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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

No she's not stupid, just a little mixed up barmaid who's way out of her league!

Op-Ed from January said:
Ocasio-Cortez’s problem isn’t that she’s stupid, or that she’s a compulsive liar; she just got famous before she got wise.


That said, I confess to rather liking Ocasio-Cortez, who seems sincere and well intentioned — qualities that are hardly a substitute for viable policy ideas, but at least a good place to start. Over time, I assume she’ll figure out what exaggerations she can get away with, and will leave the more extravagant, self-detonating variety behind. I suspect she’s destined to become a pretty skillful politician.
This is kind of what we'd expect from a freshman in the House.
No. It's just the usual gratuitous hatred that parades as commentary from right wing morons operating on Fox-induced animal brain fear aggression.

Right wing morons, or left wing morons? According to this article there's equal amount of morons on both sides.

This seems to have nothing to do with the freak-out over her code switching (which seems to be entirely conservative in nature - republicans insist on stating that black people should all be insulted by it, and then call them stupid when they aren't - and hoteps are angry because they're always angry at women)
No. It's just the usual gratuitous hatred that parades as commentary from right wing morons operating on Fox-induced animal brain fear aggression.

Right wing morons, or left wing morons? According to this article there's equal amount of morons on both sides.

Definitely not equal.



Not that you'll actually read anything like this. Avoiding contradictory information is a hallmark trait of right wing authoritarian personality.
Palin was white trash.
So does that make AOC "off-white trash" or what?

Ignorant and a quitter. Her whole family is a train wreck. Fist fighting, drunken hill billies. Palin was a grifter at best. Luckily, she is just yesterday's curiosity, and bad joke.

AOC is plenty ignorant about matters economical, and there are allegations of campaign fund shenanigans, so let's add a possible grifter too. AOC doesn't have a husband or kids yet, so we can't compare Caribou Barbie with Coyote Ugly Barbie on that score.
Soon the battle will begin over the 2019 GOP budget plan.


They plan deep cuts in social security, Medicare, Medicaid, WIC and about everything else they can find to hack and slash. The right wing is lead by morons. Trump,McConnell and all the others. And it will be the Democrats to the rescue. AOC will be in her element. By the time 2019 is over the average American will hate and despise the GOP. The grotesque stupidity of the far right GOP and Tromp will be so obvious and apparent that AOC will shine like a beacon in comparison. A lot of Americans are now learning how badly Trump and the GOP burned with his cretinous "tax reform". 2020 will be a GOP wipe out.
Nothing like a Venezuela scenario is going to happen to the US unless there's another US that hates the US.
I agree that the Venezuela scenario is unlikely, but not for that reason. Venezuela problems are self-inflicted through their incompetent government.

Derec said:
I'll take that bet. Even money?
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She is coming for your fat ass - Dracaris!
Whatever you say.
You should...probably not post raciust crap while trying to make your point. You only undermined yourself here.
That tweet is not so much racist but parodying black racists on twitter. Even using the newish racial slur against white people "wypipo" that has become popular on sites like theroot.com
The tweet should have used the word "woke" at least once though...
Agreed. Really all that's about left anymore are #MAGA idiots, it seems the entire party is a cluster fuck. Unfortunately, as the GOP and the evangelicals do their best to keep their head above water, they'll continue to do a LOT of damage, and of course all their recent far right court appointments will fuck us over for generations.

Please excuse any formatting issues as this was sent via mobile.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Justifying psychopathy because low empathy, narcissism, dishonesty + lack of deep emotional attachments are traits that have made a tiny handful of people billionaires (yet land many more people in prison while not getting adequate mental healthcare) is very 2019.… https://t.co/6ytjW5X3ke" responding to CNBC Make It on Twitter: "Most successful millionaire CEOs are psychopaths—here's why it doesn't have to be a bad thing https://t.co/buybOIqUwT"

She retweeted Justice Democrats on Twitter: ""[@IlhanMN, @RashidaTlaib, and @AOC] are members of Congress who are pushing the boundaries of dialogue around public policy and offering new perspectives and new ideas." https://t.co/SnRuaGESgI"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Sec. John Kerry: “Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez has in fact offered more leadership in one day or in one week than President Trump has in his lifetime on [climate]." Honored and humbled. Thank you, @JohnKerry.… https://t.co/UyOi98cn35" noting Oversight Committee on Twitter: "ICYMI: @JohnKerry praises Rep @AOC efforts to combat #climatechange as opposed to #PresidentTrump who refuses to lead on this issue. “Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez has in fact offered more leadership in one day or in one week than #PresidentTrump has in his lifetime on this. "… https://t.co/p91yTxqS5b"

Nancy Pelosi just trolled Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Again. - CNNPolitics
Asked about the difficulties of governing a caucus in the House that is being challenged at every turn by AOC and others like her -- liberals elected in the past few cycles who are deeply skeptical of the party establishment -- Pelosi said this: "While there are people who have a large number of Twitter followers, what's important is that we have large numbers of votes on the floor of the House."

Joe Crowley had dirt on Ocasio-Cortez – but was too confident to use it
“Crowley had plenty of fodder he could’ve used against Ocasio-Cortez, but his top New York campaign operatives decided to take the punches and not hit back,” Politico reporters Jake Sherman and Anna Palmer write in their new book, “The Hill to Die On.”

