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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Yes, but you're forgetting that all those billions in tax breaks that were going to Amazon can now be distributed to poor people instead of lining Jeff Bezos pockets, so all is not lost!

Are you serious or are you really delusional? Do you have any idea what the unemployment rate in that area is? Rather than have some of these people in worthwhile employment, you and your ilk would rather have them collecting food stamps?

In September the unemployment rate in that borough (Queens) was at 3.6% (lowest of the 5 boroughs) and it's not like some poor, unemployed person is just going to roll into Amazon and get a job as a developer. I guess Amazon being there would actually help the unemployment rate in the Bronx as people who become janitors or secretaries are forced to move out of Queens when the rents become too high and into the "cheaper" parts of the city.

I lived in Seattle for 15 years. Amazon having an HQ in the city doesn't exactly lift all boats. It just pushes out anyone not making at least $200k/year. I'm glad I didn't sell my house there because I plan to move back in a few years and couldn't afford the housing prices anymore.

There's still this little matter................................http://time.com/5530386/aoc-amazon-new-york-hq2/

I like AOC. She stands up to Trump. However, she often speaks on things that she doesn't understand. I think that she really needs to twitter less, listen and learn more. Amazon lost billions of dollars over the years. For many years due to growth, their expenses were greater than their sales. They made up the difference with equity and debt. There isn't a magic negative cash flow genie out there. The federal government allows companies to "carry forward" their losses and use them to offset their net profit in the future. I own a small company and use the exact same strategy to pay no taxes in 2018. Zero taxes in 2018 allows me to pay back some of the equity holders that have supported me in the past. It also allows me to hire more workers, buy a new building, new CNC and other such things. Anyway, does AOC want to eliminate this tax credit? People get upset when profitable companies pay no federal taxes. But no one cares when a company is losing money. I've never heard AOC tweet that we should be helping fast growth companies when they are in a cash crunch during growth period.

So my company and Amazon paid no federal taxes in 2018. But we did both pay taxes! We paid local property taxes, employee taxes, sales taxes, and etc. We employed workers who paid substantial local and federal taxes. We purchased things from local businesses, and etc. I can go on and on.

AOC was upset that Amazon was getting 2.8 Billion in short term tax breaks. However, they are projected to create 30 Billion in new revenue. They were required to create a certain amount of jobs. If their job projection didn't pan out, their tax credits would be reduced. Clearly Amazon would have paid out far more in taxes over 5 years than the short term 2.8 billion tax cost. But there is also the multiplier effect of having thousands of highly paid workers lifting up the local economy. Other companies would move into the area in order to attract these workers away. High tech workers are in great demand. The substantial long term rise in local tax income will mean substantial more tax dollars for infrastructure improvements.

Believe me that there are many many cities in the US who will gladly welcome Amazon along with the incredible economic development benefits that they will bring to the community where they locate.
Why did the new Amazon HQ have to be located in Queens? Why not build it in Poughkeepsie? The land would have been less expensive, the construction less disruptive, and the number of jobs added to the New York metropolitan area would have remained the same.

Is it because Poughkeepsie couldn't afford the bribe?

There was no upfront bribe needed. Most of the incentives offered to Amazon were really tax incentives that would have been paid if Amazon had opened there. In other words, NY didn't "get back" the 1.9 billion in incentives when Amazon left. They simply lost the tax revenue that would have been generated by Amazon. It's actually quite common for local communities to offer tax incentives to companies in order to create more jobs in their areas. This across the country.
Why did the new Amazon HQ have to be located in Queens? Why not build it in Poughkeepsie? The land would have been less expensive, the construction less disruptive, and the number of jobs added to the New York metropolitan area would have remained the same.

Is it because Poughkeepsie couldn't afford the bribe?

There was no upfront bribe needed. Most of the incentives offered to Amazon were really tax incentives that would have been paid if Amazon had opened there. In other words, NY didn't "get back" the 1.9 billion in incentives when Amazon left. They simply lost the tax revenue that would have been generated by Amazon. It's actually quite common for local communities to offer tax incentives to companies in order to create more jobs in their areas. This across the country.
You haven't been paying attention.

We know that this is the status quo, and everybody does it. Now, where are the tax revenues coming from the the city makes up that 'makes it worth it' for the city? From the workers, the locals, the actual fucking people who live and work there (including any new transplants because of the new jobs). Meanwhile, the company itself gets 5-10 (sometimes longer!) years of no taxes regardless of whether they make a shot ton of profits or not. That's sorta the point that everyone is complaining about.

