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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Some of the comments are amusing. Someone in the second link interpreted "AOC" as "Always Obtuse Commie", and someone else there showed the face of a horse along her face. In the first link, some of the commenters called her "OCrazio Cortezuela", "Occasional Cortex", "Airhead Occupies Congress", "A O Kotex", and the Dancing Barmaid, and made jokes about how dumb she supposedly is, like
Why did AOC stare at the orange juice can for hours?
It said “concentrate”.

Is this the same AOC who waited over two hours in a Subway Restaurant for a train that never came?

"Bread goes in. Toast comes out. But where does the bread go?"
- 0crazio, the Voice of the Democratic Party...
Some of the comments are amusing. Someone in the second link interpreted "AOC" as "Always Obtuse Commie", and someone else there showed the face of a horse along her face. In the first link, some of the commenters called her "OCrazio Cortezuela", "Occasional Cortex", "Airhead Occupies Congress", "A O Kotex", and the Dancing Barmaid, and made jokes about how dumb she supposedly is, like
Why did AOC stare at the orange juice can for hours?
It said “concentrate”.

Is this the same AOC who waited over two hours in a Subway Restaurant for a train that never came?

"Bread goes in. Toast comes out. But where does the bread go?"
- 0crazio, the Voice of the Democratic Party...

Who else but an ignorant economic dunce could possibly come out with the loony tunes idea of The Green New Deal. And this from someone who it's claimed has done an economic course at Uni?
Although it certainly is a poison. As always, the dose is critical.

A CO2 level above 10% in air is deadly.

Currently the atmosphere contains about 0.041%, up from 0.028% two hundred years ago.

The idea that a substance can be bad for the climate at the same time that it is good for plants and non-toxic to humans is not a particularly difficult one to grasp.

Quite an effective method for detecting a moron is to see whether they think the non-sequitur: "Carbon dioxide is good for plants, therefore it cannot be bad for the environment" is in any way convincing.

Anyone who is so bad at thinking as to consider this argument worthy, is too dumb to be taken seriously on any issue.

Could you please Professor bilby please point to any of my posts where I said that? I may have pointed out that CO2 is essential as food for plants, or that in the past CO2 was perhaps 1200PPM, many times more than your 10%, as compared to the minute trace gas in the atmosphere that it is today.
You are actually complaining about being taken out of context... after you took Ocasio Cortez well out of context?
Who else but an ignorant economic dunce could possibly come out with the loony tunes idea of The Green New Deal. And this from someone who it's claimed has done an economic course at Uni?
What's so "loony tunes" about it? That it does not involve huge subsidies to fossil-fuel companies? Oops, tax breaks. It's tax breaks when it's for fossil fuels and subsidies when it's for renewable energy, right?

angelo, try showing how good at research you are. Do so by reading this some time: Text - H.Res.109 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal. | Congress.gov | Library of Congress
Twitter shames Ocasio-Cortez’s boyfriend into getting a haircut
AOC’s Boyfriend Riley Roberts Doesn’t Deserve to Be Mocked on Twitter
During AOC's campaign, he got rather shaggy, but he recently got a haircut and a beard trim.

Knock Down the House Follows Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Unlikely Victory | Vanity Fair
In one of the film’s most galvanizing moments, Ocasio-Cortez shows up to a debate in Parkchester, but Crowley sends a pinch hitter—former councilwoman Annabel Palma, who is supposed to argue on his behalf. Ocasio-Cortez—a petite, loud woman—wipes the floor with her opponent, turning Crowley’s absence into the only talking point of the debate. In a later scene, Ocasio-Cortez takes on Crowley himself in a televised debate on local news. She’s surrounded by reams of paper and wielding a highlighter, studying talking points like she’s cramming for a test. She pauses to reel off affirmations: “I can do this. I am experienced enough to do this. I am knowledgeable enough to do this. I am prepared enough to do this. I am mature enough to do this. I am brave enough to do this. And this whole thing, this whole time, he’s going to tell me I can’t do this. He’s going to tell me that I’m small, that I’m little, that I’m young, that I’m inexperienced.”
Shows the flip side of the Dunning-Kruger effect -- very competent people tend to underestimate their competence.

As to what Joe Crowley thought, we may never know. He may not have thought that AOC was not much of a threat to him and his apparatchik career.

