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Companies withdrawing from partnerships with the NRA

I know Im stating the obvious here. but even if all gun sales are banned tomorrow, there are so many guns in the US that it eould be 50 years before murder rates drop - not that it wouldn't be worth it, even at that rate.
If guns are regulated, we all know what the gun lobby will scream when there is a mass shooting the following week.
So the dipshit Lt. Governor of Georgia uses Twitter to threaten Delta Airlines without punitive action from the state government in retaliation for Delta dropping the NRA, and 22,000 brain dead trumpettes "like" it.

View attachment 14747

Hey assholes, you all are the ones that insisted on making corporations "people"... now you get to live with it. Delta Airlines is exercising their protected right to free expression and free association. :p
And the NY Lt. Governor is inviting Delta to move to their state, and she has 24,000 likes, per the below linky.

It would be a crack up if these Repugs chased Amazon out of considering their state for HQ2:
Others wondered if the rhetoric from a statewide officeholder might scare off Amazon.com from opening its second headquarters in the state — with Atlanta among the finalist cities.
Corporations cannot attack conservatives and expect us not to fight back? Did Delta announce they wouldn't allow NRA members to fly on their planes or something?

It also seems a bit odd to attack a major employer in your own state. Imagine the economic smackdown if Delta moved its hub out of Georgia.
I hate to say this, but the location of this shooting has also, imo, had a lot to do with the pushback/protests. Miami-Dade/Broward/Palm Beach Counties tend to be much more left leaning and much more outspoken than Orange County (Pulse) which is 50/50 or Las Vegas. Even Newtown (Sandy Hook), although much more left leaning, was simply too SMALL (of a voting block) to make any real impact. Sadly (or maybe not), the demographics of the school has made a big difference.
I agree, and I don't think this fact is lost on the students.

I agree again. It's a start, though. And I am not so sure these students (nationwide) will stop once the AR-15 type guns are banned. I predict that a good number of them have just decided on their life's careers.

Also, these chickens are likely to die before they're hatched, meaning that unless there are shootings closer to next November, the public and media will have moved onto something else.
I worry about the same thing. Can the young people keep up the momentum after the media has turned their attention away?

I do think they are strategizing pretty well so far - planning multiple protests over several months.

Although these financial hits to the NRA itself should be longer lasting and anything that hurts the NRA saves lives.
My very favorite part so far.

If, and it is a very big "if", we can keep bleeding the NRA and companies keep dropping them and more politicians pledge to not take NRA money, I think (I hope) we will be seeing a cultural shift that it won't pay for politicians to ignore.

I'd guess that there are three reasons, 1) it came so close after the carnage in Las Vegas, 2) the survivors spoke out this time, and (most importantly IMO) 3) the right-wing attacks on the survivors for speaking out has been terrible PR for the NRA.

I wonder, also, how much anti-Trump sentiment plays into it. There is a general anger because of him and his "base" that may be fueling some of this.
Why can't both the gun industry and the airline industry benefit from our tax money, while guys like Casey Cagle can make out like bandits from lobbyists from both camps?

What happened to this traditionalist model of corporatism?

Is it that people got together and pressured Delta?

Well the answer is for guys like Cagle to push everyone back in line.

Get back to work for The Man, everyone.
Corporations cannot attack conservatives and expect us not to fight back? Did Delta announce they wouldn't allow NRA members to fly on their planes or something?

Business refusing to sell to gay couples: exercising their rights.

Business discontinuing a discount to a specific advocacy group while still providing all the same services: an attack on all conservatives that requires retaliation!!!
FedEx is one of the few that have chosen not to sever ties.

I will be using other overnight services.
I know Im stating the obvious here. but even if all gun sales are banned tomorrow, there are so many guns in the US that it eould be 50 years before murder rates drop - not that it wouldn't be worth it, even at that rate.
If guns are regulated, we all know what the gun lobby will scream when there is a mass shooting the following week.

The results of the first assault rifle ban suggests it is much more optimistic.

Remember, right now, all those gun fetishists with AR15s can carry them around. If they are banned, you’re commiting a crim the moment you walk out the door, rather than the moment you start shoting. The risk of arrest before you even fire becomes a possibility.
I know Im stating the obvious here. but even if all gun sales are banned tomorrow, there are so many guns in the US that it eould be 50 years before murder rates drop - not that it wouldn't be worth it, even at that rate.
If guns are regulated, we all know what the gun lobby will scream when there is a mass shooting the following week.
You can ban bullets, I mean outlaw current standard sizes and switch to different ones for new guns. And gun manufacturers will be more than happy.
So, what is it about this school shooting which is different from all the other school shootings that it’s gotten Americans up off their asses and acting like normal human beings?

In addition to what others have said in reply to this, I'd add that the news that the NRA has been serving as a money conduit for Russian interference in the US election has brought it out into the spotlight as a major influence on the right wing disease in our country. And there is suddenly much more open, loud, direct calling out of politicians who take money from the NRA.
So the dipshit Lt. Governor of Georgia uses Twitter to threaten Delta Airlines without punitive action from the state government in retaliation for Delta dropping the NRA, and 22,000 brain dead trumpettes "like" it.

View attachment 14747

Hey assholes, you all are the ones that insisted on making corporations "people"... now you get to live with it. Delta Airlines is exercising their protected right to free expression and free association. :p

To be fair, about 20,000 of those likes probably originated in Moscow.
Dick's Sporting Goods ...

I've been in Dicks' buying offices. They have a whole army of market analysts. They wouldn't be doing this if it was going to hurt them financially more than continuing to sell assault rifles would hurt them.
Dick's Sporting Goods ...

I've been in Dicks' buying offices. They have a whole army of market analysts. They wouldn't be doing this if it was going to hurt them financially more than continuing to sell assault rifles would hurt them.

You beat me to it!

Really really great news. And yes, I agree with you 100%. Despite all of the whining and jeering I'm seeing on Twitter from the gun nuts, Dick's would never do this if they thought it would ultimately hurt their bottom line.

Even Walmart is getting in on the #MSDstrong movement. They've announced that they are raising the minimum age to buy guns in their stores to 21 regardless what the state law is. I think it is appalling that they ever sold guns to minors, and think their announcement is a spit in the ocean (especially compares to Dick's) but Walmart is a very conservative company, and even they are seeing the writing on the wall.
Ah, the free market finally reacts to gun massacres, well after the fact. It is such a beautiful thing to see.
Dick's Sporting Goods ...

I've been in Dicks' buying offices. They have a whole army of market analysts. They wouldn't be doing this if it was going to hurt them financially more than continuing to sell assault rifles would hurt them.

You beat me to it!

Really really great news. And yes, I agree with you 100%. Despite all of the whining and jeering I'm seeing on Twitter from the gun nuts, Dick's would never do this if they thought it would ultimately hurt their bottom line.

Even Walmart is getting in on the #MSDstrong movement. They've announced that they are raising the minimum age to buy guns in their stores to 21 regardless what the state law is. I think it is appalling that they ever sold guns to minors, and think their announcement is a spit in the ocean (especially compares to Dick's) but Walmart is a very conservative company, and even they are seeing the writing on the wall.

To play devil's gun nut's advocate, though, these are very large and diversified companies who made a calculated decision that their losses on penis extender rifles could be offset by their public stance. Other outfits that sell these rifles are going to pick up the slack. One of our clients - a firearms dealer - is actually struggling to keep AR-15s in stock.
I doubt these withdrawals of partnerships are permanent. Give time for this to "cool down" and they'll quietly renew said partnerships if it benefits them to do so. Let's see if the stats are the same in a few years.
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