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Another cop "fears for his life" - Officer Michael Slager Shooting Unarmed Black Man In The Back

Where this guy screwed up was not having a CCL and a NRA approved handgun. He could have then shot the cop and saved himself. Or something. I am sure the NRA could explain it to us. I note there was a group of patriots immediarely started a site to raise money for the cop, stating how that would irritate Al (Sharpton) and Jesse (Jackson). When the video went online a few hours later, these mongrels took it down.
Where this guy screwed up was not having a CCL and a NRA approved handgun. He could have then shot the cop and saved himself. Or something. I am sure the NRA could explain it to us. I note there was a group of patriots immediarely started a site to raise money for the cop, stating how that would irritate Al (Sharpton) and Jesse (Jackson). When the video went online a few hours later, these mongrels took it down.
If that hasn't been cached or documented somewhere, then WTF Internet?
I wondered that, myself, how the video taker survived. Everything about this shoot was bad. And the most fucked up part is that there was already another cop, a black cop, on scene when the taser got planted who probably saw it done, didn't speak up, and will get away with it Scot free.

I, too, feared for the life of the person taking the video. A very brave person.

As for the planted taser, my understanding from other articles is that after he planted it he later picked it up. Perhaps the second cop on the scene did say something. Perhaps the quick arrival of the second cop is also watch saved the eye witness' life.
I wondered that, myself, how the video taker survived. Everything about this shoot was bad. And the most fucked up part is that there was already another cop, a black cop, on scene when the taser got planted who probably saw it done, didn't speak up, and will get away with it Scot free.

I, too, feared for the life of the person taking the video. A very brave person.

As for the planted taser, my understanding from other articles is that after he planted it he later picked it up. Perhaps the second cop on the scene did say something. Perhaps the quick arrival of the second cop is also watch saved the eye witness' life.

Good points. I didn't know he later picked it up. And that would make me have increased respect for the second officer. Now I wish to see his report.
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I went looking for any rebuttal to this and found something interesting:

There's what appears to be a dropped Taser involved.

Thus this guy might not have actually been unarmed at the time the cop decided to shoot--he very well might have grabbed the officer's taser and that turns it into an armed conflict--shooting would be appropriate.

For fuck's sake you are worse than Derec ever dreamed of being about excusing the murders of black men.

Watch the goddamned video before you start in with your asinine justifications. The "dropped taser" was not at any point in Scott's hands. After the cop murdered Scott, the cop ran BACK to where HE dropped the taser, picked it up and then planted it next to Scot's dead body. It is on the video.
I went looking for any rebuttal to this and found something interesting:

There's what appears to be a dropped Taser involved.

Thus this guy might not have actually been unarmed at the time the cop decided to shoot--he very well might have grabbed the officer's taser and that turns it into an armed conflict--shooting would be appropriate.

Did you not actually watch the video??? After the guy is shot and down on the ground, the cop goes back, picks up the taser and tosses it on the ground by the dead guy. So not only did he kill a guy for no reason, he then planted evidence.

Yeah, he panicked and did something very stupid.

You're basically admitting that I'm right, though. If the guy got the officer's taser this is a justified shoot.

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I went looking for any rebuttal to this and found something interesting:

There's what appears to be a dropped Taser involved.

Thus this guy might not have actually been unarmed at the time the cop decided to shoot--he very well might have grabbed the officer's taser and that turns it into an armed conflict--shooting would be appropriate.

Sure, Loren! A Taser is not a lethal weapon...usually. What's more a 9mm pistol has many times the range of a taser. There seems to be NOTHING A COP CAN DO THAT YOU WON'T EXCUSE AND APPROVE.

But the taser would let him take the cop's gun.

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I went looking for any rebuttal to this and found something interesting:

There's what appears to be a dropped Taser involved.

Thus this guy might not have actually been unarmed at the time the cop decided to shoot--he very well might have grabbed the officer's taser and that turns it into an armed conflict--shooting would be appropriate.

For fuck's sake you are worse than Derec ever dreamed of being about excusing the murders of black men.

Watch the goddamned video before you start in with your asinine justifications. The "dropped taser" was not at any point in Scott's hands. After the cop murdered Scott, the cop ran BACK to where HE dropped the taser, picked it up and then planted it next to Scot's dead body. It is on the video.

We don't see how the taser ended up on the ground.
We don't see how the taser ended up on the ground.
Are you asserting the suspect may have grabbed the taser dropped it and then ran afterwards when we see the the officer drop the taser by the dead suspect he was simply showing how things might have happened if he had been able to justifiably shot him sooner?
We don't see how the taser ended up on the ground.

We do see the victim running away with Taser barbs hanging from his back.

