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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

If AOC was honest, she would have included a gas tax increase in her Green New Deal. Obviously the only thing she's good at is pandering and scapegoating and telling the idiot masses what they want to hear.
He "Green New Deal" is only a primer, if even that. I think it wasn't a great idea to parade a leaflet around as the inspiration for 21st century change, but the right-wing are messing their pants over it, as if it includes secret prison camps for people caught using incandescent light bulbs.
AOConTwatter said:
"GOP Senators are using their Congressional allowances to print Aquaman posters for themselves to argue that a #GreenNewDeal saving our nation from climate change is a ‘waste of money’ 😂

I must admit, I am very excited to hear how AOC is going to, like, stop the earth's climate from changing for the first time evah !! Let's keep it real and cash me outside bitches !!
AOConTwatter said:
"GOP Senators are using their Congressional allowances to print Aquaman posters for themselves to argue that a #GreenNewDeal saving our nation from climate change is a ‘waste of money’ ??????…

I must admit, I am very excited to hear how AOC is going to, like, stop the earth's climate from changing for the first time evah !! Let's keep it real and cash me outside bitches !!

Why is conservative humor always subject to a time lag, like it's being beamed from another solar system that is only just now discovering Spongebob memes?
Why is conservative humor always subject to a time lag, like it's being beamed from another solar system that is only just now discovering Spongebob memes?

Hell, a lot of these folks don't realize the Cold War is over, and are still railing against "the commies."
Why is conservative humor always subject to a time lag, like it's being beamed from another solar system that is only just now discovering Spongebob memes?

Hell, a lot of these folks don't realize the Cold War is over, and are still railing against "the commies."

Sorry, but that ended when Trump got elected. Now Russia and Putin are our friends. It is the damn dirty Socialists we have to worry about. (Four legs good, two legs better!) And the horrible Democrats who want to go to war with Russia.

Is there any 'conservative humor' that doesn't either involve outright lying about the subject, or mocking those less fortunate? I haven't seen a conservative 'comedian' that was any good for a long time.
What she and her ilk conveniently don't mention to the sheeple who swoon over her loopy thought bubble is the fact that her Green New Deal will make many if not most people, too afraid to even switch on a light because they won't be able to afford the enormous power costs!
Total bullshit. As renewable-energy use expands, all you GND-haters will end up installing diesel generators in your homes, so you can get your electricity from some source you consider dignified, instead of some dirty hippie source like wind energy or solar energy.

Some right-wingers call AOC "Occasional Cortex" and "Evita of the Bronx". That latter bit refers to the musical "Evita", inspired by Eva Perón (1919 - 1954), wife of Argentina's long-leader Juan Perón (1895–1974). That latter leader was much like Donald Trump in his demagogic populism and his wide appeal, and he continues to have supporters to this day. Argentina has a political party that claims to be carrying on his legacy, the Justicialist Party.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "3,000 Americans died in Hurricane María. The Midwest is drowning as we speak. 100s of Flint families were pumped w/ poisoned water & our water infrastructure is imperiled across the country. GOP thinks this is a joke. They choose to laugh+delay. We choose to lead. #GreenNewDeal… https://t.co/Zn86WBUwAh" noting The Guardian on Twitter: "Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gave an impassioned speech during a committee hearing in response to Republicans push-back on her climate change policy, the Green New Deal… https://t.co/cxVK6XF6X9"

Brian Tyler Cohen on Twitter: ""We talk about cost—we’re going to pay for this whether we pass a Green New Deal or not. Because as towns and cities go underwater, as wildfires ravage our communities, we’re going to pay. And we have to decide whether we’re going to pay to react, or pay to be proactive." -@AOC… https://t.co/cgaCXWEuOI"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Thank you @AyannaPressley! Your example, sisterhood, and leadership strengthens me (and so many women + girls!) to use my voice too 💕… https://t.co/msn4R0NMaG" noting Ayanna Pressley on Twitter: "You could've heard a pin drop during @AOC comments. Her rebuke in response to offensive & inaccurate claims that #climatechange is an issue of concern by, "the elites", was informed, compelling...& the damn truth! TY for being fierce & fearless in pursuit of #environmentaljustice… https://t.co/fOjqAC9xei"
AOC on Twatter said:
"We talk about cost—we’re going to pay for this whether we pass a Green New Deal or not. Because as towns and cities go underwater, as wildfires ravage our communities, we’re going to pay. And we have to decide whether we’re going to pay to react, or pay to be proactive."

