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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Soviets were not socialists. They were communists.

I haven't read a Derec post in a while, but neither of these comments hit the mark. To the extent that the USSR was imperialist, it was not socialist. But neither was it communist (and it never claimed to be). Communism is the total absence of a state; Soviet Russia was state capitalism channeled towards achieving socialism.

The Soviet communists did in fact accept the claim from Marx that eventually the state would fade away. It was dogma, of course that was a fantasy and never happened. Though Soviet communism did eventually crash hard, which isn't quite the same thing.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I’d like to share another “unusual” (but shouldn’t be) part of my office policy w/ you all: Parental Leave! Three members of our small team are expectant or new parents in the first 6 mos of my term. In my office, *every* new parent receives 3 mos paid leave - including dads."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "A few notes on our approach: 1. Expecting a child has nothing to do with our hiring decisions, & we do everything we can to accommodate. That’s supposed to be law, but there are small ways (incl self-selection) where it can play a role. We work to be a pro-family workplace. /2"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "2. Paid parental leave applies to ALL new parents, period. Moms, dads, parents; biological or adopted. If you’ve got a new child, you get 12 weeks to spend adjusting your family to this huge transition. /3"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "3. Our 12 weeks parental leave is up to the parent on how they want to use that time. They don’t have to take all 12 weeks at once - for example, they can take 5 weeks off and work 2 days a week to transition in; bank 3 weeks for later in the year, etc. /4"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "4. I want to reiterate how important it is to give dads full parental leave. I strongly encourage them to take the full time. I’ve heard the “normal” paternity leave is 2 weeks. That is NOT okay! As my partner says: “What do employers expect those new moms to do? Walk it off?”"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "5. Equal pay at work is about SO much more than the salary you offer. If you give dads less paid parental leave than moms, you’re contributing to the pay gap. If you see pregnancy or family as a workplace obstacle, you’re contributing to the pay gap."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "6. We make an effort to make our office family-friendly. We talk about what play mats + cribs we need along w/ our legislative agenda. My personal office can be used for pumping/feeding. Staff can bring their babies to work if they like & we are working to prepare to have them."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "7. Additionally, paying a living min wage to our most junior staffers means they’re talented + capable (no 2nd job) to take over big-time situations, meaning senior staffers are confident enough in them to take parental leave and not feel like everything will fall apart."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "8. This is convo is bigger than parental leave - it’s a larger conversation about how modern work has grown so hostile to family life. It doesn’t have to be that way! Work + family can go together, but we have to break down the barriers that force people to choose between them."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Lastly, if anyone has recommendations for baby gear that folds up nicely or tips on how to prep a workplace for little ones, please give me your recs! If you’re a new mom/parent + could bring your babies / kids to work, what would help that? What would you want to see? ⬇️"

It is evident that AOC is very good about being family-friendly.

Fox News hosts criticize Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's decision to raise salaries in her office as "socialism."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hits back at Fox News 'communist' criticism over staff salaries | The Independent
Admittedly I failed to do my homework on that post. But pray do tell, what are the chances of atmospheric CO2 ever reaching even 1% let alone 10% ?
You didn’t even do your homework on reading bilby’s original post, which put the 10% into the context he was speaking of.

Yes, but my question was...........what are the chances that CO will ever reach the dizzying rate of 1-10%?

Given that carbon monoxide (CO) is heavier than air, and directly poisonous to humans, if it made it to 1% concentration I am pretty sure every human on the planet would be dead.
Yes, but my question was...........what are the chances that CO will ever reach the dizzying rate of 1-10%?

Given that carbon monoxide (CO) is heavier than air, and directly poisonous to humans, if it made it to 1% concentration I am pretty sure every human on the planet would be dead.

