• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

As I'd mentioned earlier, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "But his WhatsApp… " noted CNN on Twitter: "Dem. @RepRoKhanna calls reports Kushner was using WhatsApp to communicate with foreign officials “ironic": Pres. Trump “ran his whole presidential campaign accusing Hillary Clinton of having a private server. ... Here you have something that’s much worse.” [url]https://t.co/gynmzazL6p… https://t.co/faEK8MyPgi"[/url]

An allusion to "But her emails" about Hillary Clinton. HC herself responded, and AOC responded to her:
Hillary Clinton on Twitter: "Tell me about it.… "
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "!!!… "

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "During orientation, @RepJayapal invited me to her place for some boxed soup. We talked about #MedicareForAll & navigating dbl standards. She’s the real deal, a serious policy mind that cares abt people. Pramila Jayapal isn’t just a leader for ‘women of color.’ She’s a leader.… https://t.co/WqwcWTNUoO" noting POLITICO on Twitter: "Rep. Pramila Jayapal has become a progressive leader and mentor for women of color in the House https://t.co/Q8ILtvNV6C" noting Meet the woman mentoring Omar, Tlaib and Ocasio-Cortez - POLITICO "Rep. Pramila Jayapal has become a progressive leader and role model for women of color in the House."
Jayapal’s colleagues describe her as a mentor with a maternal touch, helping to shepherd a raucous faction that includes a pack of freshman superstars under immense scrutiny on the national stage and even within their own caucus.

More recently, Tlaib said her longtime friend — the two met as immigration activists 15 years ago, and Jayapal was the first member of Congress to endorse her— pulled her aside before giving a speech on the floor about universal health care with some helpful advice. Personalize your speech, Jayapal counseled, tell the world what the real-world implications of access to health care would mean for your district.

It’s not just Omar and Tlaib who seek her advice: Weeks after the election, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) came over to Jayapal’s house for a meal of boxed tomato soup — which was broadcast to thousands on Ocasio-Cortez’s Instagram account.
She's invited other Congresspeople for dinner at her home.
“What I tell them if they ask is, ‘It’s really important not to let the outside world define you, and to be strong in standing up for what you believe in, but also be strategic,” Jayapal said. “If you took on every single thing that drove you crazy, or was racist or sexist or unfair, you would be exhausted and you wouldn't be able to get the work done that you need to get done.”
She is also cautious about wish-list things like Medicare for All, getting hearings on it rather than a floor vote, because of lack of support from many other Democrats.

AOC is very good at making friends, it seems. Here's another: Jessica Ramos on Twitter: "Hey, @AQE_NY! Look who I ran into. @AOC and I know we need to #FundCFE now! Our children need the $4B they are owed to receive the best possible education. This is about educational equity and justice.… https://t.co/e6BqIXcA8m"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "When I ran, the existing Dem tech was so obsolete that we developed our own canvassing app. It was so good it spun off into its own startup ([url]https://t.co/hVw9pWknO7). It’s a shame that innovative technologies proven to work at winning elections won’t be used by our party.… https://t.co/FrZ2hf1O04"[/url]
That startup: Reach | Now everyone is in Reach.
Referring to Ally Mutnick on Twitter: "NEW: @DCCC makes moves to block primary challenges against Dem incumbents. Per new hiring standards DCCC won't contract with or recommend to House campaign any political firm that works against a sitting member. That's a stark financial deterrent More: https://t.co/NPmXyQyef8"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The majority of Americans live in safe districts, where gen election isn’t competitive. By stymieing primaries, you deny most voters their best chance at choosing their representative. We also deny the party the opportunity of training up a future bench, something we badly need."
AOC's success came from unseating a long-time incumbent, and it seems that a lot of Democratic politicians want to keep that from happening again.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The 🐘 in the room here is big money & lobbyist donors. Our current system incentivizes *all,* no matter the party, to place big donors before voters. No primaries means lobbyist💰will have even *more* influence over policy, bc voters will have one less avenue to pursue change."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Folks often try to make this convo abt members from mod, swing districts. We get that those members do what they need to rep. But many members of Congress got there via safe primaries. It’s how many working people, women, + poc folks overcome institutional bias to get elected."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "These are flood risk maps for THIS YEAR. The time to have *already begun implementing* a #GreenNewDeal was a year ago. The next best time is now. It’s far less costly to get shovels in the ground now, before disaster, w just transitions, infra investment, & good,dignified jobs.… https://t.co/iq6YyWx9cX"
Though she got a degree in economics and international relations from Boston University, she had to live paycheck to paycheck with whatever jobs she could find, and do so while saddled with a big student debt. "“We have an entire generation that is delaying or forgoing purchasing houses,” she says. “Our entire economy is slowing down due to the student-loan crisis.”"

