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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

More stupid remarks from your socialist darling.

She's now blaming a non existent oil pipeline with a non existent oil spill. You can't make this stuff up!
Actually, yes... you can make this stuff up. In fact, the right-wing has been producing a good deal of made up stuff recently. I mean, when they aren't posting videos of Ocasio-Cortez dancing or fake nude pics of her.

Fake nude pics of AOC? Could you be so kind as to post them here? :floofsmile:

Go back to your filthy little incel cave in the underbelly of the internet.
I'm sure he only wants them for propaganda purposes.
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Ok, they're the ones that need to check their numbers.

They link the numbers on which they are basing their conclusion--and it's looking at inflation from 2009 (the last minimum wage hike there) to 2025.

Do you have a better idea?

Yeah, honesty. They were being very dishonest with the numbers we can check, the rest of the article should be assumed to be equally untrustworthy.

Do you object to a MW that is indexed to inflation?

1) Minimum wage is supposed to be what it takes to live on. While inflation is somewhat involved in this the standard of living is rising in general and thus the minimum to live on will be a smaller percentage of the average over time--and thus it shouldn't go up at the inflation rate.

2) I don't like it in the first place--low wages are better than being kept out of the labor market entirely. Rather, I favor a much expanded version of the EITC.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "All of these are terrorist incidents. We have a responsibility to understand how white supremacy + online radicalization works, because it is impacting our entire society. President Trump defunded Federal programs designed to fight the spread of white supremacist hate groups.… https://t.co/OcCuOxzzyK" noting Michael Skolnik on Twitter: "Christchurch Mosque: White supremacist. Tree Of Life Synagogue: White supremacist. Mother Emanuel AME Church: White supremacist. Oak Creek Sikh Temple: White supremacist. Overland Park Jewish Center: White supremacist. Islamic Center of Quebec City: White supremacist."
Then several other tweets on this subject, concluding with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Daily reminder that we have a **Muslim Ban** in this country made out of the President’s hostility to Muslim people w/ little-to-no supporting evidence, and a Republican Party that tolerates it. There is so much work to do. Repealing the Ban is square 1. https://t.co/dqrCsedMrt"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Obama was the first presidential candidate I ever voted for, at 18 years old. The GOP has been calling Dems + healthcare policies socialist my entire voting-age life. My rec is learn how to effectively counter the attack instead of running away every time they call us a name.… https://t.co/wx8y9Ozx8v" noting Tom Perriello on Twitter: "Centrists ignore clear evidence that GOP will label all Dems as Socialists, regardless of their actual votes and views.… https://t.co/HC2o5H8EAq"
They haven’t all blindly signed on to the "Green New Deal." They haven't been widely accused of anti-Semitism. They aren't hungry to impeach President Donald Trump.

They are the ones on the front lines, defending Democrats’ House majority. And many of the endangered Democrats already see their outspoken colleagues as a potential obstacle standing between them and reelection in 2020.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This WHOLE line of questioning yesterday was abt how Kris Kobach (who’s funded by white supremacists) was deeply engaged w/ Sec. Ross to add a drafted citizenship question to the #Census. Ross’ excuse was Voting Rights. But his story doesn’t add up.& He skirted law to add the Q.… https://t.co/e4jGZcgexF" noting Erick Fernandez on Twitter: "The strong line of questioning and level of preparedness from @AOC for every committee hearing is fascinating to watch. Watch her full questioning of Wilbur Ross regarding the proposed 2020 Census citizenship question.… https://t.co/8W4nt2kocY"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Can someone break down the “progressivism doesn’t work in the midwest” thing? - Ilhan reps Minnesota - Rashida reps Michigan - #GreenNewDeal + #MedicareForAll are polling as top issues in Iowa - The progressive message WON in 2016 primaries So what do these folks really mean?… https://t.co/r5NIPTGWAm" noting Justice Democrats on Twitter: "Rahm Emanuel suggests that The Bronx and Minneapolis are not "the middle of the country" and that @AOC + @IlhanMN's policies don't represent "the middle" either. Emanuel represents a deep blue Chicago and is against a Green New Deal and Medicare for All - so what's his excuse?… https://t.co/gWxIYFwgp6"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The latest Freudian GOP conspiracy theory is that there’s a secret “guy who made me” + that my male chief is “actually” in charge (🙄) They got one thing right. There is a guy who made me. My father. And my Papa raised me to command my own destiny and put patriarchy in the 🚮… https://t.co/oJgNgCVyLh" noting Saikat Chakrabarti on Twitter: "The right-wing actually cannot believe that a working class latina like @AOC is smart, talented, and capable. They are creating entire conspiracy theories to try to disprove her intelligence. So here's some @AOC facts to show y'all just how good she is.… https://t.co/XOeM5ip1wr" noting Sean Hannity on Twitter: "MUST SEE: The Real ‘Brains Behind Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ 👇https://t.co/S6z93ywYJV"

