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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Not really that much of an eye opener. An out spoken woman, who is notably attractive, and in a position of power? That pretty much guarantees the rage posting.
BS, as usual. I am not concerned with her being "notably attractive" (it is lpetrich who is obsessed with her after all), but more about her crazy ideas (they match her eyes). Such as that hispanics cannot be considered illegal.

I find her to be an odd cookie.

I agree.
But he doesn't seem to have a clue why.

Perhaps it's those people who have said they want to destroy Social Security? Members of the Republican party. It ain't capitalism you know.

Perhaps not. Progressive economists advocate raising the minimum benefit to $2k/mnth. Even Hillary Clinton advocated increasing the minimum benefit. None of which conflicts with his post.

He is saying the program is bad.

It has been deliberately made bad by people who's goal is to destroy it.

It was under Reagan that SS was taxed.

About the stupidest thing imaginable since the benefit was a tax in the first place.

But it was smart for the people who want to degrade the program and make it dysfunctional.
And then there is what she is doing - trying to get millions of people of her ethnicity to flood the US. After all, she was only elected because the demographic of that district changed due to all the mass migration and the incumbent was not hispanic enough.


Why wow? She did say that she doesn't think hispanics should be considered illegal. I.e. she supports unrestricted mass migration of hispanics.
Ocasio-Cortez calls to abolish ICE, says Latinos must be exempt from immigration laws because they are 'Native' to US
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says ‘we should be excited about automation’ - The Verge
During a talk at SXSW, an audience member asked Ocasio-Cortez about the threat of automated labor. “We should not be haunted by the specter of being automated out of work,” she said in response. “We should be excited by that. But the reason we’re not excited by it is because we live in a society where if you don’t have a job, you are left to die. And that is, at its core, our problem.”

... “We should be excited about automation, because what it could potentially mean is more time educating ourselves, more time creating art, more time investing in and investigating the sciences, more time focused on invention, more time going to space, more time enjoying the world that we live in,” she said. “Because not all creativity needs to be bonded by wage.”

... “We should be working the least amount we’ve ever worked, if we were actually paid based on how much wealth we were producing,” she said. “But we’re not. We’re paid on how little we’re desperate enough to accept. And then the rest is skimmed off and given to a billionaire.”
Maybe not "fully automated luxury communism", but more than a guaranteed basic income.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I’m a believer in privacy - which means I reject unlimited, unchecked, warrantless surveillance. Tracking consent should be given freely (aka not holding a service hostage for it) - whether it’s a gov or a corp. Warrants, & their requirements, are supposed to mean something.… https://t.co/CvJ3HSJf1d" noting Ben Smith on Twitter: "These Documents Reveal The Government’s Detailed Plan For Using Facial Recognition On All International Passengers In Top 20 US Airports [url]https://t.co/X7F9Lel3hc via @daveyalba"[/url]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Even billionaires are acknowledging it, folks. When 40% of Americans can’t afford basic needs, or a $400 emergency, the problem isn’t unique. It’s systemic. That’s not good for anyone. Even billionaires know they can’t shield themselves from this kind of perilous instability.… https://t.co/FnzL0cVcxN" noting CNBC on Twitter: ""Capitalism basically is not working for the majority of people," hedge fund billionaire Ray Dalio says. https://t.co/V1I2H2LHMj"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This is why we advocate for: - Medicare for All - Tuition-free public college - Investing in dignified jobs that build our nation + get us to 100% renewables before it’s too late. These are investments in people, not profits. Corps aren’t incentivized to ensure people’s health."

Carlos Maza on Twitter: "Media coverage of @AOC's Green New Deal has focused on "strategy" over substance: asking "is it popular?" instead of "is it a good policy idea?" That's called "tactical framing," and it's making us more cynical about big policy ideas: https://t.co/BCWtml3X46"

This is truly astonishing to hear from a major politician and hopefully the start of a trend in our discourse.
It's even funnier when you remember that her ethnicity is Puerto Rican.
And Puerto Ricans are not hispanic?