A degree in economics isn't all that useful. Is it any wonder she wasn't doing well?

And there's a simple reason a lot of people aren't buying houses these days--they simply don't make sense when you have frequent relocations to better jobs. The transaction costs of selling make it a bad thing unless you're staying several years.
In important ways, she's the anti-Trump. Not just her age, sex, and ethnicity, but also her personality and career. She had a middle-class upbringing, first upper-middle-class, then lower-middle-class, and she distinguished herself in academia. By contrast, DT never got good grades, and he likely got his higher education just to get credentials. AOC had to work for her living, and her late father's connections got her nowhere. By contrast, DT has depended on his father's connections -- and his wealth -- and he could easily have lived a comfortable life being a trust-fund baby.

They differ in work ethic. AOC seems much more willing to do the work of her job than DT the work of his job. She doesn't spend much of her day in "Legislative Time", and she does not seem to have outsourced policymaking to Rachel Maddow, for instance.
On Ocasio-Cortez’s office bookshelf, near a picture of her late father and a photo of her with a local Girl Scout troop, two books nestle together in uneasy union. One is the Federalist papers, written mostly by James Madison and Alexander Hamilton and published in 1788. The other is The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming, written by journalist David Wallace-Wells 231 years later. There’s a picture of Wonder Woman leaning in one corner of the office and a giant cardboard cutout of Cardi B’s face in another. On her desk are handwritten crib sheets for a February hearing. (“I’m going to be the bad guy,” she wrote in pencil.) More than 40 million people watched a subsequent NowThis News clip of her questioning a -government-accountability watchdog about campaign-finance laws.
She had a fairly comfortable middle-class life until her father died of lung cancer. She recalled the last time they talked. She didn't know that it was their last, but she claims that she could feel it.

"Ocasio-Cortez describes herself as a “dorky kid” who once asked for a micro-scope for her birthday." That's my kind of person.

Though she got a degree in economics and international relations from Boston University, she had to live paycheck to paycheck with whatever jobs she could find, and do so while saddled with a big student debt. "“We have an entire generation that is delaying or forgoing purchasing houses,” she says. “Our entire economy is slowing down due to the student-loan crisis.”" The reason that millennials are supposedly killing so many industries is because they cannot afford to support many of them.

She got into politics as an intern for Ted Kennedy, and she campaigned for Bernie Sanders. After Donald Trump won, she and some friends went to the Standing Rock protests, and she felt inspired by all these ordinary people standing up for themselves. As she was driving home, she got an unexpected phone call. Someone wanted her to run for Congress. Some former Bernie Sanders staffers had created a group called Brand New Congress, and its members were looking for people to support. AOC's brother nominated her, and the BNC people contacted her. AOC herself: “Everyone said, ‘She’s really cute, but maybe next time,’” about her long-shot candidacy.
More important, there was a shared sense among the young volunteers that they had been screwed. “We were all children of the recession,” say Waleed Shahid of Justice Democrats. “There’s an overwhelming sense that the economic and political system in our country is rigged.”

