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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

I just love how terrified conservatives are of this young woman

She has almost single-handedly moved the US Overton Window to the left. Others will follow - are following. Stuff that was supposedly unacceptable to Americans is being revealed as popular and the neoliberal shit of the last 40 years is being revealed as unpopular.
Not just conservatives. Venezuela is a good cautionary tale about what happens when ideological incompetents take control of a country.

Shit Chavez was spewing out of his incompetent golpista mouth was popular with the plebs for a white too. Doesn't mean it had any chance of working in the real world though,
Nothing like a Venezuela scenario is going to happen to the US unless there's another US that hates the US.

I'd put money on her being the first US female President.

I'll take that bet. Even money?
Most of the country is not NY-14 and her primary win was largely a fluke anyway.

(I nearly said "khaleesi")
Luckily for all of us, dragons aren't real. As far as I am concerned, she can fuck off to Essos!
She is coming for your fat ass - Dracaris!
I just love how terrified conservatives are of this young woman :)

She has almost single-handedly moved the US Overton Window to the left. Others will follow - are following. Stuff that was supposedly unacceptable to Americans is being revealed as popular and the neoliberal shit of the last 40 years is being revealed as unpopular.

I'd put money on her being the first US female President.

(I nearly said "khaleesi")

I'm putting my money, metaphorically speaking of course, on her being offered a job as a MSNBC pundit with a multi million dollar salary sometime in the next five years. :D If she's not a fool, she'll take the offer. Right now, she's having too much fun messing with her critics. I'm not a twitter fan, but some of her tweets are priceless. I don't care about her politics one way or the other right now. Things will only be accomplished through realistic planning, and compromise. I think she's smart enough to realize that. Her career will be an interesting one to watch.
I just love how terrified conservatives are of this young woman :)

She has almost single-handedly moved the US Overton Window to the left. Others will follow - are following. Stuff that was supposedly unacceptable to Americans is being revealed as popular and the neoliberal shit of the last 40 years is being revealed as unpopular.

I'd put money on her being the first US female President.

(I nearly said "khaleesi")

I'm putting my money, metaphorically speaking of course, on her being offered a job as a MSNBC pundit with a multi million dollar salary sometime in the next five years. :D If she's not a fool, she'll take the offer. Right now, she's having too much fun messing with her critics. I'm not a twitter fan, but some of her tweets are priceless. I don't care about her politics one way or the other right now. Things will only be accomplished through realistic planning, and compromise.

What does that mean? What does "Things will only be accomplished through realistic planning, and compromise" mean? The left has been bending over backwards to compromise for 40 years and has achieved worse than nothing. People (you?) have become inured to the idea that a stagnant economy with crappy jobs and massive inequality is the norm.

I think she's smart enough to realize that. Her career will be an interesting one to watch.
And I think she's smart enough to realise that neoliberalism has failed, that young people who can't afford homes and healthcare know it and that another world is possible. She got where she is - in a few months - by saying it out loud, not by being another half-arsed conservative.
So was her code switching something she has done without guile, but with warmth for her whole life or was it a political ploy?

Some people code switch a lot and others just don't.

Some do content switching, for example if at work when there is a rare time when it is only guys working (at my job) the language can get rougher than when one woman is there. The day after the New Zealand shooting it was only guys working and there is no way any of us would have talked like that with women around.

So was her code switching something she has done without guile, but with warmth for her whole life or was it a political ploy?

Some people code switch a lot and others just don't.

Some do content switching, for example if at work when there is a rare time when it is only guys working (at my job) the language can get rougher than when one woman is there. The day after the New Zealand shooting it was only guys working and there is no way any of us would have talked like that with women around.


You should...probably not post raciust crap while trying to make your point. You only undermined yourself here.
ABC News on Twitter: "Rep. Ocasio-Cortez: "I'm proud to be a bartender. Ain't nothing wrong that. There's nothing wrong with working retail...There is nothing wrong with preparing that your neighbors will eat." "There is nothing wrong with being a working person in the United States of America."… https://t.co/lJofqjh2zT"

Christopher Mathias on Twitter: "It’s been so revealing since @AOC has been in office to see GOP pundits & pols - who love to loudly advertise that they somehow represent real working class Americans & not “coastal elites” - demean the congresswoman as just a “bartender.”… https://t.co/HWGtlor0n1"

That is very consistent with the right wing's wanting to win at whatever cost, including denying its most loudly-stated principles. Consider Bill Clinton. They became anti-employer and defended wasteful government spending when they objected to his firing of those travel agents, they were, by their standards, anything from dangerously naïve to anti-American to traitorous when they objected to his wars, etc. About Barack Obama, they objected to their own kind of health-care plan when they objected to Obamacare. They do what they call Marxist class warfare when they object to George Soros.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Folks talking about my voice can step right off. Women’s March & Kavanaugh speech, same. Any kid who grew up in a distinct linguistic culture & had to learn to navigate class enviros at school/work knows what’s up. My Spanish is the same way. These conspiracy mills are 🚮.… https://t.co/v6Wfj9CTOj"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "As much as the right wants to distort & deflect, I am from the Bronx. I act & talk like it, *especially* when I’m fired up and especially when I’m home. It is so hurtful to see how every aspect of my life is weaponized against me, yet somehow asserted as false at the same time."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Next time you‘re told straight hair is “unprofessional” & that speaking like your parents do is “uneducated,” then you can complain about code-switching. Code switching is a tool communities learn when they’re told their voice, appearance, & mannerisms are “unprofessional.”… https://t.co/omwfW2Epld"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Code-switching is referenced a lot in pop culture. It was a big element in a major film last year: “Sorry To Bother You.” If you’re confused about how code-switching is a cultural reality for people of color & communities, read about it. Some accounts: https://t.co/3YfBR074qs" noting 'Sorry To Bother You' Cast On Code-Switching | Celebrities | BET

