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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Alexandria is a genuine actual salt of the earth regular person who found her way into this position. She is going to not know some stuff, and she is bringing a fresh perspective and is going to think outside the box. She is a likely source of new ideas and solutions, that can then be examined and vetted by others. They won't all be sensible or good ideas, and they shouldn't all be implemented.

I am glad she isn't president with unilateral or huge influence to make anything law, but as one and many of her peers, she is in an ideal position. We need more like her; Congress people or senators not fabricated by the system.

All fine and good except for her idiocy and antisemitism!



there was a doctored video in which her Firing Line interview was quote mined and butchered to make her sound incoherent and stupid, but the specific part of the interview where she talked about the Occupation of Palestine wasn't included, so that means she lied about the video being doctored? And that means she's anti-Semitic? :confused:

She doesn't need a ' doctored video" to make her sound stupid and incoherent. She's quite capable of doing that all by herself!
I do not know why you think that what you wrote is a "correction" of me. This is what I wrote:
And then she came back like a movie villain but was replaced for good by a black man. I know all that. I used to live in GA4.
Emphasis added. I did not deny that McKinney lost her primary in 2002 to Denise Majette. But, as I said, "then she came back" in 2004 until getting beaten again in the 2006 primary by Hank "Guam is going to capsize" Johnson.

I don't know if she ran again or not. I don't follow what happens in the 4th district very closely. But, one thing I do agree with Derec on is that Cynthia McKinney was a total nut job. Just sayin'.
I did follow it closely, given I lived in her district at the time. And thanks for agreeing with me on that. ;)

AOC is most likely further to the left than I am, but I think it's a good idea to have a wide variety of opinions and ideas among the people in Congress. Let's see how AOC does after she gets some actual experience. But, I'm a strong believer in compromise, as I've said many times. That's my only complaint about people on the far left or far right for that matter. They think they know it all and they don't like to work with those who have other ideas, even if they are in the extreme minority.
I think one of the things that people (including me) find grating about her, in addition to her views, is that she obviously thinks she is all that and a bag of chips. As if people already in House can't teach her anything and that it's really her who should run the show. Just the impression I get from her tweets/statements.

It wasn't a big deal Derec, when I said I was correcting you. Perhaps either you weren't clear or I misread what you said. I just remember reading in one of your posts that CM lost in 2006, and I wanted to mention that she first lost in 2002 to clarify that she had already lost her popularity prior to 2006. Feel better now? ;)

I don't see AOC in the same way that you do. She's young and outspoken. I have no problem with a young woman being outspoken. I don't have to agree with everything the woman believes or says to appreciate her enthusiasm. It's not like she's attacking individuals who aren't attacking her. It's not like she's purposely hurting anyone. She's just a young woman who is speaking her mind and apparently having some fun with her critics. That's my perspective on her. I get that you don't like her. You've made that very obvious. :D
It remains striking to me that anybody could convince themselves that it's possible for any individual to deserve millions or billions of dollars, for any reason. To believe somehow all that money rightfully should belong to him because of something he personally did to earn it. As if one person could do anything so important all on his own to be entitled to that much money, when the opportunity cost of retaining all that money is to deprive others of basic necessities.

Of course, I think most people are dimly aware that's all nonsense. According to this view, the ballooning rise in profits since the 1970's is the natural outcome of certain individuals becoming exponentially more worthy of wealth, doing more and more of whatever they had been doing to deserve it before, while the entire working class made no improvements whatsoever to their worthiness. That's the logical implication of thinking all those riches are rightfully, deservedly the property of the few people who have them.

None of that can be defended, obviously, because what really happened is that wealth was generated in the same way it always is under capitalism, through exploitation. So, in a very real sense, there has always been ample justification to "get those bastards", because they never earned most of the money they possess.

I can see people deserving/earning millions, but not thousands of millions (billions). If you have enough to live out your natural life without financial worry, that should be enough. If you can assure the same for your immediate offspring, that's more than enough (and it will probably hurt them). I don't see anyone needing personal fortune of more than 10m, even with a large family.
That said, we're talking today's dollars. I just started looking at some FB clickbait about places you can "retire comfortably with just $200,000"... #2 was Costa Rica... Rent somewhere nice as low as $1200/mo, pay $10-15 for nice meals, $150/mo for State health insurance, plus transportation needs, utilities, insurance (if you own anything), entertainment/recreation* etc... anyhow I added it up in my head and unless that 200k is earning a really good return, you'd probably be on the street in 7-8 years. Welcome to retirement! A million bucks isn't what it used to be.