Also, the tax code is so fucked up because a company can make billions in profits (actual profits) yet pay zero or close to zero in taxes by writing it off in various ways (one way it to charge off executive bonuses as expenses...how fucked up is that?).
Yes, but you're forgetting that all those billions in tax breaks that were going to Amazon can now be distributed to poor people instead of lining Jeff Bezos pockets, so all is not lost!

Are you serious or are you really delusional? Do you have any idea what the unemployment rate in that area is? Rather than have some of these people in worthwhile employment, you and your ilk would rather have them collecting food stamps?

In September the unemployment rate in that borough (Queens) was at 3.6% (lowest of the 5 boroughs) and it's not like some poor, unemployed person is just going to roll into Amazon and get a job as a developer. I guess Amazon being there would actually help the unemployment rate in the Bronx as people who become janitors or secretaries are forced to move out of Queens when the rents become too high and into the "cheaper" parts of the city.

I lived in Seattle for 15 years. Amazon having an HQ in the city doesn't exactly lift all boats. It just pushes out anyone not making at least $200k/year. I'm glad I didn't sell my house there because I plan to move back in a few years and couldn't afford the housing prices anymore.

There's still this little matter................................http://time.com/5530386/aoc-amazon-new-york-hq2/

Did I miss a point in that article (highly likely) that was counter to something I said? I see AOC and governor had a disagreement and Cuomo says 25k jobs will go somewhere else. I agree it would be great for NYC to have that influx of new high paying jobs. My point was that it's not great for poorer people in the city or those unemployed that don't already have skills in that sector. If we're only talking about tax revenue, increasing property values, and lowering unemployment even further, it's great and I'm all for it. We do need to remember, however, that the people who don't get hired as developers or program managers or executives, wouldn't be able to afford to live anywhere close to their job and therefore it doesn't really help them as much.

There's both good and bad to these situations. I know nuanced discussions of such topics and admitting that both sides have some goods points is increasingly rare these days.
Believe me that there are many many cities in the US who will gladly welcome Amazon along with the incredible economic development benefits that they will bring to the community where they locate.

^this. I'd love to see Amazon move the HQ into a town/city that could really use it rather than going into NYC. It would be cheaper, and therefor wouldn't need as many tax breaks, if they moved to somewhere like Omaha or Cedar Rapids or Wichita. Not only would that create a ton of revenue and jobs in parts of the country that actually need it, it would show that the big, bad, liberal company cared about those "forgotten" people that Trump appeals to so much. Then Trumps hold on that region would start to slip. At least that's my uneducated hope for such an outcome.
Why did the new Amazon HQ have to be located in Queens? Why not build it in Poughkeepsie? The land would have been less expensive, the construction less disruptive, and the number of jobs added to the New York metropolitan area would have remained the same.

Is it because Poughkeepsie couldn't afford the bribe?

There was no upfront bribe needed. Most of the incentives offered to Amazon were really tax incentives that would have been paid if Amazon had opened there. In other words, NY didn't "get back" the 1.9 billion in incentives when Amazon left. They simply lost the tax revenue that would have been generated by Amazon. It's actually quite common for local communities to offer tax incentives to companies in order to create more jobs in their areas. This across the country.
You haven't been paying attention.

We know that this is the status quo, and everybody does it. Now, where are the tax revenues coming from the the city makes up that 'makes it worth it' for the city? From the workers, the locals, the actual fucking people who live and work there (including any new transplants because of the new jobs). Meanwhile, the company itself gets 5-10 (sometimes longer!) years of no taxes regardless of whether they make a shot ton of profits or not. That's sorta the point that everyone is complaining about.

Also, the tax code is so fucked up because a company can make billions in profits (actual profits) yet pay zero or close to zero in taxes by writing it off in various ways (one way it to charge off executive bonuses as expenses...how fucked up is that?).

Where do you get your information that companies are getting 5 to 10 years and longer of zero taxes? Do you have a link? I'm suspicious. In Amazon's case, their tax incentives would have lasted for about 1.9 years.

So, just to be clear, you are against the federal tax code that allows a company to carry forward net losses to offset future taxes on future net profit? It also sounds like you are against companies being able to deduct the cost of depreciation?
Believe me that there are many many cities in the US who will gladly welcome Amazon along with the incredible economic development benefits that they will bring to the community where they locate.

