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Could Trump put an end to America's failed policy of war?

Trump is basically ignoring foreign policy. If he was to pay attention, hard to say which way he'd go. So instead the Pentagon is acting on auto-pilot and marching us towards WW3.

Yeah. The military is running itself/making its own decisions these days. They put something in front of Trump's face (if they even have to bother doing that) and he signs it. We all know he doesn't read shit and he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing, nor does he seem to care to learn. He's too busy running victory laps at a rally in Iowa.
Trump is basically ignoring foreign policy. If he was to pay attention, hard to say which way he'd go. So instead the Pentagon is acting on auto-pilot and marching us towards WW3.

Yeah. The military is running itself/making its own decisions these days. They put something in front of Trump's face (if they even have to bother doing that) and he signs it. We all know he doesn't read shit and he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing, nor does he seem to care to learn. He's too busy running victory laps at a rally in Iowa.

We know he reads fake news sites.
Firstly I'll say that I believe the President that puts an end to America's endless failed wars will be regarded by history as a great leader. Sadly no politician from either of the major parties has come close. Even Obama whilst good in some areas has been a failure.
Donald Trump has been the only candidate (maybe ever but certainly for a long time to show any signs of changing this. Yes, of course he lies and will say anything, so I look forward to the usual disgruntled people to point this out, but could it happen?

Obama's contribution was to further ignite fires in the Middle East and spread more and could go down in history as one of America's greatest warlords. Trump has shown that he can ignite things with tweets.

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Yeah. The military is running itself/making its own decisions these days. They put something in front of Trump's face (if they even have to bother doing that) and he signs it. We all know he doesn't read shit and he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing, nor does he seem to care to learn. He's too busy running victory laps at a rally in Iowa.

We know he reads fake news sites.

Now most of the news is gibberish. It's very difficult to distinguish between authentic gibberish and fake gibberish.
Trump mostly comes across as a petulant child striking out in anger in random directions. I can't identify any kind of policy here?

You just don't understand the game. It is a game that only people who hate America's image to the world play, trying to force us into the position of the world's leading laughing stock and ash heap at the same time. It is a deadly serious game he is playing and the consequences will be far reaching. This man cannot stop offending everything decent and at the same time cuddling up to other tyrants. His recent actions toward Syria,Afghanistan, Cuba and Iran say it all. He has a death wish for us and is pursuing it post haste.
Obama's contribution was to further ignite fires in the Middle East and spread more and could go down in history as one of America's greatest warlords. Trump has shown that he can ignite things with tweets.

GW Bush was such a fuckup, one of the sickest criminals in history, and caused so much damage, when Obama was elected the world was so thrilled to see Bush leave they gave Obama the Peace Prize for bringing peace to nobody.

All he did was bring peace of mind to the world because he was so much better than Bush.

When Trump leaves I suspect they will give the next president 50 Peace Prizes.
He has a death wish for us and is pursuing it post haste.

The thought has crossed my mind that Cheato is slowly realizing that he's going to die soon, and is bound and determined to take everyone else with him.
He has a death wish for us and is pursuing it post haste.

The thought has crossed my mind that Cheato is slowly realizing that he's going to die soon, and is bound and determined to take everyone else with him.

At age 71, given the average life expectancy in the US is 76.73 the likelihood of him dying soon increases each day. :)
Obama's contribution was to further ignite fires in the Middle East and spread more and could go down in history as one of America's greatest warlords. Trump has shown that he can ignite things with tweets.

GW Bush was such a fuckup, one of the sickest criminals in history, and caused so much damage, when Obama was elected the world was so thrilled to see Bush leave they gave Obama the Peace Prize for bringing peace to nobody.

All he did was bring peace of mind to the world because he was so much better than Bush.

When Trump leaves I suspect they will give the next president 50 Peace Prizes.

If he can start a war then appear to stop it, then he might. :)
GW Bush was such a fuckup, one of the sickest criminals in history, and caused so much damage, when Obama was elected the world was so thrilled to see Bush leave they gave Obama the Peace Prize for bringing peace to nobody.

All he did was bring peace of mind to the world because he was so much better than Bush.

When Trump leaves I suspect they will give the next president 50 Peace Prizes.

If he can start a war then appear to stop it, then he might. :)

The point is Trump is 50 times the fuckup GW Bush was.

And Bush was the worst fuckup in American history.

The only people in the world who see any worth in the piece of shit are some very ignorant Americans who think Obama was anything like Bush.

Obama inherited an economy collapsing and two major wars and ISIS. Thanks GW.

Excuse him for not solving these incredible problems fast enough for some.

Trump is not solving anything. He is creating problems with everything he touches. It looks like he's about to help throw millions off their health insurance.

His only plans are to help the rich better loot and better exploit and better shove more and more into a life of hardship.
Again, why people are still more worried about Clinton or McCain than Trump is beyond me. Why they think Trump would do ANYTHING but take the lazy way out is beyond me as well. Trump the peacenick? Hillary making up Russian stories? I don't understand you people, how you evaluate evidence, how you rank threats, or how you think, period.
The point is Trump is 50 times the fuckup GW Bush was.