Clearly, after he wrestled the taser from the bewildered and terrified officer, this master criminal made one fatal mistake. He fired his new found weapon, but while doing so spun around to launch a devastating karate kick at the cop, leading to the taser barbs hitting him in the back instead. Ignoring the barbs with his super-human power of blackness, he then ran from the cop in order to gain some distance so he could launch a flying kick and finally take out his brave but clearly outmatched opponent.

None of this was caught on video, of course, as the person shooting the video was black and they're not to be trusted because Al Sharpton.

What we're really seeing on the video is an almost miraculous recovery by the cop where he gets off a lucky shot or eight while his assailant is vulnerable in the only way black people are ever vulnerable...when their back is turned as they run away in preparation for a killing strike.

Of course the "murder" charges will probably stick because political correctness reverse racism Jesse Jackson liberal media.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You managed to find a way to blame the victim. I knew you could do it Derec!!! Way to go!!!
Just because he got shot in the back while fleeing doesn't mean he didn't do some incredibly stupid things.

The bottom line here is that the ONLY reason Slager has been arrested (not yet convicted, we will see if that happens) is because the shooting was videotaped.
There would be, unlike with Michael Brown, forensic evidence of back-to-front bullet trajectories. Remember that despite Dorian Johnson said, Brown sustained no gunshots to the back.

In the Michael Brown case, the actual shooting was not videotaped which allows "your side" to continue to maintain that Michael Brown "charged" the officer (despite a dozen witnesses saying otherwise).
And other witnesses said that he was charging. Then there is the question of forensic evidence which was not consistent with what some of the witnesses were saying. I guess you could say that "in the Michael Brown case, the actual shooting was not videotaped which allows "your side" to continue to maintain that Michael Brown" was murdered. Hence my "congratulations" comment. Must be exciting to finally have a credible case...

But good job on you bringing up other cases to deflect from the horror of this one. Don't forget to bring up the murder of Trayvon Martin and to defend the NON-cop Zimmerman, too.
Comparisons of similar cases are relevant to discussion.

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1) A man is dead because of the reaction of a police officer. It doesn't matter the color.
It shouldn't. But cases where a white person is shot by the police never explode on Twitter or get endlessly discussed on cable news.
Interestingly, (alarmingly? Horrifyingly?) the only thing that would make running from the cops "stupid" is the near certainty that
they will try to shoot you dead if you disobey
First of all, only a small percentage of people who flee from the police get killed. It is hardly a "near certainty" but nevertheless the non-negligible risk of getting killed is one of the reasons why running from the police is a stupid thing to do.
AND not face any discipline over it.
That does not really enter the equation whether the running from the police is stupid. Whether this cop gets convicted of 1st degree murder or acquitted, the guy is still dead. This is not GTA - when you die in a police chase you die in real life.

Without that near-certain assumption it is not stupid to run from police.
Really? You do not think it's stupid to run from the police if they don't kill you? How about the fact that they will have to use physical force to restrain you once they catch up which is not fun? How about the additional charges that will surely be added to whatever you were running because of? How about the chance you will get hit and injured/killed by a third party (or just hit a wall like this genius) or hit and injure/kill a third party (if in a car) which could lead to more charges, including felony murder?
The only time it could even be considered worth the risk to run is if the police do not know who you are and if you evade them you can be in the clear. But again, in real life this is considerably more difficult than finding a Pay-n-Spray. And it doesn't apply here anyway because the cop knew who he was. So yes, it was incredibly stupid of him to run, even if he weren't shot. The guy took on risk with no reasonable expectation of reward.

Interesting that you assume those two things, no?
Interesting that you think running from police is likely to result in death because police want to and have no reason to hold back.
No, I do not assume that. Many people run from the police and only a small percentage pay with their lives for it. But vast majority learns to rue their decision anyway.
Interesting that you think that getting killed is the only possible negative consequence of running from the police.
Where this guy screwed up was not having a CCL and a NRA approved handgun. He could have then shot the cop and saved himself. Or something. I am sure the NRA could explain it to us. I note there was a group of patriots immediarely started a site to raise money for the cop, stating how that would irritate Al (Sharpton) and Jesse (Jackson). When the video went online a few hours later, these mongrels took it down.
Not NRA this time. SCLC. Or at least their suspended local (Atlanta) leader. Georgia SCLC president suspended after 2nd Amendment comments
For fuck's sake you are worse than Derec ever dreamed of being about excusing the murders of black men.
Completely uncalled for!
Watch the goddamned video before you start in with your asinine justifications. The "dropped taser" was not at any point in Scott's hands. After the cop murdered Scott, the cop ran BACK to where HE dropped the taser, picked it up and then planted it next to Scot's dead body. It is on the video.
Attempting to plant evidence is very bad indeed.
However, from what I heard right before the video started rolling there was an altercation where the dead guy knocked the taser out of the cop's hands. That explains why he had to pick it up to drop it next to the body rather than just taking it from its holster. If true, that behavior certainly raised the threat level in the eyes of the officer.
However, from what I heard right before the video started rolling there was an altercation where the dead guy knocked the taser out of the cop's hands. That explains why he had to pick it up to drop it next to the body rather than just taking it from its holster. If true, that behavior certainly raised the threat level in the eyes of the officer.
It may have spooked the cop. It may have pissed him off too.
The problem I see is that the cop pretty clearly knew that the taser was back on the ground, which seems to indicate that he shot an unarmed man in the back who posed no threat
However, from what I heard right before the video started rolling there was an altercation where the dead guy knocked the taser out of the cop's hands. That explains why he had to pick it up to drop it next to the body rather than just taking it from its holster. If true, that behavior certainly raised the threat level in the eyes of the officer.
It may have spooked the cop. It may have pissed him off too.
The problem I see is that the cop pretty clearly knew that the taser was back on the ground, which seems to indicate that he shot an unarmed man in the back who posed no threat
I am not saying that what the cop did was right, but if he really scuffled with the cop and went for the taser it does change the narrative from being black and white (no pun intended) as it is being portrayed.
I would also be interested in what a tox screen might find.
I went looking for any rebuttal to this and found something interesting:

There's what appears to be a dropped Taser involved.

Thus this guy might not have actually been unarmed at the time the cop decided to shoot--he very well might have grabbed the officer's taser and that turns it into an armed conflict--shooting would be appropriate.

For fuck's sake you are worse than Derec ever dreamed of being about excusing the murders of black men.

Watch the goddamned video before you start in with your asinine justifications. The "dropped taser" was not at any point in Scott's hands. After the cop murdered Scott, the cop ran BACK to where HE dropped the taser, picked it up and then planted it next to Scot's dead body. It is on the video.

I've seen the video and it's very incriminating no doubt about it. But ever stop and think that this particular cop, as are many in African/American areas, probably reacting after having previous bad experiences with them? Just a thought!
Congratulations! It looks like your side finally has what it has been desperately seeking since Michael Brown - a bad shoot of a black man by a police officer.
Otoh, I doubt it will make much difference to the hardcore activists as they are still talking about the "murder of Michael Brown" despite the facts.

All that said, it was incredibly (and as it turns out terminally) stupid of Scott to flee and engage in a scuffle with the officer reportedly knocking his taser out from his hands. Especially knowing how trigger-happy US cops tend to be.

"Your side"?

"Your side"?

You fascists constantly complain that "big government" is the problem and that "big government" is oppressing us all, but yet somehow every time the government directly abuses its power over citizens, you make constant excuses for big government. By saying "your side," do you realize that you are declaring your own side to be exactly the thing you claim to be against?
I've seen the video and it's very incriminating no doubt about it. But ever stop and think that this particular cop, as are many in African/American areas, probably reacting after having previous bad experiences with them? Just a thought!
What sort of bad experiences might have led the cop to do what he did?
Did you not actually watch the video??? After the guy is shot and down on the ground, the cop goes back, picks up the taser and tosses it on the ground by the dead guy. So not only did he kill a guy for no reason, he then planted evidence.

Yeah, he panicked and did something very stupid.

You're basically admitting that I'm right, though. If the guy got the officer's taser this is a justified shoot.

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I went looking for any rebuttal to this and found something interesting:

There's what appears to be a dropped Taser involved.

Thus this guy might not have actually been unarmed at the time the cop decided to shoot--he very well might have grabbed the officer's taser and that turns it into an armed conflict--shooting would be appropriate.

Sure, Loren! A Taser is not a lethal weapon...usually. What's more a 9mm pistol has many times the range of a taser. There seems to be NOTHING A COP CAN DO THAT YOU WON'T EXCUSE AND APPROVE.

But the taser would let him take the cop's gun.

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I went looking for any rebuttal to this and found something interesting:

There's what appears to be a dropped Taser involved.

Thus this guy might not have actually been unarmed at the time the cop decided to shoot--he very well might have grabbed the officer's taser and that turns it into an armed conflict--shooting would be appropriate.

For fuck's sake you are worse than Derec ever dreamed of being about excusing the murders of black men.

Watch the goddamned video before you start in with your asinine justifications. The "dropped taser" was not at any point in Scott's hands. After the cop murdered Scott, the cop ran BACK to where HE dropped the taser, picked it up and then planted it next to Scot's dead body. It is on the video.

We don't see how the taser ended up on the ground.

Bullshit "we" don't. Everyone except you saw perfectly well how the taser ended up on the ground BEHIND the cop, nowhere near Scott as Scott limped away and the copy shot him multiple time in the back.

You have to be pulling our collective legs at this point, because you cannot possibly seriously mean what you are posting here.
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