derec's head, that's what his problem is.

As for Ms McKinney, she's a lost treasure. America not benefitting from people like her is why America is where it is today.

AOC's dangerous because she understands economics and the monetary system and is an effective communicator.
Cynthia McKinney served six terms, and she was replaced by another black woman.
And then she came back like a movie villain but was replaced for good by a black man. I know all that. I used to live in GA4.

While I personally think McKinney was a nut, as did a large majority of her district, I also think that AOC should be given more time before she's condemned, at least six terms. :D Seriously, she hasn't even had a chance to get some experience and mature a bit. Give her a break. Why are so many people so worried about one person when the House is made up of 435! Over react much?

Well, I did not start a thread. I also did not write gushing articles like this. Whether you or I understand it, she is getting a LOT of attention.
Cynthia McKinney served six terms, and she was replaced by another black woman. While I personally think McKinney was a nut, as did a large majority of her district, I also think that AOC should be given more time before she's condemned, at least six terms. :D Seriously, she hasn't even had a chance to get some experience and mature a bit. Give her a break. Why are so many people so worried about one person when the House is made up of 435! Over react much?

AOC is already way over Derec's head, that's what his problem is.

As for Ms McKinney, she's a lost treasure. America not benefitting from people like her is why America is where it is today.

AOC's dangerous because she understands economics and the monetary system and is an effective communicator.

I think the larger issue is that she's female. Females should not be outspoken. I'd think people of color would have an ability to relate to that.

Oh yeah! That's it! - she's an "articulate woman". Right, Derec?
AOC's dangerous because she understands economics and the monetary system
I think the larger issue is that she's female. Females should not be outspoken.
A swing and a miss!
Your need to respond says differently.

- - - Updated - - -

AOC is already way over Derec's head, that's what his problem is.
Nope. Quite the opposite.

As for Ms McKinney, she's a lost treasure. America not benefitting from people like her is why America is where it is today.
You know who is to blame for her loss, right?
That must have been you. No?
There seems to be an assumption that if one person has more than another, then that person must have exploited the other. Silly, but there you go.

It's the logical result of leftist thought. They consider everyone to be equal other than circumstances. Thus if you have less you are a victim, if you have more you are an exploiter. (The right makes the opposite mistake, they figure if you have less you are inferior, if you have more you are superior, circumstances don't matter.)

Can you all please just acknowledge that Marx was a person who wrote things, and that reading them might help you not look like dopes with ignorant comments like these?

Marx pointed out some problems in society. What he concluded from it was almost all wrong, though.
Can you all please just acknowledge that Marx was a person who wrote things, and that reading them might help you not look like dopes with ignorant comments like these?

Marx pointed out some problems in society. What he concluded from it was almost all wrong, though.

What did he conclude?

And reference it so I can understand his writings better.
Can you all please just acknowledge that Marx was a person who wrote things, and that reading them might help you not look like dopes with ignorant comments like these?

Marx pointed out some problems in society. What he concluded from it was almost all wrong, though.

I'm betting cash money you have no hint of a clue about what Marx believed was the problem nor what he concluded, but feel free to prove me wrong.
Can you all please just acknowledge that Marx was a person who wrote things, and that reading them might help you not look like dopes with ignorant comments like these?

Marx pointed out some problems in society. What he concluded from it was almost all wrong, though.

What did he conclude?

And reference it so I can understand his writings better.

Having never read Marx, I'm interested too.
Cynthia McKinney served six terms, and she was replaced by another black woman. While I personally think McKinney was a nut, as did a large majority of her district, I also think that AOC should be given more time before she's condemned, at least six terms. :D Seriously, she hasn't even had a chance to get some experience and mature a bit. Give her a break. Why are so many people so worried about one person when the House is made up of 435! Over react much?

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