Not yet. Trump so far is too unfocused and disheveled from moment to moment to start a war. The people around him are too busy jumping from one thing to the next and then back again to plan for a war. What may save millions of lives in terms of America lashing out at some other nation like a mighty, high tech retard embodying Donald Trump's idiocy is that Trump and his people are 1) Fucking spastic, ad 2) Inwardly focused; their enemies are here in the U.S.

It's hard to believe that Bush II's incompetence could be outdone, but he had a team of very competent people around him. So even if they did have to take the bubblegum out of his mouth before allowing him to walk across the White House lawn, there were highly intelligent and experienced people working diligently behind the scenes. Yeah, they were fucking evil, but they were excellent at being evil.

The current GOP is just as evil, maybe even more so, but they're tone deaf morons who have no clue how to govern. I will say this though, they have huge balls. This time it ain't foreigners they're trying to kill off. This time it's Americans, including GOP voters.

The only question is this though: even if red state voters begin to see their families suffer from the loss of healthcare, are they smart enough to understand why it's happened? These are people who were able to be convinced that George W. Bush was a war hero and John Kerry was a coward despite reality unflinchingly stating the contrary.

So when their hospitals start closing, their family members start dying, and when bankruptcies due to medical bills once more become an unmistakable feature of their landscape, is it really too far out to think they'll blame Democrats?

I guarantee it's already built in: Trumpcare was the only alternative because Obamacare was so bad. Therefore we're lucky Trumpcare came along to save us.

Mark my motherfucking words. That's exactly what's going to happen.
The point is Trump is 50 times the fuckup GW Bush was.

Not yet. Trump so far is too unfocused and disheveled from moment to moment to start a war. The people around him are too busy jumping from one thing to the next and then back again to plan for a war. What may save millions of lives in terms of America lashing out at some other nation like a mighty, high tech retard embodying Donald Trump's idiocy is that Trump and his people are 1) Fucking spastic, ad 2) Inwardly focused; their enemies are here in the U.S.

It's hard to believe that Bush II's incompetence could be outdone, but he had a team of very competent people around him. So even if they did have to take the bubblegum out of his mouth before allowing him to walk across the White House lawn, there were highly intelligent and experienced people working diligently behind the scenes. Yeah, they were fucking evil, but they were excellent at being evil.

The current GOP is just as evil, maybe even more so, but they're tone deaf morons who have no clue how to govern. I will say this though, they have huge balls. This time it ain't foreigners they're trying to kill off. This time it's Americans, including GOP voters.

The only question is this though: even if red state voters begin to see their families suffer from the loss of healthcare, are they smart enough to understand why it's happened? These are people who were able to be convinced that George W. Bush was a war hero and John Kerry was a coward despite reality unflinchingly stating the contrary.

So when their hospitals start closing, their family members start dying, and when bankruptcies due to medical bills once more become an unmistakable feature of their landscape, is it really too far out to think they'll blame Democrats?

I guarantee it's already built in: Trumpcare was the only alternative because Obamacare was so bad. Therefore we're lucky Trumpcare came along to save us.

Mark my motherfucking words. That's exactly what's going to happen.

The fuckup is the man. The fuckup is the potential.

Yes Trump hasn't destroyed much yet, just the integrity of the US in terms of dealing with man-made climate change.

Sure, in time he will fuck up a lot more. Soon health insurance for millions.
The thought has crossed my mind that Cheato is slowly realizing that he's going to die soon, and is bound and determined to take everyone else with him.

At age 71, given the average life expectancy in the US is 76.73 the likelihood of him dying soon increases each day. :)

Except your life expectancy goes up as you age. At 71 it's 14 years.

However, His Flatulence is in the most dangerous job in America.
The thought has crossed my mind that Cheato is slowly realizing that he's going to die soon, and is bound and determined to take everyone else with him.

At age 71, given the average life expectancy in the US is 76.73 the likelihood of him dying soon increases each day. :)

Life expectancy at birth is not relevant to a person who has already lived more than 70 years.

Trump's basic life expectancy as an American man is another 14.7 years; and as POTUS he has a number of very much non-average protections - he has the services of professional drivers and highly qualified pilots, a dedicated medical team on standby, and a large team of Secret Service bodyguards, so many of the risks an average American is exposed to don't apply.

He is quite unlikely to die in office, even if he serves eight years. Assuming that he doesn't have a medical or family history of heart disease, assassination is one of his largest risks while in office, and even that is very unlikely.

I just realized something.

The U.S. government has never had contact with aliens (the other worldly type). Trump would've either blurted it out, sold the nation to them, or it would've been leaked.

And to think it was going to be difficult for this administration to get even more depressing.
I just realized something.

The U.S. government has never had contact with aliens (the other worldly type). Trump would've either blurted it out, sold the nation to them, or it would've been leaked.

And to think it was going to be difficult for this administration to get even more depressing.

In all seriousness on a likewise point, I wonder how much actual Top Secret Intel the president is actually receiving. I mean, we have a commander and chief that's been very antagonistic, dismissive and even hostile towards our Intelligence services. He and many in his administration are under suspicion and investigation for colluding with a hostile foreign power. I would not be surprised of there is an end around the President's position right now. How that would work I couldn't say. Normally, I would be terrified about our intel services intentionally leaving the president out of the loop on some issues, but in this case I'm not so sure. That in iteslf is terrifying in it's own way.
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