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Can we talk about how awful of a politician Trump is for a while?

An effective politician is somebody like LBJ who got things done.

That is success in politics.

Not simply getting elected but getting something done.

Even if it is just throwing tens of millions off their health insurance.

If they had been able to do that they would have dropped balloons and drank champagne.
The function of the Republican Party is to serve the rich and rob the poor. Trump got votes simply by making noises and promises he can't keep - a loud, footling clown!
In a perfect world of maximum goodness, this administration would end with Orangey doing a perp walk to an FBI car for tax fraud (or sexual assault or four or five other possible felonies.) The marine band would either play Hail to the Chief or It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp. Hopefully the agents won't worry too much if his head clunks on the door frame. You know, you can just pull the hand away.
In this world, this soulless huckster will continue, perhaps until 2021, to distort and pervert our traditions and whatever good name we have in the world. Most recently, telling police not to worry about roughing up suspects. Fuck Trump.
An effective politician is somebody like LBJ who got things done.

That is success in politics.

Not simply getting elected but getting something done.

Even if it is just throwing tens of millions off their health insurance.

If they had been able to do that they would have dropped balloons and drank champagne.

...unless you take in to account that Vietnam thingie. Selective selection of meanings are just, well, selective .....
That's like starting a conversation about "Ice - it turns out that it's cold".

How awful Trump is as a politician is the heart of every conversation about Trump. He doesn't know what he's doing on any level.

He kicked the shit out of the dems and the Bernie Bros. Kicked our ass. With less votes.
In a perfect world of maximum goodness, this administration would end with Orangey doing a perp walk to an FBI car for tax fraud (or sexual assault or four or five other possible felonies.) The marine band would either play Hail to the Chief or It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp. Hopefully the agents won't worry too much if his head clunks on the door frame. You know, you can just pull the hand away.
In this world, this soulless huckster will continue, perhaps until 2021, to distort and pervert our traditions and whatever good name we have in the world. Most recently, telling police not to worry about roughing up suspects. Fuck Trump.


You said it better than I could.

An effective politician is somebody like LBJ who got things done.

That is success in politics.

Not simply getting elected but getting something done.

Even if it is just throwing tens of millions off their health insurance.

If they had been able to do that they would have dropped balloons and drank champagne.

...unless you take in to account that Vietnam thingie. Selective selection of meanings are just, well, selective .....

He would have done more without that.

It was his undoing.

It was a different world back then.

GW launched an insane war, two, he could not win and he never felt a bit of shame. As the economy collapsed on his watch as well.

The man deserves to be in prison. Deserves to be tortured first.

But he is doing just fine.
I suggest we don't talk about the awfulness of Trump. Remember that finger warning. By pointing at another you point four fingers at yourself.

Our election process is garbage. Almost all our reasons for selecting personalities is just plain silly. He's President and we can't seem to find a way to stop, stop talking about, or ignore, him.

I'd say, all in all, he won fair and circular.
...unless you take in to account that Vietnam thingie. Selective selection of meanings are just, well, selective .....

He would have done more without that.

It was his undoing.

It was a different world back then.

GW launched an insane war, two, he could not win and he never felt a bit of shame. As the economy collapsed on his watch as well.

The man deserves to be in prison. Deserves to be tortured first.

But he is doing just fine.
W did sign the TARP bill against his own idiotic party's wishes. Worst president before Trump, but he didn't ignore the crash. Though his admin didn't care quite as much until Goldman Sachs was about to disappear.
I think good taste would suggest that we don't mention Mr Trump anymore. He is such a disgrace to decent Americans and their history that it hardly seems proper or friendly.
I think good taste would suggest that we don't mention Mr Trump anymore. He is such a disgrace to decent Americans and their history that it hardly seems proper or friendly.

The election was a battle between two candidates with almost equally low credentials you mentioned.

Not by a country mile; even on the integrity front. And of course he who I will not mention wins hands down for lack of knowledge, all knowledge applicable to the job and otherwise and psychological instability.
A problem with credentials is by whom are they considered such. The voter credentials in the latest campaign was so low that comparing credentials among candidates was next to useless.

There were several very good governing options if one uses traditional credentialing. The best were Kasich, Bush, Clinton, perhaps Huntsman and Romney. I used traditional governing qualities of appropriate experience, understanding of issues, political chops to arrive at this winnowing.

Inexperience is generally not a good idea for a position of leader of strongest nation in the world which eliminated the others pretenders.

Unfortunately the electorate credentials were suited to selecting a bullying game show host.
I think good taste would suggest that we don't mention Mr Trump anymore. He is such a disgrace to decent Americans and their history that it hardly seems proper or friendly.

The election was a battle between two candidates with almost equally low credentials you mentioned.

Buddy: I'm detecting some buyer's remorse from you! Just a tiny bit. But a little regret???

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Zaphod Beeblebrox


Who was still thousands of times better than Trump

Totally agree. Never thought that the US would elect a worse president than Bush. But it's not even a close call. But was far far better.
What is most remarkable is the extent to which his senior officials act as if Trump were not the chief executive. Never has a president been so regularly ignored or contradicted by his own officials. I’m not talking about so-called “deep state” bureaucrats. I’m talking about senior officials in the Justice Department and the military and intelligence and foreign affairs agencies. And they are not just ignoring or contradicting him in private. They are doing so in public for all the world to see.


Many of Trump’s nominees disagreed with many of his signature campaign positions--on waterboarding, the Mexican wall, the threat from Russia, and more--during their confirmation hearings. The practice continued once they were confirmed.
Trump’s senior intelligence appointees openly disagree with him on Russia hack (see video below).
Trump’s Justice Department appointees have consistently gone against him on the Russia investigation: Attorney General Sessions’ recusal, Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein’s appointment of Robert Mueller, etc. They also appear to have ignored Trump's call for investigations of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and voter fraud in the 2016 election.
The Acting Solicitor General and the Director of Homeland say the Immigration order is not a travel ban, even though the President insists it is.
Then-FBI Director Comey and NSA Director Rogers testified that there was no evidence to support Trump’s claim that Barack Obama directed wiretapping of Trump in Trump Tower.
Secretary of Defense James Mattis seems to be running the Pentagon entirely on his own. He also contradicted the president both on several matters related to NATO and when he said the United States was “not in Iraq to seize anybody’s oil.” The Defense Department has also thus far ignored Trump’s transgender tweet.
Soon after Trump dismissed the possibiilty of a future Palestinian State, U.N. representative Nikki Haley said the administration “absolutely” supports a two-state solution. Haley also crossed Trump on the Russia hack, disagreed with him on some U.N. programs and on Russia sanctions, has taken a different tack on human rights, and even endorsed Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and his shell State Department have “repeatedly appeared out of sync with comments from Trump and the White House on critical matters.”
Trump’s tweets keep the attention on him, but the operation of some of the most important components of his administration seems entirely disconnected from the President and the White House generally. The President is a figurehead who barks out positions and desires, but his senior subordinates carry on with different commitments.

It sounds like even some (not all, but some) of his horrible appointments are at least trying to rise to the demands of their offices - unlike their boss who is just trying to tear everything down like a spoiled brat kicking down sand castles better people than him built.
The election was a battle between two candidates with almost equally low credentials you mentioned.

Buddy: I'm detecting some buyer's remorse from you! Just a tiny bit. But a little regret???

- - - Updated - - -

Zaphod Beeblebrox


Who was still thousands of times better than Trump

Totally agree. Never thought that the US would elect a worse president than Bush. But it's not even a close call. But was far far better.

Actually, I did say during the election (posted somewhere) the CPUSA was a more credible party, but it didn't name a candidate for president.
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