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Anyone left still believing Trump will not be taken down?

Will Trump be taken down?

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Messy AND embarrassing?! Holy fuck, we can't have THAT!
Let's let Fuckface Von Clownstick flush our system down the dumper and anoint himself Supreme Leader. At least it will look like we MEANT to do it. Thank GAWD we avoided that embarrassing fucking mess!

That's the problem isn't it? How long will the Republicans let Trump destroy the country before the embarrassment of destroying the country become greater than the embarrassment of removing Trump? The actual destruction taking place does not appear to be part of the equation in most cases.
Messy AND embarrassing?! Holy fuck, we can't have THAT!
Let's let Fuckface Von Clownstick flush our system down the dumper and anoint himself Supreme Leader. At least it will look like we MEANT to do it. Thank GAWD we avoided that embarrassing fucking mess!

That's the problem isn't it? How long will the Republicans let Trump destroy the country before the embarrassment of destroying the country become greater than the embarrassment of removing Trump? The actual destruction taking place does not appear to be part of the equation in most cases.

Most of them figure that if the Cheato/Putin Junta wins, they'll get kushy rewards for having sucked trump's dick. It's scary that so many of them believe that's what's gong to happen.
What's the connection between Trump and Cambridge Analytica?

They're both Fake News?

Oh, wait - LMGTFY

My question was more of a fishing expedition. I have no doubts about the (many-layered) connection(s).

I don't think people realize just what has been done to us these past few years and specifically in regard to the 2016 election. I don't think people understand the depth and depravity of it, not to mention the massive, dangerous assault on our national security.

Either we will be blown away completely as the details are revealed and prominent individuals go to prison, forcing the population to set aside our personal bullshit and reevaluate some things, or we just react like with Snowden and we as a society continue on with no clue, and collapse, wondering what happened and blaming everyone but ourselves.

I really think we might have to go through massive upheaval and horrific suffering as a nation before enough of us get a clue about what's going on. :(
What's the connection between Trump and Cambridge Analytica?

They're both Fake News?

Oh, wait - LMGTFY

My question was more of a fishing expedition. I have no doubts about the (many-layered) connection(s).

I don't think people realize just what has been done to us these past few years and specifically in regard to the 2016 election. I don't think people understand the depth and depravity of it, not to mention the massive, dangerous assault on our national security.

Either we will be blown away completely as the details are revealed and prominent individuals go to prison, forcing the population to set aside our personal bullshit and reevaluate some things, or we just react like with Snowden and we as a society continue on with no clue, and collapse, wondering what happened and blaming everyone but ourselves.

I really think we might have to go through massive upheaval and horrific suffering as a nation before enough of us get a clue about what's going on. :(

This morning I saw that Cheato had hired a loudmouthed Deep-State conspiracy theorist/lawyer to go on TV and start planting the seeds of an FBI/CIA/Liberal plot against FFvC into the tiny minds of his supporters. Since most of them have shit for brains, those seeds wil be well-fertilized and should grow into mighty trees by the time Mueller (or his successor) presents anything to Congress. So, even if control of congress has flipped by then and they try to do something about it, some 30% of the American public will be fumbling around for their ARs and Aks so they can overthrow the government...
My question was more of a fishing expedition. I have no doubts about the (many-layered) connection(s).

I don't think people realize just what has been done to us these past few years and specifically in regard to the 2016 election. I don't think people understand the depth and depravity of it, not to mention the massive, dangerous assault on our national security.

Either we will be blown away completely as the details are revealed and prominent individuals go to prison, forcing the population to set aside our personal bullshit and reevaluate some things, or we just react like with Snowden and we as a society continue on with no clue, and collapse, wondering what happened and blaming everyone but ourselves.

I really think we might have to go through massive upheaval and horrific suffering as a nation before enough of us get a clue about what's going on. :(

This morning I saw that Cheato had hired a loudmouthed Deep-State conspiracy theorist/lawyer to go on TV and start planting the seeds of an FBI/CIA/Liberal plot against FFvC into the tiny minds of his supporters. Since most of them have shit for brains, those seeds wil be well-fertilized and should grow into mighty trees by the time Mueller (or his successor) presents anything to Congress. So, even if control of congress has flipped by then and they try to do something about it, some 30% of the American public will be fumbling around for their ARs and Aks so they can overthrow the government...

Yep, but I am encouraged by the prominent right wingers who are speaking out against Trump's obstruction of justice moves. They're basically saying "We will end you" in no uncertain terms if he makes the next move to fire Mueller. It would take some time and a string of extreme actions on the part of Trump to actually get close to firing Mueller, but I think even the right wing authoritarian followers in congress and other offices are seeing the Saturday Night Massacre in this. Firing McCabe is only the most extreme move so far; without the GOP growing a spine and finally getting a clue about what's going on, I think Trump and whoever he has left to help him would certainly compromise the Justice Dept and it would be the end of democracy as we know it.
... I am encouraged by the prominent right wingers who are speaking out against Trump's obstruction of justice moves. They're basically saying "We will end you" in no uncertain terms if he makes the next move to fire Mueller. It would take some time and a string of extreme actions on the part of Trump to actually get close to firing Mueller, but I think even the right wing authoritarian followers in congress and other offices are seeing the Saturday Night Massacre in this.

Almost all of those 'prominent right wingers" are from the untouchable class - they're retiring, not running again etc.. The slo-mo Saturday Night Massacre path isn't looking all that promising to Trump right now, and that's why he's trying to immunize his base against any proof of his criminality.

Firing McCabe is only the most extreme move so far; without the GOP growing a spine and finally getting a clue about what's going on, I think Trump and whoever he has left to help him would certainly compromise the Justice Dept and it would be the end of democracy as we know it.

I think the GOP trumpsuckers have plenty of clues. They're 100% in it for themselves, and are betting on one of two things happening:
1) DOJ, FBI, and CIA are compromised, democracy as we know it - ends, and they end up becoming oligarchs under the Trump Dictatorship or,
2) Those institutions are not compromised, Cheato is expelled and they go back to their districts and tell their AK-brandishing crowds "I tried to save us", and thereby retain their seats.
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