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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

No. It's just the usual gratuitous hatred that parades as commentary from right wing morons operating on Fox-induced animal brain fear aggression.

Right wing morons, or left wing morons? According to this article there's equal amount of morons on both sides.

Definitely not equal.



Not that you'll actually read anything like this. Avoiding contradictory information is a hallmark trait of right wing authoritarian personality.

Both sites are Dems apologists for Khrist sake! I can't be bothered, but I could go fishing for right leaning sites and post them here as well!
Soon the battle will begin over the 2019 GOP budget plan.


They plan deep cuts in social security, Medicare, Medicaid, WIC and about everything else they can find to hack and slash. The right wing is lead by morons. Trump,McConnell and all the others. And it will be the Democrats to the rescue. AOC will be in her element. By the time 2019 is over the average American will hate and despise the GOP. The grotesque stupidity of the far right GOP and Tromp will be so obvious and apparent that AOC will shine like a beacon in comparison. A lot of Americans are now learning how badly Trump and the GOP burned with his cretinous "tax reform". 2020 will be a GOP wipe out.

You live in hope don't you? Actually, with people like the bimbo AOC leading the Dems will ensure the Trumpet will win by an even bigger margin next time around!.
I agree that the Venezuela scenario is unlikely, but not for that reason. Venezuela problems are self-inflicted through their incompetent government.

You have not responded ...

She is coming for your fat ass - Dracaris!
Whatever you say.

Venezuela cannot happen here? Remember the crash of 2008? The near melt down of the US economy under Bush and the GOP controlled Senate and House? What saved the US was the election of Obama and swift action lead by Obama. Think we can't have another meltdown like 2008 and even worse if Trump wins re-election and the GOP retains control of the senate?

What exactly did Obongo do to save the US's bacon?
Further, admittedly from a right wing source, but nevertheless makes a ton of sense!


Also, found a link to this from that crazy website:

Just because of one crazy post, it doesn't make it a loony website. Even a broken down watch will be correct twice a day.

Well, first I did not reason that the one crazy post is what made the website crazy. I was simply factually describing the website. The fact that it also happens to have quite a few crazy links happens to be just be because it is a crazy website. However, I will admit that if you see a link on a website to "HITLER'S DOCTOR CURED CANCER AND NOW SO CAN YOU" you should start to get suspicious that maybe you are on the wrong website. And further, if you are on a website like that you should start to get suspicious that You are the problem. Sure, many broken clocks can be right twice a day. Even Hitler's doctor could be right about something. But seriously? I mean, come on, man...seriously?
Venezuela cannot happen here? Remember the crash of 2008? The near melt down of the US economy under Bush and the GOP controlled Senate and House? What saved the US was the election of Obama and swift action lead by Obama. Think we can't have another meltdown like 2008 and even worse if Trump wins re-election and the GOP retains control of the senate?

What exactly did Obongo do to save the US's bacon?

What? You missed it? The google "how Obama saved the US economy" for some history lessons.
Venezuela cannot happen here? Remember the crash of 2008? The near melt down of the US economy under Bush and the GOP controlled Senate and House? What saved the US was the election of Obama and swift action lead by Obama. Think we can't have another meltdown like 2008 and even worse if Trump wins re-election and the GOP retains control of the senate?

What exactly did Obongo do to save the US's bacon?

What? You missed it? The google "how Obama saved the US economy" for some history lessons.

He was the Messiah?
Venezuela cannot happen here? Remember the crash of 2008? The near melt down of the US economy under Bush and the GOP controlled Senate and House? What saved the US was the election of Obama and swift action lead by Obama. Think we can't have another meltdown like 2008 and even worse if Trump wins re-election and the GOP retains control of the senate?

What exactly did Obongo do to save the US's bacon?

What? You missed it? The google "how Obama saved the US economy" for some history lessons.
Well, I'd have to say it is a stretch to suggest that Pres. Obama 'saved the US economy'. TARP, though flawed was passed in Congress and signed by the Shrub. Sure he didn't break it further, like he could have (especially if he had followed Repugnican ideas). He fought for and got a few modest things passed to help like the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. But I'd argue that the Federal Reserve did the heavy lifting. Though the FR (and going back to Alan Greenspan) also did many things to help create the subprime mortgage crisis and stock market melt down. Congress barely did anything useful after TARP, and should have done a hell of a lot more as the FR gave them breathing room.

