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Another Cop Throws A Student

I certainly don't believe her side of the story. Things like this don't just come out of nowhere like she's claiming. Thus she's covering up the actual trigger--which means she knows she was in the wrong.

You sure do love authority a lot for someone who claims to be libertarian.

Only a few millimeters of fabric prevented this young preteen from being fully penetrated by the law. And one thing anti-statists love is for the law to fully penetrate young, nubile things.
I certainly don't believe her side of the story. Things like this don't just come out of nowhere like she's claiming. Thus she's covering up the actual trigger--which means she knows she was in the wrong.
Her "side" of the story? I don't care if she called the cop a fucking asshole dipshit - it doesn't give him the right to body slam her. She is 12 years old for Christ's sake. He was already restraining her.
Interestingly, her side of the story has yet to be reported. All we have seen is her mother's side of her side of the story.
What are you so frightened that you and your ilk will defend anything a police officer does?
Nope. I already acknowledged that there is a possibility his use of force was not correct.
However, the family is claiming the girl did nothing wrong, that she was only talking (very unbelievable) and also that she was unconscious and still has headaches (highly suspect, especially given the family's other claims).
What do you think about these claims made by the family? Also, what dollar amount do you think they will demand from the district?

I also find it unbelievable that a twelve year old girl was standing around talking.
I also find it unbelievable that a twelve year old girl was standing around talking.
What is unbelievable is that this completely mundane act would
a) cause a crowd to gather around two 12 year olds talking
b) cause a cop to restrain one of the 12 year olds
Yet, you think he should just get a reprimand. You are not fooling anyone.
If he was justified in restraining her and only used somewhat excessive force, yes.
What do you think should happen to him in that case?

Yet now you are whining that this family might try to get damages.
By exaggerating the extent of her injuries and lying about their precious girl not doing anything wrong.

I don't think about them. If I did, they are certainly plausible, but ultimately there is no way to know whether or not they are true.
I think they are very implausible and the investigations are done to ascertain what actually happened. Except you and your ilk do not care what actually happened.
Don't know and don't care. I think it is very telling that you are more worried about a possible damage award than the actual well-being of the victim and, the effects on the children who witnessed this brutal handling of a child, and the implications of how children in those schools are treated by these special police.
I do not think any significant damage was done to her well being.
And I am sick and tired of cities paying out huge sums as settlements even when the cops act appropriately and we the taxpayers have to foot the bill because of political correctness. Did you see the murder of Will Smith (ex NFL player, not the Fresh Prince) in the news? He was murdered by a son of a guy who was killed by police. The city foolishly gave the son a huge sum as settlement even though the perp was armed and violent and the police officers were exonerated. Anyway, the son saw Smith have lunch with one of the cops, rearended him with his Hummer (paid for by taxpayers!), shot him dead and wounded his wife. Like father, like son. Unfortunately he was only charged with 2nd degree murder - it should be first. Ambush shows premeditation.
You are really are not fooling anyone.
Neither are you.

P.S.: I mean why would I ever think this case was all about money?

Can't think of a single reason. Or eight.
Actually, I don't.
Actually you do.
My post to which you replied with amazement consisted of correcting you on your claim that the girl was black and turning around your statements that we think people deserve to be assaulted by cops.
Nobody on here approves of cops assaulting anybody. If the cop had no reason to restrain her he should be prosecuted for assault and battery. If he had a right to restrain her he also had a right to escalate force (since she was clearly resisting) and thus he is at most guilty of using somewhat excessive force, which warrants a reprimand.
Do you agree that the girl should not have been resisting when the cop tried to restrain her?

Despite all past experience reading your posts, I find that I would like to believe that little girls, women and black people of any age do not terrify you to the extent that you accept and even applaud grown men throwing them around, smashing them into the ground and shooting them point blank.
I do not think race, gender or age gives somebody the right to resist a lawful arrest. The cop might have used somewhat excessive force (although any force used would be deemed excessive by compulsive cop haters) but the girl still initiated the situation.

But I guess that is just not true. As long as it is some man who is slamming some other person or with a weapon in his hand, or shooting someone, it's all good with you.
Every situation is different. And it turns out that most cases where a cop shoots a suspect it was justified. #BLM are notoriulsly bad at selecting good cause celebres. That said, this girl wasn't shot. She wasn't even significantly injured. She was thrown on the ground, face first, yet there seem not to be any marks on her face in the photos I've seen of her.

So this case is much ado about nothing. I think the family is just trying to make a quick buck.
2 things I notice..
1) It appears as though she was repeatedly attempting to kick the police officer (we do not know why he was carrying her in the first place, though)
2) After the 'body slam', it sounds like the crowd around the scene "approved" of the action through the tone of their exclamations. Like you might expect to hear when a bully gets knocked out by someone (justified or not)...

also reported was that this girl had a history of physical altercations with other students.

