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Anyone left still believing Trump will not be taken down?

Will Trump be taken down?

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Personally, I think if Trump suddenly started acting presidential, and had no more scandal for this term and a next, he still would not be respectable.

If you don't like Trump, it's unlikely he could do anything that would make you like him. I think he knows that. That's why he acts the way he does and doesn't give a shit if his opponents get offended.
Yes, I understand. This is one thing Trump supporters love, his not caring he's an asshole. A great trait for a leader if there ever was one.

My dislike is based on his actions. If he suddenly became a president more to my liking, he's still said and done things I strenuously disagree with and a few more years of acting saintly couldn't fix that I'm afraid. It would be good that he's not causing further damage of course, but what's done is done. It's much like a criminal behaving after a perpetrated crime. The good behavior does not erase his actions.
Taken down for what? Maybe a little less MSNBC would do you good.

Too bad he can't be fired for being an asshole. But if we want to follow the law, how about Obstruction of justice? His firing of Mcabbe and Comey are pretty clear examples of obstruction.

For fucks sake, he didn't first McCabe. Astonishing how the media has misreported this. Less astonishing that the useful idiots are uncritically eating it up.

If anybody thinks the order didn't come from Trump they are about as stupid as Trump.
Your system is clearly broken, or he wouldn't be there in the first place. Given this, it seems unlikely that the system that failed to prevent someone clearly incapable of the duties of President from being inaugurated, will suddenly be successful in expelling him. And in the unlikely event that it did, it seems very unlikely that his replacement - almost certainly Mike Pence - would be a huge improvement.
The Republican House "Intelligence" Committee exonerated him already. Even if Mueller is allowed to complete his investigation (that's looking less and less likely everyday) and finds that Trump engaged in obstruction of justice or money laundering, the GOP in Congress won't lift a finger against him.

The likelihood of Democrats winning enough seats in the House to take over and enough seats in the Senate to get a 2/3 majority and follow through on impeachment is effectively zero. I don't see a scenario where Trump is "taken down" anytime soon.
Anyone think he will leave the Oval Office on respectable terms?
I don't think he will leave on respectable terms but I do not think he will be taken down even after he leaves office alive. If anyone is "teflon" it is this character.
The system was totally broken a while ago.

So-called US democracy has been dysfunctional for a while.

Ronald Reagan was one of the stupidest people on the planet. He came in and claimed marijuana was the most dangerous drug on the planet. Complete moron.

GW Bush was another moron. We are still in the messes he started. The terrorist attack of the Iraqi people was the largest war crime of the century and unless all you care about is making some defense contractors a lot of money the most misguided action since the US invasion of South Vietnam.

We got lucky with Obama, not great but at least had some intelligence.

But the system was all set for a Trump a while ago.
Personally, I think if Trump suddenly started acting presidential, and had no more scandal for this term and a next, he still would not be respectable.

If you don't like Trump, it's unlikely he could do anything that would make you like him. I think he knows that. That's why he acts the way he does and doesn't give a shit if his opponents get offended.
You don't have to like someone to think they are respectable. One can be repulsed by Trump's boorishness and pettiness without being his opponent. So your response is pretty much pointless.
Personally, I think if Trump suddenly started acting presidential, and had no more scandal for this term and a next, he still would not be respectable.

If you don't like Trump, it's unlikely he could do anything that would make you like him. I think he knows that. That's why he acts the way he does and doesn't give a shit if his opponents get offended.
You don't have to like someone to think they are respectable. One can be repulsed by Trump's boorishness and pettiness without being his opponent. So your response is pretty much pointless.
Pointless to you perhaps because I'm not fellating Trump at every turn. Yes, I could dislike him and I could still find respectable. I could hate him and admire his... whatever. As it stands. I find no redeeming qualities in the man. None. As far as to whether that's pointless, I care even less about what you think than Trump's cares about what I think.
Trump could grope every male and female staffer in the White House and survive. He'd have to masturbate on the White House Lawn and several networks catch it on camera. Anything less and he's not going anywhere.
Anyone think he will leave the Oval Office on respectable terms?

You're assuming he doesn't manage to subvert the system sufficiently to remain in power.