CO is actually slightly lighter than air, although not by much. Air is mostly Nitrogen (78% N2 with a molecular mass of 2x14g/mol=28g/mol), plus Oxygen (21% O2 with a molecular mass of 2x16g/mol=32g/mol); The rest is mostly Argon (atomic mass of 40g/mol - Ar doesn't form molecules as it's a noble gas). The overall molecular mass of dry air is about 28.96g/mol. CO has a molecular mass of 12g/mol+16g/mol=28g/mol. So CO is about 3.4% lighter than dry air.

Adding water vapour makes air lighter; saturated air at 30°C (which has about as high a water content as you will find naturally on Earth) contains about 4% H2O, with a molecular mass of 2x1g/mol+16g/mol=18g/mol, and this reduces the molecular mass of the air to about 28.5g/mol - which is still heavier than CO, but only by about 1.9%.

Regardless of this nitpick (CO weighs about the same as air, but is just a couple of percent lighter), CO is indeed highly toxic, and as it mixes very well with air, it's quite hazardous. Just 0.04% CO in air is sufficient to kill a person in under an hour.

Given that carbon monoxide (CO) is heavier than air, and directly poisonous to humans, if it made it to 1% concentration I am pretty sure every human on the planet would be dead.

It's deadly even at 0.1% (or lower for longer exposure times). But it is more reactive than CO2, so you could not build it up in the atmosphere to that concentration.
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Today I presided over the House floor for the first time. Every day here is a sacred privilege + responsibility entrusted to me by my community. I never forget that, and moments like these drive it home. Thank you to the people of NY14 + beyond. This House belongs to all of us.… https://t.co/9V2QIfpoiy" noting CSPAN on Twitter: ".@RepAOC @AOC gavels out the House: "The House stands adjourned until noon on Tuesday for Morning Hour Debate."… "
Seems like she is in good standing in the House.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This is a dealbreaker. There is no “middle ground” w/ climate denial & delay. Blaming “blue collar” Americans as the main opponents to bold climate policy is gas lobbyist 101. We’re not going to solve the climate crisis w/ this lack of leadership. Our kids’ lives are at stake.… https://t.co/suR8KBEESB" noting Naomi Klein on Twitter: "No Joe, there is no "middle ground" on climate breakdown - there is bold, transformative action or there is sinking ground, burning ground and churning ground. "Presidential hopeful Biden looking for ‘middle ground’ climate policy" https://t.co/8q2WPzU7w0" noting Exclusive: Presidential hopeful Biden looking for ‘middle ground’ climate policy - Reuters
What will that consist of? A longer phaseout of fossil fuels?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "About an hour ago, I was walking out of my office for the day. There was a man what I believe was his teenage son hanging a small sign they made outside my office (we let people leave well wishes on our wall). Astonishingly, his sign read: “Trump supporters for Ocasio-Cortez.”… https://t.co/6nRJMc6MTb"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I was pretty astonished. We shook hands, he introduced himself, and told me he wanted to show his support. I could barely get my question out - I wanted to honor his positivity, yet respectfully find a way to ask, “How?”"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "I somehow got it out: “With all respect sir, how do you... manage to support both of us at the same time?” This is what he said: “I’ve been saying for years that climate change is our most important crisis. You’re one of the only ones who‘s been willing to be decisive on it.”"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Then he said, “I like you. I can tell that you are genuine and fighting for us. You’re real and you get it.” I thanked him and his family from the bottom of my heart."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "All of this is to say don’t let any politician, no matter the party, lecture you about what is “possible” or “electable.” Don’t ever let a politician imply that working people are “less-than” or “uneducated” - aka that they are the ones in the way of solving the climate crisis."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The forces getting in the way of solving our climate crisis are politicians themselves + lobbyists. It is the willingness to bend to corporate power - the same ones that use coal miners’ plights for a tax break, yet refuse to pay for those same miners’ healthcare for black lung."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "If you don’t understand this man’s sign - or don’t approach it with a desire to - then you do not understand this political moment. The same folks who said Trump was impossible in 2016 are the same ones lecturing on what’s “electable” in 2020. Don’t buy it. Vote your values."
Someone liking both DT and AOC at the same time???
That's almost as absurd as being a Communist for Reagan.
Who's been sitting in Pelosi's chair? Democrat Ocasio-Cortez - Reuters - this was part of a routine of rotating the duty of presiding officer among the Reps. AOC presided over the last hour of the day's business, where Reps did "special orders", usually speeches relating to their districts.
Ocasio-Cortez, 29, called on members as they rose to speak, once or twice stumbling over their states of origin. “For what purpose does the gentleman from Ohio - um, from Illinois, excuse me, seek recognition?” she said as Representative Sean Casten, a fellow freshman Democrat, took the floor.