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "We see the perceived “costs” to not code-switching all the time. Can’t tell you how many young people in our community don’t have the confidence they should bc they didn’t grow up learning secondary speech. Their talents get stifled by “respectability,” despite enormous gifts."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The good news is that we can improve this easily w/ honest reflection. For ex, are certain hairstyles discouraged in your workplace?Why? Can you think of someone who didn’t advance bc of how they spoke? Why? Examine what’s deemed “unprofessional” around you & adapt it to 2019."

On this sort of subject, I remember someone who was from Kentucky who tried to get rid of his Southern accent.
Commercial pilots code switch to an Appalachian drawl when they speak to passengers over the P.A. system so they have that 'pilot voice' that inspires confidence.
Palin was white trash. Ignorant and a quitter. Her whole family is a train wreck. Fist fighting, drunken hill billies. Palin was a grifter at best. Luckily, she is just yesterday's curiosity, and bad joke.
Commercial pilots code switch to an Appalachian drawl when they speak to passengers over the P.A. system so they have that 'pilot voice' that inspires confidence.

I learned to do the same in school - there are plenty of (white, upper-middle class) people who hear a "black" accent, and immediately lose their mind and feel like they're about to be shot.
I learned to do the same in school - there are plenty of (white, upper-middle class) people who hear a "black" accent, and immediately lose their mind and feel like they're about to be shot.

Yeah, accents are very, very, very scary things. I believe the guy that shot and killed Nipsey Hussle last weekend may have used a slightly “black” accent.
I learned to do the same in school - there are plenty of (white, upper-middle class) people who hear a "black" accent, and immediately lose their mind and feel like they're about to be shot.

Yeah, accents are very, very, very scary things. I believe the guy that shot and killed Nipsey Hussle last weekend may have used a slightly “black” accent.

I guess some people are so disconnected from the most basic aspects of nonwhite peoples' lives that they simply can't recognize when it's happening directly in front of them - which explains how this nonsense actually became a "controversy" among republicans.

ETA: How many videos have we seen of someone screaming at a hispanic person for speaking Spanish? "STOP SPEAKING MEXICAN!!!" And now you want to be shocked that nonwhite people accomodate this silliness in order to get jobs, ask for help at a store, etc.?
I guess some people are so disconnected from the most basic aspects of nonwhite peoples' lives that they simply can't recognize when it's happening directly in front of them - which explains how this nonsense actually became a "controversy" among republicans.

Is there any actual controversy, anywhere about this nonsense? I don’t see it myself.
I guess some people are so disconnected from the most basic aspects of nonwhite peoples' lives that they simply can't recognize when it's happening directly in front of them - which explains how this nonsense actually became a "controversy" among republicans.

Is there any actual controversy, anywhere about this nonsense? I don’t see it myself.

No. It's just the usual gratuitous hatred that parades as commentary from right wing morons operating on Fox-induced animal brain fear aggression.
I guess some people are so disconnected from the most basic aspects of nonwhite peoples' lives that they simply can't recognize when it's happening directly in front of them - which explains how this nonsense actually became a "controversy" among republicans.

Is there any actual controversy, anywhere about this nonsense? I don’t see it myself.

You haven't been paying attention. Would you like some more examples?


Yes, conservatives are losing their collective shit over this. If conservatives ever discover this guy and the way he uses accents to mock people, he's going to get crucified.
I never saw this. She makes some good points. I'm glad she doesn't feel shame for working for a living.
Is there any actual controversy, anywhere about this nonsense? I don’t see it myself.

You haven't been paying attention. Would you like some more examples?

Not paying attention? I guess not since I’ve not been trawling the internet looking for controversy and outrage. Nor am I going to waste bandwidth on YouTube gobshites ranting for 10 minutes about their pet peeves.
I guess some people are so disconnected from the most basic aspects of nonwhite peoples' lives that they simply can't recognize when it's happening directly in front of them - which explains how this nonsense actually became a "controversy" among republicans.

Is there any actual controversy, anywhere about this nonsense? I don’t see it myself.

Yeah. No controversy. Just mocking her. And why not? Methinks there's a plot afoot to make AOC the public face of the Democratic Party for 2020. Heh.
I guess some people are so disconnected from the most basic aspects of nonwhite peoples' lives that they simply can't recognize when it's happening directly in front of them - which explains how this nonsense actually became a "controversy" among republicans.

Is there any actual controversy, anywhere about this nonsense? I don’t see it myself.

No. It's just the usual gratuitous hatred that parades as commentary from right wing morons operating on Fox-induced animal brain fear aggression.

Right wing morons, or left wing morons? According to this article there's equal amount of morons on both sides.
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