But is is funny to see right wingers/alt-reality types triggered by an obviously smart, young, and pretty women just getting started in the US Congress.
What? You missed it? The google "how Obama saved the US economy" for some history lessons.
Well, I'd have to say it is a stretch to suggest that Pres. Obama 'saved the US economy'. TARP, though flawed was passed in Congress and signed by the Shrub. Sure he didn't break it further, like he could have (especially if he had followed Repugnican ideas). He fought for and got a few modest things passed to help like the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. But I'd argue that the Federal Reserve did the heavy lifting.
Well, when the Fed was in notable cause of said meltdown, it was the least they could do.
Congress barely did anything useful after TARP, and should have done a hell of a lot more as the FR gave them breathing room.
Well, you'd need to talk to the Republicans in the Senate about how hard it was to get anything passed while Norm Coleman dragged his feet on the 60th majority seat election.

But is is funny to see right wingers/alt-reality types triggered by an obviously smart, young, and pretty women just getting started in the US Congress.
It isn't funny. It is by design to vilify her like they vilified Clinton... a person who really didn't need too much help on that. I think the GOP are frightened of Ocasio-Cortez because of Texas. If the GOP loses Texas, it is all over for the White House.
What does AOC have to do with TX? You think she would be a big influence on the Hispanic vote?
Yeah, and Ocasio-Cortez has that political charisma you can't buy (see Hillary Clinton). If she can develop into a solid politician, she'll be a force in DC.

The GOP see her as a long-term threat, and launched the right-wing media after her... and of course, the right-wing brown shirts followed suit immediately. This thread is a really bad sign of how around the finger people are with the right-wing media. Talk about triggered!
Public Citizen on Twitter: ".@AOC to Chase CEO: I represent kids that go to jail for jumping a turnstile because they can’t afford a metro card. Do you think that more folks should’ve gone to jail for their role in the financial crisis that led to 7.8 million foreclosures in the ten years between 2007-2016?… https://t.co/NFBYE8YV34"
In cases of outright fraud, yes. Like attempting to pass off bad loans and bad mortgages as good investments for potential investors, as apparently was common.  Financial crisis of 2007–2008,  Subprime mortgage crisis

AFR on Twitter: ".@RepAOC points out that, with the RECORD profitability banks are reaping, we should be requiring banks to boost their capital NOW, to weather future downturns. We agree! @AOC… https://t.co/VNImbP4giT"
Regulation can be good here, as a way for bank managements to say no to shareholders who want bigger dividends: "The government made us do it". Something like what AOC herself experienced in her bartender days. She noted that it becomes easy to say no to visibly drunk customers if she can point out that it would be illegal for her to serve them (dram-shop laws).
On her instagram, she was talking tenderly to the plants she is growing. I am hoping for the best. In the story, she also smartly makes a turn to talk about the new Green Deal from talking about and to her plants. It was a good strategy

Just add in five or six cats. The picture will be complete.

She's a cat lady now? Weird take. Very strong AOCDS.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the Left's Manic Pixie Dream Girl - The Bulwark: "Once you see it, you can never unsee it."

Is she the Left's Donald Trump? That was author Robert Tracinski's theory for a while. This is because "they both rely so heavily on exaggerated promises and bluster." But he now has another theory.
The Manic Pixie Dream Girl is a stock character first classified by Nathan Rabin in a 2007 review of Elizabethtown, a film he described as “The Bataan Death March of Whimsy.” “The Manic Pixie Dream Girl,” he wrote, “exists solely in the fevered imaginations of sensitive writer-directors to teach broodingly soulful young men to embrace life and its infinite mysteries and adventures.”

In my youth, this sort of character was usually played by Julia Roberts, often opposite Richard Gere. More recently, the trope has been associated with the kind of chirpingly quirky free spirit, chock full of precious hipster mannerisms, often played by Zooey Deschanel (and widely parodied). You get the idea: strumming a ukulele, dancing in the rain, riding an old-fashioned bicycle in a sundress. The Manic Pixie Dream Girl is the vibrant, attractive young woman who, by the sheer force of her joie de vivre and childlike enthusiasm, rescues the brooding male lead from his cynicism or malaise.
Then arguing that AOC fits very well.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This puts me in danger every time. Almost every time this uncalled for rhetoric gets blasted by conserv. grps, we get a spike in death threats to refer to Capitol Police. Multiple ppl have been arrested trying to harm me, Ilhan, & others. @GOP, what’s it going to take to stop?… https://t.co/DN9ZjNu8yV" noting Dave Levinthal on Twitter: "In a fundraising email today, the @OhioCRs describe @AOC as a “domestic terrorist” — a term often reserved for the likes of Timothy McVeigh and people who kill children in their school classrooms… https://t.co/x3xunKbF8X"
That's College Republicans.
Well, when the Fed was in notable cause of said meltdown, it was the least they could do.
Congress barely did anything useful after TARP, and should have done a hell of a lot more as the FR gave them breathing room.
Well, you'd need to talk to the Republicans in the Senate about how hard it was to get anything passed while Norm Coleman dragged his feet on the 60th majority seat election.
Uhm, I was responding to the idea that Pres. Obama saved the day. What Obama wanted to do, or tried to do (but was blocked by Congress), isn't part of 'saving the day', so I didn't address that...