The term Hispanic denotes people from places that were once part of the Spanish Empire, or places where Spanish is the primary language, most especially people from Central and South America. It doesn't denote a particular ethnicity, culture, or place of origin.

You said she was "trying to get millions of people of her ethnicity to flood the US". Her ethnicity is Puerto Rican. Puerto Ricans are Americans.
Social Security is one of the greatest social programs in history.

It took a destitute and impoverished group, several of them actually, and created a thriving active class.

It spared many people the burden of caring for their parents financially.

Yet some don't like it because the Republicans have fucked with it and tried to destroy it and deliberately try to hurt the poor with their tax schemes.

My guess is you have helped put a lot of these Republican assholes in power.

I think he's saying that those who sacrifice the most for SS get the least benefit from it.

Yes, that is what I said. It is not, in any sense, making anyone secure in their old age, least of all those who need it most.

I don't like either party. Not at all. They both use the tax system to pay off their cronies; they just have different cronies. Power must be taken from congress; I don't know how. Obama funded Obamacare with a stroke of a pen, Trump funds his wall the same way. That is not how it is supposed to work. That is too much power in a single person.

If Milton Friedman said it I probably agree. Free market capitalism delivers what socialism promises. We are nowhere near free market capitalism. Our debt is ballooning.
And then there is what she is doing - trying to get millions of people of her ethnicity to flood the US. After all, she was only elected because the demographic of that district changed due to all the mass migration and the incumbent was not hispanic enough.


Why wow? She did say that she doesn't think hispanics should be considered illegal. I.e. she supports unrestricted mass migration of hispanics.
Ocasio-Cortez calls to abolish ICE, says Latinos must be exempt from immigration laws because they are 'Native' to US

Everything she said makes sense, if you don't take it out of context and twist it into something else, but what you wrote doesn't make sense.
The term Hispanic denotes people from places that were once part of the Spanish Empire, or places where Spanish is the primary language, most especially people from Central and South America. It doesn't denote a particular ethnicity, culture, or place of origin.

You said she was "trying to get millions of people of her ethnicity to flood the US". Her ethnicity is Puerto Rican. Puerto Ricans are Americans.

Now you are picking bits. I obviously meant hispanic in general, and she is on the record saying that immigration laws should not apply to hispanics.

- - - Updated - - -

Everything she said makes sense,
It makes sense if you are a Latino supremacist.
The term Hispanic denotes people from places that were once part of the Spanish Empire, or places where Spanish is the primary language, most especially people from Central and South America. It doesn't denote a particular ethnicity, culture, or place of origin.

You said she was "trying to get millions of people of her ethnicity to flood the US". Her ethnicity is Puerto Rican. Puerto Ricans are Americans.

Now you are picking bits.

Funny bits.

I obviously meant hispanic in general, and she is on the record saying that immigration laws should not apply to hispanics.

I'd like to see that record. I suspect you have fallen for someone's dishonest quote mining but perhaps what you say is accurate. Got a link?
The term Hispanic denotes people from places that were once part of the Spanish Empire, or places where Spanish is the primary language, most especially people from Central and South America. It doesn't denote a particular ethnicity, culture, or place of origin.

You said she was "trying to get millions of people of her ethnicity to flood the US". Her ethnicity is Puerto Rican. Puerto Ricans are Americans.

Now you are picking bits. I obviously meant hispanic in general, and she is on the record saying that immigration laws should not apply to hispanics.

- - - Updated - - -

Everything she said makes sense,
It makes sense if you are a Latino supremacist.