He is her chief of staff. He also tweeted about her:
Saikat Chakrabarti on Twitter: "1) @AOC runs her own Twitter/IG. This is VERY rare in Congress. Most politicians have staff come up with what to say/figure out how to frame things. But @AOC's knowledge of issues is so deep that she does the communicating/framing herself."
Saikat Chakrabarti on Twitter: "2) @AOC writes all her own speeches. Though, TBH, most of her 🔥 speeches are off the dome. Just watch Coates interview her. She can talk in depth on policy issues for hours (unlike most politicians) because she REALLY knows what she's talking about. https://t.co/r73Y2r4DwQ"
Saikat Chakrabarti on Twitter: "3) Unlike most MoCs, @AOC sits through full committee hearings and will often improvise on questions based on what she's observing. Nobody prepped her to "play a game" in the HR1 hearing, and her entire staff watched it live with jaws dropped. https://t.co/rWw6DGHeO9"
Saikat Chakrabarti on Twitter: "4) @AOC is one of the smartest & hardest working people I've ever known. Right wingers not comprehending this is peak racism/sexism -- and also fear. If @AOC can do this, what's to stop other talented working-class women of color from vying for power? Must keep 'em up at night."
Tom Perriello on Twitter: "Centrists ignore clear evidence that GOP will label all Dems as Socialists, regardless of their actual votes and views.…

I think that's right. Moreover, liberals who pretend to be centrists or moderates thru triangulation always think it's a good strategy but many voters on both sides see right through it as a dishonest ploy. So Dems should just be who they are and not be afraid to say what is on their minds.
Tom Perriello on Twitter: "Centrists ignore clear evidence that GOP will label all Dems as Socialists, regardless of their actual votes and views.…

I think that's right. Moreover, liberals who pretend to be centrists or moderates thru triangulation always think it's a good strategy but many voters on both sides see right through it as a dishonest ploy. So Dems should just be who they are and not be afraid to say what is on their minds.

Don: do you believe that the self declared centrists are all just fake and dishonest? There are many people like myself who are very socially liberal, want lower barriers to success, better environment, want a larger safety net, and don't mind supporting the community. But who also don't want to be bankrupted by higher taxes. We realize that deficits are probably necessary. But we don't want our kids saddled with debt that can't be inflated down (and we are getting closer to that). Many of us are pro business and pro economic development. We want higher paying jobs with benefits. Sorry, but the democratic party can't win without our support. And it won't work to believe that we don't exist...
Are you a very liberal politician trying to straddle a line between progressive and centrist, saying different contradictory things according to the voters who are listening and according to what is trendy at the time?
Are you a very liberal politician trying to straddle a line between progressive and centrist, saying different contradictory things according to the voters who are listening and according to what is trendy at the time?

Could you give me an example of the type of person above that you are describing? I do think that there are many people on the left who don't want moderates in the democratic party.
Titled link: Ocasio-Cortez brilliantly catches Wilbur Ross in huge lie - YouTube

