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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Well, there's Devin Nunes' Cow and Devin Nunes' Skin accounts. You should follow them. They're hilarious, and Nunes is suing them. :rotfl:

As for the supposed AOC satire account, I would not take Don Jr's word on whether it was playing fair. He doesn't have the capacity to know that one way or the other.
Which parody accounts of conservative politicians do you have in mind?

Well, there's Devin Nunes' Cow and Devin Nunes' Skin accounts. You should follow them. They're hilarious, and Nunes is suing them. :rotfl:

As for the supposed AOC satire account, I would not take Don Jr's word on whether it was playing fair. He doesn't have the capacity to know that one way or the other.
It's part of the general pattern that highlights how badly right wingers are when it comes to humor or parody. In order to be parody, it has to be somewhat apparent that it's trying to be funny. The fake AOC account was basically generating fake news lies/headlines that weren't even attempting to be funny, just trying to spread lies. It's a tiny bit subjective, but it was only after the fact that they got called on it that they claimed it was parody. It was a lame attempt at 'just joking', which as usual for right wingers, isn't actually a joke, or funny.
Which parody accounts of conservative politicians do you have in mind?

Well, there's Devin Nunes' Cow and Devin Nunes' Skin accounts. You should follow them. They're hilarious, and Nunes is suing them. :rotfl:

As for the supposed AOC satire account, I would not take Don Jr's word on whether it was playing fair. He doesn't have the capacity to know that one way or the other.
It's part of the general pattern that highlights how badly right wingers are when it comes to humor or parody. In order to be parody, it has to be somewhat apparent that it's trying to be funny. The fake AOC account was basically generating fake news lies/headlines that weren't even attempting to be funny, just trying to spread lies. It's a tiny bit subjective, but it was only after the fact that they got called on it that they claimed it was parody. It was a lame attempt at 'just joking', which as usual for right wingers, isn't actually a joke, or funny.

I expected as much.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "New policy proposal dropping tomorrow with a special Senate co-lead 😎 It’s radical, which I always love, and we’re keeping more coins in your pocket, which I also love."

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "There is no reason a person should pay more than 15% interest in the United States. It’s common sense - in fact, we had these Usury laws until the 70s. (Max interest rates are record-high for ppl with excellent credit, too.) It’s a debt trap for working people + it has to end.… https://t.co/GIB0ICeyi9" noting Bloomberg on Twitter: "Presidential hopeful @BernieSanders and congresswoman @AOC are calling for a 15% cap on credit card interest rates https://t.co/JEi8J5lFNb" - AOC, Bernie Sanders Propose Credit Card Interest Rate Cap - Bloomberg "Plan would let post offices offer basic banking services" and "Pair call big banks ‘modern-day loan sharks’ in statement"
An outline of the plan released ahead of their formal announcement sharply criticized banks for charging an average 17.17% interest on credit-card balances while they are able to borrow money at less than 2.5%.

“Today’s loan sharks wear expensive suits and work on Wall Street, where they make hundreds of millions of dollars in total compensation by charging sky-high fees and usurious interest rates,” the statement said.

With Republicans in control of the Senate, the proposal has little chance of becoming law any time soon.
The Intercept on Twitter: "Rep. @AOC & Sen. @BernieSanders team up on new legislation that would effectively put the payday-lending industry out of business [url]https://t.co/veNt4U5NSx by @ddayen"[/url] noting Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders Introduce Bank Legislation
The bill is called the Loan Shark Prevention Act, and it’s only two pages long. It includes language that would prevent lenders from adding fees to “evade” the interest rate cap and sets penalties for violators, including a forfeiture of all interest on the illegal loans.

According to Ocasio-Cortez’s office, the freshman representative plans to suggest postal banking as a public option for consumer lending, though that is not in the legislation. A postal lending option would in theory minimize the impact on access to credit from the rate cap. Sanders endorsed postal banking during his 2016 presidential campaign.
Which parody accounts of conservative politicians do you have in mind?