That’s why young Americans have become increasingly attracted to democratic socialism, which aims to build a stronger social safety net through democratic elections.
The Justice Democrats supported her, but they did not have much success elsewhere.

Why are you comparing a bimbo who will never achieve the highest office of the land to one who has!!
Why are people so afraid of ideas?

I Doubt too many people are afraid of good sensible and rational ideas. What I suspect they're afraid of, are the looney tunes ideas coming from the likes of AOC, Sanders and their ilk.

The way you act out so dramatically to AOC and Sanders shows the animal brain fear aggression that underlies right wing authoritarianism.

No! What I and millions of other rational people fear most is the hijacking of our Western values and democracy by the likes of little better than communist ideologies such as Sanders and AOC and their ilk espouse.
A degree in economics isn't all that useful. Is it any wonder she wasn't doing well?
I am unwilling to respond to many of Loren Pechtel's claims, since he makes so many evidence-free assertions, but I will make an exception here. This is yet another such assertion. It ought to cause trouble for what many right-wing ideologues claim about education, that the only sort of education worth having is in subjects like business and economics. They never tire at sneering at humanities degrees as frivolous wastes of time that make people unemployable. But when someone does very well in supposedly very employable subjects, but does not quickly get a high-powered job, that is big trouble for their ideology.

And there's a simple reason a lot of people aren't buying houses these days--they simply don't make sense when you have frequent relocations to better jobs. The transaction costs of selling make it a bad thing unless you're staying several years.
Another evidence-free assertion.

In important ways, she's the anti-Trump. Not just her age, sex, and ethnicity, but also her personality and career. ...
Why are you comparing a bimbo who will never achieve the highest office of the land to one who has!!

AOC has demonstrated a much greater willingness to do the work of her office than DT has of his, and I thought that right-wingers believed in the importance of work.

The way you act out so dramatically to AOC and Sanders shows the animal brain fear aggression that underlies right wing authoritarianism.
No! What I and millions of other rational people fear most is the hijacking of our Western values and democracy by the likes of little better than communist ideologies such as Sanders and AOC and their ilk espouse.
Like how?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The #GreenNewDeal is a positive vision - a roadmap - for our future.… " noting Justice Democrats on Twitter: ""If we're going to make progress, we need to declare our North Star, and our North Star is 100% renewable energy, it's Medicare-for-All, it's tuition-free public colleges, it's investing in technology and renewable resources" -@AOC on her vision for America… https://t.co/8mkDPx7WeG"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "“Banks are acutely sensitive about their reputations because they are in a business acutely susceptible... if consumers vote with their wallets.” Economic activism (ex: the fossil fuel divestment mvmt we saw at Standing Rock, and pressuring business re: assault rifles) works.… https://t.co/dQoriZDpWg" noting Victoria Guida on Twitter: "Progressives like @AOC and @AyannaPressley are leveraging seats on the Financial Services Committee & a huge social media following to confront bank executives and discourage them from funding oil pipelines, gun makers and private prisons. (via @Zachary) https://t.co/mSuBfCmux2"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The GOP’s whole game of wasting votes in Congress to target others “on the record”, for leg they have no intent to pass, is a disgrace. Stop wasting the American peoples’ time + learn to govern. Our jobs aren’t for campaigning, & that’s exactly what these bluff-votes are for.… https://t.co/uL7fSCJV7H" noting Paul Kane on Twitter: "Senate Republican show vote on GND is part of broader effort to elevate @AOC & new liberal stars. NRSC now tracks potential Senate candidates vote % with AOC just like Pelosi. https://t.co/21OH7TV7Wh"
I am unwilling to respond to many of Loren Pechtel's claims, since he makes so many evidence-free assertions, but I will make an exception here. This is yet another such assertion. It ought to cause trouble for what many right-wing ideologues claim about education, that the only sort of education worth having is in subjects like business and economics. They never tire at sneering at humanities degrees as frivolous wastes of time that make people unemployable. But when someone does very well in supposedly very employable subjects, but does not quickly get a high-powered job, that is big trouble for their ideology.
I've never heard anyone claim that a bachelor's degree in economics will get you a job quickly. It is an academic subject with not a lot of directly relevant skills for the job market. Generally when you hear this, people will refer to things like accounting, or finance, which would be directly applicable once you graduate.