She is a swivel eyed loon and she has been found out.
Is there any 'conservative humor' that doesn't either involve outright lying about the subject, or mocking those less fortunate? I haven't seen a conservative 'comedian' that was any good for a long time.

I think that depends on what you mean by "conservative". I can think of a lot of comedians that the regressive left would call conservative who are quite funny, but other would call the same comedians liberal.

George Carlin comes to mind. Was he "conservative"?
AOC on Twatter said:
"We talk about cost—we’re going to pay for this whether we pass a Green New Deal or not. Because as towns and cities go underwater, as wildfires ravage our communities, we’re going to pay. And we have to decide whether we’re going to pay to react, or pay to be proactive."

She is a swivel eyed loon and she has been found out.
what exactly does it mean to be a swivel eyed loon?
AOC on Twatter said:
"We talk about cost—we’re going to pay for this whether we pass a Green New Deal or not. Because as towns and cities go underwater, as wildfires ravage our communities, we’re going to pay. And we have to decide whether we’re going to pay to react, or pay to be proactive."

She is a swivel eyed loon and she has been found out.
what exactly does it mean to be a swivel eyed loon?

The video of her incoherent rant shows it very well.
AOC on Twatter said:
"We talk about cost—we’re going to pay for this whether we pass a Green New Deal or not. Because as towns and cities go underwater, as wildfires ravage our communities, we’re going to pay. And we have to decide whether we’re going to pay to react, or pay to be proactive."

She is a swivel eyed loon and she has been found out.

I think that despite being fairly sharp in a lot of areas (not so much economics) she is a bit off in her political skills. But maybe like a broken clock she is absolutely correct on this matter of global warming. I don't know if that is because she has actually looked at the data herself and analyzed it like a scientist or because she has listened to scientists. And it makes a big difference which it was.

TSwizzle, if you could get your head out of your ass and relax with the barb throwing that NO ONE HERE is impressed with then you could study on your own and see how it works.

TSwizzle, if you looked at the science from theory to empirical evidence and concluded that your current stance is wrong (in a factual not moral sense), would you have the balls to admit it? I doubt it.
Is there any 'conservative humor' that doesn't either involve outright lying about the subject, or mocking those less fortunate? I haven't seen a conservative 'comedian' that was any good for a long time.

I think that depends on what you mean by "conservative". I can think of a lot of comedians that the regressive left would call conservative who are quite funny, but other would call the same comedians liberal.

George Carlin comes to mind. Was he "conservative"?
Not in any reasonable sense of the word. Maybe in Bizzaro world.
AOC on Twatter said:
"We talk about cost—we’re going to pay for this whether we pass a Green New Deal or not. Because as towns and cities go underwater, as wildfires ravage our communities, we’re going to pay. And we have to decide whether we’re going to pay to react, or pay to be proactive."

She is a swivel eyed loon and she has been found out.
what exactly does it mean to be a swivel eyed loon?

I think it means *someone* is afraid of the girl.
Oh yes, she worked real hard to stop Amazon from building a 25.000 work force, 2nd headquarters in NY. Surely that should be a highlight in her pathetic resume!

Yes, but you're forgetting that all those billions in tax breaks that were going to Amazon can now be distributed to poor people instead of lining Jeff Bezos pockets, so all is not lost!

Are you serious or are you really delusional? Do you have any idea what the unemployment rate in that area is? Rather than have some of these people in worthwhile employment, you and your ilk would rather have them collecting food stamps?

In September the unemployment rate in that borough (Queens) was at 3.6% (lowest of the 5 boroughs) and it's not like some poor, unemployed person is just going to roll into Amazon and get a job as a developer. I guess Amazon being there would actually help the unemployment rate in the Bronx as people who become janitors or secretaries are forced to move out of Queens when the rents become too high and into the "cheaper" parts of the city.

I lived in Seattle for 15 years. Amazon having an HQ in the city doesn't exactly lift all boats. It just pushes out anyone not making at least $200k/year. I'm glad I didn't sell my house there because I plan to move back in a few years and couldn't afford the housing prices anymore.

Agreed. High Tech jobs are so yesterday. I favor programs to encourage US companies to move high tech jobs overseas. Lets let Europe deal with the problems with rising wages and higher real estate values and all the other problems associated with higher standards of living.
Why did the new Amazon HQ have to be located in Queens? Why not build it in Poughkeepsie? The land would have been less expensive, the construction less disruptive, and the number of jobs added to the New York metropolitan area would have remained the same.

