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China Prepares for War - Our Response?

So, wetern stability so far has been tested and passed.
Western stability was based on your economic and military hegemony, you kept everyone else in shit. It does not work anymore.
Yes, the military and economics are part of it. That is why NATO and the EU arose after the chaos and destruction of WWII. Mutually assured survival and prosperity instead of mutually assured devastation. Devastation, like the invasion of Ukraine.

Russia and China reject partnerships that promote international security and stability.
So, wetern stability so far has been tested and passed.
Western stability was based on your economic and military hegemony, you kept everyone else in shit. It does not work anymore.
Yes, the military and economics are part of it. That is why NATO and the EU arose after the chaos and destruction of WWII. Mutually assured survival and prosperity instead of mutually assured devastation. Devastation, like the invasion of Ukraine.

Russia and China reject partnerships that promote international security and stability.
No, Russia asked for membership in NATO, you REJECTED it.
NATO today is a criminal organization.
Yes, the military and economics are part of it.
That's the only thing to it. without it, you are nothing.
On the contrary free market economics is the point. The old French term . LFC.

Laissez-faire is an economic philosophy of free-market capitalism that opposes government intervention. The theory of laissez-faire was developed by the French Physiocrats during the 18th century. Laissez-faire advocates that economic success is inhibited when governments are involved in business and markets.

Ur government does not say what and how much gets priced, or prices. The sytem is not perfect but it runs by supply and demand.

Personal initiate is retarded. Modern LFC through personal initiative and entrepreneurship created the modern electrons industry. Computers and the Internet.

The original Dell Computer was started by a young guy making motherboards. Apple was started by two young guys in a garage.

Our stability in large part comes from belief that anyone with a new idea has a chance to make a profit with it, and it is largely true.

When communist China first started divesting government companies they let farmers grow more food than the required quota and let them sell it at a profit. And what happened? Food production went up. Human nature.

Putin's Russia has Putin's thumb on everything. To me a stifling economic environment. Self defeating.

Consumers in the free market economy decide which ideas succeed or fail by how they choose to spend their money, supply and demand. Government does not decide.
None of the current situation is China's fault. It was American corrupt politicians who gave away the US middle class to China in the first place. Our politicians (mostly the Clinton's and Bush's) traded their individual wealth for our middle class wealth and well being. And it is now America's current corrupt Biden administration who have enacted the sanctions against Russia. Sanctions which (because of Biden) the rest of the world now views as an act of war....more important to them than the US military. These countries (including India) are (rightfully) doing everything they can to circumvent the US dollar in the future. Because they fear they might be next.
Something to understand--the trade balance is grossly misrepresented most of the time. The thing is there is a large pattern of America importing goods and exporting services. When you measure flow through the ports the latter isn't captured.
Maoism led to starvation and mass deaths, and the chaos of the Cultural Revolution
Americanism led to slavery.
Uh. . . . Hello pot. This is kettle calling.
Yes, slavery, Tuskegee Experiment, and native americans.
And don't forget opium wars.
You are in no position lecture other countries.
And you are?
Well, I HAVE TO. Because your lectures are becoming more and more ridiculous.
Maoism led to starvation and mass deaths, and the chaos of the Cultural Revolution
Americanism led to slavery.
Uh. . . . Hello pot. This is kettle calling.
Yes, slavery, Tuskegee Experiment, and native americans.
And don't forget opium wars.
You are in no position lecture other countries.
And you are?
Well, I HAVE TO. Because your lectures are becoming more and more ridiculous.
And when did Russia end slavery?
Military avionics are shielded against EMP. The quip I heard was the pilot dies but the plane keeps on flying.

There are solid state electronics that are hardened against particle radiation. There are special processors qualified for use in space.
EMP is pretty much harmless to a person unless they have electronics in their body (say, a pacemaker.) It's the other effects of the bomb that will matter to the pilots.

And the space electronics are hardened, not invulnerable. Juno will in time succumb to Jupiter's radiation despite being hardened and shielded. It has already exceeded expectations.
No, Russia asked for membership in NATO, you REJECTED it.
NATO today is a criminal organization.

I cannot dismiss the legitimacy of this perspective from a Russian standpoint. After all, it isn't unfounded to consider NATO as an instrument of Western policy, especially given its origins as a countermeasure to the influence of Russia. :ROFLMAO:
Maoism led to starvation and mass deaths, and the chaos of the Cultural Revolution.

The successors to Mao opened up to western investment, and that is what allowed China to rebuild itself.
Disagree--what really turned things around was opening up to capitalism. That happened before western investment. The investment speeded up what was already happening.

The Chinese economy is in trouble. From recent reporting mismanagement of financial instutions and mismanaging debt. Add to that a collapsing real estate market said to be upwards of 30% of the economy.
I'm not sure "mismanagement" is really the right word. They've been doing what Beijing wanted--pushing the economy. Beijing is determined to maintain a 7% growth rate--something that will be impossible as they approach parity. The mismanagement is from Beijing, the banks are simply following orders.

Meanwhile Biden's negotiated deal with Vietnam includes an order for Boeing jets and building semiconductor pants in VN. It will take a while, western companies will be reducing dependence ob China. Too much political uncertainty and a threat of China acting irrationally.

Like Russia China is shooting itself in the foot with antagonism to the west.

China called Biden's deal with VN Cold War tactics, yet ir is China who is saber rattling and claiming intentional waters as Chinese.
China is always saber rattling. They're like the boy who cried wolf, it means nothing.

Both China and Russia are clinging to the old failed communist paradigm of central authoritarian control and rigid social control.

Maybe the CCP elite are just too ignorant and self absbed to raelize they are not acting in thir best interest.
I object to the word "communist" here. At least in China it's a name, not a reality. I do agree on the control problems. It's not that they are ignorant--they are acting in their self interest. It's just their self interest doesn't line up with the interest of the country. If they loosen their control too much they're going to be overthrown and would be lucky to escape alive.
No, Russia asked for membership in NATO, you REJECTED it.
NATO today is a criminal organization.

I cannot dismiss the legitimacy of this perspective from a Russian standpoint. After all, it isn't unfounded to consider NATO as an instrument of Western policy, especially given its origins as a countermeasure to the influence of Russia. :ROFLMAO:
Negative Kemosabe. Nato was set up to prevent the Luxemburg hordes from dominating Europe again from the wine swept steeps of the Kneiffs mountains.
A few areas still have de-facto slavery.

Indeed, it seems that you reside in one of the regions where this issue persists. Regrettably, the practice resembling slavery continues to be sanctioned within the United States through its prison system. The nation cannot truly claim to have eradicated slavery until incarcerated individuals are granted the right to receive at least the minimum wage for their labor.
Two words: Combat gliders. ;)

More seriously: It always amuses me when I see headlines like the thread title here. "China prepares for war"...really? How much is China spending compared to...oh, I dunno, let's pick a country at random, like, say...the United States? How should the rest of the world be reacting as the US constantly prepares, and increases it's "preparation" for war?

It's the hypocrisy of the bully.
Within the last 100 years China has fought with almost every neighbor it has. And it's currently attempting to seize territory without open warfare in the South China Sea.
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