It's like the difference between biology (not a degree that is highly employable) and a degree in animal husbandry or agriculture.
I am unwilling to respond to many of Loren Pechtel's claims, since he makes so many evidence-free assertions, but I will make an exception here. This is yet another such assertion. It ought to cause trouble for what many right-wing ideologues claim about education, that the only sort of education worth having is in subjects like business and economics. They never tire at sneering at humanities degrees as frivolous wastes of time that make people unemployable. But when someone does very well in supposedly very employable subjects, but does not quickly get a high-powered job, that is big trouble for their ideology.

Another evidence-free assertion.

In important ways, she's the anti-Trump. Not just her age, sex, and ethnicity, but also her personality and career. ...
Why are you comparing a bimbo who will never achieve the highest office of the land to one who has!!

AOC has demonstrated a much greater willingness to do the work of her office than DT has of his, and I thought that right-wingers believed in the importance of work.

The way you act out so dramatically to AOC and Sanders shows the animal brain fear aggression that underlies right wing authoritarianism.
No! What I and millions of other rational people fear most is the hijacking of our Western values and democracy by the likes of little better than communist ideologies such as Sanders and AOC and their ilk espouse.
Like how?

Oh yes, she worked real hard to stop Amazon from building a 25.000 work force, 2nd headquarters in NY. Surely that should be a highlight in her pathetic resume!
I am unwilling to respond to many of Loren Pechtel's claims, since he makes so many evidence-free assertions, but I will make an exception here. This is yet another such assertion. It ought to cause trouble for what many right-wing ideologues claim about education, that the only sort of education worth having is in subjects like business and economics. They never tire at sneering at humanities degrees as frivolous wastes of time that make people unemployable. But when someone does very well in supposedly very employable subjects, but does not quickly get a high-powered job, that is big trouble for their ideology.

Another evidence-free assertion.


AOC has demonstrated a much greater willingness to do the work of her office than DT has of his, and I thought that right-wingers believed in the importance of work.

The way you act out so dramatically to AOC and Sanders shows the animal brain fear aggression that underlies right wing authoritarianism.
No! What I and millions of other rational people fear most is the hijacking of our Western values and democracy by the likes of little better than communist ideologies such as Sanders and AOC and their ilk espouse.
Like how?

Oh yes, she worked real hard to stop Amazon from building a 25.000 work force, 2nd headquarters in NY. Surely that should be a highlight in her pathetic resume!
The price tag was nearly $50,000 per job.
I am unwilling to respond to many of Loren Pechtel's claims, since he makes so many evidence-free assertions, but I will make an exception here. This is yet another such assertion. It ought to cause trouble for what many right-wing ideologues claim about education, that the only sort of education worth having is in subjects like business and economics. They never tire at sneering at humanities degrees as frivolous wastes of time that make people unemployable. But when someone does very well in supposedly very employable subjects, but does not quickly get a high-powered job, that is big trouble for their ideology.

Another evidence-free assertion.


AOC has demonstrated a much greater willingness to do the work of her office than DT has of his, and I thought that right-wingers believed in the importance of work.

The way you act out so dramatically to AOC and Sanders shows the animal brain fear aggression that underlies right wing authoritarianism.
No! What I and millions of other rational people fear most is the hijacking of our Western values and democracy by the likes of little better than communist ideologies such as Sanders and AOC and their ilk espouse.
Like how?

Oh yes, she worked real hard to stop Amazon from building a 25.000 work force, 2nd headquarters in NY. Surely that should be a highlight in her pathetic resume!

