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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Blind link, what blind link?

Those are opinions of true to life people who also think AOC in an idiot who's adored by the far left
Socialist who think the world owes them a living.
Whatever happened to the once great Dems who produced such phrases as ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can you do for the country!
angelo, "A blind link is a link to another website that does not clearly indicate where the link goes." From Blind link | The IT Law Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

Some people have composed some very helpful extensions to Mozilla Firefox:
  • Copy URL to Clipboard -- I use it a LOT, like on AOC's tweets
  • Copy Link text
  • Copy Page Title
I can't find any for Safari, but I could find:
Copy URL To Clipboard - Chrome Web Store
Copy URL to Clipboard extension - Opera add-ons
There may also be one for Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Blind link, what blind link?

Those are opinions of true to life people who also think AOC in an idiot who's adored by the far left
Ocasio-Cortez is more hated by the right than beloved by the left. As pointed out, fewer people on the Left know who the Freshman congressperson is than on the Right.

The Right-Wing Cable, Radio, Internet empire has told its followers to hate and fear Ocasio-Cortez.

And the followers have followed through, scared to death of the socialism a powerless freshman Congressperson will lash out onto America.

Socialist who think the world owes them a living.
That is an interesting statement. Don't we want all people to have the right to be able to earn a living?
Whatever happened to the once great Dems who produced such phrases as ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can you do for the country!
You would have shit all over Kennedy if the Internet was around in the early 60s. Democratic socialism isn't about free stuff. It is about a social contract between citizens. Social Security isn't about free money, it is about making certain the elderly aren't starving. Medicare isn't about free health care, it about making certain that the elderly have a chance at having health care services. UHC isn't about free health care, it is about ensuring all people have access to health care.

None of this is free, but they are protections we owe each other. It seems odd that conservatives equate a right to health care as if people are demanding free 65-inch 4K televisions.

Blind link, what blind link?

Those are opinions of true to life people who also think AOC in an idiot who's adored by the far left
Socialist who think the world owes them a living.
Whatever happened to the once great Dems who produced such phrases as ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can you do for the country!

It's blind because no one knows what it is until they click it and view it. It's rude behavior. It has nothing to do with the political nature of the link.

Ocasio-Cortez Appears On 'The Price Is Right,' Guesses Everything Is Free
angelo, "A blind link is a link to another website that does not clearly indicate where the link goes." From Blind link | The IT Law Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

Some people have composed some very helpful extensions to Mozilla Firefox:
  • Copy URL to Clipboard -- I use it a LOT, like on AOC's tweets
  • Copy Link text
  • Copy Page Title
I can't find any for Safari, but I could find:
Copy URL To Clipboard - Chrome Web Store
Copy URL to Clipboard extension - Opera add-ons
There may also be one for Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Okay, I've downloaded the Chrome extension.
That was from The Babylon Bee | Your Trusted Source for Christian News Satire.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Fox News brought me up 3,000+ times in *6 weeks.* That’s how hard they’re fighting against dignified healthcare, wages, & justice for all; and turning their firepower on the youngest Congresswoman in history to do it. Too bad for them, cause we don’t flinch. #ForThePeople… https://t.co/nKsxfLvAPb" noting Courtney Hagle on Twitter: "I documented six weeks of what Fox's obsessive coverage of @AOC looks like. Fox mentioned her at least 3,181 times in six weeks, and not a day went by where she wasn't brought up. This is just a small look into what Fox's relentless coverage looks like: https://t.co/czbrYyPoWU"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Members of Congress have a duty to respond to the President’s explicit attack today. @IlhanMN’s life is in danger. For our colleagues to be silent is to be complicit in the outright, dangerous targeting of a member of Congress. We must speak out. “First they came...”… https://t.co/AvSV1Q49em"
 First they came ... discusses that famous Martin Niemöller quote. He supported Adolf Hitler's rise to power, and he did not object to the Nazis' persecutions at first. But when the Nazis persecuted his church for not accepting the supremacy of the Nazi state, there was not much that he could do about it.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Thank you Sen. @BernieSanders for recognizing these attacks clearly for what they are.… " noting Bernie Sanders on Twitter: "Ilhan Omar is a leader with strength and courage. She won't back down to Trump's racism and hate, and neither will we. The disgusting and dangerous attacks against her must end."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Thank you for standing up for all of us, Sen. @ewarren.… " noting Elizabeth Warren on Twitter: "The President is inciting violence against a sitting Congresswoman—and an entire group of Americans based on their religion. It's disgusting. It's shameful. And any elected leader who refuses to condemn it shares responsibility for it."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Thank you, Rep. @DelgadoforNY19.… " noting Antonio Delgado on Twitter: "I’m sick that anyone, let alone the President of the United States, would weaponize 9/11, even more so to target a Muslim Member of Congress for political gain. Beyond reckless and morally bankrupt."
Blind link, what blind link?