* (Surfboards look like they are running $700 for a decent basic custom board these days, to near $10k for an exotic. My first custom board by Renny Yater ran a hefty $110)

I can see people deserving a place to pee and poop, but not in a Western toilet that uses water. If you have a pit in the ground, that should be enough. If you can assure the same pit for your immediate offspring, that's more than enough. I don't see anyone needing a flushable toilet. Government - do your thing!

You do realize that modern plumbing is one of the key reasons why we don't have epidemics and pandemics right?

there was a doctored video in which her Firing Line interview was quote mined and butchered to make her sound incoherent and stupid, but the specific part of the interview where she talked about the Occupation of Palestine wasn't included, so that means she lied about the video being doctored? And that means she's anti-Semitic? :confused:

She doesn't need a ' doctored video" to make her sound stupid and incoherent. She's quite capable of doing that all by herself!

The article you linked to didn't support your claim. Do you have a source that doesn't rely on quote mining and deliberate distortion, or can you make the case yourself with her actual statements in context?

there was a doctored video in which her Firing Line interview was quote mined and butchered to make her sound incoherent and stupid, but the specific part of the interview where she talked about the Occupation of Palestine wasn't included, so that means she lied about the video being doctored? And that means she's anti-Semitic? :confused:

She doesn't need a ' doctored video" to make her sound stupid and incoherent. She's quite capable of doing that all by herself!

The article you linked to didn't support your claim. Do you have a source that doesn't rely on quote mining and deliberate distortion, or can you make the case yourself with her actual statements in context?

Of course I wouldn't expect anything less from leftists such as reside here. Meanwhile, birds of a feather flock together!

The article you linked to didn't support your claim. Do you have a source that doesn't rely on quote mining and deliberate distortion, or can you make the case yourself with her actual statements in context?

Of course I wouldn't expect anything less from leftists such as reside here. Meanwhile, birds of a feather flock together!


So that’s a hard “no.”

- - - Updated - - -

She's also backed by that loony Michael Moore. Need anything other proof she's a dangerous zealot that's way out of her league?


I don’t know. I think she’s holding her own and then some. With quite a bit of wit and grace.

She’s not the one out of their league here.

- - - Updated - - -

She's also backed by that loony Michael Moore. Need anything other proof she's a dangerous zealot that's way out of her league?


I'm liking this lady more and more every day.

I know, right?!
Steve Morris on Twitter: "Fox, apoplectic over its own polling showing wide public support for @AOC and @ewarren's wealth tax proposals, literally blames the fact that schools teach kids to be fair: "The idea of fairness has been promoted in our schools for a long time."… https://t.co/HO02QnOhhE"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Just wait until they find out about the Golden Rule… "

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Yesterday I visited a school assembly w/ teens in Queens. One of them asked, “What can WE do to combat climate change?” 2 recs: - Skip disposable razors+switch to safety razors - Give your tummy a break! Skip meat/dairy for a meal (easiest is bfast, I do banana & peanut butter)… https://t.co/sCGbJO2XLV"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "My other tips: - Start incorporating thrift, consignment & second-hand clothes in your wardrobe (host a clothing swap w/ friends for a no-spend option) - Walk, bike, & use public transit more often - Bring your own bag/coffee mug. It’s okay if you forget, 1x/week is still a win"