Yes, but you're forgetting that all those billions in tax breaks that were going to Amazon can now be distributed to poor people instead of lining Jeff Bezos pockets, so all is not lost!
Why do people think that a giant multinational corporation moving into town, raising the rent of all the surrounding areas, and replacing the jobs of small businesses with their distribution colossus is good and should have happened. That's literally what used to be the plot of every feel-good 90's Disney flick about the little guy fighting back against a faceless juggernaut taking them over. Then Disney became that juggernaut of course.
Fire-Breathing 150-Foot Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Attacks Congress – Unsubscribed
Witnesses described an almost unimaginable scene of burned, crushed, and twisted bodies, after a radiation-exposed, giant Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tore through Capitol Hill this morning.

In the aftermath, smoldering bits of Ermengildo Zegna suits lay scattered next to tangled heaps of blood-smeared Hermés accessories and quickly discarded Prada footwear throughout the dark, incinerated corridors of the Capitol building. Many politicians, honest landlords, and hardworking job-creators are refusing to emerge from their shelters. “She’ll be back,” they said.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This is the REAL conversation we need to have as a country. As horrific as this president is, he is a symptom of much deeper problems. Even foreign influence plays on nat’l wounds that we refuse to address: income inequality, racism, corruption,a willingness to excuse bigotry.… https://t.co/ufgF60A33g" noting George Takei on Twitter: "Let’s say Trump goes down in disgrace from Mueller or the SDNY or Congressional investigations. We’re left with a big question: How did a guy like that get elected? Why do so many still support him? We can’t just say “Fox News” or “Russians.” We have serious issues to sort out."
I think that she is right about that. He has gotten away with blatant bigotry and his party seems reluctant to challenge him. Meaning that he has a heck of a lot of enablers. He likes autocrats and strongmen, almost as if he wants to join them, and he likes to present an image of strong and forcerful leadership.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "He can stay, he can go. He can be impeached, or voted out in 2020. But removing Trump will not remove the infrastructure of an entire party that embraced him; the dark money that funded him; the online radicalization that drummed his army; nor the racism he amplified+reanimated."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "In order for us to heal as a nation, we ALL must pursue the hard work of addressing these root causes. It’s not as easy as voting. It means having uncomfortable moments convos w/ loved ones, w/ media, w/ those we disagree, and yes - within our own party, too. It’s on all of us."
The Green New Deal got zero, not one vote at the senate;

Senate votes down Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal 57-0 with high-profile Democrats joining Republicans to show their disapproval of radical plan as she says she didn't want vote to happen and charges GOP climate policy with wrecking havoc on world


The Twatterati having a good giggle;

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "GOP Senators are using their Congressional allowances to print Aquaman posters for themselves to argue that a #GreenNewDeal saving our nation from climate change is a ‘waste of money’ 😂… https://t.co/L4GRW8LyTb" noting Waleed Shahid on Twitter: "Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) is on the Senate floor right now discussing @AOC and @SenMarkey's Green New Deal. These are not photoshopped.… https://t.co/cI5la4eAM8"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Like many other women + working people, I occasionally suffer from impostor syndrome: those small moments, especially on hard days, where you wonder if the haters are right. But then they do things like this to clear it right up. If this guy can be Senator, you can do anything.… https://t.co/vOVoiEolUE" noting Waleed Shahid on Twitter: ""The solution to climate change is not this unserious resolution...the solution to so many of our problems at all times and in all places is to fall in love, get married, and have some kids." -@SenMikeLee on @AOC and @SenMarkey's Green New Deal This is a real quote.… https://t.co/ieAYOgwWy5"

Original video: Mike Lee makes fun of the Green New Deal using Reagan riding a dinosaur, Star Wars tauntauns and Sharknado Ronald Reagan riding a dinosaur, someone riding a tauntaun (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back), cartoon of Aquaman riding a giant seahorse, the movie Sharknado (tornado with sharks in it).