“That was my first time presiding. And it’s exciting. It’s certainly a view. I wish we could, I wish we were allowed to take photos,” she told reporters after the session.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Going from waitressing a year ago to now carries a LOT of life-adjustments. But 3 paychecks in has shown me how 1 of the greatest scams in US is the idea that financial struggle is due to “poor character.” It’s a huge myth designed to keep people from empowering themselves. /1"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "When I was waitressing, I used to jerk awake in the middle of sleep worried that I may have forgotten if a bill cleared, or if I had enough 💰 to pay a Dr in cash. Was that bc I was “irresponsible?” No. It’s bc I wasn’t being paid a living wage as cost of living skyrocketed. /2"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Now I’m going through a huge income transition compared to living off tips (which diff pay every week, very hard). & I have HEALTH INSURANCE, which now means I have fewer expenses. According to banks, I’d be more “responsible,” but my character hasn’t changed. Just my math. /3"
I think that such critics emotionally believe that everybody has an upper-middle-class income or more, no matter how much that they will deny doing so. They reveal it by whining about how rich poor people are, ignoring what lower-class and lower-middle-class people daily have to go through.

It's like how many right-wingers denounce government employees as lazy and overpaid while making heroes out of soldiers and cops. They seem like they emotionally believe that soldiers and cops are vigilantes rather than government employees, however much they might want to deny it.

In any case, AOC seems to have been commendably responsible about her finances. As to paying her employees more, what is she cutting back on? Junkets? Office redecoration? Expensive suits? If that is what she is doing, then the right wing will attack her for being cheap and acting like some slovenly bum.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The myth that bad credit or struggling w bills = irresponsibility is a heinous myth. Paying people less than what’s needed to live is what’s actually irresponsible. GDP + costs are rising, wages are not. That doesn’t mean YOU’RE bad. It means working people are set up to fail."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "It’s a big part of what makes this Chase tweet so bad. It’s the idea that if you choose to have any expense beyond mere animalistic survival - an iced coffee, a cab after a 18hr shift on your feet - you deserve suffering, eviction, or skipped medicine. You don’t. Nobody does.… https://t.co/HP7WsPP4cH"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "US GDP is at an all-time high. As a nation, we are more prosperous than we ever have been. But that’s simply not the lived truth. Even now, I’m paid similar to a doctor or corporate lawyer - many who‘d think they are “rich,” but it’s nowhere near what we actually mean in policy."
So she's upper middle class even if not upper class.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "When we say “tax the rich,” we mean nesting-doll yacht rich. For-profit prison rich. Betsy DeVos, student-loan-shark rich. Trick-the-country-into-war rich. Subsidizing-workforce-w-food-stamps rich. Because THAT kind of rich is simply not good for society, & it’s like 10 people."
The sort of people who could retire tomorrow and live upper-middle-class or upper-class lifestyles on their investment income alone. Even as their sycophants moan and groan about how they live in fear of the banks foreclosing on their mansions or repossessing their yachts.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Ultimately, living in a moral society, a good nation, means establishing some basic standards of dignity: - healthcare as a right - a living wage - public education that prepares for civil society + economy (which now shld incl college) - all people having power in the economy"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "And in the meantime, as we continue fighting for Medicare for All, a living wage, & more: Unionize your workplace. Demand a raise. And don’t stop until you get one. 💪🏽"
Yes, but my question was...........what are the chances that CO will ever reach the dizzying rate of 1-10%?