Knock Down the House Review: A Reminder That AOC’s Triumph Almost Wasn’t - Vogue
A few scenes from Knock Down the House present Ocasio-Cortez’s victory as fated, and that makes sense, given that the film was edited with the knowledge of AOC’s singular result. In one, she describes visiting the United States Capitol with her late father, who told her that, as an American citizen, everything she saw was “hers.” Other glimpses of her childhood in archival footage show her as a precocious adolescent, nerdy and curious.

... AOC herself doesn’t think she’ll win—she and partner Riley Roberts walk together in the Bronx, as he tells her, “We did the best we could do,” before, having received word, the two literally sprint to the bar. “That’s me on the poster!” she exclaims to a bouncer who stops her before she can enter, to find out that she all but certainly will become the youngest woman ever to serve in Congress. It was hilarious and emotional to discover that she, too, was running to her party, as what had seemed like a pipe dream became reality, just like that.

... “The fundamental question, in the beginning, is, ‘Why you?” Ocasio-Cortez says in front of the camera, long before she even gets on the ballot in April 2018. “The reason ‘why’ was cause, nobody else would. So literally anybody could, right? Because the alternative is no one.”
Even so, she won by only 15%, and the other candidates documented in KDtH all lost. She was the only winner of the candidates selected by the Justice Democrats, though some of the candidates supported by the JD's did win.
Behind the scenes with Ocasio-Cortez in new Netflix documentary 'Knock Down the House'
A new documentary shows how she'd go downstairs to the restaurant's basement and lean into a giant ice machine to scoop cubes into a bucket before hauling them back upstairs — and the then-27-year-old was well aware of how ridiculous it all looked.

"If I were, like, a normal, rational person, I would have dropped out this race a long time ago," Ocasio-Cortez says in the feature-length documentary, "Knock Down the House," set to premiere on Netflix and in select theaters on Wednesday.

"People don't see waitresses as having a quote-un-quote real job, but my experience in hospitality has prepared me so well for this race: I'm used to being on my feet 18 hours a day. I'm used to receiving a lot of heat. I'm used to people trying to make me feel bad," she added.

Her opponent Joe Crowley? He was "campaigning from inside his kingdom," as AOC put it.

Days later, sitting outside the Capitol with tears streaming down her face, she recalls how her father once took her to Washington and said, "This all belongs to us. It's our government...All of this stuff is yours."

Then she hopped on an electric scooter with her boyfriend and tooled around the plaza behind the Capitol, a giant smile plastered to her face

Joe Crowley had dirt on Ocasio-Cortez – but was too confident to use it
An overconfident Joe Crowley opted against using negative ammunition against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez because he believed that he had the Democratic primary locked up and didn’t want to look weak in a race he was expected to walk away with.

One piece of dirt Crowley decided against using was questionable financing practices of Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign — which a source said Crowley aides knew about before they became public this year .
He cooked his goose with his debate no-show.
Who else but an ignorant economic dunce could possibly come out with the loony tunes idea of The Green New Deal. And this from someone who it's claimed has done an economic course at Uni?
What's so "loony tunes" about it? That it does not involve huge subsidies to fossil-fuel companies? Oops, tax breaks. It's tax breaks when it's for fossil fuels and subsidies when it's for renewable energy, right?

angelo, try showing how good at research you are. Do so by reading this some time: Text - H.Res.109 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal. | Congress.gov | Library of Congress

It's already been pointed out multiple times that it's loony tunes--you simply don't go from non-existent (practical power storage methods that her green new deal needs) to widespread deployment in 12 years.
Although it certainly is a poison. As always, the dose is critical.

A CO2 level above 10% in air is deadly.

Currently the atmosphere contains about 0.041%, up from 0.028% two hundred years ago.

The idea that a substance can be bad for the climate at the same time that it is good for plants and non-toxic to humans is not a particularly difficult one to grasp.

Quite an effective method for detecting a moron is to see whether they think the non-sequitur: "Carbon dioxide is good for plants, therefore it cannot be bad for the environment" is in any way convincing.

Anyone who is so bad at thinking as to consider this argument worthy, is too dumb to be taken seriously on any issue.

