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Caption Contest


Well funds for this office were provided by the federal government. So we figured, "Why go with convention and put in a bunch of desks and workstations?"

So we designed a floor that was nearly impossible to walk on without tripping. And we gave the place a super-secret high-tech look with no discernible rhyme or reason. When we go back for overrun adjustments the auditors will have no clue what they're looking at and just be intimidated into writing an even bigger check.
I don't care how good the acoustics are, stop singing Grease.

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Tough one to judge because so many great ones, but this one made me laugh the most.

So WINNER is bilby!

View attachment 9476

I don't know, do I. The guy is an evil genius. We wear the jumpsuits and the hard hats, we drive the Monorail, and we get shot by James Bond. That's the job we signed up for, so stop asking dumb questions.
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