Those are opinions of true to life people who also think AOC in an idiot who's adored by the far left
Ocasio-Cortez is more hated by the right than beloved by the left. As pointed out, fewer people on the Left know who the Freshman congressperson is than on the Right.

The Right-Wing Cable, Radio, Internet empire has told its followers to hate and fear Ocasio-Cortez.

And the followers have followed through, scared to death of the socialism a powerless freshman Congressperson will lash out onto America.

Socialist who think the world owes them a living.
That is an interesting statement. Don't we want all people to have the right to be able to earn a living?
Whatever happened to the once great Dems who produced such phrases as ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can you do for the country!
You would have shit all over Kennedy if the Internet was around in the early 60s. Democratic socialism isn't about free stuff. It is about a social contract between citizens. Social Security isn't about free money, it is about making certain the elderly aren't starving. Medicare isn't about free health care, it about making certain that the elderly have a chance at having health care services. UHC isn't about free health care, it is about ensuring all people have access to health care.

None of this is free, but they are protections we owe each other. It seems odd that conservatives equate a right to health care as if people are demanding free 65-inch 4K televisions.

Decent social reform must also take into consideration that the cake is only so big, and that each slice must be accounted for otherwise there'll be nothing left of it to feed those who never got a slice. People like Sanders and his prodigy AOC believe that the cake is magic, that each time a piece is sliced off, a new piece will magically grow to replace it.
Decent social reform must also take into consideration that the cake is only so big, and that each slice must be accounted for otherwise there'll be nothing left of it to feed those who never got a slice. People like Sanders and his prodigy AOC believe that the cake is magic, that each time a piece is sliced off, a new piece will magically grow to replace it.
Tell that to all the capitalism apologists who maintain that anti-capitalists are stuck in zero-sumism. Because you have stated EXACTLY what they claim that anti-capitalists believe.
Capitalism doesn't need apologists, just like evolution by natural selection doesn't need apologists! It's the only system that has dragged billions of people out of poverty. All other systems have failed and will fail.
Capitalism doesn't need apologists, just like evolution by natural selection doesn't need apologists!
So CNN is absolutely good because it is essentially the Capitalist News Network? So George Soros is absolutely good because he is a capitalist? Etc.

It's the only system that has dragged billions of people out of poverty. All other systems have failed and will fail.
I love it when I see right-wingers in left-wing drag.
Capitalism doesn't need apologists, just like evolution by natural selection doesn't need apologists! It's the only system that has dragged billions of people out of poverty. All other systems have failed and will fail.

Poor angelo
Capitalism doesn't need apologists, just like evolution by natural selection doesn't need apologists! It's the only system that has dragged billions of people out of poverty. All other systems have failed and will fail.
Capitalism failed terribly in ‘08. Nearly every major bank in the US was insolvent.
Capitalism doesn't need apologists, just like evolution by natural selection doesn't need apologists! It's the only system that has dragged billions of people out of poverty. All other systems have failed and will fail.
Capitalism failed terribly in ‘08. Nearly every major bank in the US was insolvent.