Could you please Professor bilby please point to any of my posts where I said that? I may have pointed out that CO2 is essential as food for plants, or that in the past CO2 was perhaps 1200PPM, many times more than your 10%, as compared to the minute trace gas in the atmosphere that it is today.
You are actually complaining about being taken out of context... after you took Ocasio Cortez well out of context?

As he thinks that 1,200ppm is more than 10%, I remain glad that I have him on ignore. (For the record, 10% is 100,000ppm).
You are actually complaining about being taken out of context... after you took Ocasio Cortez well out of context?

As he thinks that 1,200ppm is more than 10%, I remain glad that I have him on ignore. (For the record, 10% is 100,000ppm).
The math and science portions of my brain just turn off when reading angelo's posts to protect from virus corruption. Yeah... 1200 ppm... 10%...1200 parts per million. That'd be 1,200 / 1,000,000. We can simplify that... 1.2 / 1,000. And if we use an angelo approved calculator we get 1.2 / 1,000 > 10%.

Though, just for the record, my brain says 1.2 / 1,000 = .0012... which would be 0.12%. And if my liberal indoctrinated elementary arithmetic is accurate, 0.12% << 10%.

I'm not certain how many times angelo has to be wrong, before he steps back and thinks... umm... maybe I need to read a book or something.
'AOC Press' Parody Killed in Latest Big Tech Election Interference. - at Human Events, a right-wing publication.
That Twitter account was suspended because it is too similar to AOC's real account.

Twitter suspends AOC 'Press Release' parody account
“You may not register or create fake and misleading accounts. While you may use Twitter pseudonymously or as a parody, commentary, or fan account, you may not use misleading account information in order to engage in spamming, abusive, or disruptive behavior including attempts to manipulate the conversations on Twitter,” said the email, which was shared on Twitter. “You also may not ‘post duplicative or substantially similar content, replies, or mentions over multiple accounts or multiple duplicate updates on one account, or create duplicate or substantially similar accounts.’ This account will not be reinstated,”

This was soon after Facebook Bans Paul Joseph Watson, Milo Yiannopoulos, Laura Loomer, Louis Farrakhan Also Alex Jones and Infowars, along with a certain Paul Nehlen. The pResident responded Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "I am continuing to monitor the censorship of AMERICAN CITIZENS on social media platforms. This is the United States of America — and we have what’s known as FREEDOM OF SPEECH! We are monitoring and watching, closely!!"

What anti-business victimhood. Just like how the right wing reacted to Google management firing employee James Damore. Also how they reacted to Alex Jones getting banned from a lot of social-media sites last year.
Facebook bans Alex Jones and Laura Loomer for violating its policies - The Verge -- more on these bans.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "AKA why GOP donors are losing their minds and throwing money at lame YouTubers and social media content producers to make videos justifying $300 insulin, defending racism as acceptable because “it’s just a joke” and other Conservative Argument versions of Freebird ⬇️… https://t.co/yjxWYexy2f" noting Public Citizen on Twitter: ""Representative @AOC is often described as a radical, but the data show that her views are close to the median for her generation." https://t.co/zzsX6wOOZZ" noting Young Democrats May Control the Political Future - The Atlantic noting The Political Revolution of the Millennial Generation - The Atlantic and America Is Becoming More Liberal - The Atlantic