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "If you want to know what subconscious bias looks like, it’s a headline saying “AOC is underwater with every group EXCEPT women, nonwhites, and 18-34 year olds.” So older, conservative white men are considered “everyone” and everyone else is discounted as an exception. Cool 👍🏽… https://t.co/k2XvRqReEs"
Saikat Chakrabarti on Twitter: "The unfavorability number is incredibly skewed by 24/7 negative Fox news coverage of @aoc. You are net favorable among Democrats by 41 points! And even with the relentless Fox news attacks, your overall numbers are on par with other national Democrats: [url]https://t.co/ZXHI2FEBDw… https://t.co/Loqpc7JP0x"[/url]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I LOVE how fired up our NY-14 town halls get. This is New York City! Getting fired up means you care. I’d never discount the passion and courage it takes to stand up at a town hall. So this was a great moment and an awesome opportunity to have this honest conversation. 💜… https://t.co/KiEA8f2GrT"
Brad Lander on Twitter: "At a Jackson Heights town hall on public education, @AOC exhorts the crowd to fight for “public education not only as a right but as a blessing, one of the greatest public goods, the greatest gems of a democratic society.”… https://t.co/VbKMF60tie"
Susan McPherson on Twitter: "Spot on: "When we are fighting each other, it is coming from a scarcity mindset." @AOC… "
all noting David Freedlander on Twitter: "Specialized high school parents heckle @aoc at an education town hall and you won’t believe what happens next… "
In other words, she's popular among everyone but old conservative white manbabies. :rotfl:

And yet this thread is 108 pages long. For some people this is how they view the world:


But AOC is stupid because of reasons amirite?
NowThis on Twitter: "Rep. @AOC: Why is there more money for a fake crisis than for a real one?… " The fake one being that border emergency, the real one being the opioid one.

I watched Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | SXSW 2019 - YouTube -- great interview. I like what she said about how some people feel sold out by members of their community who then do not pursue policies that benefit them. So they become unwilling to vote. I also like how she deals with those with different opinions, asking why they believe what they do.

My main criticism about her is about voting one's conscience. There is something called Duverger's law that states that the kind of election determines party composition. First-past-the-post suffers from the spoiler effect, and that, in turn, causes only two parties. Proportional representation, by comparison, typically encourages multiple parties, and a two-ballot system or top-two runoff has intermediate results. AOC did not mention Duverger's law, and she also did not mention getting involved in the primaries, where she had her most important political victory of 2018.

Back in December 19 of last year: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "A few classics: - Hope in the Dark, Solnit - Why We Can’t Wait, MLK - The Search for Common Ground, Thurman - Team of Rivals, Goodwin - Col Poems,Audre Lorde - Bhagavad Gita - Capital, Piketty - 100 Years of Solitude, García Márquez - Infinite Jest / Consider the Lobster, Wallace… https://t.co/XVxhYSUpuq"

She seems very literate, much like Beto O'Rourke: Fox & Friends Mocks Beto O'Rourke Profile in Vanity Fair: 'As If It's a Big Plus That He Reads Books'

MLK's "Why We Can't Wait" includes his "Letter form Birmingham Jail", criticizing "moderates" who think that his fellow activists are going too far.

TP's Capital in the 21th Century argues that the economic elite tends to suck up the wealth of society when economic growth is slow and in the absence of big wars.

Bhagavad Gita is a favorite Hindu sacred text. Prince Arjuna asks his charioteer Krishna what to do about an upcoming battle, and Krishna answers him with a long discourse.

And more.....................[video]https://pluralist.com/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-wells-fargo-ceo/[/video]

So she said Keystone XL when she meant Keystone and that makes her stupid?

You sure you want to set the bar that high, angelo? There isn't a poster here who hasn't occasionally failed to reach the lofty heights of perfection, including you.

Stupid? That's flattering her! She's an anti-semitic , crazy, socialist, dangerous loony tunes!

Wow. All these years I thought it was Fruit Loops. Clearly, I am not as up to date as I should be on my children's cereals.

I'll shoot an email over to Kelloggs and have them rebrand their product to conform to what I thought it was because anything else happening would mean that I was in the wrong and that's not a rational thing to have happen.
crazy as a loon
nutty as a fruit cake

To me she is squirely. She contradicts herself and has no clue what it would take to enact her agenda and possible consequences.

A nutty as a fruit cake progressive.

Wingnut is for wacky conservatives of which there are a plenty.

The word for liberals playing without a full deck is moonbat. No shortage of them either.


According to Merriam-Webster, it is "a mentally deranged person" or "one who advocates extreme measures or changes: radical."[1] In American politics, the term is more often aimed at members of the political right than those of the political left,[2] for which the alternative term "moonbat" is more often used
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