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Are You Ready For The First Presidential Debate?

Meanwhile the logging company lobbyist is yelling at the screen "We want to rape the forest... not rake it you stupid fuck!"
I couldn't bring myself to watch it, I'm trying to minimize my acts of self-abuse. But I'm curious; how many times did Trump say a variation of, "like you've never seen before"?
It was worse than I thought. I did not have enough tequila for this "debate".

The most chilling part, for me, was when Trump ordered a domestic terrorist group to "stand by" and then started ranting about Blacks. This country is in serious danger, I never thought I would live to see it in so much danger from its own president. But a third of my countrymen still think he's... their guy. It makes a fellow feel kind of paranoid.
Hemant Mehta on Twitter: ".@NicolleDWallace brought up a valid point (I'm paraphrasing): Chris Wallace telling an increasingly insane Trump that he'll be "happy" with the next question is the way you placate abusers. It's wrong. It's disturbing." / Twitter

Trump seems to have very little emotional maturity. It's like he is in his second childhood -- or even second infancy.

Chris Hayes on Twitter: "Yes, @NicolleDWallace makes a great point: Chris Wallace trying to calm down the abusive drunk uncle at the table by saying "You're gonna like the next question" was so surreal." / Twitter

Julie Tallard Johnson, MSW, LCSW on Twitter: "@chrislhayes @darakass @NicolleDWallace as a therapist this is all classic bullying. and the moderator and opponent need to be prepared for this. Otherwise the entire family (nation) is bullied. like tonight. That stand by comment was chilling." / Twitter

LTournay on Twitter: "@JTallardJohnson @chrislhayes @darakass @NicolleDWallace I think it was Trump’s strategy all along. Nothing to lose by being himself, all to gain by making Joe spend his time defending himself instead of talking about important issues. Interrupting Chris deviated from planned questions at times to what he wanted to talk about. 1/x" / Twitter

LTournay on Twitter: "@JTallardJohnson @chrislhayes @darakass @NicolleDWallace Plus, Trump put Biden in a corner: if he let’s him interrupt, he looks weak; if he defends himself by interrupting back, he looks just as bad. I think he did well by using a mix of both." / Twitter

Vicki Schwaid on Twitter: "@chrislhayes @NicolleDWallace That’s the typical Boy/child syndrome in elementary school. The little boys running around while the rest of the class is trying to focus. So what happens , teacher keep giving attention to the boy. The rest of the class suffers. And then that boy gets used to special attention" / Twitter

Trump seems good at attracting attention to himself with assholish behavior.
Robert Garcia on Twitter: "Listening to our President downplay this pandemic which killed both my parents is fucking infuriating." / Twitter

Art School Dropout 🌊🏳️*🌈🐶🇺🇸 on Twitter: "@RobertGarciaLB @riotwomennn Same here. My brother died of COVID-19. I’m close to shooting the TV." / Twitter

Alice on Twitter: "@ArtDropout @riotwomennn @RobertGarciaLB So sorry. My cousin died. It’s infuriating." / Twitter

Ryan Knight 🌹 on Twitter: "3 Biggest Takeaways:

1. Trump embraced white supremacists by telling them to “stand by.”

2. Biden played it way too safe and failed to put Trump on defense.

3. The left has no representation in American politics & was attacked all night for fighting for justice.

#Debates2020" / Twitter

Andom Ghebreghiorgis on Twitter: "Only teachers allowed as future debate moderators" / Twitter
Presumably because they have experience in dealing with emotionally immature people.

Miss Heather on Twitter: "@PromotesSatiety @ProudSocialist @gongfy And Trump was deliberately trying to bait Biden into dividing the base. Wake up you are playing right into their hands or you are a troll." / Twitter
Like about the Green New Deal.

AP Fact Check on Twitter: "Among the #APFactChecks from the first presidential debate:

• Trump's incorrect claims on the coronavirus

• Biden's incorrect assertion on Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett

• Both candidates off on violent crime rate

#Debates2020 https://t.co/mmcD939oGG" / Twitter

AP FACT CHECK: Claims from Trump and Biden's first debate
The left has no representation in American politics & was attacked all night for fighting for justice.

I'll say. Trump literally told terrorists to wait for his order to kill us all, and no one, including Biden, called him on it.
Wallace was not a very good moderator. He should have directed Trump's microphone be turned off when he interrupted Biden loudly and often.
Wallace was not a very good moderator. He should have directed Trump's microphone be turned off when he interrupted Biden loudly and often.

Of course he is a fucking terrible moderator. He often compares himself as a referee in a football match as though that is something a journalist should aspire to. His first and second priority is entertainment, with informing being a very distant third. He's also not adverse to putting his thumb on the scales. Fuck him.
I had to check in on the right-wing nut-jobs on another forum to see their thoughts, and I wasn't disappointed:

MountainMan said:
How I see it from the 20-minutes I watched (all I could stand): Typical substance for a presidential debate; more heat than light, as the saying goes. Trump is focusing on his record; Biden is focusing on... honestly, I'm not sure what.