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Because I encouraged them to vote present, along w/ others. McConnell tried to rush the #GreenNewDeal straight to the floor without a hearing. The real question we should be asking: Why does the Senate GOP refuse to hold any major hearings on climate change?… https://t.co/nMxMwhJzsV" noting Sen. John Barrasso on Twitter: "Why did Senate Democrats just duck a vote on your #GreenNewDeal? #DemsDuck #VotedPresent… "

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The GOP’s climate delaying is costing us lives + destroying communities. Iowa, Nebraska & many in the Midwest are catastrophically flooded right now, in one of the 1st major climate change disasters of 2019. A #GreenNewDeal urges us to pursue a plan on the scale of the problem.… https://t.co/OsNn2UOw8P" noting Esquire on Twitter: "Meanwhile, the Green New Deal @AOC co-sponsored is making Republicans sweat. https://t.co/WxWKNHnHBl"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "W/ the #GreenNewDeal, legislators, experts, & advocates have spent countless hours poring over details of industrial policy+impact of global temp/sea lvl projections. That’s what you do when you take your job seriously + respect the chamber. This is what happens when you don’t:… https://t.co/RCLYayOkCk" noting Public Citizen on Twitter: "We present to you: Senator Mike Lee's masterful takedown of @AOC and @SenMarkey's Green New Deal.… "

Kyle Griffin on Twitter: ".@AOC: "What McConnell's doing is that he’s trying to rush this bill to the floor without a hearing, without any markups ... — because he doesn’t want to save our planet. Because he thinks we can drink oil in 30 years when all our water is poisoned.” https://t.co/SxP4q9wKHT" noting Green New Deal vote: Senate Democrats plan to shut down Republican trolling and vote “present” - Vox "Just four members of the caucus voted against the resolution."

AOC retweeted Brian Tyler Cohen on Twitter: "Watch every second of this... @AOC is so incredibly spot on.… "
I am unwilling to respond to many of Loren Pechtel's claims, since he makes so many evidence-free assertions, but I will make an exception here. This is yet another such assertion. It ought to cause trouble for what many right-wing ideologues claim about education, that the only sort of education worth having is in subjects like business and economics. They never tire at sneering at humanities degrees as frivolous wastes of time that make people unemployable. But when someone does very well in supposedly very employable subjects, but does not quickly get a high-powered job, that is big trouble for their ideology.

Another evidence-free assertion.


AOC has demonstrated a much greater willingness to do the work of her office than DT has of his, and I thought that right-wingers believed in the importance of work.

No! What I and millions of other rational people fear most is the hijacking of our Western values and democracy by the likes of little better than communist ideologies such as Sanders and AOC and their ilk espouse.
Like how?

Oh yes, she worked real hard to stop Amazon from building a 25.000 work force, 2nd headquarters in NY. Surely that should be a highlight in her pathetic resume!
The price tag was nearly $50,000 per job.

Bullshit and you know it!
I am unwilling to respond to many of Loren Pechtel's claims, since he makes so many evidence-free assertions, but I will make an exception here. This is yet another such assertion. It ought to cause trouble for what many right-wing ideologues claim about education, that the only sort of education worth having is in subjects like business and economics. They never tire at sneering at humanities degrees as frivolous wastes of time that make people unemployable. But when someone does very well in supposedly very employable subjects, but does not quickly get a high-powered job, that is big trouble for their ideology.

Another evidence-free assertion.


AOC has demonstrated a much greater willingness to do the work of her office than DT has of his, and I thought that right-wingers believed in the importance of work.

No! What I and millions of other rational people fear most is the hijacking of our Western values and democracy by the likes of little better than communist ideologies such as Sanders and AOC and their ilk espouse.
Like how?

Oh yes, she worked real hard to stop Amazon from building a 25.000 work force, 2nd headquarters in NY. Surely that should be a highlight in her pathetic resume!