Is it because Poughkeepsie couldn't afford the bribe?
Why did the new Amazon HQ have to be located in Queens? Why not build it in Poughkeepsie? The land would have been less expensive, the construction less disruptive, and the number of jobs added to the New York metropolitan area would have remained the same.

Is it because Poughkeepsie couldn't afford the bribe?
I wouldn't be one bit surprised. There are lots of mid-sized cities that could have used this new headquarters.

As to Poughkeepsie itself, it is about 85 mi from NYC by highway. I checked on the Metro-North commuter railroad's schedules, and that town is on the end of that railroad's Hudson Line. Consulting some schedules, I found that the trip takes roughly 1h 45m each way. I checked on Amtrak, and it takes 1h 30m. So it would be a heck of a long commute from NYC.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's latest controversy is her astrology chart
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Birth Chart Is Igniting Twitter
AOC was born at 11:50 a.m. on Oct. 13, 1989 in The Bronx. She was born 21 years and 1 day after me.

Hilary Rosen On Green New Deal Vote: If This Were Twitter, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Would Beat Trump | Video | RealClearPolitics
So, is Senator Lee playing right into Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's hands by not taking climate change seriously? Plenty of young voters sure support her today.

HILARY ROSEN, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST, CNN COMMENTATOR: Let's just say that if the vote were, you know, AOC versus Trump on who wins Twitter let's just say she'd win more. She's good at it, and I think she speaks in a way that people understand, which is you guys can act up all you want but actually real people are looking for real conversations. And, you know, I do think that's what Tara [Setmayer] just said, but I think it cannot be emphasized enough that what the Republicans are doing is making a travesty of this conversation.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I see Betsy DeVos and the GOP are doubling down on their Anti-Everybody agenda by working to cut Fed funding for *the Special Olympics.* The good news? You elected a House Dem majority, so we can halt it. Now: who are your favorite disability advocates to follow? Share below ⬇️… https://t.co/GZF6gD6uCX" noting Twitter Moments on Twitter: "Betsy DeVos faced sharp criticism after unveiling $18 million in proposed cuts to the Special Olympics program, which helps children and adults with disabilities. https://t.co/Hz1b4lzUH9"
Why did the new Amazon HQ have to be located in Queens? Why not build it in Poughkeepsie? The land would have been less expensive, the construction less disruptive, and the number of jobs added to the New York metropolitan area would have remained the same.

Is it because Poughkeepsie couldn't afford the bribe?
I wouldn't be one bit surprised. There are lots of mid-sized cities that could have used this new headquarters.

As to Poughkeepsie itself, it is about 85 mi from NYC by highway. I checked on the Metro-North commuter railroad's schedules, and that town is on the end of that railroad's Hudson Line. Consulting some schedules, I found that the trip takes roughly 1h 45m each way. I checked on Amtrak, and it takes 1h 30m. So it would be a heck of a long commute from NYC.

The employees wouldn't have to commute. They'd live in Poughkeepsie. It's nice there.
Oh yes, she worked real hard to stop Amazon from building a 25.000 work force, 2nd headquarters in NY. Surely that should be a highlight in her pathetic resume!

Yes, but you're forgetting that all those billions in tax breaks that were going to Amazon can now be distributed to poor people instead of lining Jeff Bezos pockets, so all is not lost!

Are you serious or are you really delusional? Do you have any idea what the unemployment rate in that area is? Rather than have some of these people in worthwhile employment, you and your ilk would rather have them collecting food stamps?

In September the unemployment rate in that borough (Queens) was at 3.6% (lowest of the 5 boroughs) and it's not like some poor, unemployed person is just going to roll into Amazon and get a job as a developer. I guess Amazon being there would actually help the unemployment rate in the Bronx as people who become janitors or secretaries are forced to move out of Queens when the rents become too high and into the "cheaper" parts of the city.

I lived in Seattle for 15 years. Amazon having an HQ in the city doesn't exactly lift all boats. It just pushes out anyone not making at least $200k/year. I'm glad I didn't sell my house there because I plan to move back in a few years and couldn't afford the housing prices anymore.

There's still this little matter................................http://time.com/5530386/aoc-amazon-new-york-hq2/
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