She is no anti-vaxxer:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "PSA for folks who haven’t had consistent healthcare/doctors: Get your Tetanus vaccine booster! You’re supposed to get them every 10 yrs as an adult - I just got mine bc I didn’t have insurance for a bit. My shot also included a whooping cough booster bc of recent outbreaks."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "The CDC requires doctors to offer info sheets on vaccines/boosters recommended to patients. If you were born before ‘89, you may need a new measles vaccine due to outbreaks. If you want to know what shots are rec’d for adults, the CDC’s has a list here: https://t.co/6FxBEwBEWl"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "As if billionaires haven’t been influencing policy this whole time? Health corps are why the US is the ONLY highly developed nation w/o universal healthcare. Fossil Fuel execs funded resistance to climate policy. &corp lobbyists are why we don’t have publicly funded elections.… https://t.co/iMAnJU6csH" noting Prof. Steve Hanke on Twitter: "If the #Democrats want to be competitive in 2020, they must listen to card-carrying #capitalists @WarrenBuffett and Charlie Munger, and not #socialists @AOC, @BernieSanders, @ewarren, and their ilk. https://t.co/GE88eSJzvV"
Some of her commenters pointed out that Steve Hanke is a fellow at the Cato Institute, a right-wing think tank.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "They were illegal in NYC for a long time and never really became a thing after the ban was lifted 😂 Other home things many NYers don’t have in their apartments: washer/dryer, dishwasher, central air. (Saving up for a portable dishwasher was one of the best things we did)… https://t.co/aLo7REWF6t" noting Elaine Godfrey on Twitter: "AOC currently on Instagram saying she has never seen a garbage disposal before… "
I've never used a kitchen-sink garbage disposer. In fact, in the house where I lived for a long time, the disposer had been removed from the sink drain. Some of AOC's commenters have pointed out that disposers were only legalized in NYC in 1997, and that they remain rare in that city. One of them pointed out a problem: their cut-up food can clog drains, and that can cause trouble for lower-flower apartments.
You are actually complaining about being taken out of context... after you took Ocasio Cortez well out of context?

As he thinks that 1,200ppm is more than 10%, I remain glad that I have him on ignore. (For the record, 10% is 100,000ppm).

Admittedly I failed to do my homework on that post. But pray do tell, what are the chances of atmospheric CO2 ever reaching even 1% let alone 10% ?
You are actually complaining about being taken out of context... after you took Ocasio Cortez well out of context?

As he thinks that 1,200ppm is more than 10%, I remain glad that I have him on ignore. (For the record, 10% is 100,000ppm).

Admittedly I failed to do my homework on that post. But pray do tell, what are the chances of atmospheric CO2 ever reaching even 1% let alone 10% ?
You didn’t even do your homework on reading bilby’s original post, which put the 10% into the context he was speaking of.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "“If another country came in here, blew up our mountains, and poisoned our water, we’d go to war. But industry can.” - @paulajean2020, West Virginia. #KnockDownTheHouse… https://t.co/zVvG5RlTFX" noting Knock Down the House on Twitter: "The truth needs to be told.… "
Yes, a Twitter account for "Knock Down the House".

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Wouldn’t you think someone who personally lost over a BILLION dollars (“more than nearly any other taxpayer in America”) be vulnerable to shady activity to get out of that hole? If they became the most powerful public servant in America, wouldn’t you want to see their taxes? 🤔… https://t.co/NxX9ozSewD" noting Susanne Craig on Twitter: "JUST POSTED: The New York Times has obtained 10 years of previously unrevealed figures from Donald Trump's federal income-tax returns - from 1985 to 1994. Trump ran up $1.2 billion in core business losses in the decade we examined. LOTS here 👉 https://t.co/Yc23kj9HEa"
Just like John Walker, a US Navy officer who spied for the Soviet Union in exchange for KGB agents financing the bailing out of his failing business.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "“6 weeks pregnant” = 2 weeks late on your period. Most of the men writing these bills don’t know the first thing about a woman’s body outside of the things they want from it. It’s relatively common for a woman to have a late period + not be pregnant. So this is a backdoor ban.… https://t.co/EIy4tCJYMO" noting CBS News on Twitter: "BREAKING: Abortions after six weeks will now be illegal in Georgia as Gov. Kemp signs the "heartbeat bill" [url]https://t.co/AlTe8U6HnA… https://t.co/vw7e2YWs6i"[/url]
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "For context, this kicks in within days of a typical at-home test working. If you were sexually assaulted (stress delays cycle), took a morning-after pill (throws off cycle), or have an irregular cycle, you‘d have no idea. There are a TON of ways this law ignores basic biology."
So she's firmly on the pro-choice side of the abortion war.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "What’s funny is that there *are* Dems that do act like the Tea Party- but they’re conservative. They threaten Dem votes to get concessions for a small minority, tried to hand Speakership to the GOP, fundraise $ w/ Mike Pence, etc Progressives don’t do that. And I drink coffee.… https://t.co/2g0Y2aVXi0" noting Ryan Grim on Twitter: "Josh Gottheimer has a name for everyone in his party from ⁦@AOC⁩ & @RashidaTlaib⁩ to Indivisible: “The Herbal Tea Party” https://t.co/2cvW8hIZvt" noting Meet the Democratic Counterrevolution’s Self-Appointed Leader
Gottheimer, a second-term representative from New Jersey, has deep ties to the lobbies for Saudi Arabia and Israel, while Tlaib and Omar are often critical of both Mideast governments.