Well, there's Devin Nunes' Cow and Devin Nunes' Skin accounts. You should follow them. They're hilarious, and Nunes is suing them. :rotfl:

As for the supposed AOC satire account, I would not take Don Jr's word on whether it was playing fair. He doesn't have the capacity to know that one way or the other.
It's part of the general pattern that highlights how badly right wingers are when it comes to humor or parody. In order to be parody, it has to be somewhat apparent that it's trying to be funny. The fake AOC account was basically generating fake news lies/headlines that weren't even attempting to be funny, just trying to spread lies. It's a tiny bit subjective, but it was only after the fact that they got called on it that they claimed it was parody. It was a lame attempt at 'just joking', which as usual for right wingers, isn't actually a joke, or funny.

My understanding is that it has everything to do with the naming of the account. 'AOC Press' sounds like a legitimate account, 'Devin Nunes' Cow' does not. Had they named the account 'AOC's Whiskey Joint' or something else that is obviously a parody, they would have been fine. The conservative asshats that are bitching about this want to have an account that seems legitimate to spread disinformation, and to be able to call it a parody at the same time, but Twitter is not having it.
It's a little bit old now, but AOC deferred to party leadership when asked about Venezuela and probably doesn't know a whole lot about the situation there. Nobody's perfect... but between this, her effusive praise of John McCain, her lack of bravery when people accuse progressives of anti-Semitism, and other international issues she has been unimpressive about, it's clear that foreign policy is not her strong suit. And without that element, nobody can convincingly call AOC a socialist, because half of socialism is anti-imperialism.
Capping interest rates like that will make it much more difficult for poorer people or people with less than perfect credit to get credit cards and loans.

According to Ocasio-Cortez’s office, the freshman representative plans to suggest postal banking as a public option for consumer lending, though that is not in the legislation. A postal lending option would in theory minimize the impact on access to credit from the rate cap. Sanders endorsed postal banking during his 2016 presidential campaign.

US Postal Service VISA?
Capping interest rates like that will make it much more difficult for poorer people or people with less than perfect credit to get credit cards and loans.

According to Ocasio-Cortez’s office, the freshman representative plans to suggest postal banking as a public option for consumer lending, though that is not in the legislation. A postal lending option would in theory minimize the impact on access to credit from the rate cap. Sanders endorsed postal banking during his 2016 presidential campaign.

US Postal Service VISA?

Is that an argument for Deutsche Bank Meister Card?

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Capping interest rates like that will make it much more difficult for poorer people or people with less than perfect credit to get credit cards and loans.

According to Ocasio-Cortez’s office, the freshman representative plans to suggest postal banking as a public option for consumer lending, though that is not in the legislation. A postal lending option would in theory minimize the impact on access to credit from the rate cap. Sanders endorsed postal banking during his 2016 presidential campaign.

US Postal Service VISA?

Is that an argument for Deutsche Bank Meister Card?
Is that an argument for Deutsche Bank Meister Card?

Yes, what used to be German postal bank since 1909 has since the 90s become a regular retail bank, later swallowed by the giant megabank Deusche Bank.

So, is AOC really the future with these turn-of-the-last-century ideas like postal banking?

Perhaps in the short term as Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Chase, etc. try to blackmail politicians into uncapping them again. But as soon as credit unions and small, locally owned banks start seeing an uptick in new customers (they're already the place to go when you have a poor credit score or want to buy a cheap fixer-upper), market forces will pressure the big banks to adjust.
because half of socialism is anti-imperialism.

Except for Soviet imperialism, back in the day, right?

Soviets were not socialists. They were communists.

