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Are there any "true" atheists?

I'd like to include my dachshund, Bogie, in the list. He's totally secular. No gods, no masters. He doesn't even think I'm all that smart.
I"m not sure if my dogs think I"m a god, but considering that dog spelled backwards equals god, I do sometimes think they are my little gods. They give me unconditional love, they protect my house from invaders, they don't judge me and they are very forgiving if I forget to feed them on time. They are much better than the mythological gods of organized religion. Shit. I once had a chihuahua who literally saved my life from an huge aggressive dog who was about to attack me. Dogs are the closest things to gods that we humans have and there is plenty of evidence that they evolved to be our loyal companions in return for food and shelter. Of course, they aren't really gods, but they are more god like than the gods that some believe are real.

So, add me to the list of absolute atheists. I was raised by conservative Christians and did my best, as a child, to believe the horrible things I was taught were true, especially the part about an all loving god sending good people to hell for not believing that Jesus was their personal savior.

My husband of over 40 years left his Catholic religion years before I met him. We joke that it was god's will for two strong atheists to meet and fall in love in the heart of the Bible Belt. Religion is an interesting topic and most of my atheist friends know a lot more about Christianity than some of my Christian friends. I don't care that about half of my friends are Christians. They don't care that I"m an atheist. We have plenty of other things in common and that's all that matters.

My son is a strong atheist. I mildly exposed him to religion without ever telling him what to believe, because I wanted him to think for himself. I never told him I was an atheist and then when he was about 15 or so, I asked him if he believed in any gods. He giggled and said, "NO". Neither do I, I told him and we both laughed. So add him to the list along with my husband.

I've been a hardcore atheist for almost 50 years. Gods are mythological creatures, just like fairies and Santa Claus etc.

So, add me to the list of absolute atheists. I was raised by conservative Christians and did my best, as a child, to believe the horrible things I was taught were true, especially the part about an all loving god sending good people to hell for not believing that Jesus was their personal savior.

I've been a hardcore atheist for almost 50 years. Gods are mythological creatures, just like fairies and Santa Claus etc.
Well done. Ditto.
I consider myself an atheist but don't rule out there is some sort of Supreme Power. Indeed, all of us might stipulate to that, if we define that Supreme Power as simply The Laws of Nature.

One Infidel here believes we're inside a simulation. Perhaps we're all just a figment of some kid in a different universe, inconceivable to us, with super-computers of enormous power. The kid (our "God") has entered our universe in a contest; he's competing against other kids to see whose universe is most interesting.

These examples of "God" are of no interest in moral philosophy. Is there some sort of "God(s)" whom we should worship and look up to for moral guidance? Perhaps. Or perhaps we should imagine such a God inside our brain or heart or conscience; know that it is just a figment; but try to worship it any way for our own benefit or for our moral worth.

But these speculations are too abstract and evanescent to hold my interest. (I consider this to be a failing of myself.)

Might there actually be a God who takes a personal interest in life on Earth, and manipulates us for some reason? I won't rule that out completely. But I consider it foolish -- wild "conspiracy theory" -- to suppose that that unlikely God would map to the specific God described in a book like the Bible or Koran.

There are some very smart people -- too smart I'd guess to believe myths about ancient miracles -- who do attend church every Sunday. I was too shy to ever ask for explanation.
I live in AMERICA. In a red state. Among Bible thumpers. With GOD on our currency and specie. If I lived in Denmark or the Netherlands, I think there'd be a saner wind a-blowing, in general. (Also, reference my first post where I tell you accurately that when I'm not confronted with evidence of others' beliefs, I don't think about God at all. I'm thinking about swimming or walking my dog or watching a film... That's hardly being obsessed with God.)
You obviously have some interest in God. Otherwise, you wouldn't have posted on this thread. Does that mean you have belief in God that you may not be aware of? Not necessarily, but it's possible. Think of the theists who may doubt God at times. Their doubt makes them atheists while being theists! So it's possible to be both.
So, add me to the list of absolute atheists. I was raised by conservative Christians and did my best, as a child, to believe the horrible things I was taught were true, especially the part about an all loving god sending good people to hell for not believing that Jesus was their personal savior.