Given that carbon monoxide (CO) is heavier than air, and directly poisonous to humans, if it made it to 1% concentration I am pretty sure every human on the planet would be dead.

Despite the prophets of doomsayers saying that the Earth, or life as we know it only has 12 years left if CO is not reduced immediately, the fact remains that CO2 is a trace gas making up less than 0.04% of the atmosphere despite record increases of emissions in the last few decades.

Yes, but my question was...........what are the chances that CO will ever reach the dizzying rate of 1-10%?

Given that carbon monoxide (CO) is heavier than air, and directly poisonous to humans, if it made it to 1% concentration I am pretty sure every human on the planet would be dead.

Despite the prophets of doomsayers saying that the Earth, or life as we know it only has 12 years left if CO is not reduced immediately, the fact remains that CO2 is a trace gas making up less than 0.04% of the atmosphere despite record increases of emissions in the last few decades.

This is scientifically illiterate gibberish, angelo. You long ago lost all right or credibility to call AOC or anyone else a loon, and yet you continue. Just stop.
FACT CHECK: Was U.S. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez 'Scared' by Her Garbage Disposal? - she was. Kitchen-sink garbage grinders were illegal in NYC for a long time, and even after they were legalized, they continue to be rare.

‘SNL’ jabs GOP for supporting Trump, hating Ocasio-Cortez SNL regulars played Senators Mitch McConnell, Susan Collins, and Lindsey Graham, and they all supported him except for if he married AOC and supported her Green New Deal.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This is a technique of the GOP, to take dry humor + sarcasm literally and “fact check” it. Like the “world ending in 12 years” thing, you’d have to have the social intelligence of a sea sponge to think it’s literal. But the GOP is basically Dwight from The Office so who knows.… https://t.co/Ouedwxn9uV"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Says GOP Is Basically Dwight Schrute From 'The Office' | HuffPost:
... “The Office” character Dwight Schrute, a power-hungry, mustard yellow shirt-wearing paper salesman who lives on a beet farm."

Dwight, who works at Scranton, Pennsylvania’s fictional Dunder Mifflin paper company, is known to “Office” viewers as an overly serious know-it-all who derives pleasure from stomping out his competition.

According to the Fandom page for his character, actor Rainn Wilson, who plays Dwight, has referred to him as a “fascist nerd” and “someone who does not hate the system, but has a deep and abiding love for it.”
I think that one has to be careful about what one says, because that sort of statement is dangerous.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "A little over 1 year ago today. ⬇️ #KnockDowntheHouse… " noting Knock Down the House on Twitter: "Big dreams can have small beginnings.… "
Showing AOC delivering ballot signatures and her saying "We are on the ballot. Unless he sues us." (nervous laughter) "Aah!" Presumably Joe Crowley trying to invalidate some of her signatures. Where is he now? Ex-Rep. Joe Crowley Joins Lobbying Firm That Reps Fossil Fuel Industry, Private Prisons & Anti-Estate Tax Group – Eyes on the Ties

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Direct 🍎 action 🥦 gets 🍇 the goods! 🍒🛒 Congratulations to Stop & Shop workers, who along w/ teachers + many other workers over the past year successfully protected their salary & working conditions from cuts through collective action.… https://t.co/fWhtTAXkDH"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "If you think your ‘celibacy’ is due to “female empowerment,” maybe it’s because far too many people relied on the disempowerment + silence of women to not be ‘celibate’ in the first place.… https://t.co/ynHorSOMEo" noting The Economist on Twitter: "America is seeing a spike in celibacy fuelled by economics, technology and female empowerment [url]https://t.co/ZRtBCa2PCf… https://t.co/a1dnXy1QiU"[/url]
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Happy #MothersDay! Let’s celebrate by making 3 months paid parental leave the minimum standard for all workers in the United States. 🌹 https://t.co/oVqLee1ffd" noting Ocasio-Cortez latest 'unusual' policy—3 months of paid parental leave
Ocasio-Cortez’s staff reflects this balance of priorities. Her office employs roughly 18 people and salaries for high-level staffers top out at $80,000 — significantly less than the median compensation for Congressional chiefs of staff, who make approximately $154,634, according to data from political research firm LegiStorm.