I am in no way a Latino supremacist. As a rational, non-racist her statements make sense to me.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Between Tucker Carlson’s defense of sexual assault + calling women “extremely primitive,” or Jeanine Pirro’s bigoted diatribe that hijabi women are “antithetical” to the Constitution, who do you think Fox News will give a promotion to first? 🤔… https://t.co/v10EKbvgEm"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Ok great, now talk about Reagan and: - Iran-Contra + - The gutting of our mental health system + - The explosion of homelessness under his watch + - The crack epidemic Maybe instead of insinuating I’ve never read a book, be open to the idea that we’ve read different ones.… https://t.co/r0JUlVCwVc"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "- HIV/AIDS crisis and demonization of LGBT+ community - Union-busting - Ending the Fairness Doctrine, which launched the polarized media environment we’re suffering from today Why are we not supposed to talk about these things?"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Yup. Quite a few Republicans lauded now fought MLK Day and participated / were complicit in denouncing MLK as communist. There is a long history of smearing progressives, particularly activists of color, as communist. It’s called Red-baiting & it’s the GOP’s main strategy today.… https://t.co/cKUJWEstyU" noting Parker Molloy on Twitter: "Also, Reagan wasn’t exactly thrilled about signing the MLK Day bill… "
Parker Molloy on Twitter: "After suggesting MLK might have been a communist and that King's legacy was "based on an image, not reality," Reagan did sign it in hopes of winning some votes the following year. So, to answer your question: yes. As I said in my tweet though: reluctantly. [url]https://t.co/cmbwc0t4hj… https://t.co/tQQCeVFCWw"[/url] and Parker Molloy on Twitter: "After suggesting MLK might have been a communist and that King's legacy was "based on an image, not reality," Reagan did sign it in hopes of winning some votes the following year. So, to answer your question: yes. As I said in my tweet though: reluctantly. [url]https://t.co/cmbwc0t4hj… https://t.co/tQQCeVFCWw"[/url]

Latino Victory on Twitter: "Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez's advice to the next generation of WOC leaders is spot on. 🔥🔥🔥 "Stop trying to navigate systems of power and start building your own power." —@AOC https://t.co/yc9wuKgIyY"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Just because a monopoly business happens to be online, that doesn’t mean it’s good. Facebook may have its own problems, but it’s increasingly starting to look like our society (namely, our democracy) has a Facebook problem.… https://t.co/ht7NN2OiFO" noting Cristiano Lima on Twitter: "NEW: Facebook took down several Elizabeth Warren ads calling for the breakup of Facebook and other tech giants https://t.co/qMQpVu0yt3"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Whoah: the creepy org filing bogus ethics complaints against me just *actually* got hit with one of the biggest fines in FEC history. They “took a $1.3 million donation from Chinese corporation—breaking federal law barring foreign interference in elections”(!!!) - @annalecta… https://t.co/MknRjVu9jZ" noting Jon Schwarz on Twitter: "Luke Thompson, the guy who kicked off the dumb campaign finance smears of @AOC, used to work for the Jeb! Super PAC Right to Rise USA. Right to Rise was just hit with one of the biggest fines in FEC history for illegally taking $1.3 mil in Chinese money: https://t.co/2ytqVOVA8K"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "True. It’s been GOP vs. the people of the United States for almost my entire life… " noting Tim Murphy on Twitter: "extremely wild that Republicans have won the popular vote exactly once in AOC's lifetime"
Why are we still talking about $15 minimum wage, it's been like 5 years since that number was floated and it's already been outpaced by inflation

Check your numbers!

I should have said that it'll certainly be outpaced by inflation by the time it goes into effect nationwide, which will likely be something like 2024.
Why are we still talking about $15 minimum wage, it's been like 5 years since that number was floated and it's already been outpaced by inflation

Check your numbers!

I should have said that it'll certainly be outpaced by inflation by the time it goes into effect nationwide, which will likely be something like 2024.

A real currency has a basis. In my youth it was that gold was fixed at $40/oz. We have abandoned the gold standard. Some other thing of limited supply like gold, silver, copper and other metals may serve. A pound of coffee, a bale of hay, a bushel of wheat would work as long as it is given a fixed, permanent value and everything else is allowed to float. Exactly one product and only one product price-controlled.

Today our currency is based on one hour of unskilled labor. Minimum wage. For a job so simple anyone could do it. If we set it permanently to, say, $15/hour then everything else would inflate until $15 was something a 16-yr-old would accept for an hour's work. A babysitter might get $17.50 if really good at it. An ordinary working man would expect about 150,000/yr.

