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Bigoted Doctor Fired

Drug carts in hospitals are highly monitored and regulated. It cannot be accessed without passing security measures and and only the drug requested can be removed. They are complex and expensive systems.

Yea, haven't you seen Nurse Jackie?

Nurse Jackie situations were why the secure drug cart systems were developed.
Drug carts in hospitals are highly monitored and regulated. It cannot be accessed without passing security measures and and only the drug requested can be removed. They are complex and expensive systems.

Doesn't mean she couldn't take the right drug and then substitute something evil. Doesn't need to be a drug at all.

And I'm sure that sort of security doesn't always apply. Extensive security on a crash cart means dead patients.
The point is not being able to escape isn't evidence they won't do it.

Incoherent babbling.

But not administered. If the doc substituted something else it would be very hard to detect.

This is the way the world works.

In the hospital the doctor orders a drug. Everybody on that patients case knows what drug it is and what it is supposedly for.

Rarely is there just one doctor on the case.

Once ordered the pharmacist must clear the drug before it is administered.

Then the drug is administered by the nurse.

In the community the doctor writes a script and the pharmacist dispenses thew drug and there is a record of what drug and what dosage was dispensed.

Then the patient administers the drug to themselves.

What about replacing a vaccine with a suspension of thallium? The records would only show the vaccine.

I know of no pharmacy with thallium. I don't know how you could get it.

It wouldn't be the easiest thing to obtain but it has been used as a murder weapon more than once. Personally, I would try looking in someplace without good record keeping--say Vietnam or Cambodia.

You are not describing a person mad at Jews because of all the harm the State of Israel has done. You are describing Hannibal Lecter. Fiction.

There is one drug that is an element.

That is today's quiz.

No. The drugs that you are thinking of are commonly referred to by the name of an element they contain but in reality they are compounds that contain that element, not just the element. Taking the element in it's pure form would not be a good idea!

The drug is the active ingredient.

And there is only one drug that is an element.

But there is one, and it is not oxygen although some people consider oxygen a drug, I don't.
Who endures medical school then residency just to go to jail at the other end?

So called “Angels of Death”, doctors who sexually abuse their patients, doctors that defraud the government, doctors that knowingly write prescriptions to drug dealers...

Doctors aren’t all that different from any other human. Some suck.

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So, interments he, you just going to skip this altogether?

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Who endures medical school then residency just to go to jail at the other end?

So called “Angels of Death”, doctors who sexually abuse their patients, doctors that defraud the government, doctors that knowingly write prescriptions to drug dealers...

Doctors aren’t all that different from any other human. Some suck.

So, interments he, you just going to skip this altogether?

How many people go to medical school thinking they are going to defraud the government?

Where is your data?

They usually go thinking they will be well paid to do the right thing.

How many people go to medical school thinking they are going to need to deal with drug dealers?

It is arduous and long. It is day after day of hard studying for years.

I've heard of a few so-called "angel of death" doctors but I have heard of many more "angel of death" nurses. Nurses are the people that give patients drugs in hospitals. Doctors do not.

It makes no sense if your main motivation is to kill people to go to medical school when you can more easily do it as a nurse.

There is no need to go to medical school to abuse people.

How many of these people talk about their crimes and brag about them in public?

How many child abusers talk about their future crimes in public?
Humans grow and change.

They all start incredibly unreasonable and must learn to be reasonable.

You would have to talk to this woman to see how reasonable she is now.

Nope. I never threatened to harm/kill anyone when I was young and immature.

What about you? Did you ever publicly threaten to harm/kill people when you were a younger hothead?

Did you visit a place where your relatives were being horribly oppressed and had been oppressed for decades?

A place where Jewish prejudice against Palestinians is rampant?

A place where Jews are not making threats to harm Palestinians, they are doing it?

She doesn't get a pass on threatening to harm other people by claiming some sort of ethnic connection.
Did you visit a place where your relatives were being horribly oppressed and had been oppressed for decades?

A place where Jewish prejudice against Palestinians is rampant?

A place where Jews are not making threats to harm Palestinians, they are doing it?

She doesn't get a pass on threatening to harm other people by claiming some sort of ethnic connection.

Was it a real threat?

Or was it a childish joke?
So, interments he, you just going to skip this altogether?

How many people go to medical school thinking they are going to defraud the government?

Where is your data?

They usually go thinking they will be well paid to do the right thing.

How many people go to medical school thinking they are going to need to deal with drug dealers?

It is arduous and long. It is day after day of hard studying for years.

I've heard of a few so-called "angel of death" doctors but I have heard of many more "angel of death" nurses. Nurses are the people that give patients drugs in hospitals. Doctors do not.

It makes no sense if your main motivation is to kill people to go to medical school when you can more easily do it as a nurse.

There is no need to go to medical school to abuse people.

How many of these people talk about their crimes and brag about them in public?

How many child abusers talk about their future crimes in public?

You’ve moved the goalposts. I’m not even sure they’re in the same field that they started in.

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So, interments he, you just going to skip this altogether?

How many people go to medical school thinking they are going to defraud the government?

Where is your data?

They usually go thinking they will be well paid to do the right thing.

How many people go to medical school thinking they are going to need to deal with drug dealers?

It is arduous and long. It is day after day of hard studying for years.

I've heard of a few so-called "angel of death" doctors but I have heard of many more "angel of death" nurses. Nurses are the people that give patients drugs in hospitals. Doctors do not.

It makes no sense if your main motivation is to kill people to go to medical school when you can more easily do it as a nurse.

There is no need to go to medical school to abuse people.

How many of these people talk about their crimes and brag about them in public?

How many child abusers talk about their future crimes in public?

You’ve moved the goalposts. I’m not even sure they’re in the same field that they started in.

You've merely labeled addressing your objections as moving goalposts.

The problem is it takes actually caring about the lives of the Palestinians to understand.

Decades of oppression has had effects.

Viewing them for the first time can be traumatic.
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