• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

Bought and paid for

Another horrible decision from SCOTUS!
Basically, takes away the ability for Fed agencies to regulate.
FDA, FCC, EPA, SEC, .....
All part of the extreme right wing plan to destroy the government.
Another horrible decision from SCOTUS!
Basically, takes away the ability for Fed agencies to regulate.
FDA, FCC, EPA, SEC, .....
All part of the extreme right wing plan to destroy the government.
How else will Trump be able to try and take over the world?
You give him too much credit, he doesn't plan, he just reacts to threats to his ego.
He is mentally ill.
Another horrible decision from SCOTUS!
Basically, takes away the ability for Fed agencies to regulate.
FDA, FCC, EPA, SEC, .....
All part of the extreme right wing plan to destroy the government.
How else will Trump be able to try and take over the world?
You give him too much credit, he doesn't plan, he just reacts to threats to his ego.
He is mentally ill.

He doesn't plan, sure. But his cronies do, and Putin, and use him for their plans. Also you don't necessarily need a plan when having a desire to dominate everything. It helps, but you can still have the desire without one. Also he knows enough to surround himself with people who will carry out whatever orders he wants. Doesn't take a master strategizer to know that much either.
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And note that the concert tickets were to her show, not simply bought on the open market. Basically, "come see me perform". We've gotten such before (but obviously not to A-list things!), very different than simply buying tickets would be. Probably cost $0 for them.
The cost to the performer is only $0 if they don't expect the show to be sold out, and are giving away a ticket that they couldn't have otherwise sold.

If they could have sold the ticket for $X (had they not instead given it away for $0), then it cost them $X to give it as a gift.

The $X would have been shared with others, most notably The Tax Man.

I would imagine, though I could easily be wrong, that an artist holds back a fixed number of tickets for every show to give out at their discretion. Had someone not received those for free someone else would have. The artist likely isn’t expecting to sell those.

I could be wrong. But it would seem you’d need to hold some back to give them out rather than try to find them after the show has been selling tickets.
Another horrible decision from SCOTUS!
Basically, takes away the ability for Fed agencies to regulate.
FDA, FCC, EPA, SEC, .....
All part of the extreme right wing plan to destroy the government.
How else will Trump be able to try and take over the world?
Trump is just a distraction that will let the mega multinational corporations fully take over. That is the end game of destroying the government.
We’re pretty far gone. With this regressive Court modeling the Russian system of oligarchy, and no relief in sight, I feel like I’ve been lucky to have lived through the last of “America”, before the ascendance of lies.
Theoretically, a super-majority in both houses of Congress plus a progressive in the Whitehouse could right the ship, but it feels like it’s listing way too far to starboard to avoid scuttling.
To any 18-50 year olds on the board, you have my sympathies and best wishes for a miraculous recovery.
Another horrible decision from SCOTUS!
Basically, takes away the ability for Fed agencies to regulate.
FDA, FCC, EPA, SEC, .....
All part of the extreme right wing plan to destroy the government.
How else will Trump be able to try and take over the world?
Trump is just a distraction that will let the mega multinational corporations fully take over. That is the end game of destroying the government.
The corporations certainly believe this. But can he really be controlled? "Business leaders use charismatic puppet to overturn the government and seize control of the banks before losing favor themselves and leaving an authoritarian state in place" is a pretty common pattern in recent world history.
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