Trump is very strong and in command; he's setting the tone and controlling the pace. Biden keeps trying to get shots in, but Trump just rolls right over him, in most cases not even acknowledging that Biden has spoken. There were a few moments when Biden was trying to answer a question, and Trump shut him down, redirecting Biden to a completely different topic mid-answer. Biden has been on the ropes several times, head down, eyes closed, seemingly unable to match Trump's unrelenting energy, but Wallace always seems to be there to bail him out with a lengthy question that gives Biden time to regroup. Biden just doesn't seem to have any pep, and his voice is very quiet compared to Trump's, so it is ridiculously easy for Trump to take control of the debate almost at will.

How liberals probably see it: Trump is loud, boorish, and rude, and Biden is calm and in control.

Linky (Emphasis mine)

This was after several posts discussing the 'very real possibility' of Biden wearing an ear-piece to cheat...
It was a shit show. TRump acted like an enraged toddler. He lied constantly and tried to bully Biden constantly. Biden did fairly good considering how Trump acted. Wallace was a very weak moderator. If the next two debates happen, the moderators need to be able to turn off Trump's mike or use a loud horn to interrupt him whenever he acts like an asshole. Oh wait. He always acts like an asshole. All Trump did was bring out the hatred that most of his base holds dearly.

Trump is such an embarrassment to my country. It still amazes me how this incompetent monster was able to manipulate enough voters in 2016 to win an election. Now the violent, hateful Proud Boys are celebrating because Trump has given them the green light to do their thing. I don't believe in a god, but as my late mother in law would say frequently, "God help us!"
After 15 minutes I didn't think Trump would finish the debate and would waddle off (slowly) because Wallace was a meany. But then the Adderall began to wear off.
Wallace was not a very good moderator. He should have directed Trump's microphone be turned off when he interrupted Biden loudly and often.

Of course he is a fucking terrible moderator. He often compares himself as a referee in a football match as though that is something a journalist should aspire to. His first and second priority is entertainment, with informing being a very distant third. He's also not adverse to putting his thumb on the scales. Fuck him.
Chris Wallace did a great presentation of how LIbertarianism is a failure of a standalone philosophy.

Libertarian 1: We'll let the adults handle things, I'll just stand over here.
*turns out one of the adults is a manchild narcissistic sociopath*
Libertarian 1: How could this have gone wrong?!

Other Libertarians: It was that LIbertarian 1's fault.
Trump will do just fine. It won't be a total blowout and Trump will have a moment of genuine empathy that will dominate the news cycle for this debate.

You were wrong.

Biden: You, the American people, will choose.
Trump: I'm going to the Supreme Court to throw out your ballots because you are a bunch of cheating assholes!

I had to check in on the right-wing nut-jobs on another forum to see their thoughts, and I wasn't disappointed:

MountainMan said:
How I see it from the 20-minutes I watched (all I could stand): Typical substance for a presidential debate; more heat than light, as the saying goes. Trump is focusing on his record; Biden is focusing on... honestly, I'm not sure what.

Trump is very strong and in command; he's setting the tone and controlling the pace. Biden keeps trying to get shots in, but Trump just rolls right over him, in most cases not even acknowledging that Biden has spoken. There were a few moments when Biden was trying to answer a question, and Trump shut him down, redirecting Biden to a completely different topic mid-answer. Biden has been on the ropes several times, head down, eyes closed, seemingly unable to match Trump's unrelenting energy, but Wallace always seems to be there to bail him out with a lengthy question that gives Biden time to regroup. Biden just doesn't seem to have any pep, and his voice is very quiet compared to Trump's, so it is ridiculously easy for Trump to take control of the debate almost at will.

How liberals probably see it: Trump is loud, boorish, and rude, and Biden is calm and in control.

Linky (Emphasis mine)

This was after several posts discussing the 'very real possibility' of Biden wearing an ear-piece to cheat...
Yeah, they all love the Emperor's new clothes. That they could watch that and think that was a competent adult, supporting his record?! He never did such a thing. He generally said Biden would have done worse.

Wallace: Trump, how did you help African Americas.
Trump: Well Biden called them all Super Predators.
Trump last night: "I am urging my supporters to go into the polls and watch very carefully."
Rrrright. Who else has ever, uh, voted? What exactly is there to watch? What are these vigilant warriors supposed to do when they walk in the polling place? What is he telling his rabid base, and what are the dumbest of them capable of doing? My head is spinning the same way it's been spinning since 2016. How does anyone look at this red-faced, ranting jackass and say, "Yep, that's how a President acts."?
It's time for the GOP to just come out and say, "We're not for democracy. That just doesn't work for us."
Wallace was not a very good moderator. He should have directed Trump's microphone be turned off when he interrupted Biden loudly and often.

In all fairness, they didn't need a moderator, they needed a babysitter for Trump.
Trump last night: "I am urging my supporters to go into the polls and watch very carefully."
Rrrright. Who else has ever, uh, voted? What exactly is there to watch? What are these vigilant warriors supposed to do when they walk in the polling place? What is he telling his rabid base, and what are the dumbest of them capable of doing? My head is spinning the same way it's been spinning since 2016. How does anyone look at this red-faced, ranting jackass and say, "Yep, that's how a President acts."?
It's time for the GOP to just come out and say, "We're not for democracy. That just doesn't work for us."
And I want my supporters to go to the airports... and go into the back restricted areas. Some shady stuff is happening there because my supporters were thrown out for going into a restricted area of an airport.
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