Members of Ocasio-Cortez’s office say offering all team members a living wage is worth the sacrifice.

“I don’t think you always put the burden on the bottom,” Corbin Trent, Ocasio-Cortez’s communications director, tells Roll Call. Trent has two children and makes $67,000 a year. “Is it easy? No. But part of walking the walk is understanding that everyone is going to have a little bit of a struggle. You divide it up. You work together.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Suggests Battle Between Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren for Her 2020 Endorsement
“What I would like to see in a presidential candidate is one that has a coherent worldview and logic from which all these policy proposals are coming forward,” she told CNN’s Ryan Nobles. “I think Senator Sanders has that. I also think Senator Warren has that.”

When asked about the possibility of formally endorsing a candidate in the expansive field of Democratic contenders, Ocasio-Cortez said she was “entertaining” the idea but that “it’s not going to be for a while.”

“I also want to see us centering working people in the United States to stem income inequality [and] tackle climate change,” she added.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in talks to do Green New Deal documentary - Axios With Rachel Lears, who did "Knock Down The House", about AOC's victory in 2018.
It's part of the general pattern that highlights how badly right wingers are when it comes to humor or parody. In order to be parody, it has to be somewhat apparent that it's trying to be funny. The fake AOC account was basically generating fake news lies/headlines that weren't even attempting to be funny, just trying to spread lies. It's a tiny bit subjective, but it was only after the fact that they got called on it that they claimed it was parody. It was a lame attempt at 'just joking', which as usual for right wingers, isn't actually a joke, or funny.

My understanding is that it has everything to do with the naming of the account. 'AOC Press' sounds like a legitimate account, 'Devin Nunes' Cow' does not. Had they named the account 'AOC's Whiskey Joint' or something else that is obviously a parody, they would have been fine. The conservative asshats that are bitching about this want to have an account that seems legitimate to spread disinformation, and to be able to call it a parody at the same time, but Twitter is not having it.


Parody accounts are fine. Impersonation accounts are not.
Yes, but my question was...........what are the chances that CO will ever reach the dizzying rate of 1-10%?

Given that carbon monoxide (CO) is heavier than air, and directly poisonous to humans, if it made it to 1% concentration I am pretty sure every human on the planet would be dead.

Objection: CO has a molecular weight of 28. This is the same as nitrogen and lighter than the other appreciable components: oxygen, carbon dioxide and argon.

I do agree about it's lethality.
Despite the prophets of doomsayers saying that the Earth, or life as we know it only has 12 years left if CO is not reduced immediately, the fact remains that CO2 is a trace gas making up less than 0.04% of the atmosphere despite record increases of emissions in the last few decades.

This is scientifically illiterate gibberish, angelo. You long ago lost all right or credibility to call AOC or anyone else a loon, and yet you continue. Just stop.

You mean My credibility in on a par with AOC's? I don't accept that. That bimbo makes me look more like a member of Mensa . :lol:
Despite the prophets of doomsayers saying that the Earth, or life as we know it only has 12 years left if CO is not reduced immediately, the fact remains that CO2 is a trace gas making up less than 0.04% of the atmosphere despite record increases of emissions in the last few decades.

This is scientifically illiterate gibberish, angelo. You long ago lost all right or credibility to call AOC or anyone else a loon, and yet you continue. Just stop.

You mean My credibility in on a par with AOC's? I don't accept that. That bimbo makes me look more like a member of Mensa . :lol:
Mr. 10% is smaller than 1000 ppm MENSA man. My question is why is it so important to you that other people think AOC is a "bimbo"?
Despite the prophets of doomsayers saying that the Earth, or life as we know it only has 12 years left if CO is not reduced immediately, the fact remains that CO2 is a trace gas making up less than 0.04% of the atmosphere despite record increases of emissions in the last few decades.

