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Can we talk about how awful of a politician Trump is for a while?

It sounds like even some (not all, but some) of his horrible appointments are at least trying to rise to the demands of their offices - unlike their boss who is just trying to tear everything down like a spoiled brat kicking down sand castles better people than him built.

The US nose dived into greater debt under Obama, with bombings of different countries each year and a health plan that was clearly not costed properly.

For healthcare turn to Cuba for advice or even look at Gadhaffi's blueprint. I doubt if Trump's alternatives will fix the problem

If the US had followed Sun Tzu or Chinese military practice, it would have realised capturing an army as intact as possible would have enabled it to retain control over Iraq and Libya instead of leaving power vacuums for extremists to take over.

Throwing money at healthcare doesn't cost-wise improve it. Cuba emphasises preventative medicine and despite US embargoes resulting in shortages in many medical supplies, it retains a cost-effective universal free healthcare system.

Take China. A series of medical exams (14) completed within a couple of hours cost 10 RMB (US$1.50) The rest is subsidised by the State without borrowing.
It sounds like even some (not all, but some) of his horrible appointments are at least trying to rise to the demands of their offices - unlike their boss who is just trying to tear everything down like a spoiled brat kicking down sand castles better people than him built.

The US nose dived into greater debt under Obama, with bombings of different countries each year and a health plan that was clearly not costed properly.

For healthcare turn to Cuba for advice or even look at Gadhaffi's blueprint. I doubt if Trump's alternatives will fix the problem

If the US had followed Sun Tzu or Chinese military practice, it would have realised capturing an army as intact as possible would have enabled it to retain control over Iraq and Libya instead of leaving power vacuums for extremists to take over.

Throwing money at healthcare doesn't cost-wise improve it. Cuba emphasises preventative medicine and despite US embargoes resulting in shortages in many medical supplies, it retains a cost-effective universal free healthcare system.

Take China. A series of medical exams (14) completed within a couple of hours cost 10 RMB (US$1.50) The rest is subsidised by the State without borrowing.

Even after the tories' cutbacks, the NHS is still your best bet!
But wasn't the electoral college 'supposed' to prevent something like this? Where was the breakdown? No balls on the part of the GOP?
This might be a natural point in the evolution of democracy. At some point, an idiot is likely to be elected because the people are idiots. In France, the best option was a political newbie that was really rich... he was the best option. The other option was a racist fuck. Luckily in most of the other European nations, the racist fucks lost as well.

In the US, when things get good, people start complaining about the dumbest shit. And these people's electoral power was magnified by a lack of certain other demographics. Gore lost, Clinton lost despite a great economy under Bill Clinton and a resurgent economy under Barrack Obama. The Americans got stupid. First, the right-wingers went with the draft dodging Ivy League establishment candidate over McCain. Then they tried to go with literally anyone but Romney in '12. And in '16, they finally got their dream pick in an asshole who belonged no where near DC, who told them exactly what they wanted to hear, despite him obviously not giving a fuck about them.
But wasn't the electoral college 'supposed' to prevent something like this? Where was the breakdown? No balls on the part of the GOP?
The GOP needed Trump to do well enough to not cost them the House and Senate, so Priebus went in and made a deal with the devil. No one thought he'd win, including Trump. The Electoral College... about as partisan as it gets, which rendered itself useless.
The US nose dived into greater debt under Obama, with bombings of different countries each year and a health plan that was clearly not costed properly.

For healthcare turn to Cuba for advice or even look at Gadhaffi's blueprint. I doubt if Trump's alternatives will fix the problem

If the US had followed Sun Tzu or Chinese military practice, it would have realised capturing an army as intact as possible would have enabled it to retain control over Iraq and Libya instead of leaving power vacuums for extremists to take over.

Throwing money at healthcare doesn't cost-wise improve it. Cuba emphasises preventative medicine and despite US embargoes resulting in shortages in many medical supplies, it retains a cost-effective universal free healthcare system.

Take China. A series of medical exams (14) completed within a couple of hours cost 10 RMB (US$1.50) The rest is subsidised by the State without borrowing.

Even after the tories' cutbacks, the NHS is still your best bet!

In China a patient visits the doctor and gets treatment before he leaves. Here is the new NHS. Patient has a back pain that is causing difficulty in walking. He waits nearly 2 weeks to see the doctor. The doctor sends him to a hospital to get an X-Ray (walk in). This is okay as there is no appointment.
The hospital doctor also sees him as there are problems.
The X Ray shows he has worn cartilages resulting in trapped nerves and loss of some movement.
He is referred back to his doctor and waits 2 weeks to see him.
His doctor sees him and says he needs physiotherapy but needs to wait 8 weeks.

This is one of the cases I reviewed today in the UK. The NHS was great in 1946 but there are acute shortages. Nurses living in London can't afford the rent so have to travel up to 2 hours to get to work. Why work in London.

There is a shortage of doctors and long queues.
It sounds like even some (not all, but some) of his horrible appointments are at least trying to rise to the demands of their offices - unlike their boss who is just trying to tear everything down like a spoiled brat kicking down sand castles better people than him built.

The US nose dived into greater debt under Obama, with bombings of different countries each year and a health plan that was clearly not costed properly.

For healthcare turn to Cuba for advice or even look at Gadhaffi's blueprint. I doubt if Trump's alternatives will fix the problem

If the US had followed Sun Tzu or Chinese military practice, it would have realised capturing an army as intact as possible would have enabled it to retain control over Iraq and Libya instead of leaving power vacuums for extremists to take over.

Throwing money at healthcare doesn't cost-wise improve it. Cuba emphasises preventative medicine and despite US embargoes resulting in shortages in many medical supplies, it retains a cost-effective universal free healthcare system.

