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Animals roaming free

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Saw a fox in the garden last night, plus hedgehogs. The other day I saw three Red Kites circling high above my head.
A few photos over the last few days.

Pileated Woodpecker. Not so good a photo because the sun was low and it was in the shadows. I had to mess a lot with the brightness and contrast to get the colors to show. But, it's only the second time I've managed to photograph one.

Female red wing black bird down by the pond

A grackle chomping on a piece of stale bread at the pond

Male wild turkey doing his strut in the front yard.

Chipmunk collecting food

Wild turkeys are almost as ugly as vultures.
We have the urban standard zoo of raccoons, possums, and various feral version of house pets. There are also rodents, but the feral cats keep them under control. There are crow, sparrows, mocking birds, robins and woodpeckers. At certain time of year, the nearby lake is carpeted by pelicans and other water fowl who like to stay here in the winter. There is a strong community of chicken hawks, and since chickens are hard to find in this neighborhood, they have been known to carry off small kittens.
Our list includes kangaroos, wallabies, koalas (not many but we're working on it), wombats and echidnas, possums of various types, native rats, antechinus.

Feral introduced: cats, dogs, foxes, rabbits. (Grrrrrrr!)

Birds: wedge tailed eagles, sea eagles, Pelicans, herons, egrets and other long legged estuary birds that I don't have the knowledge to separate from each other, Pacific and silver gulls, Caspian Terns, cormorants, Pied and Sooty Oystercatchers, Hooded Plovers, black Cockatoos (rarely, the elsewhere more common white), galahs, magpies, kookaburras, wattle birds, Shrike Thrushes, butcher birds, silvereyes.
Spring has arrived so we should start seeing our black bears again.

Looking forward to seeing if you can post a photo!

I have only seen black bears in Canada when my old college buddies and I used to gather once every other year for a week long canoe trip in the wilderness. Those were the old days before kids.

We go to Maine a lot in the summer but I have not yet seen one there.
Spring has arrived so we should start seeing our black bears again.

Looking forward to seeing if you can post a photo!

I have only seen black bears in Canada when my old college buddies and I used to gather once every other year for a week long canoe trip in the wilderness. Those were the old days before kids.

We go to Maine a lot in the summer but I have not yet seen one there.
I'll try to get a shot. They tend to run away fast when they see us. I expect they will be hungry and will be going through our trash cans soon. One trash day last year, the neighborhood looked like a tornado hit with trash containers spilled all over the road. lol
I had a pretty interesting morning out today.

Prairie Warbler

Same Prairie Warbler


Eastern Towhee

Tree swallow

There were four red shoulder hawks apparently playing or practicing. Very interesting.

The were playing dodge with their talons out

This went on for a good 30 minutes. I'm guessing a family?

Great Crested Flycatcher
Same Great Crested Flycatcher

A chickadee grooming itself

Chipping sparrow

My second Yellow warbler almost a year from my last one.

Baltimore Oriole

Eastern Kingbird


Brown Thrasher was singing away. It's related to the Mockingbird

- - - Updated - - -

Same brown thrasher

Here's it's cousin the Mockingbird

Yellow Rumped Warbler

Palm Warbler

Female Red wing blackbird

Male Red wing blackbird doing batman. When he squawks he does batman

They're cute now, but in a year they'll be pooping on the path and hissing at you (Canadian Geese - my photo)

I'd take a picture of the raccoon that ate his way into my attic, but he might attack me.
Young Eurasian coot, the punk rockers of birds. When older they settle down in boring but respectable black and white. They are pretty much endemic here, even nesting in busy city canals with heavy traffic on both sides. Humans are not a thread to them. I think they see us as mobile bread dispensers.

JGMcol 1 (3).jpg
I went to the local pub this morning for a coffee. On the way I saw a fox running around in broad daylight. I figured that something must have disturbed it and it was looking for a new place to hide.
Young Eurasian coot, the punk rockers of birds. When older they settle down in boring but respectable black and white. They are pretty much endemic here, even nesting in busy city canals with heavy traffic on both sides. Humans are not a thread to them. I think they see us as mobile bread dispensers.

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Interesting they are so colorful as kids. Usually young animals are not so colorful so as not to attract predators to themselves. Must keep the parents busy.
Yes I'm having fun this morning. Going into my back yard and looking down the hill into the woods I hear rustling in the leaves.

In the center of the photo you might think that maybe there is a deer down there.

Zoom in a bit and that definitely looks like a deer in the brush.

Zoom in all the way and the poor thing appears to have a tick on it's nose.
Another interesting day for me. Tell me if I'm getting boring.

A male red bellied woodpecker in my woods.

A female poking it's head up to look around

A red Squirrel strangely not raising a racket.

I stopped by the pond on my way back from lunch.
I was only intended to photograph the mallard walking across the road when I just happened to also get a grackle in flight.

Let's all go this way!

Now let's all go this way!

A gray catbird on the cat fence. No cats in sight.

Black capped chickadee almost staying still

I went down to the frog pond after work wondering if the big snapping turtle would be around. No snapper but these three large water snakes were curled together in the setting sun. There are three heads if you look closely.

Finally a Killdeer was in the field. It's actually a skeet shooting range and that what all the junk is on the ground.
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