It's rare for me to disagree with Jimmy, but I do here. I actually think that 2009-09 crash was a demonstration of why capitalism works. The economy took a terrible blow then, but bounced back. I worked at a smaller bank during the crash - we were fine then. We didn't do the bad loans. One of the largest banks in the country, Wells Fargo, was fine. It also didn't do many of the bad loans. The insolvent banks, maybe 15% of the total, were allowed to fail. And they should have gone under. They didn't deserve to survive. They made very poor decisions. But most of the banks that received TARP would have survived without TARP. The bailout was more to convince the public that economy will survive. It was a badly needed confidence builder.
Capitalism doesn't need apologists, just like evolution by natural selection doesn't need apologists! It's the only system that has dragged billions of people out of poverty. All other systems have failed and will fail.
Capitalism failed terribly in ‘08. Nearly every major bank in the US was insolvent.

It's rare for me to disagree with Jimmy, but I do here. I actually think that 2009-09 crash was a demonstration of why capitalism works. The economy took a terrible blow then, but bounced back. I worked at a smaller bank during the crash - we were fine then. We didn't do the bad loans. One of the largest banks in the country, Wells Fargo, was fine. It also didn't do many of the bad loans. The insolvent banks, maybe 15% of the total, were allowed to fail. And they should have gone under. They didn't deserve to survive. They made very poor decisions. But most of the banks that received TARP would have survived without TARP. The bailout was more to convince the public that economy will survive. It was a badly needed confidence builder.
The major banks were all insolvent. It doesn’t matter that the small banks were able to survive. Nothing existed that would have been able to absorb the failed major banks other than the government.

TARP was required because the banks didn’t trust the other banks and wouldn’t shift capital. This was the capital freeze that led to TARP being a thing.

Capitalism survived because it was given thirty transfusions and the organs were replaced.
The whole capitalism thing is the same as post hoc ergo propter hoc--after-the-fact-therefore-because-of-the-fact fallacy. A lot of people make the exact claim about technology: "The world is better off now because of science and technology." What else? Democracy? The United Nations? Government Intervention.

But additionally the claim that capitalism is the cause of world greatness cherry picks the "successes" while ignoring "failures" like Haiti or wherever. Capitalism existed for centuries and made no headway in improving lives, but instead worsened them. It's the whole reason that alternative forms of economics came into being. Remember child laborers in factories dying? What were the variables that changed in history that disallowed child labor in factories? It wasn't capitalism.

Now a right-winger like angelo may say something like this:
"Capitalism doesn't need apologists, just like evolution by natural selection doesn't need apologists!"

But there's actually a little value in looking at this like science and in particular evolution. Think about different economic systems and variants thereof like species competing in a world ecosystem. Pure capitalism failed miserably and necessitated different economic systems to compete with it. Capitalism then mutated and even hybridized with socialism in order to provide a more optimal economic system...some of the mutations are regulation and various large safety nets for big societal institutions such as the banks and corporations and others are safety nets for individuals--which capitalism hybridized from socialism.

This mutated capitalism has again a giant opportunity to fail in a catastrophic event, such as a rogue asteroid hitting the planet or global warming. If we could just name the actual variables at play honestly that improved the economic system, then we could say what is going to help us out of this: democracy, government intervention? Is that it? Meanwhile, you can see what sticking to a story that capitalism solves everything gets you: it gets you angelo denying that the planet is getting warmer because how could that be possible since to him pure capitalism is perfect and never needs to evolve into something else? That's like saying our ancient primate ancestors are smarter than us.
It's rare for me to disagree with Jimmy, but I do here. I actually think that 2009-09 crash was a demonstration of why capitalism works. The economy took a terrible blow then, but bounced back. I worked at a smaller bank during the crash - we were fine then. We didn't do the bad loans. One of the largest banks in the country, Wells Fargo, was fine. It also didn't do many of the bad loans. The insolvent banks, maybe 15% of the total, were allowed to fail. And they should have gone under. They didn't deserve to survive. They made very poor decisions. But most of the banks that received TARP would have survived without TARP. The bailout was more to convince the public that economy will survive. It was a badly needed confidence builder.
The major banks were all insolvent. It doesn’t matter that the small banks were able to survive. Nothing existed that would have been able to absorb the failed major banks other than the government.

TARP was required because the banks didn’t trust the other banks and wouldn’t shift capital. This was the capital freeze that led to TARP being a thing.

Capitalism survived because it was given thirty transfusions and the organs were replaced.