But is is funny to see right wingers/alt-reality types triggered by an obviously smart, young, and pretty women just getting started in the US Congress.
It isn't funny. It is by design to vilify her like they vilified Clinton... a person who really didn't need too much help on that. I think the GOP are frightened of Ocasio-Cortez because of Texas. If the GOP loses Texas, it is all over for the White House.
Yeah, I understand that it is being orchestrated, and the alt-reality folks are lapping it up...
What does AOC have to do with TX? You think she would be a big influence on the Hispanic vote?
Yeah, and Ocasio-Cortez has that political charisma you can't buy (see Hillary Clinton). If she can develop into a solid politician, she'll be a force in DC.

The GOP see her as a long-term threat, and launched the right-wing media after her... and of course, the right-wing brown shirts followed suit immediately. This thread is a really bad sign of how around the finger people are with the right-wing media. Talk about triggered!

Yup, it is funny how Repugs are far more likely to have an opinion about her nationally, than Dems. Right-wing media fixation for sure...
A large number of Democrats — 44 percent — haven’t heard enough about her to have an opinion. A much smaller percentage of Republicans — 23 percent — can say the same. AOC is simply better known among Republicans than Democrats, and this is driving her unfavorables up.

There are a number of reasons why this could be the case. Her overall political message is pretty polarizing, and it’s not surprising that this would turn off Republicans especially. But disproportionate attention to her in conservative media seems to be a major part of the story.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Only *one-third* of American children in elementary & middle school can read at grade-level. One third. Yet Betsey DeVos is trying to cut *every* Federal literacy program in the country. Watch @RepJoshHarder point this out + dismantle her argument.… https://t.co/PhXrq73wjw" notes Rep. Josh Harder on Twitter: "The hypocrisy from @BetsyDeVosED is shocking. She does lots of photo ops reading to kids… but then goes to DC and tries to cut EVERY literacy program.… https://t.co/8Bsq9pTpEB"
With right-wingers not even trying to fill the gap. For all their bragging that individuals and private organizations are much more productive than governments, they don't even try.

NowThis on Twitter: "'We will have blood on our hands.' — @AOC called out the right's hypocrisy when it comes to government intervention on climate change… https://t.co/XjemPzTMLp"
She asks why Republicans love tax breaks for fossil fuels, but dismiss support for renewable energy as "socialism". I suspect that it is an issue of who is paying them.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I’m not going to quote the NY Post’s horrifying, hateful cover. Here’s 1 fact: @IlhanMN is a cosponsor of the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund. She‘s done more for 9/11 families than the GOP who won’t even support healthcare for 1st responders- yet are happy to weaponize her faith."
ABC News on Twitter: "Rep. Ilhan Omar decries Pres. Trump's travel ban. "My birth country is now on the so-called list of countries that are banned...I think about the little Ilhans, who, like me, would also like to experience the American dream. They will no longer be able to fulfill that promise."… https://t.co/Fan1upGxlZ"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "You refuse to cosponsor the 9/11 Victim’s Compensation Fund, yet have the audacity to drum resentment towards Ilhan w/completely out-of-context quotes. In 2018, right-wing extremists were behind almost ALL US domestic terrorist killings. Why don’t you go do something about that?… https://t.co/Mn6GlPvPuh" referring to Dan Crenshaw, R-TX.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Yesterday at FSC, I asked CEOs about something known as countercyclical capital buffers. Think of it as a “rainy day” rule, so banks must stock up 💰 to prepare for a downturn, so they aren’t caught empty-handed as they were in 2008.… https://t.co/dYdFbzRBKP" noting Victoria Guida on Twitter: ".@AOC told me after the hearing: “It’s an almost universally acknowledged economic practice that at times where the economy is surging, at least according to overall GDP, that we should be shoring up our capital buffers.” Otherwise, in a downturn “we won’t be as prepared.” #CCyB… https://t.co/TewvPLegiS"
That's the meaning of the Biblical story of Joseph and the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh dreamed of seven thin cows that ate seven fat cows, and seven thin ears of grain that did likewise to seven fat ears of grain. Joseph interpreted that dream as seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine, and he recommend storing up some food in the good years for the coming back years. The Pharaoh ordered that, and Egypt successfully survived the famine.

This story is totally unhistorical. There are no Egyptian records of anything like it, and there is no convincing evidence that dreams are prophetic. But its message is a good one, unlike Jesus Christ's teaching that one should not have foresight because God will rain down on you all the food and clothes that you will need.
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