This is scientifically illiterate gibberish, angelo. You long ago lost all right or credibility to call AOC or anyone else a loon, and yet you continue. Just stop.

You mean My credibility in on a par with AOC's? I don't accept that. That bimbo makes me look more like a member of Mensa . :lol:

Dunning-Kruger for the win!

It is quite obvious that you do not understand what the articles you post are actually saying.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This is why a “middle ground” approach to our climate crisis is unacceptable. This isn’t like other issues where you can pretend you’re a sober adult by cutting the difference between left and right. You’re either fighting for our future or you’re not. https://t.co/YLOVzNe2Z9" noting 'We Don't Know a Planet Like This': CO2 Levels Hit 415 PPM for First Time in 3 Million+ Years and Eric Holthaus on Twitter: "This is the first time in human history our planet's atmosphere has had more than 415ppm CO2. Not just in recorded history, not just since the invention of agriculture 10,000 years ago. Since before modern humans existed millions of years ago. We don't know a planet like this.… https://t.co/C2I6k2XFXz" and Keeling_Curve on Twitter: "415.26 parts per million (ppm) CO2 in air 11-May-2019 [url]https://t.co/MGD5CTru41 First daily baseline over 415ppm"[/url]

A lot of present-day lowlands were drowned over much of the Cenozoic, like Florida.

I also like her reference to the "social intelligence of a sea sponge" -- that's an animal that is solitary, fixed in place, and without a nervous system.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "It’s true. The #GreenNewDeal, as much as GOP hiss, scream, storytell & cry about it, has forced even the most entrenched Tea Partiers into publicly abandoning their climate denial stance. The reason they’re so focused on discrediting the GND is because it’s a winning policy. ⬇️… https://t.co/DXAfCzGmAq" noting Matt Laslo on Twitter: "“What is remarkable about this moment is that we’re not just changing the Democratic Party’s agenda; we’re changing the Republican agenda, too,” @AOC tells @vicenews… https://t.co/FeHUqlal8q" noting Matt Laslo on Twitter: "Some Republicans now say they want to address climate change — just don’t mention the Green New Deal to them - [url]https://t.co/iHS4bG6Qtk via @vicenews"[/url] noting Republicans Want a Climate Bill — But Please Don't Call It the Green New Deal – VICE News

That's cute.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "This is how corporate lobbying works: Lobbyists ID bills they need to kill to keep profits high (no matter the human cost), come up w/ “sensible” talking points to mask intent + say policy is “misguided,” then schmooze policymakers in secret into accepting said talking points.… https://t.co/pEfgHnBsyo" noting Ryan Grim on Twitter: "Dozens of congressional staffers enjoyed a relaxing spa retreat in Virginia, where they were plied with wine and talking points against Medicare for All [url]https://t.co/Fkw3LKMNnb by @lhfang"[/url]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "When I was looking at lobbying from the outside, just as a normal voting citizen, it appeared to me as more transactional in nature than it actually is. It’s not necessarily that a lobbyist calls you and says “vote/don’t vote for this bill or we won’t donate to you again...” /2"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "It’s that bundle 💰 for elections, so you pick up their call,accept invites, become friends. In practice it’s not transactional, it’s social. So while ppl don’t see how lobbying influences votes, their whole enviro + staff has been exposed to mainly 1 point of view: lobbyists’."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "We’ve organized 1,500 people on a Monday night for a climate rally at @HowardU demanding a #GreenNewDeal. Watch the stream: [url]https://t.co/GLHLAhhHzj… https://t.co/z5Ei4bltPg"[/url] - It's now archived, and she herself appeared in it toward the end.