^this. I'd love to see Amazon move the HQ into a town/city that could really use it rather than going into NYC. It would be cheaper, and therefor wouldn't need as many tax breaks, if they moved to somewhere like Omaha or Cedar Rapids or Wichita. Not only would that create a ton of revenue and jobs in parts of the country that actually need it, it would show that the big, bad, liberal company cared about those "forgotten" people that Trump appeals to so much. Then Trumps hold on that region would start to slip. At least that's my uneducated hope for such an outcome.

Well, that is most likely what will occur. And those communities will greatly benefit. I think that it's far better for the environment for larger companies (especially high tech and IP companies) to locate in large cities rather than spread out in rural communities. We can build up infrastructure and mass transit for them.
You haven't been paying attention.

We know that this is the status quo, and everybody does it. Now, where are the tax revenues coming from the the city makes up that 'makes it worth it' for the city? From the workers, the locals, the actual fucking people who live and work there (including any new transplants because of the new jobs). Meanwhile, the company itself gets 5-10 (sometimes longer!) years of no taxes regardless of whether they make a shot ton of profits or not. That's sorta the point that everyone is complaining about.

Also, the tax code is so fucked up because a company can make billions in profits (actual profits) yet pay zero or close to zero in taxes by writing it off in various ways (one way it to charge off executive bonuses as expenses...how fucked up is that?).

Where do you get your information that companies are getting 5 to 10 years and longer of zero taxes? Do you have a link? I'm suspicious. In Amazon's case, their tax incentives would have lasted for about 1.9 years.

So, just to be clear, you are against the federal tax code that allows a company to carry forward net losses to offset future taxes on future net profit? It also sounds like you are against companies being able to deduct the cost of depreciation?
I don't know about being able to carry forward losses. Is there some equivalent that a family can do that works the same way?

I do know how depreciation works (I also co-owned a company for several years) although our company rarely got to take advantage of it, since we were mostly a service based company with very little hardware that we could depreciate.

This specific tax deal for Amazon was only for 2 years, but often, it's much more than that for much longer. The example I was thinking was specifically when Boeing moved its headquarters to Chicago.

Boeing, the world's largest maker of commercial aircraft, chose Chicago over Dallas and Denver after it was promised tax breaks and incentives that could total $60 million over 20 years by the city and the State of Illinois.

Hell, when I lived in Tucson, the county wanted to offer Lowes or Home Depot (I forget which) some major tax breaks for several years to move into our neighborhood, including selling bonds that the locals (i.e. me) would have to pay off to improve the roads enough to handle the extra traffic, without charging them a fucking penny for it. Luckily, our neighborhood association had enough clout that we managed to kibosh the deal that would have been a disaster for those of who actually lived there, although sure, it would might have been really good (or not) for the county in the long run.
Believe me that there are many many cities in the US who will gladly welcome Amazon along with the incredible economic development benefits that they will bring to the community where they locate.

^this. I'd love to see Amazon move the HQ into a town/city that could really use it rather than going into NYC. It would be cheaper, and therefor wouldn't need as many tax breaks, if they moved to somewhere like Omaha or Cedar Rapids or Wichita. Not only would that create a ton of revenue and jobs in parts of the country that actually need it, it would show that the big, bad, liberal company cared about those "forgotten" people that Trump appeals to so much. Then Trumps hold on that region would start to slip. At least that's my uneducated hope for such an outcome.

Well, that is most likely what will occur. And those communities will greatly benefit. I think that it's far better for the environment for larger companies (especially high tech and IP companies) to locate in large cities rather than spread out in rural communities. We can build up infrastructure and mass transit for them.

Good point about the environment. I didn't even think of it that way. Some cities have issues building up infrastructure, though. I'm assuming you're in WA state so you're well familiar with what's going on in Seattle and the issues with the mass transit there. The geography of the city makes it difficult to set up some forms of transit but it's luckily a very walkable place. I always thought more monorails would be a good idea downtown but then I remember that Simpson's episode and how well that turned out.
I don't know about being able to carry forward losses. Is there some equivalent that a family can do that works the same way?

Yes! Anyone can carry over their investment losses and use them to offset any gains that they make from investment income. We benefitted from this on our taxes this year, and in no way are we wealthy. We just had some very old losses from some stocks that my husband fucked up by buying, which we were able to use against the gains we made last year when we sold our little condo in Florida that we had for 18 years. It kept us from having to pay any taxes on our recent capital gains. Not that I"m happy about the losses he created. :D The losses can only be use to offset any capital gains that one makes in that year or in future years. Is that what you were asking?

This thread sure has gone off the rails, hasn't it?
Why did the new Amazon HQ have to be located in Queens? Why not build it in Poughkeepsie? The land would have been less expensive, the construction less disruptive, and the number of jobs added to the New York metropolitan area would have remained the same.