.. more information is needed though to make an informed call on appropriateness...
When the video starts in the middle you never know what came before.

Are you under the impression that before the video started the student in question was NOT a twelve year old girl? Was she a five foot eleven linebacker who tried to tackle the cop, only shape-shifting into a smaller form to avoid being restrained?

I ask because if the circumstances aren't VERY unusual, whatever happened before the video started happened between a grown male police officer...


We have a very short bit of film--the camera could easily have started (or been edited to start) just after she attacked him.

Keeping harping on her being twelve does nothing for your case as it's based on the notion that a twelve year old can't do harm.
If he was justified in restraining her and only used somewhat excessive force, yes.
What do you think should happen to him in that case?
A reprimand is too mild.
By exaggerating the extent of her injuries and lying about their precious girl not doing anything wrong.
You don't know that they are lying. Lying requires that they know what they say is false.
I think they are very implausible and the investigations are done to ascertain what actually happened. Except you and your ilk do not care what actually happened.
You and your ilk are the ones literally making shit up. You're not fooling anyone.
I do not think any significant damage was done to her well being.
Having one's face slammed into cement hurts a lot. Being violently attacked in public by a police officer is a traumatic and/or embarrassing experience for most people, but especially for middle schoolers. Your response indicates a complete lack of human empathy and ignorance about middle school children.
And I am sick and tired of cities paying out huge sums as settlements....blah blah blah...
Then bring up your hobby horse if a suit is filed.
Are you under the impression that before the video started the student in question was NOT a twelve year old girl? Was she a five foot eleven linebacker who tried to tackle the cop, only shape-shifting into a smaller form to avoid being restrained?

I ask because if the circumstances aren't VERY unusual, whatever happened before the video started happened between a grown male police officer...


We have a very short bit of film--the camera could easily have started (or been edited to start) just after she attacked him.

In fact, it is almost certain that the filming did not start until the most of the incident had already occurred. Why would anyone have a camera focused on her at the exact moment the cop grabbed her? Like all such incidents someone starting filming only after they decided there was a juicy altercation underway that was worth filming. Which means it was well underway, possibly for several minutes before someone filmed the last 20 seconds of it.
She was thrown on the ground, face first, yet there seem not to be any marks on her face in the photos I've seen of her.
Internal injuries may not show or manifest themselves immediately.
Whats your point? What if she's in the wrong? Her being in the right or wrong has nothing to do with the officer deciding to pick her up and throw her to the ground.

I'm saying I don't believe her version of events--things like that don't come out of the blue. Thus I am concluding she is lying--and why would she do that unless her actions gave him a reasonable reason to act as he did?

That has nothing to do with what i asked. Her being in the right or wrong doesn't matter. What matters is that he used unnecessary, excessive, and dangerous force.
2 things I notice..
1) It appears as though she was repeatedly attempting to kick the police officer (we do not know why he was carrying her in the first place, though)
2) After the 'body slam', it sounds like the crowd around the scene "approved" of the action through the tone of their exclamations. Like you might expect to hear when a bully gets knocked out by someone (justified or not)...

also reported was that this girl had a history of physical altercations with other students.

.. more information is needed though to make an informed call on appropriateness...

Don't tell me that the cop didnt have a choice, or was unable to just keep holding on to her till she calmed down, and lost her strength.
There's only one way to stop this nonsense: When a kid gets out of line, the SRO should shoot him/her dead on the spot. After a few dozen of them have been shot dead, the next kid might think twice about gettin' uppity! We have an overpopulation problem anyhow.
2 things I notice..
1) It appears as though she was repeatedly attempting to kick the police officer (we do not know why he was carrying her in the first place, though)
2) After the 'body slam', it sounds like the crowd around the scene "approved" of the action through the tone of their exclamations. Like you might expect to hear when a bully gets knocked out by someone (justified or not)...

also reported was that this girl had a history of physical altercations with other students.

.. more information is needed though to make an informed call on appropriateness...

Short of her being armed with a lethal weapon, I don't think there was anything appropriate about that very violent body slam to the floor.
She was thrown on the ground, face first, yet there seem not to be any marks on her face in the photos I've seen of her.
Internal injuries may not show or manifest themselves immediately.
Bruises can take 24 hrs or more to fully develop. That said, there is a bruise shown developing on the girl's face in a close up in the news clip.

Other injuries are not always visible immediately but take some hours or even a day or two to fully show bruising, swelling, etc.