Take China. A series of medical exams (14) completed within a couple of hours cost 10 RMB (US$1.50) The rest is subsidised by the State without borrowing.

Total bullshit!!!

Obama took us out of GW's and the Republican's nose dive.

He saved the whole thing.

How about the US follow Germany on universal health care? Or France? Or any number of nations with less wealth that have been doing it for decades?

Or how about this? How about the US lead for the first time in 60 years and create the best universal health system on the planet?
I’m averse to grand theories of Trump, but two things that are obvious about him are (a) he’s ultrasensitive about how narrow his victory was and (b) he doesn’t like to share credit with others. James Comey was a daily reminder that a lot of people think Trump won only because Comey’s last-minute letter sank Hillary Clinton, so Comey had to go. A lot of people credit Reince Priebus with keeping Trump viable during the primaries, so Priebus had to go. A lot of people think Jeff Sessions was instrumental in bringing evangelical support on board early in the campaign, so Sessions has to go. Trump hasn’t yet fired Steve Bannon, a guy who gets a lot of credit for turning around the Trump campaign during the summer, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he does eventually. This is probably one reason that Bannon keeps such a low profile. The last thing he wants is more magazine covers praising him as “Trump’s Svengali” or somesuch.

Back in his real estate days, Trump’s staff was essentially invisible—and nobody cared about them anyway. Trump never had to share credit with anyone. But Washington plays by different rules, and that drives Trump crazy. There’s not much he can do about it except to fire anyone who helped him win, so that’s what he’s doing.


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That is too simplistic. Comey was investigating Russia and Trump knew that had to stop. That had nothing to do with credit. Trump fired Priebus because Trump is an idiot, and Priebus was trying to hold Trump as close to the establishment as possible (not very). Priebus likely stood in the way of Trump's nonsensical and ever changing opinions. And Priebus wasn't helping Trump look better either (not much can do that). Spicer was cannoned away because he wasn't making Trump look good (not possible).

This is all about IMAGE. Trump wants a respected image regardless how unrespectful he is.
Even after the tories' cutbacks, the NHS is still your best bet!

In China a patient visits the doctor and gets treatment before he leaves. Here is the new NHS. Patient has a back pain that is causing difficulty in walking. He waits nearly 2 weeks to see the doctor. The doctor sends him to a hospital to get an X-Ray (walk in). This is okay as there is no appointment.
The hospital doctor also sees him as there are problems.
The X Ray shows he has worn cartilages resulting in trapped nerves and loss of some movement.
He is referred back to his doctor and waits 2 weeks to see him.
His doctor sees him and says he needs physiotherapy but needs to wait 8 weeks.

This is one of the cases I reviewed today in the UK. The NHS was great in 1946 but there are acute shortages. Nurses living in London can't afford the rent so have to travel up to 2 hours to get to work. Why work in London.

There is a shortage of doctors and long queues.

It wasn't set up until 1947, as I recollect. You can go to A and E and be treated straight away, actually, and the local doctors will be fine as soon as we get rid of the tories and start recruiting. Best to let them totally cock up their silly Brexit first. All I hear about the Chinese system suggests it is desperately limited, and I don't think I'd still be alive if I lived there.
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Take China. A series of medical exams (14) completed within a couple of hours cost 10 RMB (US$1.50) The rest is subsidised by the State without borrowing.

Without borrowing? Ever seen what China's national debt is like??

Ever seen what Chinese medicine is like? They stick a few needles in ya, and charge $1.50 ... :D
A clear example of Trump just being brain dead.

article said:
President Donald Trump says electronics manufacturer Foxconn may end up making a $30 billion investment, triple what it's agreed to do in Wisconsin.

Trump made the comment Tuesday during a meeting with small business leaders at the White House.

Trump says Foxconn CEO Terry Gou told him "off the record" that the Taiwanese company may end up investing $30 billion. He did not specify if that would be only in Wisconsin or throughout the country.

So Trump publicly states something that the Foxconn CEO told him "off the record" as in... I'm not committing to this claim... this is between you and me... this is not for public consumption.

Meanwhile, what Trump heard is "Trump you are so great, I'm investing $30 billion so you'll like me more." And then he just blurts it out.
A clear example of Trump just being brain dead.

article said:
President Donald Trump says electronics manufacturer Foxconn may end up making a $30 billion investment, triple what it's agreed to do in Wisconsin.

Trump made the comment Tuesday during a meeting with small business leaders at the White House.

Trump says Foxconn CEO Terry Gou told him "off the record" that the Taiwanese company may end up investing $30 billion. He did not specify if that would be only in Wisconsin or throughout the country.

So Trump publicly states something that the Foxconn CEO told him "off the record" as in... I'm not committing to this claim... this is between you and me... this is not for public consumption.

Meanwhile, what Trump heard is "Trump you are so great, I'm investing $30 billion so you'll like me more." And then he just blurts it out.

Wake me up when Trump says "Putin told me off the record that he hacked DNC"
This is kind of like when the quick-talking bad boy gets the girl, but she ultimately sees him for who he is and he ends up alone, except the bad boy is the president and he is surrounded by literally a globe full of people who are smarter than him, and they're all watching.

If you can set aside the potential of awful economic and social consequences, one could write a really great comedy (or tragedy) about this.
This is kind of like when the quick-talking bad boy gets the girl, but she ultimately sees him for who he is and he ends up alone, except the bad boy is the president and he is surrounded by literally a globe full of people who are smarter than him, and they're all watching.
Come on, Melania still has money.
If you can set aside the potential of awful economic and social consequences, one could write a really great comedy (or tragedy) about this.

They're calling it "Springtime for Trump".
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