... He even has a name for his handpicked adversaries: “the herbal tea party.”

His definition of too progressive is startlingly broad. As the Democratic chair of the so-called Problem Solvers Caucus, he led a push against Nancy Pelosi as she ran for House speaker last year. He has consistently voted against the party even on procedural motions, threatening to hand control over the House to the GOP.
He has also hobnobbed with big-name Republicans. He seems like a DINO, a Democrat In Name Only.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "It was an honor to meet w/ @mineworkers today, support legislation to fight for their right to healthcare + pensions, and discuss how we can move forward on the right to clean air and water, together. The folks trying to turn us against one another are fighting a losing battle.… https://t.co/Va8EPdcKku" noting Sara Nelson on Twitter: "Thank you, @AOC for co-sponsoring HR 934/935 to keep the promise to our nation’s @MineWorkers for their pensions and healthcare. #KeepThePromise #OurFightsAreConnected #1u… https://t.co/pVN5fDmcG5"
That ought to get the Republicans where it hurts.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "If your “business model” is based on caging kids, keeping fams in freezing rooms to save on heating costs, and for-profit incarceration, you shouldn’t be in business at all. Caging people shouldn’t be a financially incentivized activity. For-profit prisons should be banned.… https://t.co/Q32WbMJGfT" noting Daniel Altschuler 🦋 on Twitter: "BIG: think private prison giant @GEOGroup wasn’t shaken by our movement getting @jpmorgan @WellsFargo to stop financing them? Think again. Here’s Geo, flagrant human rights violator, telling the SEC it’s business model is at risk. #BackersofHate LINK: [url]https://t.co/9pPX4pmqGf… https://t.co/WszCgVnmri"[/url]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "🗣Labor, labor - read all about it! Your Direct Action for today: Don’t take an Uber or Lyft just for the day. (Just today! Cabs are fine! You can do it!) It’s a small but big way you can help all the drivers you’ve met get paid more to feed their families + support themselves.… https://t.co/15sj1kZPRn" noting NPR on Twitter: "Uber and Lyft drivers in many U.S. cities plan to strike today to draw attention to what they say are decreasing wages for drivers and a distressing lack of job security. https://t.co/Ovq55U2mvK" noting Uber And Lyft Drivers Are Striking — And Call For Passengers To Boycott : NPR

AOC is part of the Dem Tea Party with her aim to primary all Democrats who are insufficiently left wing.
[URL="https://www.politico.com/story/2018/11/17/ocasio-cortez-throws-support-behind-campaign-to-primary-democrats-1000529"]Ocasio-Cortez backs campaign to primary fellow Democrats

Ryan Grim on Twitter: "Josh Gottheimer has a name for everyone in his party from ⁦@AOC⁩ & @RashidaTlaib⁩ to Indivisible: “The Herbal Tea Party”
That's a good one!
Gottheimer, a second-term representative from New Jersey, has deep ties to the lobbies for Saudi Arabia and Israel, while Tlaib and Omar are often critical of both Mideast governments.
Tlaib and Omar are very strongly anti-Israel. And I suspect strongly that both would be very supportive of KSA (just like they are of Iran) if current Saudi policy toward Israel was more like that of King Faisal.

His definition of too progressive is startlingly broad. As the Democratic chair of the so-called Problem Solvers Caucus, he led a push against Nancy Pelosi as she ran for House speaker last year.
How dare he not support a particular person in office. What are we, a democracy or something? ;)

He has also hobnobbed with big-name Republicans. He seems like a DINO, a Democrat In Name Only.
Oh the horrors! Somebody who is not hyperpartisan and could work with the other side!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Labor, labor - read all about it! Your Direct Action for today: Don’t take an Uber or Lyft just for the day. (Just today! Cabs are fine! You can do it!)
If cabs were fine, Uber and Lyft would not have become nearly as popular as they are. A big reason this business model started was because of deep dysfunction of the cab industry, especially regarding government artificially limiting supply.
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