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Climate Change(d)?

Watched a show on it,.

1816, also known as the 'Year Without Summer,' 'Poverty Year,' and 'Eighteen Hundred and Froze to Death. ' The eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia in 1815 triggered a change in the global climate.Apr 4, 2023

The eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia in 1815 triggered a change in the global climate. The heavier material fell to the ground and the ocean’s surface. However, when lighter particulates reached the stratosphere, they spread out and created an aerosol cloud the size of Australia.The cloud blocked sunlight from reaching the earth and changed the global climate by 2-7 degrees Fahrenheit, the effects of which devastated much of the world in what should have been the summer of 1816. Crops failed across Europe and the U.S. due to the cold or lack of sunshine causing grain and oat prices to soar, torrential rains flooded crops in Ireland, novel strains of cholera killed millions in India, crime became rampant, and people starved in many countries.
Damn. Was that was the year that cats and dogs began living together?
The Climate Denier's Progress

1. There's no such thing as climate change. It's a government plot to control the citizens and destroy the oil industry.*

2. OK, so there is climate change, but it's normal, not man-made. The climate has always been changing throughout history.

3. OK, there is climate change and it is caused by human activity, but it'll be good for us! More CO2 means the plants grow bigger and faster, and the Canadian plains will have two growing seasons.

*The Texas Attorney General is suing the government over expanded protections for endangered species in the oil fields. It's a plot to destroy the oil industry he says.
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