What's the third C in CCCP? Or alternatively, the second S in USSR? That's right: Социалисти́ческих/Socialist.
The two are not mutually exclusive. In Marxist ideology, socialism is just a stepping stone toward the communist utopia. While Soviet Union was run by the Communist Party, whose goal was implementation of communism, the state by definition had to be socialist, not communist, because when communism is achieved, the state is supposed to dissolve.
Capping interest rates like that will make it much more difficult for poorer people or people with less than perfect credit to get credit cards and loans.
I would not be too sure of that. Consider the subprime mortgages of the mid-2000's. Banks were willing to offer mortgages to people who would have a lot of difficulty paying them back, something that suggests a lack of due diligence on the part of those banks.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "“This is crazy!” “Just pay your bills!” “You need higher interest for poor people!” 1st of all, 15% interest is already a TON. Most credit unions are subject to usury law; they’re quite sound. in fact, they’re the few who DIDN’T need a bailout in ‘08. So let’s talk about it ⬇️… https://t.co/a0qZkUM9AG" noting Bernie Sanders on Twitter: "Credit card interest rates are outrageously high. With @RepAOC, we are introducing legislation to challenge the greed of Wall Street and protect consumers across America. https://t.co/eFltL754AG"
Then a nice video by BS and AOC on this subject. Laws against excessive interest rates used to exist, but they were either repealed or worked around around in 1977-1980.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "That’s why we pair usury w/ support for a non-profit banking option esp in key communities: aka Postal Banking. Big banks won’t service poor communities unless they make a killing off them - that’s why they charge predatory rates. Doesn’t have to be that way w/ competing model.… https://t.co/cuS3PqqrFr" noting Nahaz on Twitter: "I whole heartedly agree with the intent here but am deeply apprehensive about the implementation. I worry capping CCC rates will deny many low income households access to credit, or worse push them toward even more exploitative lenders such as payday loan stores (3 digit APRs).… https://t.co/ArTx3P2g63"

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "GOP is talking smack about the Post Office (of course, since they have no ideas). The funny thing about that: it‘s the GOP’s own “business model” that hurt them! They forced USPS to prefund pensions decades out (which makes NO sense & no solvent biz does)instead of year to year."
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "Really, the biggest, boldest idea (other than war) the GOP has proposed is A Wall. At this rate they’re gonna propose getting us to space w/ trebuchets. They constantly hate, but have 0 real solutions for income inequality, healthcare, climate crisis, racial injustice, etc."
A trebuchet is a kind of catapult that works with a swinging beam. The beam is placed on the trebuchet's support frame with its pivot point or fulcrum near one end of the beam. The projectile goes onto the long part and the short part is either pulled by the trebuchet's users or else pulled down by gravity on a counterweight. From  Trebuchet, the longest range of a reconstructed trebuchet is 450 m, and that translates into a projectile velocity of 66 m/s (released at 45d angle).

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter: "We chose to go on the climate offense with the #GreenNewDeal. As a result, climate denial is now a losing position + we got GOP (incl #WheresMitch!) to finally admit that climate change is real + man-made. Now it’s time to go after predatory lending. Whose side is the GOP on?… https://t.co/zZbaF1hKpA" noting Justice Democrats on Twitter: ""We're going to get Republicans on the record saying extortionary interest rates are wrong and we're going to do something about it." -@AOC on the Loan Shark Prevention Act she and @SenSanders proposed… https://t.co/G8sAgSHZGu"
They've already thought of one: that any lower interest rates will keep poor people from getting loans. Very concern trollish, but the Right is very expert at concern trolling.
Admittedly I failed to do my homework on that post. But pray do tell, what are the chances of atmospheric CO2 ever reaching even 1% let alone 10% ?
You didn’t even do your homework on reading bilby’s original post, which put the 10% into the context he was speaking of.

Yes, but my question was...........what are the chances that CO will ever reach the dizzying rate of 1-10%?
because half of socialism is anti-imperialism.

Except for Soviet imperialism, back in the day, right?

Soviets were not socialists. They were communists.

I haven't read a Derec post in a while, but neither of these comments hit the mark. To the extent that the USSR was imperialist, it was not socialist. But neither was it communist (and it never claimed to be). Communism is the total absence of a state; Soviet Russia was state capitalism channeled towards achieving socialism.
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