“It wasn’t just that Crowley didn’t want to go dirty; he thought it would be a sign of weakness in D.C. if he was seen in a tight race against Ocasio-Cortez. He was supposed to be the next Democratic leader, not someone who had to fight for reelection,” the two write.
Did in by his complacency and fear of seeming like a loser. Does anyone weep for him?

Ocasio-Cortez rips MTA, says it doesn’t compare to DC Metro -- the NYC MTA runs the city's subway trains, and the DC Metro does likewise with DC's.

Republicans keep boosting AOC’s popularity and other commentary noting The GOP is making Ocasio-Cortez more popular | TheHill
GOP ex-chair: Republicans Are Making AOC More Popular

Former GOP National Chairman Michael Steele warns at The Hill that Republicans’ continuous pounding of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “could make her more a political martyr to be embraced as the second *socialist coming of Franklin Roosevelt than a member of Congress whose proposals are out of step with mainstream of America.” Granted, she “presents a target-rich environment,” given all her “ill-thought-out comments.” But “there is a time and place for everything, and the political firepower *already expended on her can be costly — not to her, but to Republicans,” who “have a tendency to fixate their ire . . . in a way that’s more personal than policy focused.” Better to “pivot to an argument less focused on her personally and more about the flaws of her policy proposals.”
I agree that the Venezuela scenario is unlikely, but not for that reason. Venezuela problems are self-inflicted through their incompetent government.

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She is coming for your fat ass - Dracaris!
Whatever you say.

Venezuela cannot happen here? Remember the crash of 2008? The near melt down of the US economy under Bush and the GOP controlled Senate and House? What saved the US was the election of Obama and swift action lead by Obama. Think we can't have another meltdown like 2008 and even worse if Trump wins re-election and the GOP retains control of the senate?
I agree that the Venezuela scenario is unlikely, but not for that reason. Venezuela problems are self-inflicted through their incompetent government.

You have not responded ...

She is coming for your fat ass - Dracaris!
Whatever you say.

Venezuela cannot happen here? Remember the crash of 2008? The near melt down of the US economy under Bush and the GOP controlled Senate and House? What saved the US was the election of Obama and swift action lead by Obama. Think we can't have another meltdown like 2008 and even worse if Trump wins re-election and the GOP retains control of the senate?

Interesting point. Another related risk would be all the weird trade things he could throw up at countries on a whim, like the China thing. That could certainly tank trade and various products or even tank the market. Finally, the market is very fickle. And so, on any given day, it could tank because of news about the Kardashians.
AOC has been doing some urban gardening recently, and tweeting and instagramming on her progress.

Waleed Shahid on Twitter: "“It‘s not responsible to complain about anything that we dislike as ‘socialism’ when many of our colleagues across the aisle are more than happy to support millions and potentially billions in government subsidies...for the...fossil fuel industry.” -@AOC https://t.co/fDjotvBQbI"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "In stealing 1000s of children, deporting their parents,& refusing to provide info for reunification, Sec. Nielsen oversaw one of the largest-scale human rights violations in recent history. Awarding her a lucrative deal or prestigious post is to legitimize+celebrate that abuse.… https://t.co/sBEpEmy38R" noting Jamil Smith on Twitter: "Kirstjen Nielsen should be a pariah for life. No cable deals, no cushy college gigs. @michelleinbklyn, on what should happen to the Trump foot soldiers who think that they can escape with their reputations intact simply because they were following orders. https://t.co/gIGYM8Iqtx"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The far-right loves to drum up fear & resistance to immigrants. But have you ever noticed they never talk about what‘s causing people to flee their homes in the first place? Perhaps that’s bc they’d be forced to confront 1 major factor fueling global migration: Climate change.… https://t.co/erDhGkJR87"
I don't find that very convincing, but I agree that they are fleeing some serious troubles.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The GOP, corp lobbyists, & Fox expose their dishonesty every time they claim the #GND “bans cows,” steals people’s farms, takes your grandma’s lunch money &costs $100 zillion. Maybe if they actually did their job & read HRes109, they could avoid embarrassing themselves so often.… https://t.co/7cQL0Bn1ZA"
I agree. I think that both supporters and critics ought to read it.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Kris Kobach is who I brought up in my questioning of Wilbur Ross. He explicitly sought to include a Census Q to harm immigrants. Kobach hired &was funded by open white nationalists on his campaign. His ties are so known that Sec Ross’ own lawyers warned Ross to distance himself.… https://t.co/MjoIAXgzuf" noting Madeline Peltz on Twitter: "Kris Kobach is on TV lobbying for the DHS job. He says if he was running the agency, he would "deploy the thousands of FEMA trailers" to "set up processing centers", which sounds an awful lot like concentration camps.… https://t.co/5j1HwT4GAU"
On her instagram, she was talking tenderly to the plants she is growing. I am hoping for the best. In the story, she also smartly makes a turn to talk about the new Green Deal from talking about and to her plants. It was a good strategy
On her instagram, she was talking tenderly to the plants she is growing. I am hoping for the best. In the story, she also smartly makes a turn to talk about the new Green Deal from talking about and to her plants. It was a good strategy

Just add in five or six cats. The picture will be complete.
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