Is it because Poughkeepsie couldn't afford the bribe?

Or across the river in NJ.

Hudson Yards received $4.5B in public money. But that's a sexy Manhattan real estate development.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Look at this picture. When you’re looking at this photo, you’re looking at a mirror. This is America. This is Texas. This is our the course of action, the one we chose. I cannot and will not accept it. #EndFamilySeparation& #AbolishICE & #ReuniteFamilies & Stop #BackersOfHate… https://t.co/zK1nIU7j1D" noting Nick Miroff on Twitter: "This is El Paso right now, where hundreds of migrant families are being held in the parking lot of a Border Patrol station because there is no room for them inside, or anywhere else.… https://t.co/aYTigXaoVv"
Her critics will whine about how necessary border security is, almost as if they believe that it is necessary to break eggs to make the omelet of border security.

AOC retweeted Linette Lopez on Twitter: ""...earlier this month, the New York state Department of Financial Services subpoenaed records from Trump’s longtime insurer, Aon. A person familiar with that subpoena" Sounds like @AOC's line of questioning during the Cohen hearings did the job. https://t.co/dLzaLgVsPH" noting a Washington Post story on Donald Trump's odd financial statements.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "One of the highlights of my day! Made me want an office pup 🐶 Other highlights: - The middle schoolers who visited me w/ well-researched Qs on climate policy - Voting to rebuke trans military ban (it passed ☺️🏳️*🌈) - The woman who visits my staff w/ cupcakes came by 🧁 (TY! 💕)… https://t.co/5Xnhqwezte" noting Tom Williams on Twitter: ".@RepAOC greets Luca, a 3-month-old pit bull mix, in Rayburn Building on Thursday, March 28th. Luca belongs to Will Shefelman from the office of @RepKathleenRice. @AOC… https://t.co/ybGJWUmxEu"

Adam Schiff on Twitter: "I say this to the President, and his defenders in Congress: You may think it’s okay how Trump and his associates interacted with Russians during the campaign. I don’t. I think it’s immoral. I think it’s unethical. I think it’s unpatriotic. And yes, I think it’s corrupt.… https://t.co/FMj5a3H73i"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Betsy DeVos “loves” the Special Olympics so much, she wants to cut federal funding for it. She “loves” students so much, she changed rules to make campus sexual assault victims more vulnerable. And she “loves” teachers so much she wants to cut student loan forgiveness, too.… https://t.co/VgSvKTpdXl" noting The Hill on Twitter: "Sec. Betsy DeVos: "I love Special Olympics myself." [url]https://t.co/wbbhKWustZ… "[/url]

Then some tweets on AOC and Elizabeth Warren having lunch together. They ate labneh (yogurt cheese) and drank iced tea.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "It’s almost as though there is a directed + concerted far-right propaganda machine with a whole cable news channel, and a dark-money internet operation propped up by the Mercers et al dedicated to maligning me & stoking nat’l division, reported on by @JaneMayerNYer or something… https://t.co/EC9J1Wgk46" noting Brett LoGiurato on Twitter: "It's ... interesting ... that only 23% of Republicans haven't heard enough about @AOC to form an opinion, compared to a sizable 44% of Democrats [url]https://t.co/PIoWFDjUiK… https://t.co/tfV0p9IoE4"[/url]
Are you serious or are you really delusional? Do you have any idea what the unemployment rate in that area is? Rather than have some of these people in worthwhile employment, you and your ilk would rather have them collecting food stamps?

In September the unemployment rate in that borough (Queens) was at 3.6% (lowest of the 5 boroughs) and it's not like some poor, unemployed person is just going to roll into Amazon and get a job as a developer. I guess Amazon being there would actually help the unemployment rate in the Bronx as people who become janitors or secretaries are forced to move out of Queens when the rents become too high and into the "cheaper" parts of the city.

I lived in Seattle for 15 years. Amazon having an HQ in the city doesn't exactly lift all boats. It just pushes out anyone not making at least $200k/year. I'm glad I didn't sell my house there because I plan to move back in a few years and couldn't afford the housing prices anymore.