Elaine Godfrey on Twitter: "Maybe the biggest applause line of the night, from @AOC: "People will vote if there is something worth voting for." #GreenNewDeal"
As opposed to being bland centrists who try to be all things to all people.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "So much of our healthcare is needlessly expensive. When people vote for another military budget increase & then ask, “How are you going to pay for Medicare for All?” What they actually mean is, “How are you going to keep Big Pharma profits high if we can’t price gouge anymore?”… https://t.co/XfI2kujT1y" noting TicToc by Bloomberg on Twitter: "Generic pharma companies allegedly inflated drug prices up to 1,000% and 40+ states are suing… "

Justice Democrats on Twitter: ""I will be damned if the same politicians who refused to act then are going to try to come back today and say we need a middle of the road approach to save our lives." -@AOC on the Green New Deal at #Road2GND… https://t.co/j4z88wGvs8"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: ".@SenMarkey, longtime climate leader + #GreenNewDeal Senate lead, was on 🔥 at last night’s rally!… " noting Justice Democrats on Twitter: ""They call the Green New Deal pie in the sky. They call it socialism. What about the oil and gas industry tax breaks? Give us some of that socialism that the oil and gas industry has had for a century" -@SenMarkey on his and @AOC’s Green New Deal… https://t.co/dkA9sVNEE1"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The Senate Intel Committee (which is GOP-controlled!) issued a legally binding subpoena, & Sen. @LindseyGrahamSC advised that individual to ignore it. If Lindsey Graham wants to work for Trump so badly, he can resign his seat and move his office down a few blocks to do so.… https://t.co/2qindbhYj8" noting Newsweek on Twitter: "#LindseyGrahamResign demands flood Twitter after he advised Donald Trump Jr. to ignore a subpoena https://t.co/wrAkKy18Dq"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Until very recently, there were few mothers of young children in Congress. Today is quite different. We could still use a lot more, but watching moms like @katieporteroc, @RepGraceMeng, @RashidaTlaib & others navigate motherhood in office is so inspiring to me.… https://t.co/nbP9EmlA8c" noting Katie Porter on Twitter: "I'm so proud to be a part of our historic wave of moms elected in 2018 across the country. Ask any Congressmom and she'll tell you the same thing: our kids are why we ran for Congress, they're why we serve, they're why we fight every day. https://t.co/9JNFv5Zol0"
She notes that some of her staffers are pregnant, and that makes me think that she might take off a shoe, pound a podium with it, and shout "We will outbreed you!" :D Actually, I like her attitude here. Actual family values as opposed to yelling about "the family" in the abstract, as if it was some great Borg-like entity.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Thank you Q.U.E.E.N.! 👑💕… " noting Janelle Monáe, Cindi on Twitter: "preach @AOC !!!!… " noting Justice Democrats on Twitter: ""I will be damned if the same politicians who refused to act then are going to try to come back today and say we need a middle of the road approach to save our lives." -@AOC on the Green New Deal at #Road2GND… https://t.co/j4z88wGvs8" - a bit of her speech there

Justice Democrats on Twitter: "“I wish as a public servant I could tell you everything is going to be alright. But I can’t tell you that today, because I’m not interested in lying to you. Frankly there is no reason for us to be comfortable right now.” -@AOC https://t.co/IoM0jp89Tv" noting Sunrise Movement Plans Climate Action for Second Democratic Debate
On Monday night, at the final stop on the Sunrise Movement’s “Road to a Green New Deal” tour across the United States, the group called for a mass, youth-led mobilization to pressure Democratic candidates to make the 2020 election a referendum on climate change. On July 30, the scheduled date for the second Democratic presidential debate, Sunrise hopes to bring tens of thousands of young people to Detroit to present all the Democratic contenders with three demands:
  • Sign the no fossil fuel money pledge.
  • Commit to making the Green New Deal a day one priority if elected president.
  • Pledge support for a presidential debate on climate change, so voters can hear where candidates stand on the issues.
Sunrise Movement and No Fossil Fuel Money Pledge -- all the signers that I recognize are Democratic. Have any Republicans signed it? I'd have to do a lot of research.
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