AOC retweeted:
Zephyr Teachout on Twitter: "Just wow. The Amazon deal is now officially on the rocks. And that's 3 billion New York shouldn't ever spend on Bezos' feudalism machine.… https://t.co/RbNG0Warok"
who responded to
J. David Goodman on Twitter: "Big SCOOP on Amazon: A major opponent to Amazon in New York City @SenGianaris has been chosen for a state board that could block the deal. https://t.co/tpzpFFiaeP"
Zephyr Teachout once ran for NY state governor.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "It’s the honor of a lifetime to serve w/ my colleagues under the leadership of @RepCummings on Oversight and @RepMaxineWaters on Fin. Services. Every day I know I’m blessed to represent our community in the nation’s capital. And I will forever be grateful for the responsibility.… https://t.co/uV7F45bp6n"
responding to
Abigail Tracy on Twitter: "I spoke with @RepCummings on Friday about @AOC @RepAOC and he had nothing but good things to say: “A lot of people said that she might not be a team player, and I have found it to be just the opposite,” he told me. “She has been a breath of fresh air.” https://t.co/ior7P2vqgw"
linking to
“An Incredible Obama-Esque Factor”: How A.O.C. Won Over Her New House Colleagues | Vanity Fair
"After unnerving Washington with her Omaha Beach-like landing in Congress, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has emerged as an unlikely unifying force for Democrats—and a surprisingly egoless champion of a new, progressive politics."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "It’s happening 🤗 https://t.co/AL9q6yuBuH" referring to the Green New Deal, and how it might get to the House as early as next week.
I find it utterly amazing the level of attention and vitriol a neophyte member of the House of Representatives is receiving. AOC has virtually no power to cause any change at this time. What are all of these people afraid of?
As to those Fox commentators complaining about teaching fairness in school, I note that right-wingers never tire of demanding that other people meekly submit to injustices, because "life isn't fair". But when it's something that happens to them, they forget about that. They never say that "life isn't fair" about the "liberal media" or about taxes, for instance.

Though AOC's command of social media has gotten her lots of comparisons to pResident Trump, she seems like the anti-Trump in some ways. She seems to work very well with other people, and she is much more convincing as a Mr. Smith goes to Washington than pResident Trump. Though in her case, it would be a Señora Herrera, a Hispanic female version of Mr. Smith. She is much more articulate, and she doesn't seem crudely belligerent and vindictive.
I find it utterly amazing the level of attention and vitriol a neophyte member of the House of Representatives is receiving. AOC has virtually no power to cause any change at this time. What are all of these people afraid of?

Change of any kind, no matter how slight or necessary.
I find it utterly amazing the level of attention and vitriol a neophyte member of the House of Representatives is receiving. AOC has virtually no power to cause any change at this time. What are all of these people afraid of?
Beats me. The right wing hated Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, even though they were not exactly left-wing ogres.

About her Twitter accounts, she not only has Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) | Twitter, but also Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@RepAOC) | Twitter

Her first tweet in it: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I just had a furloughed worker come visit me in my office. “I work for HUD,” he said. “My family is hurting now that I’m three weeks without a paycheck,” “but please - please don’t give into a wall. I don’t want the political tool of withholding my paycheck to be legitimized.”"

She retweeted Town Hall Project on Twitter: "Everybody's talking about @RepAOC, but she knows that she doesn't work for pundits--she works for her constituents. Her Instagram Lives are de-mystifying Congress for New Yorkers. Her balance of in-person and online accessibility earn her our Accessibility Innovator Award.… https://t.co/csvznnmOxU"

She also rewtweeted DC Vote on Twitter: "Thank you to the 3 freshmen Representatives @RepAOC, @RepPressley, & @RepChuyGarcia who have signed on to #HR51, the #DCStatehood bill. The residents of DC appreciate you standing with us to help end an injustice that has gone on for more than 200 years." commenting Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "It is a complete injustice that to this day, some American citizens do not have federal representation in government. It’s time for that to change. I am happy to sign on to #HR51 in support of DC statehood.… https://t.co/4jSZjQgwzb"
I don't know if the Senate is willing to go along with it, given how Semator Mitch McConnell thinks that more people voting is a Democratic "power grab".

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The post-its outside our office are growing 💜 thank you all for your continued support as we navigate and learn in these early days & beyond!… https://t.co/8pqP3mDl6N"

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Today @OversightDems held its first-ever hearing on the skyrocketing costs of prescription drug prices. These new experiences can be a lot to take in, but it’s much easier with @RepCummings’ courageous leadership, our supportive colleagues, & my desk neighbor 💜 @AyannaPressley… https://t.co/azOPRW6iAi"
I find it utterly amazing the level of attention and vitriol a neophyte member of the House of Representatives is receiving. AOC has virtually no power to cause any change at this time. What are all of these people afraid of?

They found a witch. They must burn her.
I find it utterly amazing the level of attention and vitriol a neophyte member of the House of Representatives is receiving. AOC has virtually no power to cause any change at this time. What are all of these people afraid of?

She's nutty enough she provides a convenient target for the right to attack. Hence lots of news coverage.
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