There's still this little matter................................http://time.com/5530386/aoc-amazon-new-york-hq2/

I like AOC. She stands up to Trump. However, she often speaks on things that she doesn't understand. I think that she really needs to twitter less, listen and learn more. Amazon lost billions of dollars over the years. For many years due to growth, their expenses were greater than their sales. They made up the difference with equity and debt. There isn't a magic negative cash flow genie out there. The federal government allows companies to "carry forward" their losses and use them to offset their net profit in the future. I own a small company and use the exact same strategy to pay no taxes in 2018. Zero taxes in 2018 allows me to pay back some of the equity holders that have supported me in the past. It also allows me to hire more workers, buy a new building, new CNC and other such things. Anyway, does AOC want to eliminate this tax credit? People get upset when profitable companies pay no federal taxes. But no one cares when a company is losing money. I've never heard AOC tweet that we should be helping fast growth companies when they are in a cash crunch during growth period.

So my company and Amazon paid no federal taxes in 2018. But we did both pay taxes! We paid local property taxes, employee taxes, sales taxes, and etc. We employed workers who paid substantial local and federal taxes. We purchased things from local businesses, and etc. I can go on and on.

AOC was upset that Amazon was getting 2.8 Billion in short term tax breaks. However, they are projected to create 30 Billion in new revenue. They were required to create a certain amount of jobs. If their job projection didn't pan out, their tax credits would be reduced. Clearly Amazon would have paid out far more in taxes over 5 years than the short term 2.8 billion tax cost. But there is also the multiplier effect of having thousands of highly paid workers lifting up the local economy. Other companies would move into the area in order to attract these workers away. High tech workers are in great demand. The substantial long term rise in local tax income will mean substantial more tax dollars for infrastructure improvements.

Believe me that there are many many cities in the US who will gladly welcome Amazon along with the incredible economic development benefits that they will bring to the community where they locate.

This reasoning is too complex for socialists to comprehend as few if any have ever tried to run a business of any kind!
Geesus H Krist! You couldn't make this shit up if you tried! I take it back that AOC is bimbo of the decade, she's bimbo of the millennium!

That absurd figure came from a right-wing ‘think tank’. You know, the kind of people that said the Iraq war would pay for itself, that cutting taxes would increase revenues, and lead to more jobs. In other words, bullshit.

Time for you to put down the kool-aid and back away I think. Or are you just enjoying the subscription to Alex Jones too much?
Geesus H Krist! You couldn't make this shit up if you tried! I take it back that AOC is bimbo of the decade, she's bimbo of the millennium!

That absurd figure came from a right-wing ‘think tank’. You know, the kind of people that said the Iraq war would pay for itself, that cutting taxes would increase revenues, and lead to more jobs. In other words, bullshit.

Time for you to put down the kool-aid and back away I think. Or are you just enjoying the subscription to Alex Jones too much?

Even if those figures are wildly exaggerated, it's still enough to bankrupt the nation and send it back to the stoneage.
Geesus H Krist! You couldn't make this shit up if you tried! I take it back that AOC is bimbo of the decade, she's bimbo of the millennium!

That absurd figure came from a right-wing ‘think tank’. You know, the kind of people that said the Iraq war would pay for itself, that cutting taxes would increase revenues, and lead to more jobs. In other words, bullshit.

Time for you to put down the kool-aid and back away I think. Or are you just enjoying the subscription to Alex Jones too much?

Even if those figures are wildly exaggerated, it's still enough to bankrupt the nation and send it back to the stoneage.
And so what are the actual figures? Ones that don’t come from a right-wing political organization? If you can’t give any then you can’t say it will bankrupt anything.

Also the GND is a non-binding list of goals to strive for, not an actual set of laws.
I honestly don't get all the put downs. It's fine if you don't agree with her ideas, but why criticize her appearance and intelligence? She's obvious quite an intelligent person and it's kind of funny how much attention she is getting not just here but just about everywhere. Are all those big bold Republican men in Congress scared on this feisty young woman or what? Why not simply ignore her? Not man enough or what? :D
I don't know about being able to carry forward losses. Is there some equivalent that a family can do that works the same way?

Yes! Anyone can carry over their investment losses and use them to offset any gains that they make from investment income. We benefitted from this on our taxes this year, and in no way are we wealthy. We just had some very old losses from some stocks that my husband fucked up by buying, which we were able to use against the gains we made last year when we sold our little condo in Florida that we had for 18 years. It kept us from having to pay any taxes on our recent capital gains. Not that I"m happy about the losses he created. :D The losses can only be use to offset any capital gains that one makes in that year or in future years. Is that what you were asking?

This thread sure has gone off the rails, hasn't it?

Well, go easy on your husband, we've all had some losses when buying stocks! I've had more losses than gains... Yes, we've always had a tradition of allowing companies/people to offset gains with previous years losses. The reason for this de-rail is that AOC didn't seem to think that it was fair that Amazon took the tax credits that they were entitled to.
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