I've been a hardcore atheist for almost 50 years. Gods are mythological creatures, just like fairies and Santa Claus etc.
Well done. Ditto.
Rah! Rah! Southernhybrid has a way of assuring us of our atheism. And it looks like some of us need that assurance.
I'm not trying to solve a problem but get an answer to a question: Do any people exist who have no belief at all in any God(s)? I think that some people exist who have no theism, but they're rare. Many people might mistakenly think they're bereft of theism.
You "think"? I believe the word is "baselessly presume".
I think that you share the hostility toward the idea of subconscious theism that many others here have. Why is that idea so objectionable?
So, add me to the list of absolute atheists. I was raised by conservative Christians and did my best, as a child, to believe the horrible things I was taught were true, especially the part about an all loving god sending good people to hell for not believing that Jesus was their personal savior.

I've been a hardcore atheist for almost 50 years. Gods are mythological creatures, just like fairies and Santa Claus etc.
Well done. Ditto.
Rah! Rah! Southernhybrid has a way of assuring us of our atheism. And it looks like some of us need that assurance.
You are projecting. You make over-confident threads due to insecurities. Then someone replies and you respond with more over-confident posts. An endless cycle to sartsfy a need to make YOU assured...meanwhile lacking in rigorous logic, keeping--nay, forcing--an over-simplified definition and claim down everyone's throats to force objections thus participation you crave.
Do any people exist who have no belief at all in any God(s)?

Here’s another one. Me, my husband, my kids, my siblings. Most of his siblings.
I have no belief at all in any God(dess)(es).
A lot of people insist they aren't racist but when tested for it test positive. Others say they can distinguish between Coke and Pepsi and fail that test too. So what people say and what's the reality often differ.
I live in AMERICA. In a red state. Among Bible thumpers. With GOD on our currency and specie. If I lived in Denmark or the Netherlands, I think there'd be a saner wind a-blowing, in general. (Also, reference my first post where I tell you accurately that when I'm not confronted with evidence of others' beliefs, I don't think about God at all. I'm thinking about swimming or walking my dog or watching a film... That's hardly being obsessed with God.)
You obviously have some interest in God. Otherwise, you wouldn't have posted on this thread.
Based on his handle, I'd wager he observed ideological nonsense in your op and decided to object to it.
Do any people exist who have no belief at all in any God(s)?

Here’s another one. Me, my husband, my kids, my siblings. Most of his siblings.
I have no belief at all in any God(dess)(es).
A lot of people insist they aren't racist but when tested for it test positive. Others say they can distinguish between Coke and Pepsi and fail that test too. So what people say and what's the reality often differ.
Would you say the same thing about your disbelief in Santa Claus? Why or why not?
You are projecting.
Yes I am.
You make over-confident threads due to insecurities.
I'm as overconfident and insecure as they come.
Then someone replies and you respond with more over-confident posts.
I sure do!
An endless cycle to sartsfy a need to make YOU assured...meanwhile lacking in rigorous logic, keeping--nay, forcing--an over-simplified definition and claim down everyone's throats to force objections thus participation you crave.
Oh sure--I do that all the time.

If you're done slapping me up, then I suggest we get back to the topic.
I live in AMERICA. In a red state. Among Bible thumpers. With GOD on our currency and specie. If I lived in Denmark or the Netherlands, I think there'd be a saner wind a-blowing, in general. (Also, reference my first post where I tell you accurately that when I'm not confronted with evidence of others' beliefs, I don't think about God at all. I'm thinking about swimming or walking my dog or watching a film... That's hardly being obsessed with God.)
You obviously have some interest in God. Otherwise, you wouldn't have posted on this thread.
Based on his handle, I'd wager he observed ideological nonsense in your op and decided to object to it.
That's fine with me. All ideological nonsense should be exposed for what it is. And that includes the ideological dogmas that many atheists hold.
And that includes the ideological dogmas that many atheists hold.

Which ones, specifically?

The OP topic question has been answered many times in different ways.
The thread topic now is "Why do you believe you know more about people on the internet than they know about themselves?"
You are projecting.
Yes I am.
You make over-confident threads due to insecurities.
I'm as overconfident and insecure as they come.
Then someone replies and you respond with more over-confident posts.
I sure do!
An endless cycle to sartsfy a need to make YOU assured...meanwhile lacking in rigorous logic, keeping--nay, forcing--an over-simplified definition and claim down everyone's throats to force objections thus participation you crave.
Oh sure--I do that all the time.