If we set minimum wage to $100 or $1 it would make no difference. The value of other goods and services would adjust themselves in a free market with nothing else at all price-controlled. No farm subsidies. Repeal all law affecting prices or wages.

Stop taxing corporations. Corporations are a pieces of paper which cannot pay anything. All taxes on businesses are paid by real people and not by the owners of the corporation -- workers and customers are paying that tax. Including the poorest as they buy anything at all. The most regressive tax of all, a pure sales and wage tax.

Stop taxing income and, instead, tax spending (the constitution calls these excises). Then the Paris Hilton's of the world would be paying a gob of taxes. Tax real estate sales the same as groceries. Tax sales of stock the same as iced tea. This way the people who spend large amounts of money (the top 1%) would pay most of the taxes -- the poorest (the lowest 1%) the least. But everyone would pay taxes. Everyone would have skin in the game.

Meanwhile the Fed "loans" money created out of thin air at interest to the government. The debt has to go up to keep the bankers who privately own the Fed raking in that interest. Interest on nothing.

The current mish-mash of "LAW" is a total mess. No legislator writes law any more -- the lobbyists write them in their own interests. The legislators will never give up the support of lobbyists helping their election and they always respond with special favors for their friends.

The answer is not socialism. Instead a truly free market would let we the people set the prices with our purchases. Free market capitalism delivers what socialism promises.
I should have said that it'll certainly be outpaced by inflation by the time it goes into effect nationwide, which will likely be something like 2024.

A real currency has a basis. In my youth it was that gold was fixed at $40/oz. We have abandoned the gold standard. Some other thing of limited supply like gold, silver, copper and other metals may serve. A pound of coffee, a bale of hay, a bushel of wheat would work as long as it is given a fixed, permanent value and everything else is allowed to float. Exactly one product and only one product price-controlled.

Today our currency is based on one hour of unskilled labor. Minimum wage. For a job so simple anyone could do it. If we set it permanently to, say, $15/hour then everything else would inflate until $15 was something a 16-yr-old would accept for an hour's work. A babysitter might get $17.50 if really good at it. An ordinary working man would expect about 150,000/yr.

If we set minimum wage to $100 or $1 it would make no difference. The value of other goods and services would adjust themselves in a free market with nothing else at all price-controlled. No farm subsidies. Repeal all law affecting prices or wages.

Stop taxing corporations. Corporations are a pieces of paper which cannot pay anything. All taxes on businesses are paid by real people and not by the owners of the corporation -- workers and customers are paying that tax. Including the poorest as they buy anything at all. The most regressive tax of all, a pure sales and wage tax.

Stop taxing income and, instead, tax spending (the constitution calls these excises). Then the Paris Hilton's of the world would be paying a gob of taxes. Tax real estate sales the same as groceries. Tax sales of stock the same as iced tea. This way the people who spend large amounts of money (the top 1%) would pay most of the taxes -- the poorest (the lowest 1%) the least. But everyone would pay taxes. Everyone would have skin in the game.

Meanwhile the Fed "loans" money created out of thin air at interest to the government. The debt has to go up to keep the bankers who privately own the Fed raking in that interest. Interest on nothing.

The current mish-mash of "LAW" is a total mess. No legislator writes law any more -- the lobbyists write them in their own interests. The legislators will never give up the support of lobbyists helping their election and they always respond with special favors for their friends.

The answer is not socialism. Instead a truly free market would let we the people set the prices with our purchases. Free market capitalism delivers what socialism promises.

I can get a better picture if you want. Why did you expand my avatar instead of addressing the content?

I am a retired professor of computer science. A fan of Milton Friedman -- see the Free to Choose YouTubes. That is where I got the truth about taxing corporations. Also about the Fed.
I can get a better picture if you want. Why did you expand my avatar instead of addressing the content?

I am a retired professor of computer science. A fan of Milton Friedman -- see the Free to Choose YouTubes. That is where I got the truth dumb opinion about taxing corporations. Also about the Fed.
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