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Banning russian news sites in the west is a good idea?


Nov 11, 2005
Mlky Way galaxy
Basic Beliefs
lenta.ru gazeta.ru in particular were banned at least 12 hours ago.
These are not government controlled news web sites.

We seem to be at an impasse.

I can't go there to analyze the issue.

If they were really state propaganda sites, you'd probably also not know.
Why would not I know?
They publish a lot of critical and pro-western stuff. They are basically neutral or at least trying to be as much as possible within the system.
Why would not I know?
They publish a lot of critical and pro-western stuff. They are basically neutral or at least trying to be as much as possible within the system.

How would I know? Maybe they want to convince you they are neutral by throwing bones. There is no way for me to analyze this.
Why would not I know?
They publish a lot of critical and pro-western stuff. They are basically neutral or at least trying to be as much as possible within the system.

How would I know? Maybe they want to convince you they are neutral by throwing bones. There is no way for me to analyze this.
Now what?
Looks like West banned all russian news websites.
And I can't watch CNN anymore.
Slowly moving toward WW3 and then nuclear war.
all because of one girl not happy about lingerie selections in Russia.
lenta.ru gazeta.ru in particular were banned at least 12 hours ago.
These are not government controlled news web sites.

Where did you find out, and did you check if this is true?

I can happily inform you that both lenta.ru and gazeta.ru are readily accessible in Australia, the USA and Germany. I checked.

It is of course possible that the sites were blocked in countries I did not check. So I googled "gazeta.ru" "banned", and yes, there is a country I had not thought of, that has blocked access to gazeta.ru, Komsomolskaya Pravda and 13 other sites, or at least a number of pages of them. Bet you won't guess which country it is. Didn't think you would, so let me tell you: It's Russia. :biggrin:

A ruling by a court in the central Russian town of Ulyanovsk ordering a state-run Internet provider to block access to 15 websites, including those of two prominent national newspapers, has sparked fears of a broader campaign of Internet censorship in the country.

Two of the blocked websites, Gazeta.ru and Komsomolskaya Pravda, are among the top 10 news websites in Russia. The two media outlets said they had not been notified of the court hearings or the verdict — they learned about it from their readers — and therefore were unable to defend themselves.

Continued here.

Looks like West banned all russian news websites.

It does not look like it because it has not happened.

Where do you get all this bullshit from?
I can happily inform you that both lenta.ru and gazeta.ru are readily accessible in Australia, the USA and Germany. I checked.
Someone here said they can't get my link, then some russians in US complained about it, Then I myself checked confirmed from few VPNs.
Checking again:
US/Canada nothing seems to work, not even random sites.
so it could be clients from Russian are banned from VPN, which is fine.

Netherlands everything works.
UK, everything works except gazeta/lenta.

basically UK/Germany bans it,
US/Canada - no information, probably bans it too.
Netherlands is open.

yesterday everything was the same - all countries banned lenta/gazeta
You don't understand, it was not "banned" in Russia, it was banned in the West.
Damn, you gave me a news story from 2013 !!!!
it's 2022 today

OK, I rechecked everything.
lenta/gazeta banned in all these countries.
basically UK bans it
It does not. I just checked.
yesterday everything was the same - all countries banned lenta/gazeta
I cannot find any reports of people in the west having trouble accessing Russian sites. If any did we'd soon read all about it on reddit, twitter, facebook and other sites. The only report of bannings I found was of Russia ordering blocks on pages of 15 Russian websites in Russia.

Stop bullshitting us. It will spare you from getting more egg on your face.
Stop bullshitting us. It will spare you from getting more egg on your face.
You're choosing to die on this hill?
Before JayJay (I think) told me that he had troubles I did not know it was a problem.
Was he bulshiting you too?
Looks like West banned all russian news websites.
And I can't watch CNN anymore.
Slowly moving toward WW3 and then nuclear war.
all because of one girl not happy about lingerie selections in Russia.

It does not. I just checked.
Let's hope so. But according to my check it's banned there.
At least in VPN I use.
If it were due to a ban or block it would affect me too. It doesn't, so it isn't.
I cannot find any reports of people in the west having trouble accessing Russian sites.
Well, I report it right now.
Your word does not qualify. A flurry of reports on reddit, twitter, facebook and other such sites by posters who are not obvious bots would.
Stop bullshitting us. It will spare you from getting more egg on your face.
You're choosing to die on this hill?
Before JayJay (I think) told me that he had troubles I did not know it was a problem.
Was he bulshiting you too?
I leave the dying to you.

JayJay, or whoever it was, presumably had troubles accessing some sites. I get them too. Is it likely that bans or blocks are responsible when those problems are intermittent?
If it were due to a ban or block it would affect me too. It doesn't, so it isn't.
Not necessarily. I did not check Australia (it's not listed in VPN)
and secondly it's usually done on ISP level and some could be late.

Your word does not qualify. A flurry of reports on reddit, twitter, facebook and other such sites by posters who are not obvious bots would.
Why would not my word qualify?

It was Jayjay initially, then me, then random russian guy from US
Americans don't read russian web sites so, russians in US would not complain there.

I leave the dying to you.
No, I am not dying there. I say it's real but it's DDoS, hence it happens for some and does not happen for others.

In case you don't know what DDoS is, it means your governments do not ban these web sites, it's your hackers, democratic hackers.
Not necessarily. I did not check Australia (it's not listed in VPN)
Both the English and Russian versions of the sites are still accessible (the main story currently being the alleged disappearance of a Russian Journo named Yegor Belikov) and I've seen zero indication of news outlets being blocked/banned/censored.

So I'm chalking this up as complete horseshit.
It has english version? where?
Google prompted me if I wanted the english version.lenta.png

What is wrong with you? I've abandoned "censorship" theory and hour again.
It's DDoS attack.
You were awfully quick to moan international conspiracy right off the bat, though. What can I say? I'm skeptical of the boy who cried Nazi too many times.
You were awfully quick to moan international conspiracy right off the bat
Yes, I was, and I apologize for that.
Now, have you ever apologized when you were found to be wrong?
I don't recall anybody here apologizing. You just slowly stop pressing the issue.
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