Yes, but you're forgetting that all those billions in tax breaks that were going to Amazon can now be distributed to poor people instead of lining Jeff Bezos pockets, so all is not lost!

Are you serious or are you really delusional? Do you have any idea what the unemployment rate in that area is? Rather than have some of these people in worthwhile employment, you and your ilk would rather have them collecting food stamps?
If AOC was honest, she would have included a gas tax increase in her Green New Deal. Obviously the only thing she's good at is pandering and scapegoating and telling the idiot masses what they want to hear.
What she and her ilk conveniently don't mention to the sheeple who swoon over her loopy thought bubble is the fact that her Green New Deal will make many if not most people, too afraid to even switch on a light because they won't be able to afford the enormous power costs!
I am unwilling to respond to many of Loren Pechtel's claims, since he makes so many evidence-free assertions, but I will make an exception here. This is yet another such assertion. It ought to cause trouble for what many right-wing ideologues claim about education, that the only sort of education worth having is in subjects like business and economics. They never tire at sneering at humanities degrees as frivolous wastes of time that make people unemployable. But when someone does very well in supposedly very employable subjects, but does not quickly get a high-powered job, that is big trouble for their ideology.

Another evidence-free assertion.


AOC has demonstrated a much greater willingness to do the work of her office than DT has of his, and I thought that right-wingers believed in the importance of work.

Like how?

Oh yes, she worked real hard to stop Amazon from building a 25.000 work force, 2nd headquarters in NY. Surely that should be a highlight in her pathetic resume!

Yes, but you're forgetting that all those billions in tax breaks that were going to Amazon can now be distributed to poor people instead of lining Jeff Bezos pockets, so all is not lost!

Are you serious or are you really delusional? Do you have any idea what the unemployment rate in that area is? Rather than have some of these people in worthwhile employment, you and your ilk would rather have them collecting food stamps?

In September the unemployment rate in that borough (Queens) was at 3.6% (lowest of the 5 boroughs) and it's not like some poor, unemployed person is just going to roll into Amazon and get a job as a developer. I guess Amazon being there would actually help the unemployment rate in the Bronx as people who become janitors or secretaries are forced to move out of Queens when the rents become too high and into the "cheaper" parts of the city.

I lived in Seattle for 15 years. Amazon having an HQ in the city doesn't exactly lift all boats. It just pushes out anyone not making at least $200k/year. I'm glad I didn't sell my house there because I plan to move back in a few years and couldn't afford the housing prices anymore.
I am unwilling to respond to many of Loren Pechtel's claims, since he makes so many evidence-free assertions, but I will make an exception here. This is yet another such assertion. It ought to cause trouble for what many right-wing ideologues claim about education, that the only sort of education worth having is in subjects like business and economics. They never tire at sneering at humanities degrees as frivolous wastes of time that make people unemployable. But when someone does very well in supposedly very employable subjects, but does not quickly get a high-powered job, that is big trouble for their ideology.

Another evidence-free assertion.


AOC has demonstrated a much greater willingness to do the work of her office than DT has of his, and I thought that right-wingers believed in the importance of work.

Like how?

Oh yes, she worked real hard to stop Amazon from building a 25.000 work force, 2nd headquarters in NY. Surely that should be a highlight in her pathetic resume!

Yes, but you're forgetting that all those billions in tax breaks that were going to Amazon can now be distributed to poor people instead of lining Jeff Bezos pockets, so all is not lost!

Are you serious or are you really delusional?
thebeave isn't exactly known as a progressive around these parts. You might want to re-read what they said.
Do you have any idea what the unemployment rate in that area is? Rather than have some of these people in worthwhile employment, you and your ilk would rather have them collecting food stamps?
Most of those jobs were for highly trained people, hence the high salary. It wouldn't have applied to those living in that area. Bribing a company $50,000 a job seems awfully steep.
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