I've watched several times and I still do not see the child kicking the police officer. I see him lifting and moving her around, she's pretty limp, not struggling, her leg flails with the force of her being thrown about. I haven't yet seen any footage of the child kicking at anybody or anything.
I don't know which is more disturbing, the policeman who appears to be guilty of police brutality or those here who seem to be defending his actions. This was a fully grown male who should know that such brute force is unnecessary when dealing with a skinny, unarmed 12 year old girl. From the many articles I have reviewed before making this post, it seems that the pre teen girl was having a little argument with another girl, when the cop jumped to the conclusion that a fight was about to begin. Instead of trying to investigate what was really going on, and then trying to talk to the girl, he acts like an undisciplined thug by grabbing the child then throwing her down face first onto concrete. Fortunately, no serious injury occurred. She had a medical exam and other than some facial bruising, she seemed to be okay.

The child is Hispanic. I have lived in San Antonio for five years and although that was a long time ago, what shocked me most was the amount of prejudice and bigotry directed at Mexican Americans by non Hispanic white Americans. The racism was rarely disguised and very blatant. If there wasn't so much insane outrage about immigration these days, I'd be inclined to think that perhaps this ethnic hatred had subsided. I doubt that is the case.

I have no idea if ethnic hatred motivated the actions of this particular cop, he may just be an individual who has allowed his power to go to this head, motivating him to use unnecessary force. Hopefully, American cities will do a better job of training police officers so that this type of thing becomes extremely rare. It's become far too common these days and it needs to be stopped. If a police officer is scared of an unarmed 12 year old girl, he's in the wrong business. It's time to weed out such individuals. Being an officer is not an easy job, but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be accountability when police act more like criminals than advocates who vow to serve and protect.
2 things I notice..
1) It appears as though she was repeatedly attempting to kick the police officer (we do not know why he was carrying her in the first place, though)
2) After the 'body slam', it sounds like the crowd around the scene "approved" of the action through the tone of their exclamations. Like you might expect to hear when a bully gets knocked out by someone (justified or not)...

also reported was that this girl had a history of physical altercations with other students.

.. more information is needed though to make an informed call on appropriateness...

Short of her being armed with a lethal weapon, I don't think there was anything appropriate about that very violent body slam to the floor.

Actually you do.
My post to which you replied with amazement consisted of correcting you on your claim that the girl was black and turning around your statements that we think people deserve to be assaulted by cops.

Yes, I did forget to explicitly add brown people to those who cause you to feel intense fear. Although, actually, I thought her gender was sufficient for you.
Nobody on here approves of cops assaulting anybody.

Really? Because that's not how I'm reading posts, including yours. Just because it's not called assault by some posters, such as yourself, does not mean that the rest of us cannot see and recognize an assault by an adult upon a 12 year old child.

If the cop had no reason to restrain her he should be prosecuted for assault and battery. If he had a right to restrain her he also had a right to escalate force (since she was clearly resisting) and thus he is at most guilty of using somewhat excessive force, which warrants a reprimand.
Do you agree that the girl should not have been resisting when the cop tried to restrain her?

Honestly: how was she resisting? She was not kicking, as others in this thread have repeatedly claimed, at least not shown in the video in the OP. I've looked around on the internet and every video I've run across is simply the same as the one in the OP.

She's not kicking, hitting, trying to get away. Everything happens very quickly and she's quite passive in all of it. One leg does sort of flail about as she's lifted a foot or more off the ground. It is obvious that she is not trying to get away nor is she trying to kick at anyone or anything.

At least unless you desperately fear female persons and those with more pigmentation in their skin than is common in natives of Northern Europe and descendants of those nations.

I do not think race, gender or age gives somebody the right to resist a lawful arrest. The cop might have used somewhat excessive force (although any force used would be deemed excessive by compulsive cop haters) but the girl still initiated the situation.

Despite what you assume to be true, there is no evidence of the child initiating anything in the situation, at least not shown on the video from the OP nor any other video I have been able to find.

Why do you believe that she initiated the incident? What do you see that I do not?

Despite what you want to believe, I neither hate nor fear police officers. I view them as having a difficult, not necessarily well paying job that is sometimes very dangerous. But they are people and are as likely as any other person on this planet to be an asshole. Or simply mistaken. What is different is that society has given police the authority--real and/or perceived--to use force as they deem fit. Even when it would not be acceptable by any other person. Even against children. Even against unarmed individuals. Even when the situation is minor ( perhaps an after school argument??).

Every situation is different. And it turns out that most cases where a cop shoots a suspect it was justified.
And here I disagree. I think that it is very rare that a shooting is justified.
That said, this girl wasn't shot. She wasn't even significantly injured. She was thrown on the ground, face first, yet there seem not to be any marks on her face in the photos I've seen of her.

Then you obviously did not look at the entire video from the OP. It is easy to discern a bruise developing on the bone below her eyebrow. It would not be surprising if she had a concussion or other trauma from the incident.

I think the family is just trying to make a quick buck.

I think there are a lot of boot licking authoritarians who happen to distrust females and people who are not white or male and who project their own primary motivations onto others.
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