Jimmy: insolvency is when an entity is unable to pay it's debts when owed. I believe that all the large US banks were publicly owned. If they were insolvent, it would be easy to demonstrate. Financials are reported in their 10-ks. I need some proof! Certainly, of all the large banks, BofA might have gone under. They also weren't "insolvent". But there is no doubt that they were in major trouble. I'm a Tarp supporter. I'm a supporter of regulation. A well regulated capitalist system is the best system. However, it was the vibrant capitalist economies of 2005, 06, and 07 that generated the incredible windfalls that funded the "transfusions" that smoothed out the economy after the crash. You can't have one without the other.
It's rare for me to disagree with Jimmy, but I do here. I actually think that 2009-09 crash was a demonstration of why capitalism works. The economy took a terrible blow then, but bounced back. I worked at a smaller bank during the crash - we were fine then. We didn't do the bad loans. One of the largest banks in the country, Wells Fargo, was fine. It also didn't do many of the bad loans. The insolvent banks, maybe 15% of the total, were allowed to fail. And they should have gone under. They didn't deserve to survive. They made very poor decisions. But most of the banks that received TARP would have survived without TARP. The bailout was more to convince the public that economy will survive. It was a badly needed confidence builder.
The major banks were all insolvent. It doesn’t matter that the small banks were able to survive. Nothing existed that would have been able to absorb the failed major banks other than the government.

TARP was required because the banks didn’t trust the other banks and wouldn’t shift capital. This was the capital freeze that led to TARP being a thing.

Capitalism survived because it was given thirty transfusions and the organs were replaced.

Jimmy: insolvency is when an entity is unable to pay it's debts when owed. I believe that all the large US banks were publicly owned. If they were insolvent, it would be easy to demonstrate. Financials are reported in their 10-ks. I need some proof! Certainly, of all the large banks, BofA might have gone under. They also weren't "insolvent". But there is no doubt that they were in major trouble. I'm a Tarp supporter. I'm a supporter of regulation. A well regulated capitalist system is the best system. However, it was the vibrant capitalist economies of 2005, 06, and 07 that generated the incredible windfalls that funded the "transfusions" that smoothed out the economy after the crash. You can't have one without the other.
I kind of get what you are saying, but... It is obviously very complicated, but I'd say this article is good summary of what matches my views, with a snpipet regarding the failure to provide oversight:

How did we reach this very near call on a total systemic breakdown?

Firstly, there were no cops on the beat. Laissez-faire free market economics was the prevailing public policy. Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan spoke of irrational exuberance but took no steps to cool off markets in the late 1990s. In fact, he was asked by Loews chairman Larry Tisch and former Goldman Sachs co-chairman John Whitehead to raise the margins on trading, and refused, claiming falsely that such a move was up to the SEC-- and not the Fed. Not true.

In 1999 the Glass-Steagall Act-- which had separated commercial banking from investment banking for 66 years, was overturned-- a move that opened the door to more speculative trading on the part of Wall Street firms.

Then, in 2000 Messrs. Greenspan, former Treasury Secretary Rubin and his successor Lawrence Summers pressed to pass a bill that would prohibit the regulation of derivatives-- the fastest growing and most complicated and murky new financial product.

I think the bigger point is that due to the lack of oversight and very flawed thinking by 'free market' advocates in the 2 decades prior, largely let this disaster build up until it blew up. If the FR hadn't bailed out AIG (which prior to that I don't think they were supposed to cover such companies) their $540 billion of collapsing credit default swaps would have probably dragged most of the big investment banks down under with them. Sure the FR did some massive things along with TARP, to bail out the mess, but the mess (failure) was largely due to the previous 20 year of lack of oversight and adaption to changes in investment banking.
Decent social reform must also take into consideration that the cake is only so big, and that each slice must be accounted for otherwise there'll be nothing left of it to feed those who never got a slice. People like Sanders and his prodigy AOC believe that the cake is magic, that each time a piece is sliced off, a new piece will magically grow to replace it.

You are ignoring the fact that the rich are taking the cake and only leaving crumbs for the rest of us. The rich are telling you to "Look over there" while they are picking your pockets. And you are doing it.
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