If you're done slapping me up, then I suggest we get back to the topic.
Oh, it was topical. You dismissed the veracity of the claim by saying people are looking for assurance. I am saying you are wrong and that's because you are the one looking. Think about it.
I live in AMERICA. In a red state. Among Bible thumpers. With GOD on our currency and specie. If I lived in Denmark or the Netherlands, I think there'd be a saner wind a-blowing, in general. (Also, reference my first post where I tell you accurately that when I'm not confronted with evidence of others' beliefs, I don't think about God at all. I'm thinking about swimming or walking my dog or watching a film... That's hardly being obsessed with God.)
You obviously have some interest in God. Otherwise, you wouldn't have posted on this thread. Does that mean you have belief in God that you may not be aware of? Not necessarily, but it's possible. Think of the theists who may doubt God at times. Their doubt makes them atheists while being theists! So it's possible to be both.
This is pure defensive projection & this thread is becoming another blathering rabbit hole. But of course, you know me so well that I shouldn't have to post my position.
I'm not trying to solve a problem but get an answer to a question: Do any people exist who have no belief at all in any God(s)? I think that some people exist who have no theism, but they're rare. Many people might mistakenly think they're bereft of theism.
You "think"? I believe the word is "baselessly presume".
I think that you share the hostility toward the idea of subconscious theism that many others here have. Why is that idea so objectionable?
There are atheists that I label as "angry theists", theists that are temporarily "atheist", but in reality, they are just rebelling. A number of these people become evangelical and talk about how they were once "atheists", which is a crock. Certainly, some atheists can become theists, but your premise that nearly no atheist is a true atheist is quite dismissible because you are speaking of objective knowledge of the thoughts of others, which is preposterous.

Your idea that the dismissal of your idea is "hostility" most likely is because the concept of people not ceding to your super mind of beaucoup critical thinking mastery is only possible via envy, pragmatism, or anger. But really, your idea is just kidding itself.
I live in AMERICA. In a red state. Among Bible thumpers. With GOD on our currency and specie. If I lived in Denmark or the Netherlands, I think there'd be a saner wind a-blowing, in general. (Also, reference my first post where I tell you accurately that when I'm not confronted with evidence of others' beliefs, I don't think about God at all. I'm thinking about swimming or walking my dog or watching a film... That's hardly being obsessed with God.)
You obviously have some interest in God. Otherwise, you wouldn't have posted on this thread.
Based on his handle, I'd wager he observed ideological nonsense in your op and decided to object to it.
That's fine with me. All ideological nonsense should be exposed for what it is. And that includes the ideological dogmas that many atheists hold.
Glory glory hallelujah...He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:...He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat...He is Wisdom to the mighty, He is Succour to the brave....his truth is marching on

Soldier's posts to me are like listening to The Battle Hymn Of The Republic. Inspiring and motivational.

I think that you share the hostility toward the idea of subconscious theism that many others here have. Why is that idea so objectionable?
Because it's presumptuous to the point of being insulting, and is an implicit accusation of lying.

"You say you believe X, but I think everyone believes not X, and that therefore you are a liar", is not a claim that you should expect people not to find objectionable, for literally ANY value of X.

Your position is objectionable because of its structure; its content is secondary.
I live in AMERICA. In a red state. Among Bible thumpers. With GOD on our currency and specie. If I lived in Denmark or the Netherlands, I think there'd be a saner wind a-blowing, in general. (Also, reference my first post where I tell you accurately that when I'm not confronted with evidence of others' beliefs, I don't think about God at all. I'm thinking about swimming or walking my dog or watching a film... That's hardly being obsessed with God.)
You obviously have some interest in God. Otherwise, you wouldn't have posted on this thread. Does that mean you have belief in God that you may not be aware of? Not necessarily, but it's possible. Think of the theists who may doubt God at times. Their doubt makes them atheists while being theists! So it's possible to be both.

Doubt doesn't necessarily negate belief. It's at the point where doubt overcomes belief that you no longer believe in the existence of a God or gods, at which point you become an atheist.
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