Good point. That's his goal, clearly. However, Republicans are finally speaking up and warning him that his undermining rule of law will mean the end of his presidency: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43453312.

As well as stuff like: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news...-putin-threat-us-national-security/434811002/.

I think there's a growing bipartisan effort to reign in the orange hobgoblin and hold him accountable. And we all know he responds to that with crazy extinction bursts that only weaken support for him further. Even a red congress might act to give him the boot as he crosses more lines every day.
I don't know. It depends on how these investigations play out. If he gets indicted or named an unindicted co-conspirator, that might make keeping him untenable. It depends on the specifics of the indictments, it has to be something that causes revulsion across party lines. I don't know if that's going to happen.
The system was totally broken a while ago.

So-called US democracy has been dysfunctional for a while.

Ronald Reagan was one of the stupidest people on the planet. He came in and claimed marijuana was the most dangerous drug on the planet. Complete moron.

GW Bush was another moron. We are still in the messes he started. The terrorist attack of the Iraqi people was the largest war crime of the century and unless all you care about is making some defense contractors a lot of money the most misguided action since the US invasion of South Vietnam.
Reagan and W were tools by the neocons. The Neocons got to do whatever they wanted, the US went deeply into debt and we've been dealing with the negative foreign policies decisions for decades.

We got lucky with Obama, not great but at least had some intelligence.
And Clinton as well. In general, inexperienced but intelligent and the economy was the better with them in power.

But the system was all set for a Trump a while ago.
Trump defies any convention though. George Allen was a rising star until a single word turned him from President Hopeful to a nobody. There is currently a porn start that is alleging an affair... and the public isn't curious about the affair in general, and those that are, it is about the payment and threats to cover it up that is the interest, not the moral ambiguity.

We know the GOP wants single party rule, but we don't know how far they are willing to go to get it. We saw their SCOTUS stunt... which worked, unless the Dems crush the GOP in 2018 and impeach Gorsuch... a terribly unlikely outcome. Trump is doing things that are very anti-GOP (read tariffs), and still not much of a whimper out of the GOP. Almost as if they are using him as a smokescreen, except they aren't getting all that much done (well not as much as they wanted, but the Frank-Dodd reductions, the tax cut bill, and SCOTUS). Time will tell what the penalty for selling out was... if any. Wisconsin Governor is breaking the law not filling in vacant seats with Special Elections due to the losses the Republicans are suffering across the country in red areas.

You'd think the Doug Jones thing or PA-18 would put the fear of dog into the GOP... but they don't seem to be sweating much.
For fucks sake, he didn't first McCabe. Astonishing how the media has misreported this. Less astonishing that the useful idiots are uncritically eating it up.

For fucks sake, are ALL trumpsuckers so oblivious to teflon Don's primary talent?
Not only didn't he fire McCabe, he didn't collude with the Russians, didn't sign any hush money agreement, didn't stiff any sub-contractors, didn't declare bankruptcy multiple times etc. etc. etc.

His surrogates did it all.
Being an asshole is a positive attribute. It's the ingredient for success.

Don't agree at all. You can be an asshole and successfully manage a real estate company. But assholes mostly fail in any enterprise where leadership and competence are required. Trump has failed in all his companies where leadership was required.
He wasn't really what I would consider 'successful' on RE either. Well known, but not successful.
Reagan and W were tools by the neocons....

The neocons did not exist formerly when Reagan took office. That's why the only "war" he started with US troops was Grenada. It was really a very minor mission although some troops faced danger blown into the saving of civilization.

GW was nothing but a tool of the neocons. That's why he ordered the terrorist attack of Iraq.

But these two are proof that the system was broken. Since it requires so much money to run you can only have total tools running or perhaps insane billionaires like Trump and Perot.

Of course what is really broken are the minds of the Americans that accept this thoroughly corrupted system.
People here seem to be forgetting something about Congress... they are made up of mortal people. When they come to find their voting districst are left with only two types of people, those that demand impeachment or they will ensure the congressperson is never elected for anything again, and those that demand impeachment AND they will ensure the congressperson is never elected again. At that point, they will have no choice.

Close in on your representatives and make sure they know where THEY stand when it comes time to lay them on the table.
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